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Old 05-07-2002, 09:24 PM   #1
Killing Spree

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NOTICE The Wide-Eyed Wolf is never going to take new members.

Two of the fall, tears gleam silver-white, for hope of the wood, and past of the night.
One where they stand, a spirit of blue, o' tortured his soul, to guide them all through.
One collects shards, in forests of green, chaos shall reign, destiny careen.
I am the last, who seals their fate, I stand paid in red, afore the black gate.

-The Sealed Fate-

We all know why we're here and what characters we are to play, correct? Sephi, you and I worked out your character. Larry, you'll begin as your parents. Mistral, you and I will begin at the battle of Seregduin (aka the battle of blood river) as our fathers. Neb, I'm sure you've schemed something up by now! In any case, this will run just like the One-Eyed Wolf. Except this time everybody will have a few more characters. We've got to weave an entire past, so use all the NPC's you like. (I myself will start out with about 62. Heh heh heh...) Ummmm... Well, ya'll know what to do! Let's begin!!


Cyrus Nightblade
The half-elf moaned as the light sifted through his unwary lashes. His long ears collected a quick, soft gasp and rustlings on nearby ground. As his cobalt eyes adjusted to the brightness, a nimble hand reached quietly to his hip. He sighed relief, the muscles in his shoulders relaxing. His katana was there, and life was good because of this. Now visually coordinated, he looked around. A human cleric was hunched nearby, a pensive expression on her face. Cyrus leaned to get up. The cleric's warning hand came too late and the half-elf hissed in pain. Clutching his side, Cyrus slowly lowered himself back to the nearly worthless pile of musty blankets. His dark blue eyes narrowed at the edgy priest, one of his blue-black eyebrows raising on high. "What happened?" The priestess held out a peace-offering hand. "Sir, you were wounded in the battle." The half-elf scoffed at the young woman. "Well why am I still wounded then child? Is it not your job to heal?" The priestess nodded quickly, a hot flush coming over her face. "Yes sir, b-but our stocks have run very thin." Cyrus sighed. "Where's my pack?" The cleric pointed to a far corner of the tent. "Over there sir." Cyrus nodded. "Right. Be a dear and get me one of the green bottles from the top pocket." The priestess obeyed, however cautiously, and handed the bottle to Cyrus. He eagerly uncorked it and gulped it furiously. Tossing the glass aside to break, he leapt to his feet agiley. The cleric looked on in awe. Cyrus took his pack without a word, drawing out his katana. He shot a quick grin to the woman before striding out of the tent.

When outside, Cyrus immediately grappled the shoulder of the nearest sea-elven soldier. The fighter grinned wide when he saw the half-elf "Ai! Cyrus you damned mongrel! I thought you were dead!" Cyrus offered a smirk in return. "I know it dissapoints you Earros." Cyrus paused, then continued with some urgency. "Ah, but tell me of the battle Earros. Is the overgrown lizard dead yet?" Earros reluctantly shook his head. "I'm afraid not friend. After two monthes of open assault the thing seems unscathed." Cyrus growled, eyeing the smoke on the horizon. He knew it was from the battle. He turned back to Earros. "Where is Captain Brenner?" Earros looked a bit queasy. "Six feet under I'm afraid. Aragorn's in charge now." A puzzled look crossed Cyrus' face. "Aragorn? Hmmm... All right, fetch me my horse Earros. And hurry!" Earros stood stock still, smirking at Cyrus. "What do I look like? Your personal attendant? Pfh! You can catch your own damned horse Nightblade!"
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Old 05-07-2002, 10:07 PM   #2
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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He wore a weary frown on his lips, walking around the tent absently ~ May the Gods be merciful and grant Cyrus his life... ~ Then stopped in his tracks, half-smirking at the ludicrous thought ~ He'd never go down without a fight. I'd almost bet my life he's up and about, probably ready to charge here right away. ~ The rustle of the flaps jolted him back to attention and he turned to face a young lady.

A lock of her auburn hair fluttered defiantly despite the neatly pinned bun ~ "Aragorn, we've received the latest news…" ~ The words dying in her lips as she chanced upon his expression ~ "Is there something to laugh at?" ~ Her glittering green eyes hazarding a ray of affection in his direction ~ "I swear, any joke would be welcome in such trying times."

"No, Ursula. Unfortunately there is no jest… you had something to say to me?" ~ His penetrating gaze fixed upon her perfectly oval face ~ As always, my trustworthy companion… she is certainly an asset to her father.

