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Old 05-10-2007, 08:28 AM   #1
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: September 5, 2003
Location: Canada
Age: 65
Posts: 396
Sat May 05 13:41:23 GMT-4

EfU Roleplaying Session One

Cloudbringer.................Ygraine Chockspurr
Garnet Falcondance.......Lilisa
Javan..........................Benny Alesman
Robertthebard..............Tinade Fermana


“Focus,” Benny thought to himself, “You gotta stay focused!”

Benny Alesman could pick up new skills quickly but he would not stay with them very long. He kept drifting from one thing to another. Time spent with a “group of treasure seekers” from the city of Lusken taught him how to get past locks and traps. A retreat to Neverwinter Woods taught him combat and wilderness survival skills like how to handle animals. In Baldur’s Gate a friendly bard taught him how to encourage his friends and make his enemies feel worthless. Benny moved from place to place and from job to job, always learning something else: how to move silently and sneak attack someone; how to identify a valuable object and get the best price for it; how to identify what spell someone is casting; how to move through a battle field (or barroom brawl) without drawing attention to himself; and so on…. He was a true Jack-of-all-trades but Master of None.

Ready to move on again, Benny sold most of his possessions and headed to the place where loot was rumoured to be simply lying around just for the taking- UNDERMOUNTAIN!

Getting off the boat in Waterdeep, Benny was worried about his dwindling savings. He needed to join an adventuring company, to gain money, soon. Thus he set out to correct his financial condition immediately. “The nearest tavern should provide me with leads to an adventure, serving wenches to impress and ale to drink” He thought. “Well, not necessarily in that order…” Benny entered the Yawning Portal Inn.

Breezing past a pair of forward courtesans, Benny headed for the main counter. “Why are these ladies so aggressive?” he wondered. “They are good looking enough I suppose, they should not want for repeat customers. Hmmm, a puzzle for another time I guess…”

The middle-aged man behind the counter warmly greeted Benny.

Durnan: “Well met, my friend! I am Durnan, the Inn Keeper here at the Yawning Portal! Would you like to see our shop?”

Benny Alesman: “Sure Durnan!”

Benny picked out a shortsword and shield, an amulet that provided protection against blows and finally a rod infused with a cleric’s divine magic. The rod would return life even to those whose wounds ordinary bandages could not recover.

Durnan advised Benny that a small group of adventurers had just left the Inn. An armourer and a weapon maker have shops to the south, head in that direction he suggested.

First Encounters

Heading south Benny came upon two women and a bear inspecting a sewer grate. One lady had the bearing and clothing of a mage while the other lady, an elf, was carrying a longbow.

The elf was saying “… smelly down there, but I sense great riches, ... or maybe I'm just drunk from that ale.”

“I vote for the ale!” replied the mage.

Benny Alesman: “Well met, friends.”

The bear shifted form and dissolved into a third lady wearing green armour. “Warm winds and hello.” She introduced herself as Lilisa.

“Why hello there. Pleased to meet you.” Said the mage, Ygraine Chockspurr.

The elf, Tinade Fermana, asked “Where to, now?”

Benny Alesman: “I am looking for an armoury.”

Tinade Fermana: “this way then”

They came into Hearthstone’s Armoury and Shields shop with a larger-than-life statue of an armoured figure out in front.

Gilain Hearthstone: “Wha'da ya want? Looking to buy me Armors or Shields?”

Benny Alesman: “Yes, Show me what you have in stock!”

The quality of the merchandise was high with prices to match. Benny looked longingly at the Hearthstone Archer’s Belt. With multiple magical enhancements it had a price tag of almost 200,000 gold pieces. “I have not made that much money in my entire life” thought Benny, “But, perhaps, someday…”

Benny settled for the cheapest set of scalemail armour and a larger shield.

Benny Alesman: “Well, I have spent as much as I can afford (leaving the usual reserve for the purchase of ale).”

Lilisa, meanwhile, had purchased new armour and was having it dyed a light green.

As they exited the armoury, Tinade Fermana had to leave for an errand.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Is there a seller of magics nearby? Bah, rain...” The sky had darkened and rain was beginning to fall.

