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Old 09-12-2001, 03:24 PM   #141
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Neb stands up and says "Since I've got nothing better to do I'll go with you."

Worshipper of Tiax.

Wielder of the ancient Lawyer spells.

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Ally of the Fluffy Queen and the Dreaded Red Fluffy
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Old 09-13-2001, 01:16 AM   #142
Red Wizard of Thay

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OOC: Been out for explainable reasons. Now, what are we doin'?


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General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else. But from that day forward, mothers would tell their kittens that if they were not good, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him.
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Old 09-13-2001, 03:35 AM   #143
Jack Burton

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What we're doing is trying to close the Ancient Cartoon Heroes Portal, at least, that's what I'm doing..

I am committed to restore your faith in extreme violence...

Overlord Executioner, Slayer of Fluffed Beings
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Old 09-13-2001, 01:50 PM   #144
Lord Shield

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I'm leading a group to rescue Lord Flash who thinks he's going to be recruited by Lord Sword

Link is doing something weird with a cartoon heroes portal

I think you and 2 others were aftre an Adamantium sword that was last heard of in a mage's tower but is more likely in the clutches of Lord Sword's forces

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site
Old 09-13-2001, 04:21 PM   #145
Ace Flashheart

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The first thing that strikes most visiters of the central palace that dominates Evil Isle is the stark contrast between the genral surroundings and the intirior of the palace grounds. While outside, massive legions of undead and deamons compeat for power over the lesser beings of this relm, the only army that inhabits the palace is the orginised teams of elven gardeners, slaving away to insure the perfection of the rare and exotic plantlife that was abundant throughout the hallways.

Legand says, though LF had never witnessed it in person (the gardeners chosen being some of the most talented of their kind spanning an era of 4000 years), that whenever a petal in the garden is crushed, the perpitrator of the distruction has the effects of his mistake reverbirated back unto them a thousand times over.

This, amongst other things, was contimplated on my the wandering mind of the anti-paladin who was currently following the elven souceress Delphie towards the throne room of the massive complex.

"YOU RELISE THAT THIS CAN'T POSIBLY END WELL.", said the demonic representation of the warrior's inner evil.

"The boss isn't going to be pleased that you left Delphie all on her own.", interjected the horned figure of LF that represented his only *moderatly* evil side.

"That's not entirely true... she left me, not the other way round."


"Um.... No he probally won't. He does get quite sentimental when he thinks his little sister might have been in danger.", the knot of tension in LF's stomach tightning with each step he took towards ornate throne room doors that he was slowly closing on.

Delphie shot an annoyed glance over her back at the black knight.

"Stop talking to yourself, it makes you seem even more of a bafoon that you already are."


Taking long strides up to the door, the elf placed her hands on one of the many intricate symbols decorating the mantle, in a second it began to glow a eriee blue light and the doors flew open.

The trone room was sparse compared to the rest of the palace, simple gold etchings on the sides of the walls were the only decoration, minus the great many beutifull plants that wove around the sides of the room, roots joining together in the centre to form the throne in which a single figure was sitting admiring the patten on a leaf that had sprouted from the side of his throne.

"Incredible isn't it, despite the reassurence of over a hundred of the most talented elven woodsmen, botanists and royal gardeners that I would never have to suffer the indignity of leaves sprouting from my throne again, I sit here now totally perplexed as to how, for the third time in two weeks, a sprig has sprouted from my arm rest.", the elf had now stood up and was walking towards the duo.

"This is why, in my infinate wisdom, I have allowed the gardeners to remove the enchantments that prevent the growth of leaves on the branchs of my throne. Take note both of you, this teachs us an important lessson: some things, such as nature, can never be beaten, no matter how hard you try. Now *Lord* Flashheart, can you tell me another thing that should never be fought against?"

Before he could even open his mouth the blow was struck, the elf from the throne striking so quickly that the anti-paladin could barely see the movement of his hand through the air. While the blow itself was little mre than a light slap, it hit with more force than a dozen war hammers, sending the warrior skidding across the floor of the throne room, his body barely missing a flower bed instead ramming head first into a marble pillar.

"Nice shot", commented Delphie who was casually slouched across the frame of the throne.

Wiping a thin tricle of blood off his visor, the black clad knight ran his fingers over the polished floor, it must have been cleaned recently, he guessed the last visitor to the throne room had created a great deal more blood.