"… the news is that Cyrus was seriously injured while we diverted our enemies' focus." ~ Unable to suppress the tinge of contempt in her voice ~ "These elves… or half-elves, whatever! They can't do anything right, can they?" ~ Flushing at Aragorn's disapproving look ~ "I mean, well, we've suffered enough casualties here! It can't have been for nothing, can it?!" ~ Oh please, redeem me in his eyes. Anything but that disagreeable stare… it hurts more than words of rebuke from him.

"Ursula, I need you to understand this: Cyrus is a good friend of mine, and will always be. I will not stand for you to insult his race, much as I respect your views on other issues." ~ His voice quiet but firm. Moments pass before he exhales deeply ~ "Come, let us forget this frivolous matter. There are far more important matters that await us." ~ He grasped the hilt of his long sword and strode out of the tent energetically, determined to ignore the pained expression on Ursula's face.
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Old 05-07-2002, 10:50 PM   #3
Killing Spree

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~The nearby body of water was teeming with the sea-elven cavalry, all mounted on river dolphins. A dolphin won't do me a bit of good right now! Growling frustration under his breath, the half-elf darted across the elvish encampment. In a sea of five foot blue-green heads he couldn't find a bright chestnut, seventeen hand horse.~ "Neogyth roch!" ~He hissed in aggravation. At this rate I'll miss the whole thing! Skidding to a stop from his quick pace, he surveyed the area frantically. Noticing a small elvish woman leading a horse, he grinned.~ "Right!"

~Dashing toward his target, Cyrus relied mindlessly on his dexterity. Three feet away, he made an agile leap and landed on a bewildered horse's back. The woman turned around with scorn on her face. Cyrus cried out, not because of the horse's rearing, but because of the lady before him.~ "Elanna!" ~He swallowed hard, gripping the black steed's reigns firmly in his hands. The woman was petite and pretty, having shimmering emerald hair that ran to her hips, and watery blue eyes, but more importantly, she was Cyrus' fiance. Cyrus cried out again, calming the horse.~ "Elanna, lovely! What are you doing here?!" ~Elanna, hands on hips, glared up at Cyrus.~ "Chasing after you Cyrus! Now tell me why you're taking my horse!" ~Cyrus stammered, the proud man nearly crumbling beneath the woman's eyes.~ "Well-! Loveliest Elanna, I need to get to the battle!" ~Elanna scoffed.~ "Why?! You've done your fair share! Why do you have to go back and get yourself killed?!" ~Cyrus winced, the mare was picking up on his nerves and taking edgy steps back.~ "Dearest, I can't let the humans have all the fun!" ~Elanna growled.~ "Cyrus! War is no child's game! When are you going to grow up?!" ~Shrugging with a helpless grin, Cyrus wheeled the horse around and sent it off at a gallop. He called out behind him.~ "When it becomes profitable!"

[ 05-07-2002, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Killing Spree ]
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Old 05-07-2002, 10:54 PM   #4

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Lorath groaned as he passed another collapsing pillar. He had been in the dungeon for only three hours and already he could tell that this chamber was about to fall apart. That thought, he decided that he would have to get the treasure in a hurry, he couldn't spend more than three days without cutting it a bit too close. Sighing, he tightened his studded leather armor, which was dyed dark red with bright green, and kept walking down the dark path. The rewards would be worth it though, as he had heard about a powerful sword at the very end of the labyrinth. With that on his mind it was easy to tell how the spiders almost got the jump on him, but luckily the elf was quick on his feet and hands, and he was able to draw his sword and hack the arachnids in half before they could do any damage.

For the fourth time in the last hour he sheathed his sword and let his mind wander off again. When he escaped this dungeon he would just have to show his new sword to his twin sister in Ravenwood! He couldn't wait to see her blue eyes light up at the sight of the magical blade! With a smile he continued down the next path, a narrow corridor with stone fragments falling from the walls regularly. Even though he did his best to dodge them some of them still fell on him, which was a huge annoyance.

Suddenly the path split. He had to decide which way to take, and he didn't have forever to do it. Since he was feeling a stronger pull from the right he decided to go down that way in search of the sword. Nothing in the next room, he noted, but there are always more rooms in dungeons like this...

ooc: could we be on a first name basis? it'd be more comfortable, I think...