Benny Alesman: “Where shall we explore today?”

The words were barely out of his mouth when two dark figures crept out of an alleyway to the east. Ygraine fell under a rapid series of blows from one of the thieves. Benny barely managed to get in the first swing on the second thief.

The thieves were wearing leather armour topped with dark cowls- standard equipment for Xanather thieves. Benny’s scalemail and shield offered better protection but the thief was faster. Using a dagger in his offhand, the thief was attacking four times for every swing of Benny’s.

Ignoring Lilisa for the moment, the second thief attacked Benny as well. Lilisa landed a few minor blows before switching to spells. The thieves dodged the fire and lightning that Lilisa rained down from the sky.

Benny was losing. He was outnumbered and outclassed. The thieves were using assassin daggers that dealt more damage than he could hope to inflict. He tried to boost his morale with a bardsong and cursed the thieves. He drank his last healing potion. He landed blows regularly but as the thieves wore identical armour and wielded identical weapons, Benny was not sure he hit the same thief twice in a row. Eventually, inevitably, Benny too fell under the thieves’ daggers.

The thieves turned their attention to Lilisa. She ran quickly to the west. The thieves gave chase, but crashed into a city watchman who made short work of the wounded thieves.

Lilisa returned to her companions and used her Rod of Resurrection to revive them.

Lilisa: “I shall need more of those wondrous rods before long”

Ygraine Chockspurr: (*laughing* Benny was dancing on my head while I was dead!)

Benny Alesman: “I have one of the rods but cannot use it on myself ;-P”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Alas, no, you cannot…”

The Streets of Waterdeep

Lilisa assumed the role of Party Leader. She led the party westward.

In an area of open ground between the docks and the city gate, stockades were built. Various livestock from outlying farms awaited shipment to distant ports.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “How now, brown cow!”

The group continued west until they reached the Offices of the City Watch. There were rumours that the renowned City Guard was recruiting new members. The watchmen at the door were not saying anything though.

Lilisa: “For a recruitment office, the guards are most unfriendly!”

The group continued on in the rain and turned north at the next corner.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Will your armor rust in this rain, good Benny?”

Benny’s reply (if any) was cut off as a black hooded shape broke from the shadows of a nearby alley attacking Lilisa.

Lilisa struck first, catching the thief off-guard. The thief attempted to strike back but could not get past Lilisa’ new armour. Benny and Ygraine joined in the battle.

Lilisa started to cast a spell. The thief tried to disrupt Lilisa but was hit with a pillar of fire before he could harm her. Benny started his bardsong. The thief followed his hit with another from his off hand.

Lilisa managed to summon lightning before being hit again. The thief evaded the lightning and scored another hit on Lilisa. Benny cursed the thief. After receiving another hit, Lilisa used a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds. Benny sneak attacked the thief while the thief was preoccupied with Lilisa.

Lilisa landed another blow to the thief. The thief’s attempt to retaliate was cut short when Benny dropped him with another sneak attack.

Benny and Ygraine let out a cheer.

Lilisa: “Another miscreant here!”

Lilisa managed to get the first blow in again. The Xanather thief returned the blow but was sneak attacked by Benny in return. Ygraine also managed to hit the thief.

The Xanather minion turned his attention to Benny. Lilisa began casting Blood Frenzy. Ygraine hit the thief again while Benny missed. The thief caught Benny with an off hand strike.

Lilisa used a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds before striking the thief again. Ygraine hit the thief as well. The thief tried in vain to hit Benny but collapsed under Benny’s counter-attack.

Examining the alley where the thieves came out of, Benny found a large chest while Lilisa inspected a sewer entrance near the rear of the alley.

Benny Alesman: “Hmm, I found a standard halberd, a common gemstone, a curing potion and a bracer...”

Lilisa: “This grate looks different than the others!”

Benny Alesman: “how shall we divide the loot?”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “I have no use for them, please keep what you need!”

Lilisa: “Come have a look here.”

The Sewer Tour

The grate did have a different pattern compared to the typical Waterdeep sewer entrance. Benny adjusted his weapons and climbed down.

