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Old 01-02-2005, 04:14 PM   #1

Join Date: November 4, 2001
Location: North Carolina, USA
Posts: 469
Most of these NPC's can be found by going to the Pocket Plane Group & looking at their extensive BGII NPC Mods listing. Some others can be found at the Spellhold Studios IE Modding Section or the Chosen of Mystra. If you can't find a particular NPC, just ask & I'll try to point you in the right direction, but I don't want to maintain a list of links when others are already doing an excellent job of that.


This is an attempt to give a quick overview of all the available MOD NPC's out there. Some of the websites don't give a lot of information, & even then it's sometimes tough to tell whether it's worth the trouble to play through with a certain character. So, I've taken many of them through a game or two to see what they're like.

Some I've taken all the way through the end of Throne of Bhaal, while some (a couple of the One Day NPC's) I just took along on several quests. I've tried mixing & matching with various standard NPC's to get an idea of the banter you can expect as well as how well a character fares as a party member.

I'll just be looking at SoA content here, but I'll indicate whether or not the NPC has a ToB component (& sometimes, if I'm trying to decide between an Overall B or a B-, this can factor in). Some NPC's have minimal ToB content (Volo, ending comments, epilogue only), & I'll indicate this with "(basic)" in the ToB field. I'll try to keep Spoilers to a minimum, of course, although I'm taking extra quests, equipment, etc. into account. I will be detailing where the NPC is found, however.

Here's a list of the criteria I looked at in my evaluations:

Characteristics - Race, class, stats, etc.

Personality - A measure of how interesting the character is, as well as how they react to encounters & other NPC's.

Implementation - How "smoothly" the character is integrated into the game. If you can obviously tell this isn't a Bioware NPC, the character gets a low grade (I hope the creators of the One Day NPC's will forgive me for low grades here - they are what they are, after all). Bugs will also factor into this category.

Power - How well does the character survive in combat? A PC Sorcerer would probably be an A+ here, while Thieves generally suffer a bit.

Ease of Recruiting - How difficult is it to get the character into the party? The ToB NPC would obviously get an F in this category. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Overall Rating - Taking everything into account, how much would I recommend using the NPC in question. This isn't an average of the previous scores, though, as the whole can be better (or worse) than the sum of the parts.

With that said, let's begin (in descending order of Overall Rating)...

Name: Kelsey 2.1
Characteristics: NG Male Human Sorcerer
Str: 12 Dex: 16 Con: 15 Int: 12 Wis: 13 Cha: 14
Equipment: minor in-game items, Bracers AC 6, Kelsey's Cloak (a powerful, but not overly so, item), a few scrolls, other interesting but minor custom items found/made throughout the game
Personality: A+
Is it possible for an NPC to have too much dialogue? [img]smile.gif[/img] Kelsey comments on practically everything & banters with everyone, interjecting smoothly into existing banters. Kelsey is a bookish, unsure youth who gradually gains confidence in himself throughout the game. He is romanceable (for female PC's) & will even romance Imoen in the ToB portion. He has several minor encounters of his own & the voicing is very well done.
Implementation: A
Put simply, if you didn't know he was a MOD, you'd never guess. The only real downside is he uses the Elven Mage avatar, but that's a minor nitpick & there's a good reason for it. He occasionally comments that he wishes he could cast Infravision & (if you use an XP Cap remover) many levels later you can pick it & he'll still say that, but that ranks below Nalia's "helping the less fortunate" comment while clearing her Keep as far as problems go. As you can probably tell, I'm really reaching to find anything to complain about. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Power: A
He's a Sorcerer. You can't pick all his spells, but you can pick most of them. The only way he could be more powerful is if he were CHARNAME.
Ease: B+
I have to reserve the A's for those found in Chateau Irenicus, but you can easily enlist Kelsey by walking near the Firecam Estate in the Government District.
ToB: Yes
Overall: A
The best MOD NPC out there, IMO. Highly recommended.

Name: Keto 2.0
Characteristics: NG Female Human Bard
Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 16 Int: 15 Wis: 9 Cha: 15
Equipment: generic non-magical equipment, Keto's Pipes (unremoveable), Keto's Bottle of Wine (unlimited supply, unremoveable)
Personality: A
Keto is a light-hearted Bard with a weakness for wine & a fondness for story-telling. She has cheerful, flighty voicing & has some very good conversations with the regular Bioware NPC's. Her joining-up dialogue is very well done & she can provide a lot of useful information even if you don't recruit her. Keto tells some fascinating stories (make sure to visit all the bartenders) & has a nice little "quest" with extensive use of cutscenes (which can, admittedly, get a little tedious if you play through with her multiple times). She has extensive banters with all the standard NPC's (for maximum effect, make sure to have Haer Dalis' & Aerie in the party at the same time for a while), interjects often, & has some very nice post-quest conversations (along the lines of "can you believe what we just did?").
Implementation: B+
The Pipes & Bottle of Wine don't seem to serve any purpose (the wine really ought to get her drunk if she drinks enough), & the Wine can become a permanent fixture in the PC's inventory if you boot her out. The lengthy cutscene during her quest is a bit overdone, but opinions will certainly vary, so I won't hold that against her. Some of the people in the nearby tavern still talk as if it hasn't been completed even after it has, though. A couple of very minor grammar mistakes remain to be fixed, but she's only on version 2 so far. The writing for the Bioware NPC's is very "in character" for them all.
Power: B-
Bards aren't really powerhouses, but Keto makes a nice support mage & party-booster.
Ease: B
Keto can be found spinning tales in the Five Flagons inn in the Bridge District & will happily join your party after a brief conversation.
ToB: No
Overall: A-
An excellent NPC for those who like lots of banter, dialogue, & role-playing (she may not be as enjoyable for pure power-gamers, though). Fun, entertaining, & adds a breath of fresh air to the whole game. The more I played with her, the more I liked her (hey - you try playing with every NPC under the sun & not becoming a little skeptical), but I'm leaving a little room for improvement in the grade. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Name: Saerileth 6.0
Characteristics: LG Female Human Cavalier
Str: 16 Dex: 14 Con: 12 Int: 14 Wis: 17 Cha: 18
Equipment: Plate Mail, Bastard Sword +1, Saerileth's Holy Symbol (in helmet slot, unremoveable), Potion of Fortitude
Personality: A
Saerileth has been sent from the Outer Planes by Tyr to look for a fallen Deva. She was told to seek out a Bhaalspawn who would lead her to her quarry. She's Human, but touched by the Outer Planes. She's 15 years old & a devout follower of Tyr, so she sees things in complete black & white, & sometimes comes across as very naive. Saerileth has several banters with the other NPC's, interjects quite often, & is romanceable (for Good Male PC's with a very high Charisma, although you probably don't want to be a Thief).
Implementation: B+
Saerileth has a fairly major quest, involving a trip to different planes (Planescape fans will recognize some of the locations), which in & of itself sets her apart from the Bioware NPC's, & also introduces some over-powered items available for purchase (ToB level while in SoA). The MOD also adds a new path to Spellhold, which aside from introducing a very early Dragon battle in an odd location, has a number of bugs associated with it at the moment. Aside from that, the whole concept of a 15-year old, level 10 Cavalier, Chosen of Tyr is a little far-fetched & the romance can seem a bit on the creepy side. It's possible to begin the romance after the very first dialogue, she's a bit one-dimensional, she uses a lot of parenthetical actions (which the Bioware NPC's don't use), & she's very willing to abandon Tyr's Quest if CHARNAME doesn't live up to her ideals. The extremely high Charisma requirement makes her seem a bit shallow & a few of the custom items that come with the MOD don't have detailed descriptions (damage, enchantment, abilities, etc.). Also, she doesn't even appear in the game if the PC is Evil.
Power: B
Saerileth is a bit low on hit points & doesn't have a good Dexterity, so while she's fairly powerful, she's not the most effective frontline fighter.
Ease: B
You can enlist Saerileth fairly early on by walking just outside the entrance to the Radiant Heart in the Temple District.
ToB: Yes
Overall: A-
Saerileth is a very nicely done NPC, but she doesn't fall into the seamless, "you'd never guess she was a MOD" category. Still, she has a lot of very well-done content & adds a lot to the game. If you don't have a problem with a 15-year old romanceable Cavalier with an extreme stat requirement who is prepared to disobey her God if you hurt her feelings, she's very worthwhile. I'd highly recommend avoiding the 3rd path to Spellhold aspect in its current incarnation.

Name: Solaufein v98
Characteristics: CG/CN Male (Dark) Elf Fighter/Mage
Str: 18/21 Dex: 18 Con: 10 Int: 18 Wis: 10 Cha: 16
Equipment: mostly Drow equipment, which, while powerful, is next to useless considering when he joins up, Bracers AC 4, Ring of Regeneration, Wand of Fire, several spell scrolls & potions
Personality: A-
Sola has lots of banters & comments on events. The "-" is just because he doesn't quite "fit" with how he's portrayed in Ust Natha, IMO. He's a wannabe poet (although the poems are actually quite good) who broods a bit too much for the Drow Weapons Master you meet initially. You might not even notice it, though, so still very good in the Personality department. He is romanceable (for male & female PC's).
Implementation: B
No real bugs that I've ever encountered, although he occasionally says "I have seen no one" for no reason & he has no voicing. His joining-up fits in very smoothly with the storyline. He's a little on the over-powered side & sometimes tends to steal the spotlight from CHARNAME. A total of 90 ability points is on the high end for any of the NPC's.
Power: B+
A Fighter/Mage is already a strong multi-class, & Sola comes with a few nifty abilities of his own (although the ones in ToB could be considered overly powerful - a matter of taste, though & easy to ignore by not using his Special Item or Special Power). He has the same Magic Resistance as Viconia which, when coupled with his own buffs, makes him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Ease: D
Sola's rating suffers from where he appears in the game (after completing Ust Natha & only if you make certain choices). No matter how appropriate it is that you get him when you do, it's not easy to recruit him & you'll either have to go to Spellhold with an empty slot or kick someone out in the Underdark.
ToB: Yes
Overall: B+
A very well done NPC. Worth the trouble of picking him up to play through with him at least once.