[ 05-08-2002, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: SSJ4Sephiroth ]
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Old 05-07-2002, 11:13 PM   #5
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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"Fine… have it your way…" ~ Muttering under her breath, she followed him briskly, her eyes shooting flames at those who dared to look in their direction ~ "Regroup and prepare for battle!" ~ The steel in her voice ringing in the air.

Aragorn paused momentarily, for just a second ~ She'd make a fine leader, no doubt about that. ~ Uneasiness creeping into his eyes ~ Our men must have a leader; the problem now is, who is the one? ~ Shaking off the disturbing seed of doubt, he nodded affirmatively and barked out his orders as well ~ "We will stand united and overcome the enemy! To arms, my men!" ~ Without waiting for the men to fall in, he hurriedly made his way to the next tent, leaving Ursula to take over.

"Cousin Aragorn! Is it time?" ~ The lithe mage's lilting voice greeted him, instantly soothing his nerves ~ "Good thing I've a number of spells left to release on those detestable creatures." ~ Her face was so serene that he wondered if she had cast a spell upon himself, that he should forever calm down when he set his eyes on her ~ "Yes, it is time, Fantine. How glad I am that you're here." ~ Anxiously continuing as he detected a blush on her cheeks ~ "You know how level-headed you are all the time, and I wish I could always be as steady and dependable as you and Ursula."

She cast him another gentle smile, shaking her head ~ "Do not underestimate yourself, Aragorn. We all have our strengths and weaknesses… but this is not the time to talk about them." ~ Grabbing her quarterstaff, she signalled for him to lead on ~ "Let's hope our enemies have been severely weakened. We need to strike while they're unprepared."

As they emerged from the tent, Ursula joined them, an uneasy smile resting on her lips ~ "Good. We're all ready then." ~ She rested a slightly trembling hand on Aragorn's right shoulder ~ "Your call now, Aragorn."

Gritting his teeth, he nodded grimly and turned to the remaining troops ~ "To battle!"
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Old 05-07-2002, 11:27 PM   #6

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Lorath pushed a white vine out of his way, and he saw it. An ornate treasure chest was on the floor, and on the wall at about level with his eyes was the blade, the beautiful longsword he had come down here in search of. Carefully, with two shaky hands, he picked it up off of its display hooks and took it in both hands. Then he hacked away at the chest, cracking the lid in half like a breaking bow. Hastily he threw the lid's halves to the side and took the things in the chest; about 200 platinum pieces, some obviously special black boots, and an astonishing sapphire and diamond ring. He pocketed the ring, bagged the platinums, and placed the boots on his feet. Before he could do anything with the sword though, he heard a thundering roar to his left.

A golem had sprung out from the wall, obviously the guardian of the treasures. Lorath took off the way he came at a full gait, the golem following in hot pursuit. They reached the large, crumbling chamber, and Lorath started weaving in between the columns. Before this could go on for too long the golem smashed every column in his way, bringing the entire chamber down. But before Lorath could think that he was in the clear, the golem appeared in front of him. Apparantly it had teleported before the roof came crashing down and was blocking his path. He let out a loud groan in frustration and did a somersault between the golem's legs, barely avoiding its stomping foot. Without looking back Lorath took off up the ramp and into the next level.

He made it out, almost unscathed except for a shard of stone lodged in his left tricep from when the second floor collapsed in behind him, this time burying the golem under the rubble. Quickly Lorath summoned his horse and he set off for Ravenwood, where he had much unfinished business to take care of.

ooc: time for sleep now, g'night!

[ 05-07-2002, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: SSJ4Sephiroth ]
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Old 05-08-2002, 12:44 AM   #7
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OOC>>>Does anybody need a Link to the Past? This thread is the telling of the history of the swords by Spree as she taught Larry about what he knew of his father's stories and adventures. I be damned if I know where the thread is that named the fate of my father and mother...or if I ever named them. If I cannot find it, then I will make it up as I go. Is that fair dinkam?

************************************************** *******************

He crept along the dark hall silently and carefully, holding his breath for good measure. After a dozen paces, he would stop, exhale, draw new breath, and continue onward. He was near the bedroom. The door would squeak if not opened properly. Luckily, he knew this door well, and with a perfect effort, opened the door soundlessly. Now he was perspiring. The bed lay only a few feet away. He could feel his heart racing and his excitedness was causing his knees to go weak. He stopped and tried to calm down. He tried to remind himself of how easy the task was...just a few more feet and he would have her! He was ready. Now, ready to pounce like a ferocious wild beast, he steadied himself, bent his knees, and jumped onto the mass, grabbing the huddled form beneath. Yet, someting was wrong! He jumped up and felt around. She was not here! It was a pillow and an old mop that had been placed in bed in her stead! Before having time to calculate a method of escape, a frying pan rang across his head. Down he went and the figure pounced on him, smirking.