The ladder ended in a T-intersection of the sewers. Suddenly a pair of Zombie Warriors attacked from opposite ends of the T.

Lilisa and Benny attacked one zombie each while Ygraine stabbed wherever she saw an opening. Once more Lilisa summoned pillars of fire which hit the zombies soundly. One Zombie Warrior fell while Benny sliced away at the remaining one. Benny found the zombie did not have any weak spots that he could exploit with a sneak attack. He had to settle for the old-fashioned way of simply chopping it to bits.

All three branches of the sewer intersection dead-ended but there was a large chest at the end of the stem branch.

Lilisa: “Oh my!”
Ygraine Chockspurr: “ooh...sewers”
Ygraine Chockspurr: “bit dank!”

Searching the chest, Benny found a helm among the gems and gold. Inspecting the helm, Benny found it enhanced the wearer’s ability to spot hidden or concealed things. Benny equipped the helm immediately.

Lilisa: “The gates seem to be closed there - let us try another…”

They returned to the surface.

Lilisa paused by the entrance of a building.

Lilisa: “Now, how can a swaying curtain be locked?”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Mayaps magic?”

When Benny considered that some wizard’s robes were harder that plate armour, he had to agree.

The group took a short break while Lilisa scryed the location of their wayward companion.

Lilisa: “Friend Tinade seems to have fallen into the sewers”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “The ale, no doubt!”

The three companions found a regular sewer entrance near by and Benny and Lilisa climbed down.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “drank too much or is in search of more!”. She went to find another sewer entrance to find Tinade quicker.

Lilisa and Benny were barely steps away from the ladder when Shadows attacked. Although the Shadows were one of the weakest of the Undead, they have a chilling touch that could sap one’s strength. Both shadows fell quickly but not before Benny’s strength was drained. He became encumbered.

Benny Alesman: “I will have to cash in so of this loot soon...”

Having more loot than he could carry had never occurred to Benny.

Benny Alesman: “How I have dreamed of being in this position.”

Lilisa came to a locked gate in the sewer. The breach required a specific key to open. Benny’s lockpicks were of no use. Lilisa and Benny used their weapons to break down the barrier.

Voices were heard echoing through the sewer system.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “I have lost the others, but good to see you back!”

Tinade Fermana: “It seems that ale was stouter than others.”

Lilisa and Benny continued to strike away at the breach.

Lilisa : “I heard the cry of the Mother from the sewers”

The noise of breach finally collapsing attracted the local inhabitants to Benny and Lilisa.

Spiders and Slimes, Oh My!

Sewer Spiders, the size of young ponies came skittering down the passageway.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “My head still aches from Benny dancing on it while fighting those rogues!”

Benny, Lilisa and the Sewer Spiders (Benny counted four of them) failed to land a solid blow on each other when coming into striking range.

Tinade Fermana RP: “that wasn't the Mother”

Benny decided to change tactics. From his backpack, he pulled a special jar and lit the oil-soaked rag tied around its neck. The jar was carefully scored so that it would break easily when hit with a hard surface. Benny tossed the jar at the spider behind the one that was attacking him. The jar disintegrated upon impact spreading flaming oil on everything in a 5 foot radius. The spider that was hit directly did not get back up.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “‘Twas sewer rats!”

Lilisa casted a Flame Strike while Benny started his bardsong. Encouraged by the bardsong the two adventurers began to hit the spiders while avoiding the mandibles and claws of the 8 legged horrors.

Tinade Fermana: “Perhaps we can find our fortunes up here, whilst they play in the refuse of the city.”

The spider battle continued so long that Benny had to renew his bardsong. Lilisa cut down the spider in front of her and cast another Flame Strike. The Flame Strike wounded the two remaining Sewer Spiders.

A Shadow appeared among the spiders. Benny hit his spider while Lilisa cast another spell. An electrical discharge killed the Shadow outright and wounded the spiders even further. Benny killed one of the wounded spiders.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Ahh fresh air and sea breezes”

Lilisa and Benny made short work of the remaining spider.

Benny Alesman: “Well hurrah!”

