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Old 03-19-2001, 04:57 AM   #1
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Portland, OR USA
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I've been making noises about starting a story thread for a while now, so thought I should finally get around to it. Mine is one of my 'sketches', which are rough drafts sparked by the turn of a child's cheek, or an old woman struggling with a grocery cart, or any other thing my subconscience might pick out of the deluge of daily life. I've been doing these for years and this is the one I did today... I wanted to make it BGII related and even started one based on my current party, but since it wasn't 'sparked' it petered off and wouldn't have been very good anyway. My hope is that people will post their stories here for all of us to enjoy. The disclaimer being: THIS IS NOT A CRITIC'S CORNER... PLEASE SHARE AND DON'T WORRY IF YOU THINK YOUR'S ISN'T VERY GOOD. Most writers think their own stuff isn't any good, especially new ones, but I want you all to overcome this and share your work...

Well, garsh here's mine... I hope it's not too depressing!

Lu was shocked to see them all around her bed when she woke up. The unforgiving light making their faces stark, blotched with imperfection. She wasn't surprised at all to be in the hospital. She had known that she would end up here. But the feeling of trepidation at seeing them all here overcame her relief at even waking up at all.

This afternoon, when she first started to feel the pain in her chest... Was it this afternoon? Or yesterday? Or last week? She didn't know, only that the pain was gone and her discomfort now, other than what felt like a huge bandaid wrapped around her body and an IV needle in the back of her hand, was seeing her family looming above her like gross planets around a fluorescent sun. She quickly closed her eyes, not wanting them here... Wishing they would go away.

"Mother!" Rosco hissed, his whisper a jarring sound against the mechanical beeps and clicks and 'whooshings' of the ICU machines, "Aunt Lu just opened her eyes! I saw it!"

"Shush!" Rosilyn hissed back, and there was a muffled, "Thump!" that must've been her dear sweet sister whacking him on the head. "We're not supposed to wake her! She just got out of surgery, you stupid idiot!"

Ah, dear Roz, Lu thought, struggling to maintain her 'I just got out of surgery and I'm still unconscious' look when a scowl threatened to dispell it. She had always disliked Rosilyn, even when they were kids. Really, come to think of it, she disliked them all. Except her niece, Marcy, that was. And, of course the grand and great-grand nieces and nephews. Her guess was, that's where Marcy was... Stuck out in the lobby with all the kids!

"Mamma," Roscoe whispered again, "She's frowning! You think she's in pain?"

"Ssshhhh!" Rosilyn answered with another, "Thump!" Poor Roscoe. Really he wasn't so bad. The main thing she disliked about him was the fact that, even though he was in his forties now, he still put up with that kind of treatment from his mother!

Go away, she thought fiercely. GO AWAY! But they didn't. She didn't have to look to make sure. She could hear her brother Henry wheezing and SueAnne was cracking her knuckles. She didn't hear Bernie. He was the quiet one of the bunch... She decided Bernie wasn't so bad. They had been close as kids. Closer than she ever was to any of her other siblings, that is. And the nieces and nephews? Not! All except Marcy, that is.

Lu felt the tiniest twinge in her chest as she stiffled a sigh. Must be some pretty powerful pain-killer juice they're pumping into me if I just got out of surgery!

She was a little baffled by the heart-attack. Her doctor always gave her a 'thumbs up' on her ticker. She knew a lot about them, though. Her husband Milt had twelve before the last one finally killed him. Though that was seventeen years ago now, she still grieved for him. Every morning when she filled his squirrel-feeder, she weeped and berated herself for being a silly old woman! In a way, she realized, it was her fondness for him that had saved her life.

Stupid old toaster! She thought, and now had to keep the smile from reaching her face. She had been meaning to get a new one for years now because the stupid thing didn't pop up on it's own, but she couldn't bear to part with it because it was Milt's last anniversary present to her. Just like a man, she thought fondly, kitchen equipment for anniversary presents!

She had just laid out her new copy of Cosmopolitan and was going to glance through it while she waited to pop up her toast when the pain started. All she could do was go ahead and push down the lever before collapsing to the floor. Good thing it was sunny and she had all the windows open, and good thing Bernie had just come over last week to replace all the batteries in her smoke alarms (yah, she conceded, Bernie's not so bad).