Name: Fade Beta 1
Characteristics: CN Female Fey'ri (Elven Tiefling) Thief
Str: 14 Dex: 19 Con: 10 Int: 16 Wis: 11 Cha: 16
Equipment: Short Sword +2, Shadow Armor, Fade's Amulet (immune to level drain, protection from Evil & Charm), a few Invisibility potions
Personality: A
Fade has led a bit of a rough existence, but has wound up working with the Shadow Thieves. She wants to help you rescue Imoen & offers to join your party when you talk to Aran Linvail. She has a bit of a mean-streak in her, but overcoming her heritage (the Fey'ri are NOT a nice group of people) is central to her story. Fade's banters & dialogues are very well-written & her back-story is well-crafted. She banters quite often & interjects in a lot of places. She is romanceable for male PC's & has a couple of nice quests.
Implementation: B
Fade is very good overall, but there's several minor issues to be cleaned up. There's a few spelling & punctuation mistakes, but given the amount of dialogue they're pretty rare. Her quests don't have Journal entries. She only has generic voicing at the moment - none of her banters or interjections are voiced. There's a banter that says "CHARNAME" rather than the character's name. You can pick up an annoying stutter-bug if her timers get messed up (see her Forum on how to fix it). At least one banter (with Mazzy) repeats.
Power: C
Fade's a pretty standard Thief, although her amulet helps her out & she has a couple of unique abilities (Invisibility 1/day & Charm Person 3/day).
Ease: B-
Fade can be added as soon as you talk to Aran (& it's so smoothly done you'd never guess you were meeting a MOD character), so as soon as you have 15,000 gps & get the key from Gaelan, you can add her to your party.
ToB: No
Overall: B
Fade is a very enjoyable & unique character with a deep & interesting back-story. Once a few remaining issues in her Beta release get cleaned up, she should move up the list.

Name: Tashia 2.05e
Characteristics: NG Female Elf Sorcerer
Str: 11 Dex: 19 Con: 15 Int: 16 Wis: 14 Cha: 12
Equipment: scrimshaw figurine which generates a strong (in certain situations) Summon once per day, Staff Spear, Boots of the North, Ring of Acuity
Personality: B+
Tashia is interesting, but not incredibly engaging. Her banters will have special interest for those who've played Icewind Dale I, as she makes some familiar references. She has several banters & interjections, but it seems like you only get to see most of them if you romance her (she's romanceable for a male PC). She starts off almost as unsure of her own self-worth as Aerie, although in her case it's due to an obsession over a former love. Her riddles are a nice touch.
Implementation: B-
No bugs, but for some reason she doesn't quite "feel" like a Bioware NPC. Some unique voicing in her banters may help in this respect. The quest at the end of her romance can result in some ridiculous loot (multiple Amulets of Power, the main bad guy dual-wielding 2 Malakars, etc.), which really hurts her in this category.
Power: A
She's a Sorcerer - see Kelsey for reasons behind the "A".
Ease: B-
Tashia is found in the tavern in Trademeet & has a minimum reputation requirement (10, although you really want to be at 12+ during some early dialogues). About as easy to recruit as Cernd.
ToB: Yes
Overall: B
Very interesting, intriguing, & worth playing if you intend to romance her, but a bit of a wallflower if you don't.

Name: Tsujatha 7.0
Characteristics: NE Male Elf Necromancer
Str: 17 Dex: 12 Con: 12 Int: 19 Wis: 16 Cha: 14
Equipment: Quarterstaff +1, Sillara's Ring (AC: 5, +1 spell/level)
Personality: B
Tsujatha is a well-traveled Elf, hailing from another plane of existence. As such, some things are very new to him (such as Dwarves & Halflings, although strangely enough he has no comments about the Drow). He has a decent back-story, but most of it is unknown unless you play out the romance (available to Good females). Tsujatha is a bit like Anomen if he were an ancient Elven Necromancer - very selfish & arrogant. He has different questions/interactions depending on the PC's class.
Implementation: B
Tsujatha is definitely overpowered - 90 ability points, high level (7th level spells while a 13th level Mage), & with a Ring to rival Edwin's Amulet (plus he can create a ridiculous amulet [immune to Level Drain & Imprisonment] - ummm... dude... if it's that easy, could you create 4-5 more of those?). He's a hundreds of years old Evil virgin (who's oddly enough a master masseuse & brings about a night of passion on the first try) who almost immediately falls for a good PC. Some Bioware NPC's don't sound very "in-character" as Tsujatha tends to get the last word on them. The generic lines & some rare unique lines are voiced, but most of his banters aren't.
Power: A-
As a high level Necromancer (who doesn't lose much - Mirror Image, Mislead, etc. - but gets an extra spell per level) with an extra spell per level from his ring, Tsujatha makes for a strong addition to any party.
Ease: C-
Tsujatha is found in the entrance to the Planar Sphere (although, other than being from another plane of existence, there's no good reason why he's there), so he's not easy to reach. You don't have to initiate Planar Travel to add him to your party, though.
ToB: Yes
Overall: B
Tsujatha is sort of a male equivalent to Tashia - if you've no interest in playing out the romance, he's good but not exceptional. Still, Tsujatha has a lot to recommend him compared to the NPC's ranked below him - a lot of effort has been put into his development. There's no big drawbacks to trying him out, just several little ones.

Name: Valen v43
Characteristics: CE Female Vampire Fighter/Thief
[note: values in parentheses are her Elder Vampire stats]
Str: 18/75 (22) Dex: 17 (21) Con: 9 (9) Int: 16 (20) Wis: 10 (10) Cha: 15 (19)
Equipment: Valen's Claws (+1 (+5) "Dagger", drains 1 (5) levels), Valen's Armor (low AC, undead resistances, regenerates 1 hp/2 sec (2 hp/sec), no weapon immunity (+2 or better to hit)), Boots of Stealth, Helmet of Defense, Gloves of Missile Snaring, various potions
Personality: A+
Personality is where Valen really shines. She forces you to play Evil, choosing the Evil path for you in many instances. She comments often & keeps in character as a bloodthirsty Vampire who'd rather slaughter anything that gets in her way (or even annoys her) than talk her way out of a situation. Her custom script is very impressive, as well.
Implementation: B-
Put simply, she's a bit too powerful, especially later in the game (the stats in parentheses above reflect her as an Elder Vampire at the end of SoA). No bugs that I'm aware of, but you'd be hard-pressed to believe she's a Bioware NPC. She has minimal voicing (& you'll probably get sick of hearing "I am hidden" by the time you're halfway through the game), & she suffers debilitating weakness under the sun, but even that hardly offsets her power. She triggers a group of Vampire Hunters later in the game (who can show up anywhere, even in the Matron Mother's own temple [img]smile.gif[/img] ) who are a bit over the top & don't help her in the believability department. She doesn't have a lot of banters, but does have some nice interjections.
Power: A
She's so powerful it hurts her credibility as an NPC, but later in the game she can single-handedly wipe out whole areas of monsters. Draining up to 5 levels per hit while regenerating 2 hp/sec can put down the toughest enemy in no time. She gets an "A" despite her weakness in the sun.
Ease: B-
Not too easy to get her, but no more difficult than, say, Mazzy. Once you've accumulated 15,000 gps & accepted Bodhi's offer, she's immediately available.
ToB: Yes
Overall: B
Well worth playing through with her just for her personality. If you're a bit squeamish about taking the Evil path even when playing an Evil PC, Valen will take up the slack for you.

Name: Yasraena 6.0
Characteristics: CG Female Elf (Drow) Fighter
Str: 18/97 Dex: 18 Con: 12 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 16
Equipment: Fireflower (basically a Flame Tongue shortsword), Ironkiss (does bleeding damage), Chain +1, Yasraena's Necklace (unremoveable, unknown properties), several potions
Personality: A-
Yasraena is a Good Drow who's on the surface looking for her master, Divalir, & heard that Irenicus might be a source of information. You meet her as you are breaking out of Chateau Irenicus & she is breaking in. She has nice, sultry voicing, gets along well with most of the standard NPC's (she has some really good banters with Minsc, Nalia, & Aerie, among others, but doesn't get along with Viconia very well), & has several interjections. Male PC's can attempt to strike up a romance with her & she has some extra friendship talks for a female PC. Her encounter with Divalir (& CHARNAME's reaction to it) is decent but a little sparse.
Implementation: B
The voicing varies a little bit in quality, but is good overall. Occasionally she turns & faces CHARNAME but doesn't say anything (no idea if I missed anything or not, but I don't think so). At least one of her banters (Edwin) can occur in the middle of combat & there are some rare spelling errors. She doesn't comment on the Underdark as much as I was expecting (compared to what Viconia says, for example) & has no comments about Drizzt. Actions are often portrayed through parenthetical comments (as in Planescape), which makes her stand out a bit from the Bioware NPC's.
Power: B
Yasraena is a Fighter, but has relatively low hit points & her custom items aren't incredibly powerful (although they get a big boost at the beginning of ToB), so you might want to use her as a flank attacker rather than a Tank.
Ease: A
You run into Yasraena at the exit to Chateau Irenicus (the ReadMe says she is compatible with Dungeon-Be-Gone, though I haven't verified this as I don't use DBG). You'll have to let her join then or else she's gone for good, & if you boot her from the party she's gone forever.
ToB: Yes
Overall: B
Very well done & engaging. It seems the surface is getting populated by a surprising amount of Drow, but Yasraena makes for a fine addition to the party.