Lilisa: “These creatures have grown uncommonly strong in the taint of this sewer”

Benny Alesman: “Indeed!”

They soon found out the spiders were not the only creatures that had grown strong. At the next intersection, three large puddles of slime reared up and spat globs of acid at the two adventurers.

Benny slashed at the nearest slime and hurt it but the slime did not have any vital spot for Benny to capitalize on. All three slimes focused their attacks on Benny.

Benny Alesman: “AAAaaagh slime!”
Lilisa cast another electrical spell. It seemed to hurt all three slimes.

Benny used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

Tinade Fermana: “wooo, more ale, and some wine..”

Benny fumbled into his backpack. He pulled out a Ring of Elemental Resistance. The merchant said it was good against fire, cold, electrical and acid damage. Benny hoped the latter was true.

It was true. Most, if not all, damage was resisted. The slimes had a hard time hitting Lilisa and Benny in their new armour. Those acid blobs that did hit were reduced in effectiveness.

Voices from their companions drifted down from the surface…

Ygraine Chockspurr: “I've changed my mind...don't think I wish a solo sea journey just yet!”

Tinade Fermana: “I had become quite stuck”

It became grinding work. The adventurers would hit the slime for minor damage. The slimes would get lucky sometimes and hit back. Thanks to magical protections and healing supplies, the adventurers would return to full health quickly. Exhausted, the adventurers had no energy to cheer when the last slime succumbed to their combined attacks.

[ 05-29-2007, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: javan ]
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Old 05-10-2007, 08:52 AM   #2
Zhentarim Guard

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Lilisa and Benny fighting slimes

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Old 05-10-2007, 07:22 PM   #3
Garnet FalconDance

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Huzzah! Excellent accounting!

(Stay tuned for further adventures - mmore spiders, kobolds, cave goblins, undead, and even bone medusas!)
"Nature tells every secret once." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Old 05-21-2007, 11:32 PM   #4
Zhentarim Guard

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Part Two

** Lilisa the Druid and Benny the Bard are fighting the unnatural creatures in Waterdeep’s sewers. The voices of their companions, Ygraine the mage and Tinade the Archer, can be heard in the distance. **

Exploring further, Lilisa and Benny came upon another Sewer Breach.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Yes, tis, no ships for Evermeet though, I would wager”

The sewer gate finally broke under the attacks of Benny and Lilisa.

The next intersection had two slimes waiting there. One was the large bright green slime that they had fought before. The second slime was smaller with a darker green hue.

Lilisa and Benny focused their attacks on the smaller slime.

Tinade Fermana: “Perhaps not, but I'd wager the second ship belongs to Elaithe”

Benny Alesman damaged the Olive Slime but, like its bigger cousin, the smaller slime had no vulnerabilities that Benny could take advantage of. The bonus was not necessary. After a couple of blows from Lilisa and Benny, the Olive Slime was quickly dispatched.

The larger slime took longer to kill. Lilisa and Benny double-teamed the large slime. They worked quietly and effectively, not wasting bardsongs or spells but just hacking away at the slime until it expired.

Benny Alesman: Well hurrah!”

Tinade Fermana: “It would seem that we have been abandoned”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “I'm thinking he wouldn't care for stowaways”

Tinade Fermana: “Trolls!”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “The guards have done them in”

Tinade Fermana: “That is well”

Benny and Lilisa came upon a long westward corridor with small chambers branching off each side at short intervals. A crossbow bolt snapped off the wall beside them. Benny and Lilisa ducked into the first side chamber to the south.

A blob of acid missed them as a Large Green Slime attacked them from inside the chamber. Benny opened a tightly sealed vial and quickly poured the volatile liquid on his sword. The liquid burst into flames soon after coming into contact with the air. Benny charged the slime with his now flaming sword.

Just before reaching the slime, Benny jumped to the side. The “CLICK” was more felt than heard but the trap that was sprung barely missed the bard. Once more his reflexes saved him from a nasty surprise.

Lilisa approached the slime from the opposite side thus did not have to worry about the trap. She attacked it successfully with her sickle.

