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Old 03-17-2003, 10:05 PM   #1
the new JR Jansen
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: May 8, 2002
Location: chocolate land
Age: 50
Posts: 696
Element : women

Symbol : vr

Discovered by Adam

Weight : approxomatly 53.6 kg but all variations between 4 and 200 kg are possible.

Physical charactaristics :
1. It's surface is covered with paint or other aritficially engineered substances
2. Boils over quickly but freezes at very unpredictable moments
3. Melts at the right amount of attention
4. Gets bitter when not used in the proper manner
5. Makes undefined noises when touched in the right places
6. Can be identified because of the over use of the sounds like do-this and do-that.

Chemical charactaristics
1. Big affinity with gold and silver and other precious metals and goods
2. Can explode without warning
3. Can not be melted in water but doused with the right amount of alcohol increases the amount of usefull applications
4. Is expansive to buy and maintain.

Overall use :
1. It's a good showpiece, especially on or in expansive sportscars
2. Is a very effective relaxtation device
3. Can be a very good cleaning agent

Testresulsts :
1. Becomes red when you discover the element in it's natural state
2. Becomes green if placed besides a better looking specimen
3. The younger specimen is very attractive wich deminishes with age
5. Claims to be attracted to the element 'male'. This, however, is only true if the element 'male' is in the possesion of the right qualaties. These are (1) money and (2) good looking (allthough the element vr denies this vehemtly).

Risks :
1. Is extremely dangerous except in capable and experienced hands
2. It's illegal to own more then one specimen at the same time. Allthough it is possible. To do this you need to take care that both specimens don't know about the other.
3. The element vr tends to lean to reproduction. This can be avoided by the use of rubber.
4. If the element goes out of your care, this can be coupled with high costs

JR<br /><br /><br /><br />It\'s me. The guy with the cloak big enough for a fire giant and the long nose.<br />Owner of the most visited woodshed in Ironworks\' history.
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Old 03-18-2003, 12:36 AM   #2
Emerald Dragon

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Cha-CHING!!! Right on the money
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Old 03-18-2003, 01:35 PM   #3
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: November 12, 2002
Location: Banstead, Southeast England
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Oops, said that too loud! *vainly tries to hide message from sister, who promptly slaps him on the forehead*


By the way, what about the "vr elements" of this forum? [img]tongue.gif[/img]


[ 03-18-2003, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: slicer15 ]
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Old 03-18-2003, 01:41 PM   #4

Join Date: July 17, 2002
Location: Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
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I think this was posted not too long ago, or rather a similar idea. It was promtly met with demands for a male version if I remember correctly...

Well? What about one for the guys?
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Old 03-18-2003, 01:42 PM   #5
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: February 19, 2002
Location: Your guess is as good as mine.
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By the way, what about the "vr elements" of this forum?
I think it is an abbreviated word for the female sex organ
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Old 03-18-2003, 02:40 PM   #6
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 15, 2001
Location: The Netherlands
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No actually it is abbreviated from the first two letters of the Dutch word for woman, being "vrouw". [img]smile.gif[/img] This is a Dutch joke IIRC.
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Old 03-18-2003, 05:38 PM   #7
Symbol of Cyric

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Location: Banstead, Southeast England
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*sigh* I meant what will they say? How will they respond? You know, like Cloudbringer, or ladyzekke. It was a joke, obviously one that no-one saw. Sorry!
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Old 03-19-2003, 12:59 AM   #8
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 21, 2001
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im sure there is also elements for the the guys.. it was posted before, but still its a good laugh [img]smile.gif[/img]

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Old 03-19-2003, 01:24 AM   #9
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: February 19, 2002
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Originally posted by Link:
No actually it is abbreviated from the first two letters of the Dutch word for woman, being "vrouw". [img]smile.gif[/img] This is a Dutch joke IIRC.
Thanks for the info. Any other cool dutch jokes around?
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Old 03-19-2003, 05:46 AM   #10
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 15, 2001
Location: The Netherlands
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Yeah there are, but usually translating them into English leads to really lame jokes. IIRC Legolas once translated one once, and that was so incredibly stupid to read, that no one has ever tried doing it again.. [img]smile.gif[/img]
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