Name: Chloe 1.2
Characteristics: N Female Human Kensai
Str: 13 Dex: 25 Con: 16 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 14
Equipment: Rage of Acadia (Scimitar), Lathander's Blaze (Short Sword) - start off in the +3/+2 range but get upgraded later
Personality: A
Chloe is extremely interesting. You learn her whole back-story (although the whole "we invented the Kensai style" thing seems a little silly) & your interaction with her can vary depending on your class. She's very mercenary in her attitudes. She's got divine blood, like the PC (which is how her Dex is explained), which makes for some nice conversations. She's romanceable (for female PC's, which is presented in a smooth, understated way) & will romance Imoen if the PC is unavailable. She banters well with the standard NPC's, comments on everything you'd expect her to, & is very well-voiced. For a bit of entertainment, make sure to have a female PC, Chloe, Jaheira, Aerie, Viconia, & Nalia all in the party at once.
Implementation: C
My computer had a tendency to freeze up for a minute or two while Chloe was in the party (not crash, so if you wait it out, everything resumes). Could be just my PC, but it's my review & it only happened while she was a party member, so she gets penalized for it. Her interjections tend to replace existing ones, so if you're talking to, say, Renal & Chloe has something to say, you wind up with Chloe's dialogue but the choices to respond to Renal displayed at the same time. It can be a little confusing & would benefit a lot from being able to hit Continue, then seeing the choices you're used to seeing. The 25 Dex is just silly & almost single-handedly destroys her credibility, IMO, divine blood or not. 19 or 20 would be good enough to get the point across (& if you ShadowKeeper her down to believability, she can't use her swords anymore).
Power: B-
As a Kensai, Chloe starts off a little weak, but catches up later. She'll rack up the kills as long as you don't rely on her to be a Tank, but more of a flank attacker. You'll definitely want to get her a Girdle to make up for her low Strength score, though. If you stick with her starting weapons, it will likely take you til ToB to get her 5 *'s in 2 different weapons & 3 in Two-Weapon.
Ease: A
You can quickly pick up Chloe in Chateau Irenicus at the beginning of the Plane of Air section.
ToB: No
Overall: B-
Worth downloading, but I hope some more work is put into her. Chloe has a lot of potential to be a great NPC.

Name: Kido Alpha 3.2
Characteristics: CE Male Human Jester
Str: 11 Dex: 17 Con: 13 Int: 16 Wis: 8 Cha: 15
Equipment: Kido's Dagger (throwing, returning, Stuns 4 rounds unless a ST vs. Spells is made), Buckler +1, Spear +1, Kido's Hood (unremoveable, unknown properties)
Personality: A-
Kido is a Chaotic Evil Jester (he explains how he can be CE to Nalia) with a fun personality (but a bit of a cruel streak - see his banters with Aerie). He has some good banters with Minsc & Jan (among others) although he doesn't get along with Korgan or Anomen. His voicing is rather... unique, but it fits his quirky personality. He's a devoted follower of Cyric & enjoys sowing confusion & seeing madness in the world.
Implementation: B-
In the version I played, you should probably avoid Wellyn (the spirit in the Graveyard) completely, as a scripting error can cause Kido to vanish forever. After talking to Xzar, Rylock doesn't reappear, so you'll have to CLUA him back in. There's a couple of minor cases where the Bioware NPC's don't sound completely in character (Anomen, Cernd). Only Kido's generic lines & conversations with CHARNAME are voiced - none of his banters with the other NPC's have voicing. There's a few more minor errors that remain to be cleaned up (e.g. dialogues out of order).
Power: B
I had underestimated the Jester's abilities up until this point - Kido was actually quite useful, both as a support mage & an infinte Confusion spell. He was particularly helpful when we'd get ambushed - no sooner would the enemies appear than half of them would become Confused. That Dagger of his makes him a pretty strong combatant as well.
Ease: B
Pretty easy to find - he's in the basement of the Five Flagons Inn, enjoying the play.
ToB: Yes
Overall: B-
Kido is a very entertaining & unique character to have along. There's several minor issues to be cleaned up & he could probably stand to have expanded voicing, maybe a few more banters with CHARNAME, & possibly a quest or two, but overall Kido's very well done.

[ 08-05-2005, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Imrahil ]
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Old 01-02-2005, 04:15 PM   #2

Join Date: November 4, 2001
Location: North Carolina, USA
Posts: 469
Name: Hubelpot Beta 1.0
Characteristics: N Male Human Druid (Village Druid or Totemic Druid)
Str: 12 Dex: 8 Con: 10 Int: 10 Wis: 14 Cha: 13
Equipment: Horn of Herne the Hunted (grants Sanctuary & summons an "army" of bunnies)
Personality: B
Hubelpot is not your typical adventurer - he's a vegetable merchant who gets in a bit of a bind & travels with the PC. He sees the world through a commoner's eyes & is a bit intimidated by the powerful figures he meets while adventuring. His banters are very well done & entertaining (the Hedgehog Song is worth the download by itself), but he's missing interjections at this point. His quest is a nice addition & makes use of some previously unused characters in the game.
Implementation: C
Hubelpot's in his initial Beta release, but still fairly well done. There's a number of spelling & punctuation errors, but no real bugs (in the SoA part). Some of the dialogues don't appear due to a GLOBALS/LOCALS problem, & the Village Druid kit doesn't get HLA's. The lack of interjections is noticeable.
Power: C+
Hubelpot starts off at level 1, which means you'll need to babysit him a bit initially. The optional Village Druid kit has some nice, but not exceptional, abilities, & doesn't get HLA's. If you choose not to install the Village Druid kit, Hubelpot will be a Totemic Druid instead (& will get HLA's).
Ease: A-
Hubelpot is working in Enge's Shop in Waukeen's Promenade when you first meet him, so he can be added right after Chateau Irenicus.
ToB: Yes (basic - although there's some bugs with this part in the current release)
Overall: C+
Very entertaining & worth playing for his personality. Beta version 2 is seemingly on hold, but if it ever gets done it will clear up some of the problems & add more content, at which point he'll probably deserve a higher grade.

Name: Kiara 1.4 (ReadMe says 1.3, but file is 1.4)
Characteristics: NE Female Human Monk
Str: 14 Dex: 17 Con: 12 Int: 15 Wis: 10 Cha: 16
Equipment: Osan's Monk Robe (+10% MR, +1 AC, +1 ST), Ring of Protection +2, Boots of Stealth
Personality: B
Kiara is an Evil Monk from Kara-Tur (although her default portrait doesn't look very appropriate) who was captured by slavers & brought to Amn. She has her own little prophecy to fulfill which fuels most of her dialogues. Her history & the grudge she bears for one of the ToB characters is the most interesting aspect of her personality. She'll urge the PC to take the Evil paths through the game, for reasons that are revealed throughout the course of her banters. She is romanceable (for Good Male PC's) & has some very explicit love scenes (described in over-the-top detail through use of the Epilogue screen).
Implementation: C-
You'll never mistake Kiara for a Bioware NPC. Bugs, dialogue loops, a horrible lack of proof-reading, & the graphic love scenes all scream "MOD content". Once KiaraRomanceActive reaches 2, if you try to flirt with her, it says "TO BE DEVELOPED - NOT FUNCTIONAL -". The slaver who captured her is extremely overpowered in your first meeting, & the second time you meet him you can get some way-too-powerful ToB-level loot which duplicates numerous unique items (& his cronies show up even if you don't have Kiara in the party). If you're playing an Evil PC, Kiara & Zaiya don't even appear in the game & if you're Good you have to do certain quests before traveling to Spellhold or they'll leave. The linearity of it all makes it feel more like the PC is a supporting character in Kiara's story rather than the other way around.
Power: B-
Kiara is a little weak throughout much of SoA, but makes an effective flank attacker. Her custom script, while impressive, will waste a lot of her abilities you'd rather save for important fights (you can turn it off by talking to her, though). Once she hits higher levels, she becomes a strong member of the party.
Ease: C+
You have to rescue Zaiya, then jump through a few hoops (including a couple of battles that are a little tough for straight-out-of-Chateau Irenicus-level parties) to rescue her from a slaver in the Government District, at which point she'll join up.
ToB: No
Overall: C+
The Kiara-Zaiya MOD needs a lot of work, but adds a lot of good content. It adds a few nice twists to the game, but is far from polished.

