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Old 07-21-2005, 05:33 PM   #1
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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Foreword: Welcome to the game - this is the opening Saga of Antagonist's Anarchy and despite the cheesy name, it works given the nature of the game. If you're interested in joining, the rules, sign up and discussion thread may be found at;t=000572. That said, please feel free to direct any queeries or the like over PM as I'm happy to recieve them. (I don't get enough mail, you see.)

A couple of brief notes/suggestions - all speech should be within speechmarks, highlighted with a colour if you wish - my personal style I prefer to use involves a different colour for each character speaking at a time (so as not to confuse anyone), thoughts within italics and single speech marks and the background text within another colour - but as long as its readable, I don't mind what you use.
I would also ask that you use a individual colour for your own characters talk - if only to avoid confusion.

Edit: Oh and no sigs! (I should set an example...)

All that said, let's begin!

Admist the oaken forests of Adura a gentle breeze drifts, carrying with it the fragrance of cool rain, damp earthen ferns and burnt out ash...
The skies above are laden with misty silver, swirling aimlessly as they shead their soft, glistening teardrops. An ocean of mist falls to the rivers of lush green below; the tall dark oaks to the fresh ferns and grass. Falling so fine that the air is but a blur, the spray drenches all, but without force it covers all within a single, silken sheet.

This is the land of Adura, land of mist and rain, land of sun and sky. The Captial was born from a star, untold centuries ago built from where fire fell upon a lake and the land was raised. Legend tells of the star ore and its mythical properties, soft as a feather but as dense as a moon. Shining as brightly as a thousand suns it has passed from the realm of man into myth and ages past. Legend tells of its reoccurance when the capital is at its darkest and the shining jewel of Adura is reduced to ashen dust. With it, her former glory may be restored or the world will enter a darker age of the likes of which has never been seen, nay darker than ever could be imagined. So speakth the Sages of Adura.

That has not yet come to pass, but many fear it may soon, given the signs...


Far away in the outskirts of the Outlands, lies the village of Ryndar and the river of Ryr. The dirt roads meet shortly outside of the river-bridge crossing beside a forest and it is here where there the journey begins.

A disturbance is afoot. Several characters, many of which appear to be travellers have gathered, over an unfair tax by self imposed Lords of Vision, almostly certainly local banditry. The band started up several months ago and have since been blocking every major highroad and crossing. This particular one is of extreme irritation to the local populance and the charges have steadily been rising.
Three guard-like figures clad in red and chain stand in front of the bridge carrying pikes. They are demanding that each of you pay a single gold soveriegn, more than most villagers could afford in a year. They refuse to produce any offical documentation and threaten to have your lives should you resist.

Upon closer inspection, they appear to be thuggish and brutish, all three are unshaven and the first two appear to be in their early to mid-twenties, the centre figure appearing to be in his mid thirties. Their eyes hold no concept of mercy and the centre figure's pike holds blood upon it. All three have a savage light in their eyes and though the first two are lean, it is almost certain that they've not missed a single meal in a long, long time. Wearing studded boots and guantlets, they've obviously been in more than one brawl before and all three bear scars as evidence. None are what anyone'd call 'handsome'.

To the west of the crossing is a small forest whereupon a wounded maiden lies against a tree stump. She is suffering a stab wound, almost certainly from one of the bandit pikes. At a glance she could be anywhere between seventeen and twenty three.

OOC: I'd write more but I really have to go now - I'll let you introduce your characters here and take whatever actions you wish. I'll return soonish. Enjoy!

[ 03-04-2006, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]
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Old 07-21-2005, 06:22 PM   #2
Jack Burton

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Slowly he let the coins slip through his fingers. A muffled blow, and two clear chimes. He dug about until he had gathered them all. Again. The impact, and twice the ring. One of them slipped away, and he dug deeper into his sling to collect it. Once more...

Three coins they were, the riches on his person. He had yet to spend one of them. They were not of bronze, nor silver. Unfortunately, neither were they gold. The coppers would buy him no passage from these bandits, and he would have long since left if he truely had nothing to seek here. The lad glanced back to the stump. As much as he liked to go, he could not, just yet.

If there was one thing Ydalon knew, it was how to draw or avoid attention. Right now, he needed to speak with the people by the bridge, but not the pikemen upon it. He could stay quiet and wait for either one to go, he mused. In a boy's head, such thoughts rarely linger. He would lure the others closer, instead. concentrating for a moment, Ydalon made ready to utilize his skill.

It was a basic technique, really.

"Hey everyone! I need a hand here, she's hurt!"
With some despair to the voice and an emphasis on the other's gender, he rated it a seven at least. People were definately looking, after all.

It was not all for show, of course. The boy was quite well aware of their situation, and the stab wound was not looking pleasant. She needed help beyond what he could give. He needed those experienced travellers here.
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Old 07-21-2005, 08:37 PM   #3
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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The young woman next to the tree stump clutched her stomach in one hand, crimson covering it. Her clothes were simple, yet elegant, donning a dress of creamy white and that of a grey scarf and cloak. A satchel lay discarded beside her. Her features were striking, if not beautiful and she bore a regal air, although at this moment in time, her features were twisted with pain. Her form was a slender one and she was curled up, making it impossible to dechiper the severity of the wound...