More crossbow bolts shattered into the walls around the adventurers. Meanwhile Lilisa saw a large goblin casting a spell. The Cave Goblin Chieftain became surrounded by an aura.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Aye, I have little desire to meet with Trolls for now!”

Benny slashed the slime. The slime did not appear to be affected by the flames.

Tinade Fermana: “I concur.”

A goblin with a crossbow appeared at the chamber entrance. Dark shapes lined up behind the goblin. Lilisa turned to meet the new threat. The goblin was still reloading when Lilisa killed it with one blow. A blob of acid hit Lilisa from an unseen assailant.

Lilisa drank a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds while a Skeleton Warrior took up the goblin’s place.

Lilisa: “There is evil here!”

The flames died out on Benny’s sword; the alchemist’s liquid had finally burnt off. He continued to hack away at the Large Green Slime.

Lilisa attacked the Skeleton Warrior. She hit it for minor damage. The skeleton missed on the return attack.

Benny avoided the slime’s attacks all the while scoring hits of his own. This would be another long battle.

Tinade Fermana: “We should attempt to find our friends, if we can.”

Lilisa slowly wore out the Skeleton Warrior. She would score a minor hit; it would miss her. Finally it collapsed into a pile of broken bones.

Another Skeleton Warrior was behind the first. A few strong blows brought down the second skeleton.

A Large Green Slime attacked Lilisa. Lilisa settled in for a battle of attrition.

Lilisa: “We are near Elaith's keep!”

Benny Alesman: “DIE! Slime!”

Occasionally the slime would manage a hit on Benny. Whatever was not resisted outright was soon healed thanks to his new equipment.

Tinade Fermana: “…not here…”

The other Large Green Slime kept missing Lilisa.

Tinade Fermana: “ah, perhaps here.”

Benny finally killed the Large Green Slime. He picked a rapier lying on the ground and looked for his next target. Benny saw Lilisa was preoccupied with the other Large Green Slime while a Kobold was shooting bolts at her.

Benny charged the Kobold. Once again, like a sixth sense, his rogue reflexes avoided a trap set in front of his enemy.

Tinade Fermana: *listening*

Behind the Kobold was Cave Goblin Chieftain casting Stinking Cloud. Avoiding the noxious fumes, Benny attacked the Kobold. The Cave Goblin Chieftain casted another Stinking cloud. Again Benny avoided it.

A second Cave Goblin Chieftain appeared casting Ghostly Visage.

Lilisa killed the Large Green Slime. She attacked a second Kobold.

Another Cave Goblin Chieftain cast Stinking Cloud as well. That was too much for Benny. He became nauseous and disoriented. Dazed, he ran from the sickening cloud.

Lilisa killed her Kobold and set upon the Kobold that Benny was attacking earlier.

Cave Goblin Chieftain casts Charm Monster. Benny was stunned under the mind attack.

Lilisa killed the weakened Kobold.

One of the Cave Goblin Chieftains summoned a Dire Boar. Another cast Stinking Cloud again. Another Chieftain cast Burning Hands. Even in his dazed state, Benny was able to dodge the flames.

Lilisa attacked a Cave Goblin Chieftain but it was concealed under an Improved Invisibility spell.

A large Green Slime slithered into the melee.

Benny shrugged off the mind spell only to fall in one of the many stinking clouds. The Cave Goblin Chieftain began casting a series of Ray of Frost spells. There was no saving from that minor spell.

The Large Green Slime hit Benny with a blob of acid.

Another Cave Goblin Chieftain cast shocking grasp on Benny. Benny avoided half the electrical damage. Benny was unable to strike back in his confused state.
Benny finally fell to a poison bolt from a Kobold.

Lilisa managed to reach Benny in time to use her Rod of Resurrection.

Benny attempted to hit a Cave Goblin Chieftain. Its skin was covered with a stone-like veneer that absorbed much of the damage. It cast a Shocking Grasp but Benny avoided most of the damage.

Tinade Fermana: “perhaps so”

A Kobold attacked Benny and a Summoned Dire Boar attacked Lilisa. Lilisa killed the Large Green Slime and went on to attack the boar.