Name: Kindrek 2.1
Characteristics: CE Male Roc (basically a Half-Orc) Berserker
Str: 20 Dex: 16 Con: 18 Int: 15 Wis: 10 Cha: 10
Equipment: Disruptor (Halberd, Dispels on hit), all inventory slots filled & unremoveable
Personality: B
Kindrek is from another dimension & hates magic. You'll hear a LOT about the latter but not much on the former. There's relatively few banters, but he does have a lot of good interjections, sometimes producing some less than desirable (from the party's point of view) effects. He hates wizards & will go hostile if you take a single-classed mage into the party. The voicing is well done & is very menacing. Be careful about giving him magic items to hold - he won't like it much.
Implementation: C
Having all his inventory slots filled by unremoveable items can get kind of irritating & makes him stand out as a MOD. Kindrek is completely immune to magic (both good & bad), & he's from another world, but none of this is really explained. He would occasionally go hostile on me even if I didn't have a single-classed mage in the party. He won't even appear in the game if the PC is any kind of mage/sorcerer (which is a definite downside to me - the game world shouldn't change based on CHARNAME's characteristics - if you choose to be a Mage, then Kindrek should just leave or attack). He doesn't have a lot to say & has pretty much no interaction with the PC. You can run into a near game-killing bug during Spellhold, but if you find yourself with a paralyzed Kindrek after The Dream, you can use ShadowKeeper to remove the Hold effects.
Power: B+
Being completely immune to magic (& Time Stop!) seems like he'd get an A+, but the downsides (immune to beneficial spells, can't be resurrected, no way to protect him from level drain) balance that out to some degree. He does regenerate slowly, however, & he can drink potions (if you pause the game while doing so). Since you can't customize his equipment, you'll have no use for extra proficiency slots or items (& his AC will never get better than -1). Aside from that, he's a powerful fighter & will make short work of most mages & liches (just keep him away from the rest of the undead).
Ease: B
As long as you aren't playing a (single/multi/dual-classed) mage, Kindrek can easily be picked up at the City Gates.
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: C+
A fairly interesting NPC who could use some more depth. He severely limits your choices of character & NPC's, though. The immunity to magic & filled inventory slots may mean he's not for everyone (pure power-gamers might rate him higher than I did, pure role-players a bit lower), but overall Kindrek's fun to try out. His latest version may have removed the problem with having Kindrek paralyzed after The Dream in Spellhold.

Name: Kivan 2.0
Characteristics: CG Male Elf Archer (Ranger)
Str: 18/21 Dex: 17 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 16 Cha: 8
Equipment: Composite Long Bow, Studded Leather, Spear, 0 arrows
Personality: B-
Kivan has returned from BGI, searching for the PC. He's a bit more moody & melancholy than you might remember him from BGI, but he's hoping to re-unite with his lost love Deheriana (or perhaps romance a female PC). He doesn't comment on much, but has some nice banters with Aerie, Jan, & Cernd. If you're playing a male PC (or a female who's not interested in the romance), he has a decent little conversation with Demin that can result in the party meeting Deheriana.
Implementation: C
Kivan has no voicing & little to say to most NPC's. There's a few grammatical errors & he has no Hell dialogue. The responses for the PC are almost too generic, meaning an Elf PC has the opportunity to disparage Elves in general. He's a quiet, reserved character, but that's not really an excuse for him not talking much. The Deheriana-Demin encounter is not done well, IMO, lacking a good range of responses & being generally confusing if you don't take what I assume to be the author's preferred path.
Power: B
Archers are a fairly powerful class & Kivan is no exception. He'll devastate enemies from the back lines, especially if you keep him equipped with a supply of normal arrows to handle pesky mages. If you are over-matched, though, Kivan won't be able to bail the party out, & like all Archers is not much help in melee combat.
Ease: A-
Kivan approaches you in Waukeen's Promenade, generally in front of the Circus Tent (although he'll come find you if you go to one of the inns), so you can "reunite" with him shortly after Chateau Irenicus.
ToB: No
Overall: C+
Kivan is decent, but not exceptional. He needs voicing, a bunch of interjections, & more banters to make him truly interesting, but he's fairly enjoyable to have around & will help out most parties. If you intend to romance him, his dialogues are more worthwhile, but if not, he's sort of dull. [note: Kivan does have a separate downloadable soundset, which I completely missed, & might enhance your enjoyment of him]

Name: Krondor Beta 0.37
Characteristics: LG Male Dwarf Priest of Helm
Str: 18/00 Dex: 16 Con: 15 Int: 13 Wis: 18 Cha: 10
Equipment: Ankheg Plate, War Hammer +1, Helm of Brilliance, Boots of Speed, other minor items
Personality: B
Krondor is a surly but good-natured Dwarf who's fun to have around. He has an animal companion (Wolfie, a Worg) who factors into several of his dialogues. He encourages the PC to take the Good path in any quest, acting much like Keldorn or Mazzy. He has a heavy accent & is a bit gruff, but very likeable. Unfortunately, you never get to find out about his history, such as how'd he meet Wolfie, where they're from, why'd they come to the Umar Hills, etc.
Implementation: C-
Spelling & punctuation errors abound ("By Clanagins Hammer!", "Mighty convient...", "your barborous tounge"), even in his biography & his own name sometimes. His portrait isn't really in the Bioware style & is a little colorless (although, on the plus side, Wolfie has his own portrait). Wolfie is re-summoned when entering a new area, which is a nice touch, but easily broken (if Krondor is Protected from Magic or if the party is sequestered - by Irenicus, for example), which can result in "losing" Wolfie. If Wolfie is dead or "lost", DON'T REST! You might get hung in cutscene mode, which is supposed to lead to "how to resurrect Wolfie", but doesn't always work - instead, CreateCreature("KR_WW") to bring back Wolfie. Krondor's voice is nice, but he sounds a little like he's under water. Sometimes, actions are conveyed through parenthetical comments (a la Planescape), but sometimes not, to a confusing effect. Strength 18/00 is impossible for a Cleric. When he reaches level 25, he receives a Holy Symbol of Helm, which he can't use.
Power: B
Krondor is an imposing Cleric, able to Tank quite well if needed. Once you upgrade his Hammer (via the Umar Hills quest + a visit to Cromwell), Krondor & Wolfie are a force to be reckoned with.
Ease: B
Krondor & Wolfie are located in the Umar Hills, just southwest of Madulf & northwest of the valuable chicken. He'll force-talk you if you go near him, then you'll need to convince him to stay with you (easily done) after completing the Umar Hills quest.
ToB: No
Overall: C+
A very fun & well done NPC with 2 major drawbacks: proof-reading & the Wolfie problem. If you can ignore the grammatical errors (many of which can be put down to his dialect) & don't mind CLUA'ing in Wolfie if he ever dies or vanishes, Krondor is a worthwhile NPC.

Name: Silver Star Beta 1.92
Characteristics: NE Female Elf Assassin (basically)
Str: 14 Dex: 19 Con: 7 Int: 16 Wis: 6 Cha: 14
Equipment: Cryblade - a sentient Short Sword with unknown abilities (she doesn't start with it, but Frennedan in Chateau Irenicus is holding it)
Personality: A
This kid is... demented. Plain & simple - I was fascinated by her. She's so naively Evil (without being malicious - more like a child pulling the wings off of bugs) - Silver is perfect for Evil parties, but your Good ones may feel the need to keep her around just to keep from turning her loose on the countryside. She has some really good banters with Aerie, but doesn't speak up much past the mid-game (for reasons that are apparent if you check out the forums on her website). Make sure you have her talk to Salvanas in the Copper Coronet, the gravedigger in the Buried Alive quest, & Neeber in Trademeet.
Implementation: C
Silver has very, very minimal voicing (an occasional noise or two, but no lines are actually voiced) & there's some capitalization issues right of the bat (with the Dryads) that drag her down. She uses the anachronistic term "cool", which is a bit out of place with a D&D character. If you don't recruit her or boot her out, she'll wait at the City Gates, but you can receive dialogue as if you were still in Chateau Irenicus when you encounter her there. I encountered (a few times, so it wasn't isolated) a weird bug where you'd be walking along without SS in your party & suddenly she'd initiate dialogue, all the way from the Gates, even if you weren't there. I'd highly suggest not recruiting Haer Dalis' - she's supposed to eventually get into a duel with him, but they immediately got stuck in a dialogue loop if I had them in the same party & she was still stuck in it even if I kicked Haer or her out. Some NPC's in the game seem to "expect" Silver Star to be a party member, which can break some dialogue if you don't have her. She has no Tree of Life or Hell dialogue.
Power: C
Silver's more geared towards Hiding & Backstabbing than being a traditional Thief, & while that may hurt her in the usefulness department, she can actually be quite capable in battle, as long as you don't try to Tank with her, of course. Still, she's a Thief, so she only gets a "C" for Power.
Ease: A+
I guess you could miss her (you have to open the door to the North of your starting cage), but she's marginally easier to add than Jaheira, even.
ToB: No
Overall: C+
Although worthwhile as she is, I really hope Silver Star gets the work she deserves. She's morbidly fascinating & I've taken her along several times on the off chance I've missed a banter. Check out the forums on her to see the future plans for her.

Name: Xan (by Talon) Beta
Characteristics: LN Male Elf Enchanter
Str: 12 Dex: 18 Con: 9 Int: 18 Wis: 14 Cha: 17
Equipment: Moonblade (+1 AC, +50% Fire Resistance), Traveller's Robe
Personality: B
Xan is the same depressed character from BGI, spouting amusing pessimism at every turn (for example, when Jaheira gets cursed, he says "Cursed to a slow inevitable death. I do wonder what that reminds me of? Oh yes: life." & as others are shouting battle cries, he yells "Onward! To futility!"). He is a fairly faithful recreation of the NPC all BGI fans would expect, but... there could be more of him. He comments occasionally, but not nearly frequently enough. He only talks to some of the BGII NPC's. His voicing is very well recreated (I assume it's just the same soundset from BGI, although the sound files have to be downloaded separately - without those, he'd probably only rate an overall C or C-).
Implementation: C
There's occasional spelling errors (even in his joining-up dialogue: "I am suprised indeed...") & many punctuation errors. He has no spells memorized initially. He could definitely use more banters & interjections to make him worthwhile. His banters sometimes appear "out of order" - he occasionally responds, then you see the dialogue he's responding to (e.g. Adalon).
Power: C+
As an Enchanter, Xan is severely limited in his spell selection - no Magic Missile, Fire Shield, Contingencies, Fireball, Sequencers, Death Fog, etc. His Moonblade is nice, but next to useless since you really don't want him engaging in combat.
Ease: B+
Xan is easy to recruit by going to the City Gates & looking for him just outside the Crooked Crane.
ToB: No
Overall: C+
A fun & faithful recreation of the BGI NPC. He could certainly use more banters and some proof-reading, though (& to be honest I'd probably have rated him a little lower if he were a brand new NPC rather than a BGI NPC updated for BGII).

