March 2008
New Levels
Level 14 has opened, and Now Level 15 is about to open it's
doors as well! In a few days, You will see the new level, plus loads
of NEW Stores in Waterdeep, and other dungeons and
I am also working on adding MANY new quests for each
level of Undermountain, as well as redoing Level 6 and 7. Soon, there
will be Live Server events in which one faction of inhabitants will
take over another level of Undermountain for themselves. See how this
changes things....
New Website Update Coming
I'll be adding a load of new screenshots--who knows, maybe I have some
of YOU when I snapped them in invisible DM Mode! :)
Also, I'll be adding some hints and tips and special facts about
Undermountain some may have overlooked. Also, I'll be starting a guide
that'll show off the important players in Undermountain as well as the
Locales of importance.
Nov 2007
v1.3 Patch RELEASED!
EFU Patch 1.3 has been released! It has been broken up into two rar
files. You NEED both.
This patch also adds a different TLK file, so read the readme file
for directions on where to put it.
This patch includes even more custom
content designed by myself, and adds new tilesets, weapons, monster
models, and more.
v1.1 PATCH Released!
This is the first patch for
MASSIVE. It's filename is efu10_patch2.hak when unzipped. It is
required to play EFU. In the patch is new content, and bug/error
corrections, as well as some surprises!

2007 and
v1.0 Released!
After 14 Months, hundreds of hours of work, the brand NEW
Escape From Undermountain Hakpak is released!! If you can provide MIRROR sites, PM me on Ironworks
Forum please.
is large.
650MB. I have 2 versions of it for
download. A 'one big file' or a 'bunch of smaller files' to
download. Your choice, both will be the same.
Not only does this hak add nearly ALL
the best custom content from the most professional
modders, but I have created a substantial amount of custom
content myself. Tiles, Placeables, weapons, creatures, body parts,
icons and everything else! Over 1000 new placeables alone are in the
to be right after NWN 1.67 Patch!
Wow, it's finally nearing release! I have put so many hours -- 100's
of hours into this all new hak, and LOADS of it is custom made by
me--3D Models, and all. Expect this hakpak to change Undermountain
in many ways. The release will be a few days after the release of
the latest NWN Patch, which will be v1.67. And will also add new
stuff! I just need a few days to do last minute checks, and make
sure everything is working right, and after more than a year in
development, YOU get to enjoy this!
The Hakpak you
have been waiting for
is nearly here!
Over a YEAR in development, the brand new Hakpak for EfU is about to
be released! This will add the most new content to EfU ever! Many of
the new features have been created just for EfU, with new tilesets,
new monsters, items, icons, and 1000's of other amazing creations as
well, from all the best custom content Authors on NWN's IGN! Stay
tuned to this page, as the release is days away!
from Undermountain Portrait Pack Released
The Official
Escape from Undermountain Portrait Pack 1 has been released! It is
NOT necessary to have this to play EFU, but it is HIGHLY
recommended that you do. Each of these portraits have been
downloaded from IGN,
and I would like to thank each artist for these amazing
portraits--Only the best have been added, and they are amazing.
There are two flavors
(each the same). Download the all in one
which is 72MB, or for the dial-up people, I have split the huge file
into 10.5Mb and there are 8 files.
here to Download the Portrait Pack 1
Escape from Undermountain CEP
Hotfix Released
This fix will correct a bug with the human
female heads hak that the latest Neverwinter Nights Patch messed up.
Go to this thread in the EFU forum to download the patch!
New Preview
Page Added
I have added a new page to show you some
of the new content coming soon in the new custom hakpak I am working
on for EfU. On the left, click on the link "Upcoming Hakpak Preview
The New Elminster Model is almost
complete, and you can see a preview image of it on our
Escape from Undermountain Forum
There is a brand new
Portrait pack
for EfU! This is a recommended download, but it is optional. Most
people will download it, so you should snag it. :)
Also, for the last 4 Months, I have been creating my own custom content for a soon-to-be
released Hakpak for our Mod, EfU. It will add loads of brand new
monsters, plot NPC's, Icons for new gloves, boots, keys and weapons!
Also, there will be some new tilesets
which I didn't make. This Hakpak will be the single most important
Hakpak released for our mod, as it adds the needed content for the
main plotline I have in the works! Keep checking this site for the
release date!
21st, 2005
The entire 8th Level of
Undermountain has been totally reconstructed and redone! ALL New
monsters, and the Malarites now look tough now, and there are loads of
nice treasures to be found on that level for characters of level
16th, 2004
Added Khelben Blackstaff's
Teleporter Maze as well as 2 other new levels. Loads of NEW Weapons
June 26th, 2004
Sarvos NPC Quest and Kraken
Society Quests have been added to Skullport Level 3. More to come.
Read Full Article
June 24th, 2004
Undermountain Level 3 has been
completely replaced with a new, and much larger, and interactive
level. Full of intrigue, hidden quests, and secrets! We'll be adding
to it daily for many weeks as well!
Full Article
June 22nd, 2004
Added a load of new items--sets
items, unique items and others. I have also balanced the
treasure you find in the Yawning Portal Inn, and fixed a few Bugs that
popped up..