"You'll never be as good as me!"

"Ouch! Did you have to hit me so hard?"

"Oh quit whining! You deserved it for trying to sneak up on me"!

"I can get my way into any village, whether it be elf, dwarf, or hobbit...but I can't even get one up on my own human wife"!

"Don't call me that until we are, silly! You will just have to wait until father consents."

"He never will at the rate I am going. He wants you to marry a nobleman, for crying out loud! I am but a poor farmer that happens to have some skills for adventure. My treasury is not from tax dollars or earned is from hard work and long adventures! A man's way to earn a penny in this world"!

"Don't flatter yourself, my dear. You are a farmer and a thief. You are poor, but I don't need you to be rich to be my love interest! Just give father a little time."

"I have. I grow weary. I hear of some action going on up North this time of year. I may take a trip up there and see if I cannot find something of value. I will come back, pay the money back to your father that he borrowed to me for the farm, and then we will have our own land. Then, if he still says no...I will kidnap you and we will run away into the land of storybooks!"

"Now, you know how worried I get when you go on your excursions. If you feel you must, then I support you, and want you to be happy. Go on your trip then. And bring me back something."

"Then by your leave, I shall head out at first light, milady! We will be wed real soon. I promise! I will bring back such treasure as would render it unneedful to travel ever again!"

[ 05-08-2002, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]
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Old 05-08-2002, 03:22 AM   #8
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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He dodged as the treacherous arrow flew towards him, grimacing as it grazed his left arm. Yet he held on to his blade as much as clung on to his life, swinging it across the upper torso of his attacker. Oblivious to the shrieks of agony, trumpeting and chanting around him, he watched with satisfaction as the body crumpled onto the ground, motionless ~ One less enemy to go. ~ That was all he dared to think ~ I will survive, if only to boost my men's morale. ~ Charging forward, he bore his sword down upon the unsuspecting victim ~ I must not fail them. ~ "Aragorn! Behind you!" ~ Yet as he turned around, the stalker had collapsed in a scream of outrage. He met Ursula's gaze comprehendingly and cast her a weary smile ~ "My thanks, Ursula." ~ Adding silently ~ I owe you, yet again.. ~ She blinked once ~ "You're welcome." ~ Then abruptly headed off, the mixture of emotions playing havoc on her proud and handsome face.

On his left, Aragorn could hear the curses of a wounded foe, presumably suffering from Fantine's incantations. Hurriedly, he pulled a dagger out and flung it at the crouched figure, for good measure. It struck home; it was one less enemy, again. ~ When will this end? ~ He raised his eyes to the heavens, tempted to rail his frustrations ~ Will it ever end, in the first place? ~ Billows of smoke and fumes swirled above, worsening the chaotic scene before him ~ Cyrus would surely see this, if he were alive. ~ There was no doubt in his mind that help would arrive… it was only a matter of time. Yet… ~ can we last much longer? ~ And then he realised his mistake. He grunted as he felt the stinging blow upon his back, just as he finally lowered his line of vision. Helplessly stumbling forward, he began to roll himself randomly about, trying to elude the flail that so persistently pursued him.

But there was little room to manoeuvre. Daggers, arrows and darts seemed to be dancing around him even as he avoided the villainous thrusts and lunges of blades. It was useless; his body was a map of bloody terrain and he would soon die ~ Cyrus, my friend… I've failed you. ~ Despair drove him almost wild in this state, and he screamed inwardly ~ I must not fail! ~ As his assailant stood gloating with upraised spear pointed towards his heart, he found his body frighteningly immobile ~ To die honourably is no shame, Aragorn. ~ He closed his eyes, waiting for the end…

It did not come, somehow. Instead, a wail of torment deafened his ears; he smelt burning flesh. Curiousity overcame exhaustion and Aragorn reopened his eyes to see a grotesque sight - one he would remember for many years thereafter. The blazing figure howled in anguish before finally crashing onto the ground.