A Cave Goblin Chieftain cast Hold Person on Benny as the bard was trying to avoid a stinking cloud. Benny escaped the noxious fumes but found himself paralyzed.

One Cave Goblin Chieftain attacked Lilisa; another cast Protection from Good, while a third Chieftain cast Burning Hands. Unable to dodge Benny got hit with the full effect of the flames.

A Large Green Slime joined the boar and chieftain in attacking Lilisa. Lilisa killed the chieftain and started attacking the Large Green Slime.

The other Cave Goblin Chieftain was casting Burning Hands and Ray of Frost spells on the helpless Benny. The Kobold attacked as well but could not find a weak spot in Benny’s armour.

Benny finally broke free of the paralysis and attacked the Kobold. The little monster died after a few strong blows. Benny went after the spell casting Cave Goblin Chieftain.

A Kobold joined the attack on Benny. Benny switched to the Kobold, hoping the protection spell on the chieftain would wear off in the mean time. Two strong hits and a sneak attack finished the Kobold quickly.

The chieftain was still protected. Benny did a mental check of his inventory for a way to overcome the chieftain’s Stone Skin protection; a wand, elemental damage ammo, a pot of oil, anything! Benny spotted a large chest in the corner of the chamber. He eased his way over to the container fighting the chieftain all the way. Benny kicked the chest open, setting off a trap which he ignored. Inside the chest was a nondescript wand (no time to examine it in the middle of combat!), a pile of coins (nice but useless in battle), and a finely crafted mace. (YES!)

Benny grabbed the mace and equipped it immediately. The chieftain was concealed with an Improved Invisibility spell but when he could connect, Benny could hurt the goblin leader.

Tinade Fermana: “yeah, and no help in sight”

Lilisa killed the Large Green Slime. She chose another Cave Goblin Chieftain as her target. It was also partially concealed. Like Benny, only half her strikes connected to do damage.

Tinade Fermana: “little help?”

Benny Alesman: “Convince this goblin chieftain to die quickly and I’ll be right there!”

Tinade Fermana:“Dieeeee goblin dude”

The gods of Fate must have been listening. Benny saw an opportunity and landed a critical hit on the Cave Goblin Chieftain. It dropped like a rock and did not get up again.

Benny turned to see how Lilisa fared. He spotted the Summoned Dire Boar and the Cave Goblin Chieftain.

Benny Alesman: "Arrrgh another one...”

Benny sneak attacked the chieftain. The chieftain turned his attention to Benny. Mistake! Lilisa landed a blow as well. The chieftain turned back to Lilisa. BIG MISTAKE! Benny landed a massive sneak attack that finished the battle conclusively.

Benny found a Ring of Speed on the chieftain. Benny picked up a crossbow and some bolts from the corpse of a Kobold.

Lilisa and Benny took a quick rest to recharge and then set off to aid their friends.

"Everybody Must Get Stoned" — Cypress Hill

Guided by their friend’s voices Lilisa and Benny, headed north past another sewer breach. The tunnels turned east then north again.

Around the next corner their friends were being attacked by skeletal figures.

Quietly Benny attacked a skeleton with a red glowing chest cavity. The Lifestealer had no vulnerable spots used in sneak attacks.

Another skeletal figure turned its gaze to Benny. Benny recognized that the monster was once a Medusa and averted his gaze.

A skeleton with a green glowing chest cavity attacked Benny. The Poisonous Dead missed Benny. Benny tumbled around the area attacking Lifestealers and Poisonous Dead whenever possible while avoiding the Bone Medusas. Eventually he got caught…

Benny Alesman: “now I'm a statue...” as he became petrified.

Tinade Fermana: “That's how they got us”

Lilisa was using a flaming weapon. Lilisa managed to smash one of the Lifestealers. She began to attack one of the Bone Medusas.

A Bone Medusa was attacking Benny to no avail. A Poisonous Dead also attacked Benny but his armour’s natural protection prevented damage to him.

Lilisa killed one of the Bone Medusas and started on another one. The Medusas were not using their gaze attacks. They kept clawing Benny, unable to get past his damage reduction.

Lilisa: “Hold, Friends.”