Name: Zaiya 1.4 (ReadMe says 1.3, but file is 1.4)
Characteristics: CG Female Half-Elf Wild Mage
Str: 9 Dex: 16 Con: 16 Int: 17 Wis: 15 Cha: 10
Equipment: Ring of Acuity, Mage Robe of Fire Resistance
Personality: B-
Zaiya is a supporting character in the Kiara story, & as such doesn't interact with the PC nearly as much. She suffers from a curse (from her Wild Magic) so she has to be near Kiara at all times. Her back-story is interesting & gives her some nice connections with other NPC's like Aerie & Nalia (although she can mention the Roenalls before Nalia does). She has a few comments about the SoA world, but gets lost in Kiara's shadow.
Implementation: C
Zaiya suffers from the same proof-reading issues that Kiara does (about every other banter/interjection has an error or two), but doesn't have all the other problems (granted, they're from the same MOD, but most of the problems are with the Kiara part). It's a bit puzzling why the slavers let her keep her equipment, though.
Power: B+
Other than the times when she's cursed (when Kiara's not around: initial meeting, if Kiara is kidnapped, etc.), she's as powerful as you'd expect a Wild Mage to be, with an extra spell per level but a small chance of dropping a Fireball at your feet.
Ease: B
Zaiya is being held by the slavers in the Slaver Ship in the Slums, so it's fairly easy to get to her. You just have to be ready to go looking for Kiara right away, though.
ToB: No
Overall: C+
The Kiara-Zaiya MOD needs a lot of work, but adds a lot of good content. It adds a few nice twists to the game, but is far from polished.

Name: Bruce (The Cockney Barfighter by Bons) 1.0
Characteristics: CN Male Human Barbarian
Str: 17 Dex: 16 Con: 16 Int: 9 Wis: 9 Cha: 10
Equipment: Broken Glass Bottle (2-6 damage + bleeding)
Personality: B-
A result of the One Day Bruce-athon, this particular Bruce has a very strong accent (making him difficult to understand at times - you might want to turn on the character feedback in the text window) & likes drinkin' & fightin'. He's most interesting when he first joins up, after a nicely done cutscene & some comments from his mom. He has a handful of banters & several interjections, which are entertaining, as is the voicing & the generic (when you click on him or during battle) lines.
Implementation: C
There's not a whole lot of content as far as dialogues & interjections go (compared to the Bioware NPC's), but what's there is very good. He's supposed to have a custom Fist item that levels up with him, but it didn't appear & when I ShadowKeeper'd it in, it crashed the game, but if you didn't know it was supposed to be there you wouldn't really miss it.
Power: B-
Bruce is a knife & club wielding (3 stars in Club, which technically shouldn't be possible) Barbarian who makes a decent Tank. He has a couple of unique special abilities (e.g. Sucker Punch) which are a nice touch.
Ease: A-
Bruce can be found engaged in a bar fight in the Den of the Seven Vales in Waukeen's Promenade & can be enlisted right after Chateau Irenicus.
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: C
The accent & generic comments are hilarious (wait til you hear him say "...'cept fat one... Mooo!") & worth keeping him around for that alone, but you might want to take him all the way through at least once just to see his other comments.

Name: Fonick 1.0
Characteristics: LN Male Human Bard (Delusionist)
Str: 11 Dex: 18 Con: 18 Int: 8 Wis: 4 Cha: 5
Equipment: Fonick's Wooden Sword (1-2 dmg), Fonick's Epicopus
Personality: B
Fonick is the world's greatest Bard, as he'll cheerfully tell you. He records "your" adventures in his Epicopus (an Book in a Quick slot), from his own perspective, of course. He has some nicely written banters (1 with each NPC), but not a lot of interaction. His conversations & Epicopus entries are very funny (you can sort of "cheat" & pick him up near the end of the game to see some of his entries without taking him with you through the whole game).
Implementation: C+
What's there is well-written & entertaining, but Fonick doesn't have a lot to say. All spell scrolls are grayed out like he can't use them (possibly due to his Intelligence), but he can scribe an infinite amount of spells, even ones he already has scribed. His banters can occur during combat.
Power: B-
Despite what he may think of himself, Fonick isn't a powerhouse. His Delusionist kit makes him immune to missiles (tomatoes, etc.) & Silence & his Song has a chance of affecting enemies with Emotion or Enfeeblement.
Ease: C+
Once you've completed the Astral Prison quest & cleared the Playhouse, you can return after a day & see Fonick's performance. Help the audience get him off the stage (you might want to bring a Dispel Magic scroll with you) & he'll join up to chronicle your adventures.
ToB: No
Overall: C
Fonick is very entertaining, but doesn't have a lot of content. If you don't want to bring him through the whole game you should still stop by & briefly pick him up towards the end just to read his Epicopus entries.

Name: Ghareth 0.91
Characteristics: LN Male Human Fighter->Mage
Str: 11 Dex: 15 Con: 17 Int: 15 Wis: 11 Cha: 13
Equipment: Longsword +1, Bracers AC 6
Personality: C
Ghareth is a One Day NPC, & despite being head & shoulders above the other One Day-ers, he still lacks the depth of the NPC's ahead of him. He's a former Cowled Wizard who has grown disenchanted with their ironhanded rule & is willing to help the party take them on. The banters he has are very well done, but compared to Minsc, Korgan, etc., he only talks about 25% as much. He has some very interesting interactions with some lesser-used characters though, such as Lady Yuth & the Priest in the Oghma temple. It would be nice to get some exposition, though, after the banters, along the lines of "Sorry about that, CHARNAME, allow me to explain..." Still, a fun & unique NPC to have along. Very well-voiced, btw.
Implementation: C+
If you didn't know he was a MOD, you'd basically just be wondering why he doesn't talk very much. Exposition on his encounters, such as his comment with Tolgerias, would help a lot. (I initially compared the One Day NPC's to BG I NPC's & that was an unfair comment, as Ghareth proves.)
Power: B
Picture Nalia if she had Fighter levels instead of Thief levels. He'd probably rate a little higher, but when you meet him he's only a Fighter (3) -> Mage (4), so it takes a while for him to contribute significantly. At later levels, you can get him up to GM in Crossbows, making him an effective sniper as well as a powerful mage.
Ease: B+
Ghareth can be found at the City Gates & will wait around if you don't feel like picking him up when you first meet him.
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: C
An interesting character, but still a One Day NPC. Of the ones I looked at, Ghareth is by far the best, but you can tell the difference between him & the Bioware NPC's or the MOD NPC's who have spent lots of time in development (in terms of interaction with the SoA world, not bugs).

Name: Horace 1.7
Characteristics: LG Male Skeleton Bone Collector
Str: 17 Dex: 13 Con: 18 Int: 13 Wis: 16 Cha: 9
Equipment: none
Personality: C
Horace is a Skeleton, & as such several NPC's ask him "what's it like?", "what did you do when you were alive?", etc. He's fun to have around, but doesn't seem to talk a whole lot. The banters he does have are fairly worth seeing, if a little verbose occasionally. I wish you got to find out more of his history, though.
Implementation: C-
I had a few crashes while Horace was in the party. Some unexplained & unrepeated, so I'm not positive it was due to Horace. If you equip certain weapons, the game will crash because the .BAM file can't figure out what to do (the ReadMe seems to imply that a list of off-limits weapons is given, but I didn't see any list). If you stick to weapons he can be proficient in, you'll generally be safe (although stay away from the Flame Tongue sword). Occasionally NPC's would try to "speak" (although I should point out that he has no voicing) to Horace when he wasn't even in the party - you just get a pane of dialogue, hit Continue, then it goes away. I was hoping he'd comment about the Trademeet quests, but he didn't.
Power: B
The Bone Collector kit is interesting. The custom HLA's are very well done & seem fairly well-balanced (you can even have him turn into a Bone Golem!). You can equip Horace like a Fighter & have him Tank for you, so he can generally hold his own in combat.
Ease: C
Horace is found in the Trademeet Crypt, meaning you have to do the whole Druid Grove quest to get to him, so he's middle of the road in ease of picking him up (as a side note, if you have Improved Druid Grove installed, his Ease might drop to a D or worse).
ToB: No
Overall: C
Average at best, I'd say. He could use some more banters & you have to be very careful when changing his equipment, but Horace is worth a try if you've gotten bored with the standard NPC's.