Struggling to sit up, he felt warm hands hold his arms firmly ~ "There, there… you've had enough fun for the day. Admit it." ~ He started at the cheeky tone ~ "Who are you?" ~ Cursing his current condition that he could not turn around as easily as he would like ~ "Your saviour, and that is all you need to know for now." ~ He felt himself being dragged backwards away from the battefield. Babbling desperately ~ "Let me go! Code... of honour... I… I need to be here… with… men..."

"Code of honour?...What's that to do with your current state?...Don't be daft!" ~ She puffed and panted, almost giving in to her relative weakness ~ "Oh, forget it. Seeing as you're obstinate as a mule… here! Take this." ~ A dainty hand reached from behind to prise open his mouth, while another poured an icy liquid down his throat. He debated only for a second. There was no harm in swallowing it; if she had intended harm on him, she would not have rescued him… within moments, he was completely rejuvenated. Jumping to his feet, he spun around to gaze upon his samaritan. His mouth opened, but no words could rise beyond his throat.

Standing at five feet and seven inches tall, with long, raven black hair , a curiously stubborn lock similar to Ursula's. Twinkling dark brown eyes with light dancing feverishly in them. Most of all, that playful grin… it was almost impossible that his life should have been saved by a human-sized imp. ~ "…" ~ Still no words. He berated himself silently as she watched him with amusement.

"Well, well. Now that you're up and about again, I'll leave you to defend your honour. I must say, this Agannazar's Scorcher has certainly come in handy." ~ Giggling, she turned and began sprinting away, her merry laughter echoing in his ears…

[ 05-08-2002, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: mistral4543 ]
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Old 05-08-2002, 07:36 AM   #9

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The ride to Ravenwood was pretty uneventful. Even though it was a twelve hour journey nothing came out at him. Once he almost fell asleep from the boredom, but recovered quite quickly when he saw what had happened to another person who had fallen off his horse and gotten trampled.

When he arrived in the city he leapt off his horse and nearly forgot to tie it up before went off deeper into the town. His eagerness was well-founded though, as his sister was waiting for him feverishly. When he stepped through the door of her two story home she quickly wrapped him in a hug. "So, did you find it?" she eagerly asked.

"Yes, Lininna, I found it. And I'm fine, thanks." He smirked and she scowled, but both grinned broadly when he pulled out the sword.

"This must be it!" she exclaimed. "Congratulations!" she hugged him again, and Lorath returned the gesture. "You're going to keep it, right?"

"Of course," Lorath told her. "I wouldn't have gone through all that trouble just to sell the blade, would I? It should serve me quite well." He smirked, and made to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I have some business I must attend to now, something that was left undone when I left three years ago..."
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Old 05-08-2002, 02:41 PM   #10
Killing Spree

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~Cyrus urged the mare on to a long-strided gallop. The two were but a flash of black and blue as they flew toward the battlefield. Cyrus rolled the stress from his shoulders, trying to forget Elanna. He was finding the task most difficult. This whole arrangement makes me damn sick... His dark blue eyes then flashed suddenly to the road. He could see the individual plumes fleeing from pillars of smoke. He tightened his legs around the horse, letting her jump fallen bodies as needed. The familiar smell of blood filled his nostrils. The ebony horse slowed to a high-stepped trot. The was was being waged on the horizon. Cyrus bit his lower lip uncertainly.~

~Seeing a wounded soldier hobble past, Cyrus flared for attention and gave the man a concerned and hurried look.~ "You there! Where is Captain Aragorn?" ~The man coughed, taking a moment to collect his breath and answer. Finally he replied hoarsely, pointing blindly yonder.~ "He's uh... *COUGH!* Uh, over there Sir...*COUGH!* dead I think..." ~Cyrus held up a compassionate hand, silencing the sickly man. He reached into his saddle bag and pulled out a small purple vial. He tossed it to the man.~ "There you go, friend. Take care." ~Panic now strewn across his face, he wheeled the horse in the direction the soldier had pointed. He set the mare off at a quick canter, looking left and right with keen elvish eyes. You can't be dead Aragorn! He was becoming hopeless when his cheek burned. The scythe was glowing furiously. Beaming, he leapt off the back of his steed, grasping her bewildered reigns and rushing to his target.~

"Aragorn!" ~The half-elf cried out, joy and relief flooding his face. Quickly looping the horse's reigns over a post, he ran nimbly to his friend, crouching down and getting him in a one-armed embrace.~ "You bloody son of a lich!" ~He laughed, recoiling with a hop and a wide grin.~ "I thought you were dead!"
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