She continued to hurt the Medusa while its attention was on Benny.

Lilisa: "Here you meet your end!”

The Medusa flailed uselessly against Benny.

Benny Alesman: "Hahaha!”

Lilisa hit the Medusa again.

Tinade Fermana: “where???”

The Bone Medusa failed again to hurt Benny as Lilisa’s flaming weapon continued to damage the undead horror.

Tinade Fermana: “That was a famous play.”

Lilisa finished off the Bone Medusa and began attacking the Poisonous Dead.

Lilisa: “Is this the last of these unnatural creatures?”

Tinade Fermana: "Okay.”

Like the Bone Medusa, the Poisonous Dead focused on attacking Benny to no avail.

Eventually the petrifying magic wore off and Benny returned the attacks.

With a final slash Lilisa ended the unnatural existence of the Poisonous Dead. She gained enough experience to advance her career.

Lilisa: (ding)

Her peace was interrupted by the appearance of a Skeletal Dwarf and another two Bone Medusa (Medusi? Medussesses???).

Ignoring the new monsters Lilisa used the Rod of Resurrection on Tinade Fermana. Tinade then used her Rod of Resurrection on Ygraine.

Benny Alesman: “Not again”

Lilisa: “Oh dear”

Benny became petrified again. The undead focused their attention on the helpless Benny, allowing the ladies to attack freely.

Eventually it was Ygraine Chockspurr who killed the first Bone Medusa.

The Skeletal Dwarf continued on Benny while the other Bone Medusa attacked Tinade. In a sudden flurry of blows the Bone Medusa killed Tinade Fermana.

Ygraine began casting spells. A handful of glowing missiles spread from her hand and slammed into each of the undead. A bewildering cloud appeared in their midst. The undead (and some nearby containers) were blasted by a ball of flames.

Ygraine Chockspurr used her Rod of Resurrection on Tinade.

Tinade Fermana: Thanks.”

Tinade and Ygraine attacked the Bone Medusa while Lilisa focused on the Skeletal Dwarf. The Bone Medusa opted for physically attacking Tinade instead of using its petrifying gaze. Several consecutive hits by the Bone Medusa forced Tinade to down a healing potion during combat.

Ygraine used a magic wand. A pair of glowing missiles shot from the wand and unerringly hit the Skeletal Dwarf. The undead dwarf barely noticed.

Ygraine summoned her own undead. The Summoned Ghoul attacked the Skeletal Dwarf. The Bone Medusa was distracted by the ghoul. The ghoul fought mindlessly against the more powerful undead but, in the end, the ghoul was nothing more than a distraction.

Ygraine summoned her Ice Mephit familiar named Frosty. Frosty attacked the Skeletal Dwarf while the dwarf turned his concentration on Tinade.

Tinade collapsed under the Skeletal Dwarf’s attack.

Frosty attacked the Skeletal Dwarf. The undead dwarf slashed the poor familiar. The Stone Medusa sent the unfortunate Mephit back to the Outer Plane from whence it came.

Benny finally broke free of the petrifying magic. He immediately attacked the Bone Medusa. Benny started another bardsong to encourage his companions.

Benny was trading hits with the Bone Medusa when he noticed Tinade on the ground. He used his Rod of Resurrection on Tinade.

Tinade Fermana: Thanks.”

The four companions focused their attacks on the Bone Medusa and it collapsed under Lilisa’s fiery weapon.

Their attention was turned to the remaining undead dwarf. The Skeletal Dwarf tried to hit Lilisa without any luck.

Finally Benny’s new mace sent it crashing to the ground.

Tinade Fermana: “Yipee! Hooray! Uh… yahoo!”

Benny Alesman: “Well hurrah!”

Ygraine Chockspurr: Well hooray for us!”

Lilisa: Day and night are a cycle in balance. I need rest as well.”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Ok, that's enough for me... I need some rest.”

Benny Alesman: “Time for some well earned rest, I think.”

A well earned rest period was taken.

Benny Alesman: “I am encumbered... I will have to unload the loot...”

Lilisa: “A reprovision is in order!”

