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Old 05-10-2001, 08:07 PM   #51
Sir Taliesin
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Originally posted by onthepequod:
?you?re a BAD, BAD man!?

Several months later I still crack a smile when I think of it.

The next time she says that she won't be smiling!

Sir Taliesin

If they take my gun can I still use my Claymore?
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Old 05-10-2001, 08:17 PM   #52

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Originally posted by Sir Taliesin:

The next time she says that she won't be smiling!
Now was it really necessary to go and point that out?

Father Bronze,

I hope the weather is better for the wedding than it has been for the past two days. Have a safe trip!
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Old 05-10-2001, 10:15 PM   #53
Symbol of Cyric

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Originally posted by onthepequod:
So are you up by Lake of the Woods? The Boundary Waters?

Nope.. I'm west of there.... middle of NOWHERE!! LOL ... Boundary Waters is still somewhere IMHO. I live north of Brainerd, south of International Falls.
By the way, we northwoods inhabitants think of Hinkly as 'somewhere near the cities'.

Originally posted by Father Bronze:
My Aunt and Uncle live in Mora, MN. You might know where it is -- west of St. Cloud.

I'm coming up to the Twin Cities over the 4th of July for a wedding my wife is in. Her roommate from college is from St. Paul. My wife's grandmother lives in Cottage Grove. Yeah, I'm in Illinois, but I know a bit of the Minnesota life.
Nice to hear that you know of Minnesota some Father Bronze. I do LIKE Minnesota.. I just wish we weren't so FAR from civilization. My parents live in St. Paul. Is your wife from MN? Cottage Grove is a suburb of the Twin Cities... and yes, I do know where Mora is. Small world eh?


Sometimes I think I
understand everything,
then I regain consciousness.

Happy Member of Fast Fourward.

[This message has been edited by bilqis (edited 05-10-2001).]
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Old 05-10-2001, 10:19 PM   #54

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I thought I would use this thread of yours to tell you that I grew up in a metal/wood shop and had a beautiful shop of my own in AZ before I came to Texas in '99. I make cabinets, frames, CD Boxes, tool boxes, window awnings with cut-outs in them, and shelves just to name a few thangs.
Earlier this spring, Rex and I cleaned out his grandfather's garage (neglected for over thirty years) and found a fantastic shop underneath the rubble minus the tools. We have since bought a jigsaw, a cirular saw, a hand saw, some saw horses and a variety of hammers, screw drivewrs, wrenches, nails, screws, nuts & bolts for future projects. We bought some wood to repair the front of the house with and to make our new puppy a dog house. The dog house is done, the front of the house is waiting on me to finish the windows and start painting trim.
I am waiting on a free weekend when we can get some wood to make new window awnings for the house. I have to finish re-glazing and painting the window frames first though! (I hate slow-going projects and the particular window I am working on has 16 panes of glass and is set behind some thorny ferns lol).
Just so you know, I am not all pouts and batting eyelashes LOL!


Old 05-10-2001, 10:35 PM   #55

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I knew there was something deeper (to both you and Cloudy). Your chiding is not mindless and thus reflects a deeper character. I am very much looking forward to getting to know you as well as everyone else on this board. If I ever start to make you feel bad with my quips or if you notice that I do this to anyone else, please let me know. I would never do this intentionally.

On a completely different topic; wood? Remodeling? I am completely impressed. We are also in the process of restoring a house (a 1948 1 1/2 story). And boy does it need work. Tonight I am routering my second fluted column to cap off some toung and grove wainscoating (sp?) I have put up in the kitchen.

I would like to hear of any tricks you discover or any frustrations you have with the remodel. Or if you would just like to talk in depth about a project, I'll listen.

Do you two have a basement? If so have you tried waterproofing it?

P.S. What kind of dog do you have? No let me guess! A Lab?!? Go on congratulate me.

[This message has been edited by onthepequod (edited 05-10-2001).]
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Old 05-11-2001, 12:16 AM   #56

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Thank you for your kind words! I too look forward to getting to know you better and you can believe me when I tell you if you ever offend me, you will certainly hear from me about it! I am generally an easy going and way too mellow woman LOL and it really takes a lot to hurt my feelings or make me angry. I might make the mistake myself in the way I kid so please, if there are ever any misunderstandings, don't hestitate to correct or reprimand me.

Wood Ah yes, the smell of fresh cut wood...takes me back to childhood days of hanging out in my daddy's cabinet shop building chairs with a tiny hammer out of scraps so that I could sit somewhere besides on the floor to watch him work.
He taught me alot, as did friends I acquired as I grew up and old and I do a little electrical and plumbing as well. My claim to fame (LOL) is having torn a bathroom out (throwing toilet and tub out into the yard, the sink, walls and floor into the trash and starting from scratch, building it back from the ground up. It turned out beautifully and as professional looking as if I had hired a contractor and a plumber to do it for me. Pedestal sink, white walls with tiny pink and teal flowers in the panels, pink trim, pink bath accessories (shower curtain and such), brass fixtures and brass trimmed mirrors, it was really pretty! Took a little over three weeks with me working a full time job + Saturdays at the time.
I have never done any tongue in groove but I can certainly picture it done in here! The ceilings in the front room and dining room have exposed beams and paneled paneling, hmmmmm
The house I live in and work at right now was built in the thirty's. Brick with paneling covered walls, there is not a lot I can do to improve on it beyond renewing the paneling, updating the (original) wiring and repainting the exterior although one of the two bathrooms is just waiting for me to get the go ahead on the demolition process The new shower unit sits in the garage just whining to be put in heh heh heh.
A router is next on the "to buy" list for the shop! I want to play!!! Right now, projects are just straight-up wood cuts and nails LOL!
There is no basement here but I think I know who to come to if I ever have to water proof one, am I right?
Our new puppy Hercules (I pronounce it Hercooleze) lol looks like a German Shephard/Pitbull mix. He is a 12 week old stray I picked up last week and we'll never know for sure exactly what he is but I took a pic of him the day we got him and he looked so much like the RCA dog, I had to put the pic on my webpage for easy posting LOL! Here he is:

We also have two twelve or thirteen year-old "throw away" dogs that have been here just over eleven years. Sisters, one looks like a black lab (CONGRATULATIONS! ) and the other resembles a collie. Funny that they should be blood sisters and look so different, I thought that only happened with cats

Well it is past my bedtime again and I have certainly written you an eye full lol so I will let you go and I am off to bed.
Goodnight, Sweet Dreams and I'll see you tomorrow!