Still, she had lain there in agony, choking on toast smoke and cringing at the high pitched squealing for what had seemed eons before the neighbors came through the back door and called an ambulance. Her last memory before succumbing to blackness was the handsome young paramedic tenderly brushing her hair from her face and placing an oxygen mask over her mouth. Maybe she would hang onto the stupid toaster after all!

"Folks?" A sweet young woman's voice said. Not one that she recognised. Must be the ICU nurse.

"Folks? You'll have to leave now. Visiting hours are over."

Yes! Lu thought, saying a little prayer of thanks to God or whoever. And a giggle finally broke through as her family was herded away.


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Old 03-19-2001, 05:27 AM   #2
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Portland, OR USA
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Ha! noelemaC! Thanks! Obviously she's too fiesty to give up and far braver than I would be in the same situation... As for the icky family, I don't know, as I'm very close to mine... Thanks for reading, now when are you gonna post one???

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Old 03-19-2001, 06:01 AM   #3
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

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Well what can I sy??

WOW is the first word though!

Very good, please continue this one!!!

hehe,this to prove you wrong!!



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Old 03-19-2001, 09:19 PM   #4
Symbol of Cyric

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Poor little story post is d r o w n i n g!

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Old 03-19-2001, 09:41 PM   #5
Symbol of Cyric

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Very good story LadyRae! I liked it.

I don't write at all. But I do read. So I hope others will post here too. This is a good idea. Maybe The.Relic will post something he's written here too?


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Old 03-19-2001, 09:51 PM   #6

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Dundee in Bonnie Scotland
Posts: 543
Just spotted this before I went to bed, glad I did! Superb stuff, hope there is more to come.


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Old 03-19-2001, 10:58 PM   #7
Red Dragon

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First and foremost this tale is dedicated to my lovely darling Princess LadyRae with whom I am admittedly smitten . If it were not for her affection and kind and gentle persistence, I would never have reposted the story that led up to this. Secondly this tale is dedicated to my very dear Draconia, radiant of the Dragons Realms, who's friendship means more to me than she will ever know. Hugs and smooches for you lovely friend.
This is a continuation of a tale that I previously reposted for my Princess, so some of the circumstances will not seem to bear significance to anything if you have not read the previous tale. This is also a rather dark tale, so I reccommend that you keep that in mind before you decide to read it, and I hope it will not be found offensive by anyone...

New hope and rebirth....At what cost?

Trel'ham wakened from a troubling dream, the cloying scent of fear was heavy in his chamber. Stifling the shivers that coursed through his body, he cast aside his apprehension, gathering his splendid raimants about himself. The air seemed heavy, different somehow, and he had trouble drawing breath. He placed the hand carved silver amulet with its strange burnished black orb as its centerpiece around his neck. It was the symbol of his Master's power and his station as head Chamberlain. His throat parched, Trel'ham took a sip of the stale dirty water from the bowl on his bedside table, before summoning the courage to unbolt his door and peer out into the dank torchlit hallway. His skin prickled and the hair on the back of his neck stood out as he cautiously left his room, making his way down the dim hall toward the descending worn stone staircase leading deep into the darker reccesses of his Master's lair. The dream had troubled him deeply, but he could recall no images, only a sinister malevolent presense reaching out, wrending him from his wretched slumber. Trel'ham could still feel its bone chilling embrace overpowering his mind, compelling him, he couldn't even be certain that his actions were even his own. He wanted to scream, he tried to scream, but the wail of fright was frozen in his constricted throat. he could only whimper as his numbed leaden feet drew him further down into darkness.

The cold blackness was receeding, being gradually disperced by a haze of grey swirling mist. Within the strands of serpentine fog, indistinct featureless images seemed to draw near and then fade away before the shapes could take form or be grasped before they were gone. What was this place? there was Only awareness....Awareness of what?