Name: Kitanya Beta 6.1
Characteristics: CG Female Elf Wizard Slayer
Str: 16 Dex: 17 Con: 15 Int: 12 Wis: 10 Cha: 19
Equipment: Corellon's Chaotic Blade (+3, +10% MR, immune to Poison, +1 Fire damage), Bringer of Vengeance (Plate +2, +5% MR, Free Action), Mage Slayer Shield (+2, +2 Saving Throws)
Personality: A-
Kitanya is hunting for Irenicus & empathizes with CHARNAME's suffering at his hands. She has a LOT of interjections & banters (really good ones with Aerie, Keldorn, & Jahiera - she does NOT like Edwin, though - some other NPC banters are kind of generic, though). Kitanya will eventually be romanceable (if you set KitanyaRomanceActive to 1 you can even get the flirts), but isn't yet. She has a nice little (Fall-From-Grace-like) feature where you can ask her about her opinion on your other companions (although a couple of them don't work).
Implementation: C
Her voicing varies wildly in quality, from excellent to inaudible to decent but with some background noise. Her .CRE file was based on a PC, so she has Bhaalspawn abilities at the moment. A couple of banters repeat. Sure, she's supposed to be sexy, but there's no real justification for the 19 Charisma. There's a handful of spelling & grammatical errors yet to be cleaned up. When talking to the elf-hater in the Promenade, she uses the phrase "News Flash!" which is a bit out of place. She practically hits you over the head with the idea that Yoshimo might be under a Geas, which is really annoying.
Power: C+
Wizard Slayers have it rough in Baldur's Gate & Kitanya suffers from the same limitations - only magical weapons/armor are allowed, but she does start with some fairly powerful equipment. She doesn't have a lot of hit points & will fall quickly if you try to Tank with her.
Ease: B
Kitanya can be enlisted by traveling to the Umar Hills & visiting the tavern there (she heard about the "witch" problems there & came to help out, which she'll explain to Mazzy).
ToB: No
Overall: C
Nicely done & interesting, with lots of good banter & interjections, but needs a lot of polish at the moment. If the (minor) bugs get cleaned up, the voicing reworked, the banters expanded, & (possibly) the romance implemented, Kitanya could easily move up in the ratings. She's in an open Beta right now, so improvements should be coming up.

Name: Neh'taniel Alpha 2.0
Characteristics: LN Male (Wraith) Elf Judicial Knight
Str: 16 Dex: 14 Con: 13 Int: 11 Wis: 19 Cha: 17
Equipment: Relic Amaunatori (basically a Flame Tongue Sword with some extra abilities - can be upgraded by Cromwell), Full Plate +2, The Sun's Gift (Shield +2 with some extra abilities (minor Healing ability, casts Fire Shield)), Gouged Insignia Ring (unremoveable, no beneficial properties that I noticed)
Personality: B-
Neh'taniel is a long-dead follower of Amaunator who has been at unrest for hundreds of years. His back-story is very intriguing, but he doesn't have a whole lot to say. He'll give you some interesting insights into the temple under the sewers (& his talking sword will give you some interesting insights into Neh'taniel). He has some nice banters with Anomen, Haer Dalis', Jan, Nalia, & Viconia (who he flirts with quite a bit). There's a really nice effect when Adalon casts her illusion on the party, so if you use the No Drow Avatars component of Ease of Use you might want to turn it off while using Neh'taniel.
Implementation: C-
If you upgrade his sword with Cromwell, then try to equip it, the game will crash (corrupted BAM). If you use Item Upgrade, you should install that after Neh'taniel or you won't get the IU options. Several of the banters repeat. He starts off at Level 15 (which, while plausible given his history, is very high on the power scale & can trigger the highest Tactics City Encounters before the rest of your party is ready for them). He has some good unique voicing, but also a lot of generic voicing. He tells you he lacked the spells to get past the Empathic Manifestation, but that can't be right. He has no comments during the Umar Hills quest, which seems odd. He can get permanently Dire Charmed by Bodhi (or even if you run into Tanova in the streets at night) - I could see them exerting some influence over him, but the fact that it never wears off & can't be Dispelled should be changed. No Tree of Life or Hell dialogue hurts his rating as well.
Power: B+
If you can get to Neh't early enough, he makes for a strong addition to any party. The Judicial Knight kit is based on a Paladin, but has some unique abilities, such as True Sight, Burning Hands, Hold Undead, Fire Wraith, etc. He seems rather low on hit points, though, so you probably won't want to use him as a Tank.
Ease: C+
Neh't is located at the entrance to the Temple of Amaunator, in the Unseeing Eye Quest in the sewers below the Temple District. If you have Tactics Always Toughest Spawn installed, that means you have to fight a pack of Beholders to reach him, which isn't easy.
ToB: No
Overall: C
A very original concept & a powerful addition to any party. He's very interesting but needs some fleshing out & bug-fixing.

Name: Alora 1.0
Characteristics: CG Female Halfling Swashbuckler
Str: 12 Dex: 19 Con: 12 Int: 14 Wis: 7 Cha: 15
Equipment: Short Bow +1, Shortsword of Backstabbing, Studded Leather +1, Rabbit's Foot (in ring slot, unremoveable, unknown properties), several potions
Personality: B-
Alora is the most (sickeningly) cheerful person you'll ever meet (was she this happy in BGI? can't recall...). She sees the world through rose-colored lenses & just wants everyone to be as happy as she is. She has a few good interjections, but is kind of short on banter. She doesn't have a lot of voicing, which might be a good thing. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Implementation: C-
There's not much content to Alora. She has a banter with the PC about rescuing Imoen that repeats & still occurs after you rescue Imoen. She has no Tree of Life comments & Salvanas has nothing to say to her.
Power: C+
As a Swashbuckler, Alora is slightly more powerful in combat than a regular Thief, but you'll still want to keep her away from most front-line fighting.
Ease: A-
Alora can be found in the back of the Adventurer's Mart "browsing" around, so she can be added very early in the game.
ToB: No
Overall: C-
Alora is a decent NPC, but her rating suffers from the fact that she's part of the Chosen of Mystra Encounters pack, which I can't really recommend (over-powered items, lack of .BAM's for items, some encounters that don't make a lot of sense) in its present incarnation. Currently it's an all-or-nothing install, so if you want Alora you have to install all the Encounters. If it gets broken into separate components & you can choose to install the portions you want, I'd probably bump her up a bit.

Name: Covenant 1.0
Characteristics: LE Male Human Fighter
Str: 13 Dex: 8 Con: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 14 Cha: 12
Equipment: Promise (Ninja-to +1 w/ special abilities), Splint +1, Boots of Speed, 2 unique (non-magical) books, various potions
Personality: B-
Covenant is Weimer's entry in Iron Modder 6. As such, he's fairly limited, but is also surprisingly extensive. Covenant has come to the Umar Hills to help rescue the town (but has his own agenda in doing so). He'll offer to help you with the quest, then leaves after it's done. During the quest, though, he's got several interjections, a lot of back-story, & some helpful knowledge & abilities. For best results, have Minsc & Yoshimo in the party, & recruit Mazzy along the way.
Implementation: C-
During the Umar Hills quest, you could easily mistake him for a regular NPC, but he has no real content outside that context. Some of his dialogue choices assume you have certain party members that you might not actually have.
Power: B
Covenant makes for a decent fighter (and, if you use him right, can be the ultimate Tank), but isn't a powerhouse.
Ease: B
Covenant will ask to accompany the party when you speak to the Mayor about the Umar Hills quest.
ToB: No
Overall: C-
A very nicely done, well-developed NPC, but only available during a very limited part of the game. Definitely worth trying out at least once if you want to add some new twists to the Umar Hills quest.

Name: Vanim 1.4
Characteristics: NE Male Half-Elf Assassin
Str: 15 Dex: 18 Con: 12 Int: 14 Wis: 7 Cha: 12
Equipment: Vanim's Ring (undroppable, +5% MR)
Personality: C-
Vanim is kind of bland, in a wannabe Evil kind of way. He doesn't banter much and only takes you on one minor, seemingly irrelevant little assassination that nets you not much more than a 2 point drop in Rep.
Implementation: C-
He doesn't have a voice & his picture seems a little fuzzy for a Bioware NPC. No bugs, but you'll hardly even notice he's there. He implies that he has a second quest, but it appears to be broken & never triggers (he tells you who to talk to, but nothing comes from it).
Power: C
Much like Silver Star, Vanim is more of a Hide & 'Stab kind of Thief, which makes him slightly more useful in combat than a regular Thief.
Ease: B
Vanim can be found in the Temple District, to the south, near one of the statues. He's a little hard to see even if you're looking for him, & won't join if your Rep is too high.
ToB: No
Overall: C-
If you're looking for an Evil Assassin-type character, Silver Star has Vanim beat.

Name: Willie Bruce (The Cockney Barfighter by Nethrin) 1.0
Characteristics: CN Male Human Fighter
Str: 16 Dex: 12 Con: 18 Int: 8 Wis: 6 Cha: 8
Equipment: Willie's Ale (unlimited supply - temporarily sets his Str to 21)
Personality: C+
Willie Bruce is an abrasive barfighter who uses some colorful (but funny) language. The voicing is excellent (although slightly louder than most other NPC's), but there's not a whole lot of content (he's part of the One Day Bruce-athon), although what's there is highly entertaining.
Implementation: C-
Willie Bruce starts off at Level 1, but already has 4 stars in Club (which shouldn't be possible). The language is a little un-Bioware, but nothing too bad. His banters can take place in the middle of combat. I only found one misspelling, but the banter it happens in (Edwin's) tends to repeat.
Power: B-
He's a Fighter who starts off at Level 1, so you'll probably need to shelter him initially. Still, give him a good Club, equip him right, & he'll make a good Tank eventually.
Ease: A-
Willie Bruce will approach the party in the Copper Coronet & offer to join up.
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: C-
The entertainment value alone makes trying out Willie Bruce worth it, but there's not a lot to the character & you might be tempted to drop him after a few quests.