Her right fist was clenched and her lower lip bore teeth marks from where she had clamped down. Raising her head at Ydalon's call, she glanced up briefly and managed a weak smile of gratitude, her eyes as pale blue as water opals. Her only jewellery was that of a silver necklace and earrings, both of which bore signs of a intricate design on the disc hanging from her left lobe and pendant.

It was not a design known to any present, but regardless, she could die soon without aid...
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Old 07-22-2005, 12:03 AM   #4
The Magister

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Kagirioni emerges from the forest, her walk indicated she's been traveling for a while, emerging out of the forested shadows 'I'd rather be in the forests still.. shade and cool..'. Kagirioni's grin disappears as she looks out at the scene, stopping and taking a long breath 'More bandits. Of course. Let nothing be simple.', as she reluctantly gets ready for battle before noticing the girl '.. and they're nice, like real bandits..' she sarcastically comments to herself.

Kagarioni's hair is bound behind her armor, even so, it's clear it's brown and she's a young girl, also a developed girl. Her green eyes gaze out without any real destination

Kagirioni walks over and bends down as she looks at her, frowning
"I can;t be of much help here, as I don't know any of the healing arts.. I think I'll just clear a path though.. its' time they taste justice, and she'll need the village healer."

She draws her sword, already in her armor as she walks purposly up to the guards, sword in the ready position. She;s walking somewhat slowly though, if someone needs to stop her

[ 07-22-2005, 02:46 PM: Message edited by: Saliarasri ]
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Old 07-22-2005, 01:02 AM   #5
Dalamar Stormcrow
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Narar stood among the peasants, towering among them. Nines crawls out of Narar's pack, curious as to why progress is halted. One of the few things that Narar treasured, was also the one thing that could make him smile. A noble passes by Narar, one of his guards pushing him out of the way. As the noble pays the highwaymen their toll, Narar has already slipped on his infamous gloves. Giving one of the guards a tap on the shoulder to warn him of the impending collision between Narar's fist and his face is enough to knock him down due to his gloves. Narar picks up the guard from the dirt path, and sends him crashing into a tree. Narar crouches to pick him up again. The other 3 guards had approached, but were easily shaken, thanks to the display of power from Narar. The guards go to draw their weaponry. As they approach, Narar notices. He mumbles as they aproach, "Make my day..."

Narar springs into action, pulling out his hammer. The first crumples like a crisp leaf in fall after shattering his shins. The next tries to connect with Narar. It catches him in his shoulder, his faulty pauldron taking the brunt of the assault. A tricklet of blood flows down Narar's arm. After seeing Narar take the lance stab and to see him still standing, absolute fear washed over the guard. But someone wanted payback.(Narar casts bewilder)The guard, stupefied, is subject to impromptu spine surgery from Narar's blade.

After pulling out the limp, but breathing body from Narar's hammer, the rest of the noble's party flees in terror. Nines returns after the action has passed, with a treat for Narar. Looks like the money pouch of the employer of the meatbags strewn across the road. Narar smiled at his work, but was soon angry. The paralyzed guard was soon conscious, and was screaming for help. Narar picked the guard up by the feet, and swung him in the same manner as his hammer. Only, a dense pocket of trees was the target. After dusting off his gloves, he realized that he had been wearing the gloves the entire endeavor. Narar frowned, and looked especially disturbed. He put them back in his knapsack, almost fearfully. Nines comes out of his home to find Narar most displeased, even more so than usual. The curious one brightens even Narar's mood, and he finds himself free of the brigands, curtousy of the noble.

[ 07-22-2005, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: Dalamar Stormcrow ]
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Old 07-22-2005, 07:26 AM   #6

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Detheriel emerges from the forest edge and stops in surprise at the chaotic scene before him. He watches a large brute of a man lay waste to some shabby-looking guards who had to be from the so-called Lords of Vision he had heard about. He snorted derisively. What a joke that was. He fingers his bowstring thoughtfully but decides that he is not needed so approaches the maiden lying on the ground.

"Do not be alarmed Lady, I must look at your wounds" he told her as she flinched away. Cursing himself for not carrying any bandages he bent down and tried to see her wound. He gently pulled her legs down, steeling himself to her whimpers of pain, and noticed that the wound was indeed grave.

"Forgive me Lady" he said, taking her elegant dress near her feet and ripping a long section from the bottom, "but either I find something to bandage that wound or you shall perish here."

He thinks for a moment and then pulls his whittling knife from his belt.
"Open your mouth please my Lady, this will help with the pain." Detheriel then places the leather-bound handle of the knife in her mouth so she can bite down upon it. A wry chuckle escapes his lips.
"You can bite down on that without causing further injury to your face my Lady" he informs her.

Detheriel rummages in his pack for his small bag of herbs and, after some consideration and with a sigh of resignation, grinds one type of herb between his hands.
"This yeslick leaf will have to do for now, it should help to soothe any inflammation around the wound" he informs her.

