A |
B |
The Copper Cup
is another famous Bar, but famous for all the wrong
reasons. Fights break out nearly every night.
Barkeep Owner, even keeps steel in
hand, ready for some drunken dolt to attack him.
Waterdavian Guardsmen are often called to either
jail an offender, or making them leave.
Here, you will find good Beers and Wines. The Food
is somewhat bland, but that is to be expected at a
class bar. Just don't tell Damon! If you decide to enter this Tavern,
steel at the ready, and a keen eye
to Enlarge]
because not
only do you have
to worry about being attacked,
you could also be robbed, as well!.
as of Version 1.93]
C |

to Enlarge]
Voos' Magical
a great little shop that sells all kinds of Magical
items that are hard to find elsewhere. Voo also
sells rare and unique items from time to time!
D |
These are common
that sell foods, breads and other items of
consumption. You may also see a few Markets selling
building supplies--wood, oak planks, rope and other
E |
Halls of Justice
is a place of
Worship for Tyr.
Also know as the
of Tyr.
You will find Tyr's worshippers here. In a future
update, you will be able to become a Paladin of Tyr
through good deeds. Only Lawful Good will be allowed
to embark on this coming Quest. [New
as of Version 1.93]
F |
Temple of
is again, a place of worship for the God Waukeen.
Here, you can visit the worshippers and make a
donation. In a future update, you will be able to
become a worshipper of Waukeen yourself!
as of Version 1.93]
G |

to Enlarge]
The Library of
is a place of Worship for the followers of the God
Oghma. Oghma is the the Lord of Knowledge, Binder of
what is known, is the Neutral Greater power of
Bards, Inspiration, Invention, and Knowledge, in Faerun.
This Library has a few of Oghma's
reading and praying. A
Thief can rob the place, and move closer to an evil
alignment. You can also
Donate gold to the Church of Oghma if you wish.
Soon, in a future update, you will be able to join
the Monks, and become a Worshipper
of Oghma,
complete with matching robes!
H |
Guild of
is a secretive Guild that worships Mask, the God of
Thieves. You will soon be able to join this Guild in
an upcoming Update too!
as of Version 1.93]
I |
Festhall is
where large Parties take place from time to time. In
a future update, we will have something rather
interesting for this place.
as of Version 1.93]
J |
Small-time merchant that sells illegal items. [New
as of Version 1.93] |
K |
Pens for Market Animals. These are of no use besides
looks. The animals cannot be killed, so don't even
try! :)
L |
Hearthstone's Armory
is one of the best places to go to buy and sell
Armor for yourself. You can also forge your own
items if you have the skills for it!
M |

to Enlarge]
This very
secretive place is where Elaith Craulnobur's
are sold. Either you are lucky enough to find this
place, or you learn of it's location through those
that know, its a great place to buy some extremely
neat items. Elaith does charge crazy prices, but in
the long run, it's worth it.
If you do stumble into his massive warehouse and
store/bar, you may be attacked by Elaith's Guards.
The best way to find His store is to follow one of
his runners who can be found near Waterdeep's
Docks and
Elaith also has an escape
door.. er, should I say, a back door into his store,
which can be found down in the Waterdeep's
as of Version 1.93]
N |
Pelauvir's General
has something for everyone.
sells all types of
items that can be found all over Waterdeep. He may
have a few rare items, but nothing crazy. His
pull-in is his prices. He has some of the best
prices in the City.
is where you will start, in this building,
called the Yawning
Portal Inn and Tavern!
It is packed with loads of NPC's you can
talk with.
(Which is recommended, because some
of them give clues and quests to future
levels in Undermountain)
You will want to talk with Durnan each time
you load in, because he has a ton of great
items to sell, and his store is dynamic--meaning
a lower level player will see items for that
level of playing. The higher the level you
are, the better and deadlier the items are.
Yawning Portal
is probably the most famous Tavern in
Waterdeep. The main reason is that it is
home to the entrance to Undermountain, via
the Water well that is in the center of the
room inside! You will need to pay 1g
to enter the water well, and 1g
to |

to Enlarge]
the well coming up.
You will visit the Yawning Portal probably
the most, out of any other building or
Dungeon. Also, Durnan will buy your items
and junk you have collected in
Undermountain, so you can make some gold
For More information on the Yawning Portal,
visit the page for it Here.
P |

are a bunch of Sewer
all over the Dock ward, and each one connects to the
The Sewers also correspond to where you enter them.
They match the Dock wards streets pretty much.
Beware though, some sewer entrances you will need to
enter above ground to get to underground. (One
of Which is a treasure chest)
The Waterdeep
inhabited to be sure. Many years ago, a Beholder
named Xanathar
occupied the Waterdavian sewers, as well as Drow,
and many other nasty Monsters. Be ready for Oozes
and Sewer Spiders on this first level of the
sewers. There are also secret back entrances to both
(Which has been reopened) and Elaith Craulnobur's
ship will be opened if a future update, and will
connect to a brand new island. Or maybe the Chult
in Version 1.93c]
large Boat will soon be opened in an upcoming
update, and will take you to the Isle of Twilight.
This is going to be a really great place to visit!
in Version 1.93a]
to Enlarge]
is one of the main exits from Waterdeep, and These
exit to the Tradeway road, which is a good area for
lower level players to fight creatures and get XP.
The Tradeway Also goes to the Trollmoor
and the Tradeway
and South. (The Tradeway road runs for hundreds of
miles north to south, and is one of Faeruns main
trade routes!

to Enlarge]
are the Gates to Waterdeep's Castle
Inside the Castle
are more shops, which are higher end. The wealthy
live in this ward, and this ward is home to Castle
Waterdeep where the Lords of Waterdeep meet
and discuss the City's business and issues.

Waterdeep Guard Recruiters
Guild is
where you can go to get a job, and become a
Waterdavian Guard for a time. The Quest is to find
guard the streets from Xanathar Thieves. Once you
kill 10 of these Thieves, you will need to return to
the Guard's Guild and receive your commendation and
quest XP.

to Enlarge]
The Carpenter
is out of lumber. He asks you to go out into the
Tradeway and bring back some lumber he has cut down
already. Once you do this, return with the Lumber to
the Carpenter,
and receive your Quest reward and XP. [New
as of Version 1.93]
are a few Small
homes a
player with a high lock picking skill can enter, and
rob these houses. Be warned, as you never know what
or who is inside at the time of robbery. (Thieves can pick their locks and rob
as of Version 1.93]
Xanathar Thieves
has sent out some lower level thieves to rob the
passers by of the Docks Ward. This relates to
another quest YOU
can take at the Guard
Recruiters Guild
to go after and kill these Thieves for a reward. The
"X" is where some of their ambush areas
Y |

to Enlarge]
Trollmoor Trolls Attack
Guards randomly at this location. Beware, if they
spawn on top of you, and you are not a high enough
level, RUN! If you are high enough level, go
ahead and wipe them out fast, because the Guards
have Arrows of Harm. (Gotta love those).
Z |

to Enlarge]
is Mirt the Money Lenders Mansion.
It was previously called the Waterdeep Castle,
but I later learned that the Waterdeep Castle is in
the Castle Ward. Mirt's
is very nice and spacious, he will lend you as much
money as you need, but he will take and some of your
XP points until you repay him. He will soon have
some Quests
players in a future update!
Tips &
Hints By Players
you have some tips for Waterdeep's Dock Ward Email
Ziroc_Ironworks |
Locations Fast |
say you want to get somewhere
the Sewers, and you don't want to wade through tons
of Monsters. What you can do, is walk to the closest
sewer entrance above on Waterdeep's Dock district,
and enter it from there, cutting your time down