[ 04-25-2006, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: Imrahil ]
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Old 01-02-2005, 04:16 PM   #3

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Name: Alassa 1.0
Characteristics: NE Female Human Thief
Str: 10 Dex: 15 Con: 9 Int: 14 Wis: 12 Cha: 16
Equipment: Short Sword +1
Personality: C-
Alassa is a One Day NPC, so there's obviously not going to be a lot of banter, but she's intriguing. She comes across as an adventure-seeking youth & I kind of hope she gets fleshed out a bit more. She doesn't comment on much & doesn't talk to the NPC's very often, though.
Implementation: D+
Sorry, but most of the One Day NPC's have to suffer here. They're all going to be only marginally better than a secondary character created by the player & this category not only measures bugs (none encountered), but how close the character "feels" to a Bioware NPC. All of your standard NPC's & most of the better MOD NPC's will talk ten times more than Alassa. One of the standard tests I give NPC's is Salvanas in the Copper Coronet, & he had nothing to say to Alassa. Still, nice voice, good portrait.
Power: C-
She's a Thief, so her power isn't all that high, but for Evil parties (although other than being a bit of a liar, Alassa didn't seem all that Evil) in need of a Thief with a few banters, she'll do.
Ease: A-
Alassa can be found in the Slums (in the street in front of the Jansen home), which is one of the first areas you visit, so it's easy to pick her up (however, you have to do it when she first asks, otherwise she walks off).
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: D+
Cool character who I'd like to see More Than One Day put into.

Name: Ninafer 100b
Characteristics: LN Female Elf Fighter/Mage
Str: 15 Dex: 19 Con: 12 Int: 18 Wis: 9 Cha: 11
Equipment: Vigilance (+3 Longsword, +2 Fire damage, +2 Electricity damage, +4 vs. Evil), Short Sword +1, Elixer of Health x5, Elven Chain +1, Nina's Ring (unknown properties, but unequippable)
Personality: C-
Ninafer is an Elf with a grudge against Irenicus, but she doesn't talk about it very much. She has a few banters with the PC & Imoen, but ignores the other NPC's for the most part. An Elf hunting Irenicus is a good concept, but it needs a lot of fleshing out. Decent voicing, although the portrait looks derivative of Viconia's.
Implementation: D+
Nina doesn't talk or comment on events nearly often enough. When she does, there's some spelling errors & some major punctuation issues - there's an extremely noticeable lack of commas in her dialogues (e.g. "A good lesson in battle to.") In her conversations with Imoen, Imoen sounds very formal & stilted (no contractions), & Nina's response is "Haha your humor never cease to amaze me." Plus, 'Salvanas- has nothing to say to you'.
Power: B+
Nina is a Fighter/Mage with a +3 weapon right off the bat, so she'll make a strong addition to any party.
Ease: A-
Ninafer approaches you in the Copper Coronet, one of the easiest areas to reach, so adding her to your party is very easy.
ToB: No
Overall: D+
She's a One Day NPC with a good concept but subpar implementation.

Name: Wikaede 1.1
Characteristics: LN Male Human Priest of Helm
Str: 16 Dex: 8 Con: 17 Int: 10 Wis: 16 Cha: 12
Equipment: Double Sting (Flail +2, does extra Cold & Fire damage), Plate Mail +1, Large Shield, Boots of the North, 2 Potions of Extra-Healing
Personality: D+
Wikaede is a devout follower of Helm who has come to Athkatla from Nashkel. He only has 1 banter with each of the NPC’s, but they’re well written.
Implementation: D+
The voicing (generic lines only) is a bit louder than other NPC’s & there’s noticeable feedback & static. Wikaede could certainly use more banters & interjections to make him worthwhile. At the Tree of Life & in Hell, his dialogue would break the chain, preventing other characters from speaking. His flail, Double Sting, doesn’t have a standard weapon description & will wind up in the PC’s inventory if you boot him out.
Power: B-
Wikaede is a fairly straight-forward Cleric, although the Priest of Helm kit gives him Seeking Sword & True Sight to make him a little more useful.
Ease: B
Wikaede can be found in the Temple of Helm in the Temple District.
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: D+
A fairly interesting One Day NPC who I’d like to see expanded upon, but until that happens, he’s only good for 1 banter with each of the Bioware NPC’s.

Name: Yikari 1.0
Characteristics: LN Male Human Monk
Str: 16 Dex: 18 Con: 14 Int: 8 Wis: 19 Cha: 4
Equipment: Yikari's Robe, Yikari's Ninja-to (both initially unknown properties, but you find out after his quest), several potions
Personality: D
Yikari is a Monk from Kara-Tur on a quest to retrieve a certain katana which was stolen from his monastery. He's under a vow of silence until he succeeds, so your initial meeting involves an interesting bit of charades. Yikari is more of an alpha release at this point, though, so he has joining-up dialogue, quest dialogue, & leaving dialogue, but that's it as far as personality goes.
Implementation: C-
There's very little of him, but what's there is well done (no spelling errors, even). At the moment, he might better be considered a mini-quest for players who'd like to trade a certain katana for some XP, then let Yikari return home while you go find a more talkative NPC (if you just use him for that purpose, he'd probably rate a B in this category).
Power: B-
Yikari is available fairly early in the game & starts out at level 12 (potentially 18 if you wait long enough to talk to him), so he can be a powerhouse relatively quickly. Still, as a Monk, you won't want to Tank with him, but rather have him as a secondary attacker.
Ease: B+
Yikari can be found in the Temple District, on one of the long north-south bridges in the middle of the map.
ToB: No
Overall: D+
As I mentioned earlier, Yikari might serve best as a nice little quest at this point rather than a full-fledged NPC. He shows some good promise, though, & once he gets some banters & interjections he should be worth keeping around (note: version 1.1 has been released with more banters).

Name: Bruce (The Cockney Barfighter by Jason Compton) 1.0
Characteristics: CN Male Human Barbarian
Str: 18/17 Dex: 15 Con: 16 Int: 9 Wis: 6 Cha: 9
Equipment: Leather +1
Personality: D
Bruce came about as part of the not-so-serious One Day Bruce-athon. This particular Bruce only has a couple of banters with Aerie, Nalia, & a female PC. He has decent voicing, but don't expect a lot of commentary.
Implementation: D
No bugs, but you'll barely notice he's in the party.
Power: B-
Bruce is a pretty straight-forward Barbarian who makes a decent Tank.
Ease: B-
Bruce can be recruited after you complete the slaver quest for Hendak in the Copper Coronet.
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: D
Simply not enough content to use extensively, but you might want to let him join for a brief period of time for the amusement value.

Name: Cassius 1.0
Characteristics: NG Male Human Skald
Str: 16 Dex: 17 Con: 13 Int: 16 Wis: 9 Cha: 15
Equipment: Studded Leather +4 (with a +15 Lore bonus), Light Crossbow of Speed, Long Sword +1, Cassius' Cloak (+20% Pick Pockets), other minor items
Personality: C-
Cassius doesn't banter much, and when he does he sounds like English is his second language. He never commented on some of the more obvious events (the Playhouse, meeting Haer Dalis', the Harpers quest). He talks to you about turning into the "ravager" long before it's even an issue.
Implementation: D
I understand why some very skilled MOD'ers may view designing an NPC in One Day as a challenge ("how much can I cram in?"), but it seems like too many people use the One Day concept as an excuse to turn out an unfinished product. Cassius is one of the latter ones, with numerous spelling & grammar mistakes, little banter, & poor equipment choices (his over-powered Studded Leather disables his Wizard spells & he has no proficiency in Crossbows).
Power: B-
A Skald is an interesting choice for a character, but not high on the power scale (which isn't a bad thing). I wound up using Cassius as a support mage & had him singing in the background during a lot of fights, which helped indirectly.
Ease: A-
Cassius can be found in the Mithrest Inn in Waukeen's Promenade, so he can be added right after Chateau Irenicus.
ToB: Yes (basic)
Overall: D
Definitely needs More Than One Day.

Name: Gozaloth (Goo) 1.0
Characteristics: Male Floating Eyeball Fighter
Str: 17 Dex: 7 Con: 20 Int: 15 Wis: 9 Cha: 4
Equipment: Goo's Mouth, a... Dagger (as far as the game's concerned) with unusual properties
Personality: B
Can I base my review off of one banter? If so, Goo's banter with Jan is worth the download all by itself.
Implementation: D
He looks like a Gauth, so equipping certain items will cause crashes. Also, I got a dialogue loop when I approached him - he repeatedly asked to join even if I declined, so I had to add him to the party or kill him. His garbled voice is kinda fun to hear from time to time, though.
Power: C+
He's a Fighter with equipment restrictions. His Mouth is a decent weapon (& droppable when he's killed [img]smile.gif[/img] )
Ease: D+
Goo is found in the Planar Sphere in the same area as the first set of Dark Sun Halflings you run into.
ToB: No
Overall: D
I just thought I'd include Goo in this, 'cause he's kind of cool, if really limited. As I said earlier, you should install him at least once just for the Goo-Jan banter.

Name: Hessa 1.0
Characteristics: NE Female Half-Elf Thief
Str: 15 Dex: 16 Con: 16 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 10
Equipment: some minor +1 items plus an item, simply called "Arrows" which appears to function like unlimited normal arrows
Personality: C
Hessa's intriguing, has an excellent voice set, & a really cool portrait, but it seems a little odd for her to be in charge of her own little thieving racket & still want to join up with you (leaving her Flunkies behind to tell you to speak to Hessa, even). She hires you for a little minor quest, complete with its own new area (& unique item), then joins up if you ask her. It seems a little strange, but I won't hold it against her personality. Instead, I'll hold it against her...
Implementation: D-
In addition to the drawbacks of all the One Day NPC's, Hessa's story doesn't fit as well as the others. Also, due to the added area, you have to start a whole new game to try her out (i.e you can't install her with a party that has a CN Anomen - see below - & go pick her up). She doesn't banter very much. The creator admits she's a sneak peak at a larger MOD, & it shows (she even "breaks the 4th wall" & tells you this is the end of the One Day NPC Quest).
Power: C-
I guess someone (or several someones) noticed the lack of Evil Thieves. Well, now there are a few of them & they all get C's or C-'s.
Ease: D
Meeting Hessa is more like an Easter Egg than a true NPC. You have to have Anomen fail his test (not officially, from the Order, just seek revenge), then go to the City Gates.
ToB: No
Overall: D
It was too much build up (waiting for the whole Anomen thing to play out) for too little reward. The unique item is kind of cool, though.