Reaching behind her he ties the makeshift bandage tightly around her middrift, helping to staunch the bleeding, rubbing the ground herbs on the bandage first so some of their juices are upon it. He winces in sympathy as the maiden shivers and nearly cries out.

He looked around him frantically. "Is there a healer here?" he cries. "This Lady needs help!"

[ 07-22-2005, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: shamrock_uk ]
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Old 07-22-2005, 09:33 AM   #7
Gold Dragon

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Telryn looked about at the seen in front of him. One man was 'dealing' with a few guards, while another was talking to a woman who was lying against a tree stump.

"Wonder what's going on," He thought to himself.

The "Lords of Vision", or "Lords of Bandits" as Telryn thought they should be called, had attempted to charge him for travelling down the roads. Not once had he paid, many bandits will back down when faced by a strong, flail-wielding man. Needless to say these guards were loyal, but not the best fighters. The brute of a man had dealt with them quickly.

"Makes my job a little easier," Telryn said with a chuckle.

The man near the woman was calling for a healer. Telryn possessed no magical skills whatsoever. Helaing arts were fine, as they caused no pain but removed it, but other types of magic he despised.

His hand stuck close to the handle of his flail, attached to his back with a weapon strap. Danger lurked in unforseen places, one could never be too careful.
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Old 07-22-2005, 02:08 PM   #8
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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OOC: a couple of points: firstly, I like the way the game has started out [img]smile.gif[/img] . Nice intros from most of you! However, I would caution as to slaughtering NPC guards as though they were children; they're not. Please don't assume that just because you're an adventurer, they're worthless - if they were, they wouldn't be where they are today. I know that some wounds were taken during the batttle, but to everyone else, just a reminder that if you do get into melee combat, do take *some* wounds. I've no problems with you taking control of them, so long as you don't destroy them all instantly... and do give others a chance to fight/negotiate too. (The exception is Isokla - I'll control her, oh and as a sidenote, I liked the way you 'healed' her Shamrock [img]smile.gif[/img] )
I suppose all three 'bandit' guards are down now? From the numbers on your post Dalamar, I would assume so - I don't know if you gave this noble any guards, but the numbers indicated you had...
Aside from that, I'm pleased so far [img]smile.gif[/img] . Hope you're all having fun too!

Biting back a cry of pain, the young woman managed a feeble, grateful nod to Detheriel and whispered through watering eyes, "My thanks, kind lord." She swallowed, and smiled a little, shaking her head at her dress and sighing, "I'll have to fix that once we reach town..."

For some reason, the girl seemed more concerned with her dress than her wound. Upon closer inspection (Detheriel) the wound was not that serious, but serious enough to ensure a good deal of pain. As far as he could tell, it had not struck any vitals, but had pierced her a good way in, perhaps at a guess, half of the pike's head? Even so, she could still pass out from blood loss. Given her injury, she seemed remarkably... conversational. "Please, do not concern yourself with me further... I will be well, in time." Whatever Detheriel had done, it had seemed to ease the blood loss and she no longer bled as heavily.


The peasents on the road, (seven in total) upon seeing Narar's display of sheer physical prowess grew awed, wided eyed and proceeded to run off, three of them screaming the words 'monster', 'demon', and 'run for your lives!'
The remaining four took advantage of the situation and ran across the bridge as fast as they could - only to fall down in a heap, crumpled as a folly of arrows struck. From beyond the bridge, two bandit archers/snipers were concealed within the bushes and were raining down arrows thick and fast. They were reloading their bows after their first volly had devestated the peasents.

The three bandit gate guards with the pikes leveled them at Narar, angered by his reaction, the leader snarling, "'Ere now, ye got no all-fority ta do that! Pay ten silv'r for each, or it'll be ye head! Attackin' nobals is bad for business!"

It was clear who their target would be... Narar had split seconds to react, but would be unable to cross the bridge in time to reach them before they had each fired at least two arrows. (It was a long bridge). However, there was plenty of cover aviliable.

So far, the bandit archers were not interested in the wounded girl by the treestump, nor the others who had chosen to go to her aid.

OOC: Should the bandits fall, the three bandits each have a pouch on them, the leader of the three wearing two. Inside the leader's main pouch were five gold sovreigns and the second held seven silver pennies. The other two bandit pouches held together a handful of coppers (thirty copper pieces of varying sizes in all) and three silver crowns.
Edit: Fixed

[ 07-22-2005, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Calaethis Dragonsbane ]
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Old 07-22-2005, 02:25 PM   #9
The Magister

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Kagarioni shrugs as she walks back over to the girl, addressing all of them, with her brown hair barely visible, her sword held in her loose hand, grateful that she had had some first aid

"When he finishes with the snipers over there, or maybe doesn't, we should be able to take you to the village healer, since almost every village has one, and your wound shouldn't be much of a problem to anyone who can heal."

Kagarioni smiles as she playfully remarks, trying to cheer her up
"And your dress, as well."

[ 07-22-2005, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Saliarasri ]
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Old 07-22-2005, 02:36 PM   #10
Dalamar Stormcrow
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OOC:I killed the noble's guards, not the highwaymen, I slipped by using the gold sovereign from one of the guard's pouches...but too late for that!
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