Much to Trel'ham's relief a trio of Demon Knights, his Master's bastion guard passed by seemingly unaware of his presense. Their ebony armor blending so well with the shadows that only the rustle of their equipment betrayed their passing. Trel'ham never wanted to be anywhere near these grotesque abominations. he had winessed the brutal rampages of these heartless, souless monsters while his Master looked on with morbid fascination and ferile benevolent approval. Unable to resist, Trel'ham finally came to a damp algae covered block wall whose offset flagstones were undulating and shimmering from a source of internal light. It was like looking at a calm pond after casting a stone into it beneath a full moon floating in a coal black sky. The walls rippling effect became more pronounced and searing bright light pierced its center, spiraling outward like the arms of the galaxies of stars that were beyond human sight, which his Master had shown him. Its turbulent pulsating surface seemed to draw inward on itself into a single burnished black point bearing an uncanny resemblance to the stone embedded in the medallion on his chest which he absentmindedly carressed with a trembling hand. The onyx orb expanded and the portion of the wall before him became opaque, then translucent, revealing an interior ward that Trel'ham had never known existed. The portal opened suddenly, its stone lined edges seemingly made of churning liquid.
"I wouldn't touch that"! A faint powerful voice echoed within his skull with a rumbling force that filled him with dread. Trel'ham thrust his hand back down to his side, having been a mere hands breadth from touching the stones turgid fluid like rim. "Unless of course, you have no further need of that appendage". Cold hard laughter clutched his bowels like a vice, nearly causing his bladder to fail him.
"Took you long enough"! His Master's voice was deep and resonant, carrying with it a quality that never ceased to inspire fear and intimidation. "Come now, don't be timid. I'm in a condescending mood tonight and I want you to witness this"! Trel'hams's Master was standing in the center of the oddly shaped chamber with his back towards his Chamberlain. Well he wasn't axactly standing, it was more like he was floating just above the polished floor, the toes of his boots not quite touching the intricate patterns engraved in its glazed surface. His arms were outstretched and his long white streaked raven black hair was feathered out, as if fluttering in a strong breeze that didn't exist. The golden clasp that normally bound it into a long ponytail lay in a smoldering bubbling pool beneath his feet. Tendrils of sparkling energy writhed and slithered, arcing along the contours of his body while serpentine tongues of flame skittered along his torso and limbs, but did not consume him. As if compelled by some unseen force Trel'ham entered the chamber, moving toward his Master. He was immediately overwhelmed by the presence and steanch of death, and the oppressive ferile energy which charged the air. Gruesome carved statues lined the walls, serving as pillars supporting a high vaulted ceiling. A magnificently hewn alter stood before the Master, upon which lay a corpse, mangled beyond recongition.
As his master chanted in some strange dialect that Trel'ham had never heard, he watched in utter disbelief and awe inspired contrition as the twisted limbs realigned themselves. Exposed, crushed and shattered bones knit themselves back together, and torn and severed tendons and ligaments rejoined. He watched as shredded flesh repaired itself, leaving no scars, and before him lay the body of a beautiful woman.
"Surely the damage is beyond even the capabilities of a Greater Restoration spell my Master"? He inquired reverantly, "Not even a Ressurrection spell could restore her life".
"Ahhh... There is a spark of intelligence within even your simple mind", his Master stated matter of factly. "I thought so".
Trel'ham nearly piddled himself with glee, this was high praise, high praise indeed and he basked in the safisfaction that his Master's compliment had given him.
"You're quite right you know. Unfortunately, much darker and less widely known powers are required to bring her back". Trel'ham had never heard these tones in his Master's voice before. "But it is a price that she and I must pay, to give her back her life"! Though barely audible, his Master's voice was full of passion, remorse, and resignation. Before Trel'ham could ask who the lovely maiden had been, his Master began uttering strange gutteral incantations in another unfamiliar language.

There were other disembodied awarenesses here, among the swirling fog and mists. Vague memories and reccolections. A hazy, shifting almost recongnizable shape formed, and awareness felt love for it. "Love", awareness considered, strange and yet, familiar. The more awareness concentrated on love, the more the image that awareness was focusing on took on shape and then features. Yes, love was definately associated with this vaporial figure, so she concentrated even harder on bringing this form to clarity. "Hmmm...", awareness refferred to itself as "She", there was no puzzlement this time. She knew that She was, and that She loved this evolving image. It was a handsome being, but it seemed to be encased in some sort of shiny substance. The being smiled at her. She knew that She was strong and powerful, but that smile from this being made her feel... weak... vulnerable... pleasure... need... The sensations flooding her awareness were wonderful, even somewhat scary... But She knew that She truly loved this being.