Walking over to a struggling LF the elven man delivered a sharp kick to the ribs of the anti-paladin.

"Now Ace, why do you think I had to punish you? Was it because you allowed my sister to be left alone in a stinking goblin infested tunnel for 2 weeks? Maybe it is because her staff is still missing despite your misson to find (I won't mention the highly suspicious circumstances surrounding that whole incident)? Again maybe it is because, when I grant you a boon in the form of allowing you to aquire possesion of a pair of *extreamly* valuble dwarven rune axes, you get into a fight with the seasoned veteran thief I send to accompany you, get into a drunken argument and end up killing him? Prehaps I am annoyed that you managed to hire the *single* most totally inept theif in the known universe to compleat the job, who of course botchs the job, making you no.1 most wanted in all dwarven cities... well *everywhere* really which has serious ramification with all of my relations with dwarven delgates in my island (there was a riot, It's a shame you wern't there I was tempted to throw you to them just to see what would happen)... No."

"The answer, is that your pathetic mewings outside the front of my base of operatons have alerted the old one known as Lord Shield who owns the establishment that you arrived in, which could possibly ruin months of planning and more importantly screw up the *single* best chance I have of leaving this STINKING HELLHOLE FOREVER!!!", the elf was shouting now, his muscles bulging and veins sticking out on his forehead as he repeatedly smashed the knight's head into the floor sending a shower of sparks, blood and marble chips covering the floor.

Composing himself and brushing a few specs of marble dust off his clothes the elf turned to his sibling.

"Wonderfull, look what you made me do. Delphie, would you call the servents and the magus to clean the place up."

"Yes brother.", tearing away from the image of a bruised and bleading LF lying lifeless on the floor she half ran half walked towards the exit.

Struggling to his feet and trying to wipe the blood from his eyes without actually removing his helmet.

"I apologise, i had no idea that something so important was happening here, Lord Muro if there is anything I can do to..."

"NO. That will come later, you've taken your punishment without comlaint and I respect that. Despite my sister's low opinion of you and your... numerous failings, you have proven yourself in the past to be quite resoucefull and a powefull addition to my forces. I'm that guessing that since you are here and not swilling beer in the old one's bar that you have discovered the power source we installed in the robots sent after you and the other patrons."

"I imagine you have many questions you want to ask.", continued the elequent elven Lord, "and i will answer the most obvious. Yes, we are helping lord sword improve the technology of his robot armies. "

"Lord Sword... he promised to make you an old one didn't he?"

"Yes, very astute. Of course we will have to help him defeat his brother the venerable Lord Shield first, which has been made more difficult now that he is alerted to our presence."

"But, how can you destoy an old one, they are almost as powerfull as the gods themselves."

"I can't defeat him, only Lord Sword can, however since I am stil technically mortal he cannot interfear directly against me which gives me an advantage that Lord Sword doesn't have. I have the power to defeat any of Lord Shields mortal avatars, and with our enhancements to Sword's robots hopefully the tide of this war will be shifted. We can keep Lord Shield trapped here indefinatly while Lord Sword re-atains his position amongst the old one's, and Lord Sheild will not be able to use his godly powers against me."

"And then Lord Sword sponsers you to become an old one and allowing you to leave Evil Isle."

"Correct. Unfortunatly Lord Shield's ability to detect your internal conflict has given away our position behind the wall of disguise", Lord Muro's hand pointed out of the skylight at the shimmering barrier that surrounded the island, "this complicates things as he will undoubtably attempt to prempt our attack and rescue you from the clutches of *evil*.", Lord Muro smirked at this," He doesn't even know it's me, in fact he thinks the malevolent force he is detecting is Sword himself. A step up in the world when people mistake you for an old one."

"So where do I fit in.", questioned the warrior.

"You are going to be my lure to draw his avatar's here, you will also be in charge of defending the island and, if you have the time, retriving a very special object for me. A powerful sword created by a mage over three hundred years ago. It is enchanted to destroy all evil infulences over time and space which makes it a potential threat to me. The tower it is kept in is enchanted against all non-elves though I am sure I have the appropriate magical item somewhere." said the elf, reaching into his belt to retrieve a thin band of gold that could, in a pinch, fit around the anti-paladin's wrist.

"Track down these Item's for me Flashheart, I won't tolerate another failure from you... if you need help I have assigned agents X015, the robot and Yai'k La the Mind Flayer to work with you, they already have the equipment they need."