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Old 05-11-2001, 01:31 AM   #57

Join Date: April 6, 2001
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Wow, your house sounds gorgeous. Have any pictures?

Plumbing and electrical (be careful)? Now I am overwhelmed with awe.

Speaking of plumbing and electrical, somewhere in the middle of our kitchen remodel I installed the sink, plumbed it, installed the garbage disposal, and hard wired and plumbed in the dishwasher. When I finished everything looked great! I even used chrome plumbing for asthetics.

However, there was one minor issue; the garbage disposal was attached to one side of the sink with an drain pipe T-ing into the drain pipe coming from the other side of the sink. The T fitting that joined the two had a slight downward curvature (a slight baffle) in the middle to encourage all drain water downward into the gooseneck.

Oh, did I mention that our new garbage disposal is 3/4 hp (not a great amount of power but enough to suck water through it and into the drain pipe at a high rate of speed.

Furthermore, at that time we were having sink exhaust issues, causing our sink to back up to the point of having a couple inches of standing water in the basin.

Another important point to note, is that the disposal switch is on the opposite side of the sink from the disposal itself.

Well after I finished the job, I ran a little water into the disposal flipped the switch and....everything worked like a charm. I check every fitting and could find no leaks. At this point I was very happy with my work.

About thirty minutes later, after my wife had been using the sink for a while, she advised me that the disposal side was backing up. I told her, this was not a problem, I was aware of it, and would have it fixed shortly. I also mentioned, that if she flipped on the disposal it would force the sink to drain. Armed with this information and having no reason to distrust my advice (at least up until this point) she leaned across the side of the sink opposite the disposal and flipped the switch. Just as I had said, the disposal drained the sink. However, since the T fitting had only a slight baffle the water was not encouraged in the least to go down into the gooseneck but instead proceeded across into the other drain pipe and up out of the opposite side of the sink. Yeah, that would be the side of the sink my wife was leaning across. More specifically her face was directly above the drain. FYI, 3/4 hp can shoot water up out of a drain at a decent velocity. Good thing she has a sense of humor.

Within a week I had replace the T fitting and everything works perfectly now.

BTW, that's a good looking pup!

[This message has been edited by onthepequod (edited 05-11-2001).]
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Old 05-11-2001, 01:38 AM   #58
Gold Dragon

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every body nedds a drnk


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Old 05-11-2001, 09:36 AM   #59

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LMBO, that dishwasher story is hilarious! I am glad for you that your wife has a sense of humor! Thanks for sharing it!

I have no pics of the bathroom I did. ;( I forgot to mention that it was the bathroom in my home in AZ and when I left here, I left my son with the house and he sold it (which was fine with me, it was old and half torn apart from the remodeling I left undone when I left). He is a born skateboarder, never had the desire to learn from me what I know and would never have finished the house himself.

I am taking pictures of the work I do in and around this place. I forgot to take before pics of the over 100 large lawn bags of debris in the form of dead vines that had accumulated over many years, covering fences and almost killing trees. It took me almost two months to clear the property of it all! I do have this one though LOL...the tree underneath is just a hackberry and since it lost all the limbs you see in this pic due to strangulation by Queen's Crown Vines, we are considering cutting it down, driving an iron nail into the center (that will kill it right?) and slapping a small tabletop onto it and a couple of chairs next to it. (This pic does nothing to show the severity of the dead vines that weighed down the fences around the whole lot!) That dark area in the right background that looks like it could be a fence is, lol, covered in dead vines two feet thick!

A Deck project built around a a big old (long dead) oak stump is first in line though so that I have something to go on when it comes to paving paths and adding garden areas for foliage. The Oak stump is going to get a big tabletop and umbrella. That is being saved for after the window and trim painting projects that hang around here in limbo waiting on me to finish them (it has been raining every evening since Sat. or Sunday, but that is all done with no, no more excuses for slacking!) Years from now, there will be added shade to the deck from at least one of the two magnolia trees we just planted recently.
: )

Glad you like my pup! Have you clicked on my profile and checked out some of the cats? I need to update that page since I have pics now of the three not shown!
Ah, well, I need to get back to my morning chores around here. You know I will stop in later though! See you sometime!



[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 05-11-2001).]
Old 05-11-2001, 10:24 AM   #60
Father Bronze
Baaz Draconian

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Originally posted by bilqis:
Nice to hear that you know of Minnesota some Father Bronze. I do LIKE Minnesota.. I just wish we weren't so FAR from civilization. My parents live in St. Paul. Is your wife from MN? Cottage Grove is a suburb of the Twin Cities... and yes, I do know where Mora is. Small world eh?

No. My wife and I are both from Madison, WI. We both have Minnesota relatives though.

Yes. Small world. Does Brainerd have a Pizza Hut? On trips to visit our grandparents in Arkansas, my brother and I always guaged the level of civilization on whether the town had a Pizza Hut or not.


Most Subtle Official Straightman of the Laughing Hyenas -- Grammarian Brigade.
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