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Old 04-10-2001, 01:24 PM   #31
Dungeon Master

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Pick up some rebirth scrolls at the temple before going out to adventure.
They will raise the dead and restore all the hit points of your characters.

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Old 04-10-2001, 01:53 PM   #32
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Saving Quest Items:

If you are NOT running the patch, and you want to keep your quest items (like Ardibren's Relic, No-Dachi of the Stone, Assassin's Dagger, Monk's Ward) and STILL get credit for the quest,

pass the item to another character when the questgiver is giving you credit. As long as you do this before he finishes speaking, you'll still get credit for the quest AND you can keep the item!

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Old 04-10-2001, 02:01 PM   #33
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Completing the "Living Seed" quest from the Brimloch Roon Wizard's Guild

Due to faulty design, the Living Seed quest was given BEFORE the Open the Shrine quest, making the last quest undoable (you have to open the shrine before you can get the living seeds, unless you want to steal one from Oakenmir (which is VERY difficult and can get him hopping mad!)

Here's how to get both quests. NOTE: You'll need Call of Home (7th level Moon spell) to do this, so don't attempt it without it, or you'll be stuck forever!

When you get the Living Seed quest, go out to the Brimloch Roon pier. Climb the wall there (have your characters jump to the top), and then go south. Get on top the trees by jumping, then jump/walk all along the southern border. Use the map to guide you.

You have to go past Talrik's Cove (the place where you meet the pirate. Keep going until you start seeing sea water on the map again. That's the Lost Sea. Now angle downward and drop to the ground. You'll be in the Lost Sea area.

Travel west as far as you can and enter the Isle of Sands (long, curving path). You'll encounter the Hydra there as well, so you probably want to get Duke Brinsly's 2nd quest (Town Hall in Brimloch Roon) to kill the Hydra first so you can get credit for it, too.

After killing the Hydra, enter the Isle of Sands. Turn spawn rate to "frequent" on your computer. Eventually, some "Bark Horrors" (evil Oakenmirs) will spawn. Kill them (fire works great here) and they'll drop the seeds. For a 6 character party, you'll need to kill 2 groups of 3 to get the seeds. Gather them up (1 per person).

Now cast Call of Home. Go back to the Wizard's Guild in Brimloch Roon and get credit for the quest. You can now get the assignment for the "Unlock the Shrine" quest.

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Old 04-10-2001, 02:02 PM   #34
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If you absolutely, positively, screw it up beyond belief...

contact Wyvern, our Lady of Miracles!

(Only do this as a last resort, though, guys...she has enough to do as is!)

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Old 04-10-2001, 02:13 PM   #35
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If you spend too much time on this board -



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Old 04-10-2001, 05:59 PM   #36
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The Scorpion Pit Trick

Again, it helps having "Create Portal" and "Teleport" (6th level Moon Magic) in your spellbook before doing this one. Did I mention to get your Moon magic up ASAP? Of course I did!

Anyway, find the sandy room with the big pit hole in the middle of it in Anephas' shrine. (Careful not to fall inna pit beforehand, or it messes everything up.) SAVE YOUR GAME. (Just in case the Teleport thing doesn't's iffy in the Shrine).

Cast a "Create Portal" just outside the Pit, but far enough away for it to work. One of the hallways leading up to the pit room is a Good Bet. You may want to run a "test" to make sure you can 'port to that spot by walking a distance away and casting "Teleport". If it fails, find another spot and try casting a new portal.

When you finally have a working portal, NOW drop into the pit. Press any button EXCEPT the one on the South Wall (the one that raises you up and closes off the pit forever). Fill the pit up with gold scorpions. You can get up to 20 in there at at time.

Teleport out. Now run back to the edge of the pit. You'll see all the scorpions in the pit. (If you're REALLY lucky, you'll see yourselves still teleporting out of the pit, too! Quite Einsteinian).

Firebomb the heck out of the bugs. Firestorm works very nicely here, and you get to see the effect from top-down. Burning haze will get them as well, but it will take longer. Generally, each bug yields about 710 XP for a 6-character party, times 20, will give each character about 14,200+ XP per casting.

When they're all dead, jump back in pit and repeat. If you run out of mana, walk around and adventure some more in the Shrine, then go back and repeat the trick. You can really level up your characters this way!

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Old 05-01-2001, 11:56 AM   #37
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Here's a quick shortcut to NPC discussions:
CREDIT TO Ryanamur and Sazerac

1- Gorthius: H'Thark
2- Kerielle: Algamesh (or just give her the neckless)
3- Haraspia: Orb of Clarity (or just give her the serpent wand)
4- Ekbu: Ukabu
5- Kol (by serpent temple): Key
6- Shinwiki: Ukabu
7- Scabban: Cure (then blast him)
8- Arbiden: Locations
9- Stout King: Dragon Ore, Deal (you can also kill him and get his hammer if you're lucky... it's a nice one)
10- Kol (in mountain): Mavin
11- Dragon: Elsaramavin
12 - Oracles of Ishad N'ha: "Destiny"
13 - Sarellia: "Oracle"
14 - G'Ezzered Ra: "Staff"
15 - Anephas: "Mavin" (to get the secret on what to do with it in Cet's pyramid)

CREDIT TO Ryanamur and Sazerac

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Old 05-01-2001, 02:51 PM   #38
Fzoul Chembryl

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A good way to deal with unwanted ennemies that you don't want to destroy is to teleport them away.

1- Create a portal an area you've already visited and won't be coming back to.
2- Leave area and seek out ennemies (or let ennemies seek you out)
3- When ennemies approach (or when you're almost dead), teleport them.
4- Tada... no more bad guys. The only bad thing is that you don't get the XP but it works like a charm.

Of course, if you can teleport them, you can probably icestorm them to death to
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Old 05-03-2001, 06:34 AM   #39
Red Dragon

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Teleport and Call of Home work there, but... But you can find the dungeon entrance closed after returning to the castle. Workaround:
1. Leave the dungeon, go to the entry lever of the castle. Cast Create Portal there.
2. Return and jump into the sewers.
3. After finishing this area cast Teleport. If it does not work, cast Call of Home, then Teleport.
4. You are in the entrance area. Most probably, you will see that BOTH doors (outside as well as inside) are closed. Click the lever twice. The first click opens the outside door, the second click moves you back into the dungeon.
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Old 05-03-2001, 10:07 AM   #40
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When you have completed the Dragon Spire do NOT jump off the ledge and return to Ishad N'Ha. Follow the path down to Brimloch Roon. If you haven't learned the Create Portal and Teleport spells - make them a priority. Set up a Portal outside the East Gate to Brimloch.
You can now return to Ishad N'ha and finish whatever quests you needed to finish and return to Brimloch by using the Teleport spell!

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