Name: Allison 1.0
Characteristics: N Female Elf Druid
Str: 14 Dex: 14 Con: 7 Int: 12 Wis: 18 Cha: 12
Equipment: Studded Leather +1
Personality: D-
Personality? Very little. Aside from the basic joining-up (differs before & after Faldorn's death, but with Improved Faldorn, there's about 0% chance you'd pick her up after) & leaving dialogues, Allison doesn't speak up much, if at all. One time, Jan mentioned something about an Aunt taking walks through the woods (not the one who wore flowers because it was the style at the time, though), which I think may have been an Allison dialogue, but then it just ended after one pane - that's about as close as I came to seeing a personality. She does have Tree of Life dialogue, but it breaks the script, meaning no one else gets to talk.
Implementation: D-
Aside from her lack of dialogue, I had to manually give her her portrait using ShadowKeeper. She has Aerie's soundset (even the circus comments). Her initial spells of all levels are somehow classified as Level 6 spells & are uncastable (you have to re-assign all her spells & then rest).
Power: B
Allison is a single-classed Druid with no kit, so while she can get very powerful at higher levels, she's relatively weak until she hits level 15. She starts off at level 13, though, so her power level is decent.
Ease: C+
She's located just southwest of the Troll Mound in the Druid Grove, but you'll have to fight your way to her & look carefully (she's tough to see).
ToB: Yes
Overall: D-
A One Day NPC that's kind of pointless. Makes Cernd look appealing. (note: version 1.2 may have cleaned up a lot of the problems, though)

Name: Anishai 1.0
Characteristics: CN Female Human Monk
Str: 14 Dex: 17 Con: 10 Int: 13 Wis: 9 Cha: 16
Equipment: Anishai's Dagger (+3, inflicts Poison damage, +2 attacks/round)
Personality: D-
Anishai is already in the game as a flirtatious member of Mae'Var's Guild on the 2nd floor. Turns out she's a spy for Renal & will join up with you (only if you accept her offer right away, though, otherwise she walks around a few seconds, then vanishes). I thought she'd be an interesting character, so I took her with me back to Renal (nothing), through the De'Arnise Keep (nothing), & through the Umar Hills quest (nothing). I can't really comment on her personality, since I never saw it.
Implementation: D-
She has BG I proficiency slots. 'Nuff said.
Power: B-
I tried to think of what I'd rate a PC Monk & drop it slightly.
Ease: C+
Slightly tougher to recruit than Edwin.
ToB: No
Overall: D-
If you want a Monk, I'd suggest Kiara, Yikari, or creating one from scratch.

Name: Ny'Yber 1.0
Characteristics: N Male Elf Fighter
Str: 9 Dex: 9 Con: 9 Int: 9 Wis: 9 Cha: 9
Equipment: none
Personality: D+
Ny'Yber is Domi's entry for Iron Modder 6, & is included just for utter completeness (is that a word? what's a cleric? have you seen Jon?). If you've ever wanted to recruit Noober or Neeber, here's your chance, as Ny'Yber is an elven equivalent (or long lost semi-sibling). He'll pester you at the Tree of Life & then forcibly join your party (you can kick him right back out if you want, though). He provides a relatively large amount of amusement given the small size of the MOD.
Implementation: D
Ny'Yber is there for a brief bit of entertainment prior to the Final Battle, & serves that purpose fairly well. He has no dialogue after you've entered the Tree, though, so if you dropped a useful party member, oh well...
Power: B-
When he joins, Ny'Yber is Level 1, but has a million XP, so you can level him up to 12 & assign his proficiencies as you like. Still, for an endgame player, he's less than optimal. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Ease: D-
You run into Ny'Yber at the Tree of Life, so you have to complete practically the whole game to get to him.
ToB: No
Overall: D-
The character is about as serious as this particular review, but let it not be said that I'm not thorough. Try him out once just for fun, then forget about him.

Name: Therrin 1.0
Characteristics: NE Male Elf Stalker (Fallen)
Str: 18/75 Dex: 17 Con: 17 Int: 16 Wis: 14 Cha: 10
Equipment: Leather +1, Wakizashi +1 (neither is identified to begin with)
Personality: F
Therrin has joining up dialogue, which is pretty generic, & leaving dialogue (also generic), but nothing else as far as personality goes.
Implementation: D
The Fallen Stalker idea is nice, but since it's not expounded upon, the character serves no real purpose. 92 ability points is a bit on the high side, as well.
Power: C+
Due to being Fallen, Therrin has all the drawbacks of being a Ranger compared to a Fighter, but none of the advantages.
Ease: B
Therrin is upstairs in the Crooked Crane inn, so he can be added to your party early on.
ToB: No
Overall: D-
A nice idea for a character, but with no dialogue at all there's not much point to using him.

Name: Azrael 1.0
Characteristics: NG Male Elf Archer (Ranger)
Str: 14 Dex: 17 Con: 14 Int: 12 Wis: 14 Cha: 11
Equipment: Elven Chain +1

Name: Mike 1.0
Characteristics: N Male Human Fighter
Str: 16 Dex: 14 Con: 16 Int: 17 Wis: 6 Cha: 12
Equipment: Two-Handed Sword +3, Crimson Chain +5, Kiel's Helmet, Boots of Speed, Gauntlets of Extraoardinary Specialization

Personality: F
Other than when they join up, Mike & Azrael have no personality & never talk to the other NPC's or comment on events. Azrael has Kivan's portrait & Mike has Cernd's. Despite reviewing them together, they can be added separately.
Implementation: D-
Neither will crash your game, but they serve no real purpose other than to occupy a slot in your party.
Power: B
Both start at level 2, but Azrael has 40 hp & Mike has 84 (& some powerful equipment), so I guess they could wind up being useful.
Ease: F
Mike & Azrael have to be CLUA'd in as far as I can tell - I've never run into either one in game (& Mike even references being "summoned" in his joining-up dialogue).
ToB: No
Overall: F
I'm not sure what purpose Mike or Azrael is meant to serve, unless you don't feel like rolling up your own characters. Hardly worth the time it takes to download & install.

Hope people find these useful, as I had very little to go on when first deciding which NPC's to download. I'm certainly open to comments & people disagreeing with my ratings (or posting their own in response) or pointing out things that I missed. It's all just my opinion, of course, & I'm bound to enjoy different aspects of a character than everyone else.

It'd not surprise me a bit for someone else to feel a character I rated as a C- is actually a B+, or vice versa (people disagree about the merits of the various Bioware NPC's after all), so post your own views on the various NPC's in order to provide differing opinions.

COMING SOON: I'll revisit some of the NPC's I've already played with that have had version updates

- Imrahil

[ 06-12-2005, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: Imrahil ]
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Old 01-02-2005, 05:49 PM   #4
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Have you considered reviewing the Tutu NPCs, at all?

There's the BG1NPC Project, Mur'Neth, and Indira. I'd find a review of all the various BG1NPCs handy, as each seems to have a different writer, and I'm not sure which to recruit and which to avoid.
<b>Ghreyfain</b><br /><br />One tool to rule them all,<br />One tool to find them,<br />One tool to bring them all,<br />And in the dark [url]\"\" target=\"_blank\">APPEND</a> them.<br /><br />You should also download PPG mods: [url]\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Smile]\" src=\"smile.gif\" />
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Old 01-02-2005, 05:53 PM   #5
Kestrel Daystar

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I would just like to add that there is, in the pipeline, a new NPC Xan to come out. Hopefully it will match up to expectations.

[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" />
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Old 01-03-2005, 09:50 PM   #6

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I added the version number of the NPC I used (thanks to Rastor at Forgotten Wars for the suggestion) after the name of each one, as some of them have been updated since I played with them (for example, Tsujatha is at version 7, Yikari is at 1.1, Allison is at 1.2, Solaufein is at 100, Kindrek is at 2.1).

Also, for those like Ghrey who are interested in BGI NPC's (the BG1NPC's project has added banter & interjections to them), Ashara has put together an excellent review here.

- Imrahil
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Old 01-04-2005, 10:19 AM   #7

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I wouldn't let that dissuade you from doing you own... Ashara is, after all, the project lead.

[ 01-04-2005, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: jcompton ]
"(I)t's a testament to the determined RPG fraternity that a number of Baldur's Gate II mods have been successfully produced. The best can be found at" - PC Gamer UK
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Old 01-04-2005, 11:44 AM   #8

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Heheh. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Also, if you want to review Mur'Neth then please wait til next week or later as I am about to put a new version out.
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Old 01-05-2005, 01:59 PM   #9
Ashara Dayne
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I wouldn't let that dissuade you from doing you own... Ashara is, after all, the project lead.
Since I actually managed to register because of this thread and I am bored, I feel z need to drop a couple of gp's in this purse - of course, of course I am the project lead, and I am extremely bias (Kivan is obviously the best NPC ever to walk Faerun, huh) so... yeah, review away by the dozen or individualy. And put a copy on G3. And play TUTU - the coolest and most useful mod ever made (again, in my highly bias opinion)
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Old 01-05-2005, 02:07 PM   #10

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Tutu rocks.
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