The ghoulish effigies engraved in the floor began to glow as Gael'eSin's booming basso voice rose higher and higher. Trel'ham was certain beyond any doubt, that his Master was uttering incantations in at least four different tongues and dialects simultaneously, even though he knew that such a thing was impossible. The efficacy of the highy charged energy streams and the intense heat from the flames that engulfed his Master but did not harm him drove Trel'ham back against a wall. Shadowy wraiths rose up out of the glowing engravings on the surface of the polished flagstones surrounding the alter, enveloping the lovely nubile woman who lay upon it. After a few moments her body began to tremble, and Trel'ham mashed his fists against his ears as his Master's voice rose to a painful crescendo. The blazing enery and flame that ensconced Gael'eSin coalesced, arching forward, striking the woman just above and between her breasts, flaring outward, forming a shimmering cacoon around her. Muscles spasming, her hands clenched into fists, and her feet and toes flexing against the padded bonds that secured her to the alter, she lunged violently upward. Trel'ham feared that the maidens spine would snap in two as she hung, seemingly suspened in the air above the alter with only her bonds binding her to terra firma. Finally her chest heaved as she drew in breath and then eyes wide and seeing, she exhaled with a wail that seemed to last an eternity before sagging down on the alter exhausted and alive.
Gael'eSin slumped to his knees having expended nearly all of his considerable powers accomplishing the complex sequence of long lost and forbidden spells. Alarmed, Trel'ham tore his eyes away from the lovely sleeping woman, rushing to his Master's side.
"Don't worry about me you simpering rodent", Gael'eSin croaked. "Cover her quickly and release her bonds"! Trel'ham hurriedly did his Master's bidding. By the time that he had finished unfastening the straps that had bound her wrists and ankles securely, Gael'eSin was already carefully lifting her up in his arms and making his way toward the portal.
"Come along, we have much to do"! Trel'ham was amazed at his Master's recuperative abilities as he hurried to catch up with him. The portal closed behind them as they passed through, seeming just like any other section of the wall. Trel'ham had the feeling that he wouldn't want to have been in the way when the portal was deactivating.
"And before you annoy me with your prattling, she is my daughter"! The revelation was staggering to Trel'ham.
"And the fool responsible for her death will pay"! Gael'eSin's voice was barely a livid whisper, laced with horrible menace, and dripping with venom. "Dearly"!

The image began to change shape, grieving, her awareness reached out to grasp it as it resolidified. She experienced joy when She realized that He was still there, but something was not right. He was lying down, sort of, and the smile that lit up her awareness was gone. He seemed injured... anguished... in pain... Something was protruding from the side of his shiny shell... no, armor, it was armor... The thick curved hook was pinning him down and there was red around the place where it was sticking in. She ached inside terribly because of this and She gazed deeply into his eyes, startled to realize that He too was gazing into hers at that precise moment. She knew now that She had not been alone, and that He loved her dearly as well, but He had been afraid to tell her so. Memories began flooding into her awareness, and She new that She needed to get back to him, but how could She? She remembered a violent battle... Her love struck down but still alive... There had been a terrible pressure, a weight that seemed to be crushing her, and they could not help each other... Only gaze lovingly into each others eyes.
She knew that She had a name... it was... it... seemed like music when he spoke it... Yes it... Her name is Sav... Something was pulling her... Dragging her away... Nooooooo... She screamed out in the silence... My love... My name... Is Sav... but it was gone, as he was gone, like the wispy mists. She was plummeting through a dark abyss, then as if passing through a shroud, She could see into a strange, dimly lit room. There was a man there, wreathed in fire and lightning. He stood before an alter of some kind, and on the alter lay the body of a beautiful woman. Her body... She, knew it, as she passed into it. Then there was pain, indescribable pain, but she knew that she was whole again before she fell asleep.

Waking from a fitful slumber, Ceer'Ghan rose up thrashing in his bed screaming, "Saavoooniaaa....Savonia"! He had felt her, he knew that she had been here.
Smitten by

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Old 03-19-2001, 11:09 PM   #8
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Long Beach, CA. USA
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Oh my sweet darling Princess, that is absolutely SUPERB... MAGNIFIQUE...
I could never write anything like that, compared to yours mine is childish. Scuffs toe... feeling like he should probably delete his piece of junk.
I love your story, unlike mine, it is so realistic. Please tell me there will be more..PUUULEEEEAAAAZZZZEEEE !!
Smitten By

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Old 03-19-2001, 11:20 PM   #9
Symbol of Cyric

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Oh! My Prince!

And she trembled with her awe and admiration of him. Your words make it real!!! Wow and WOW!!!!!!!


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Old 03-19-2001, 11:30 PM   #10
Symbol of Cyric

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Relic! Oh, my! I'm afraid that now I am smitten!!!

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