"I won't let you down.", replied LF briskly, turning quickly to make his way out of the chamber. Stepping onto the teleporter all that was left to do was let out a long, drawn out sigh...

OOC: Proof reading... still bound to have sp... brain melted... apology for extended post, must create story... going to watch duckman now.
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Old 09-13-2001, 04:38 PM   #146
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(OOC: Ooooh! A plot! How exciting! I'm going to have to create a couple of extra characters to aid Kivan on this one!)

Kivan was packing food and equipment for the quest when a portal appeared besides him, two people stepped out of the portal, one was an elf, with red hair, VERY red hair, wearing a chainmail shirt and armed with large two-handed sword, the second LOOKED like an elf, but there were subtle differences, such as the fact that she had more muscles than most elves, and the slightly unusual shade of blue which was present on her skin in some places, she moved with the grace and stealth of an experienced thief while he looked like a warrior.

Kivan raised his head and said "Hello, Nebucadnezzar and Sacharissa, I wasn't expecting you two to drop in, I'm about to go off on a quest so you will have to tell me how things are going in Dromor at a later time," the elven woman called Sacharissa thought for a few seconds and then said "Hmmm, I'd planned to rest for a few days after our latest adventure but it seems as though you're going to be needing our help, any quest that could be undertaken in this dismal plane is sure to be a difficult one, Bendacu and Siria are delayed due to an unfortunate encounter with a red dragon, but they should be here in a week or so, meanwhile, we shall travel with you, and your friends if they are accompanying you," Kivan looked pleased at the prospect of travelling with two of his old friends and said "The leader of the expedition is the Old One over there" Sacharissa and Razzendacuben(From now on referred to as: Rissa and Ben) looked surprised, but didn't ask any questions, "We'll be leaving in a few hours I suspect, you had better prepare."

(OOC: Rissa and Ben are two new characters that will be travelling with Kivan until Neb and the other two return, Rissa is a thief who also has considerable warrior skills and Ben is just a normal warrior.)

Worshipper of Tiax.

Wielder of the ancient Lawyer spells.

Member of the HADB clan.

Ally of the Fluffy Queen and the Dreaded Red Fluffy
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Old 09-13-2001, 05:06 PM   #147

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OOC: Am I correct in guessing that the sword mentioned by Lord Muro is the sword Liliara is looking for?

IC: Encard thinks for a moment, then begins taking various rings, amulets, and bracelets from his bag. He thinks for another moment, put them back in his bag, casts an unidentifiable spell, thinks a moment more, takes out those pieces of jewelery and some others, and puts them on. he is surrounded by several glowing auras and a few twinkling lights for a few moments, and then looks fairly normal again, except for something no one can quite figure out. He then takes his sword from his from his bag, straps it on, checks for any problems with his other items, mumbles several spells over them, checks the wands hanging from his belt for easy reachability, and then looks ready to go.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...
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Old 09-13-2001, 05:21 PM   #148
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

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Shade shifts his looks towards Liliara. "And we will be departing when? I grow weary of the countless hours we spend here, waiting for this Mage! Why must we wait?!" The Assassin walks towards the door, motioning the other two to follow. "Forget him, we will not be in need of any magic on this quest. I know the routes, and my expertise with dealing with hostile creatures is more than enough to keep us alive." The Elf reaches the door, and grasps his hand on the handle. "I will be outside, do not delay our embarkment for much longer." When he is finished directed his words to his fellow adventurers, he opens the door and steps out.
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Old 09-13-2001, 08:36 PM   #149
Ace Flashheart

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OOC: No-one is posting Oh well better hit the hey (it's 1.30 am here).
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Old 09-14-2001, 05:16 AM   #150
Jack Burton

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*breathes heavily, after beating back Liono from the Thundercats, and closing the portal*
"Phew! That was pretty hard! Wonder why no one helped me..." Link looks around and sees that no one is indeed posting new ideas, except for Ace Flashheart who did indeed post an interesting new story.. Link assembles his gear (Mithril +5 Sword called Blade, Armour of Deep Night +7, Bracers of Defense AC 2, and of course his loyal dog Asx'ced, who will always help him in battle.

I am committed to restore your faith in extreme violence...

Overlord Executioner, Slayer of Fluffed Beings
Member of Clan HADB
Supreme Warrior of Myst
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