Tinade Fermana: “Aye, I could stand for more or better supplies.”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “I need spells”

Benny Alesman: “To the Inn then...”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “and wine!”

Back to the Inn

They soon emerged from the depths of the sewers.

Tinade Fermana: “It's so nice to be the first one out of there!”

The group returned to the Yawning Portal Inn.

Durnan: “Welcome back, Benny, is there something more ye be needing?”

Benny Alesman: “I want to sell some treasure I found Durnan!” Benny thought it was nice that the innkeeper remembered his name. He must have made a big impression on Durnan.

Durnan: “Welcome back, Lilisa, is there something more ye be needing? Welcome back, Tinade, is there something more ye be needing?” Oops, Durnan remembered everybody’s name; oh well…

Benny sold most of the items he had found, keeping only the mace from the Cave Goblin Chieftain’s chest.

Benny Alesman: “How do we share the loot?”

Lilisa: “If, on our journeys, anyone should find a decent sickle or sling and bullets, I'd be appreciative.”

Tinade Fermana: “Aye, if I see them, I shall be sure to let you know.”

Benny purchased some bags of holding, spell scrolls and healing potions. Ygraine bought healing supplies from the Paladin known as Miltiades.

Lilisa: “We add unnecessary length to our journey just lounging about.”

Ygraine set about exploring the lobby of the inn in detail. She came upon an elderly lady by some stairs leading up.

Mainna Meyer: “Hello there, lass. Being something I can do for thee?”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “Yes. I am new to this tavern, and thought I would ask thee what this place is like…”

Mainna Meyer: “Well, not much to tell really. This is a tavern and inn. It also has a well, where the foolish young people go down and risk life and limb for some treasure. Quite silly if you ask me, lass. What was your name again lass?”

Ygraine Chockspurr: “I never gave it to you. It's Ygraine.”

Mainna Meyer: “Well met, Ygraine! I am Mainna. If you are new as you say, I would talk to everyone around this tavern. Most of them will speak to thee and have good information and tips for survival. I personally would not risk going down there, these old bones have seen better days, if thy know what I mean! haha!”

Lilisa summoned a panther animal companion named Malane. Lilisa began to playfully wrestle with Malane.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “I have heard they have Drow in the basement.”

Benny contemplated better equipment first. Benny Alesman: “There is a belt I wish to purchase from the armourer; I shall return shortly...”

Benny quickly left the inn and hurried south to the Armourer. A Xanather thief slipped out of an alleyway to intercept Benny. The thief could not land a solid blow thanks to Benny’s armour. Benny hit the thief with his mace and started a bardsong.

The thief concentrated on hitting Benny. Tinade appeared and sneak attacked the thief with her bow. Not wanting to break contact with Benny the thief swung uselessly against the bard. Benny made short work of the thief.

Tinade Fermana: “I will meet you here; I must purchase a new bow.”

Benny Alesman: “Agreed!”

Benny entered the Armoury. Gilain Hearthstone was his usual cheerful self: “Wha'da ya want? Looking to buy me Armors or Shields?”

Benny was just purchasing the coveted Hearthstone's Archer’s Belt when he heard a voice in his head.

“here i come”

Tinade Fermana: “oh boy”

Lilisa: *pets Malane absently, thinking of the enormous task ahead of them*

Benny hurried outside. Tinade was already there.

Benny Alesman: “Well met, friend.”

Tinade Fermana: “How's it going?”

Benny Alesman: “I need a better short sword; this one couldn't scratch the Goblin Chieftain.”

Tinade Fermana: “Follow me! ”

Lilisa: “The weapons merchant in Waterdeep may have a better sword for you.”

Benny and Tinade came across a Weapon Shop along the south wall of Waterdeep.

Gelfuril the Merchant: “Welcome! Welcome! Looking to buy a weapon, Lad?”

Benny Alesman: “Yes. Please show me your selection!”

Tinade became uneasy. Tinade Fermana: “We are about to have company.”

Benny quickly bought two short swords (one slightly better than the other) and a composite longbow.

Suddenly the shop owner’s pet terrier also became uneased. It attacked the customers like an animal possessed. The small dog couldn’t really hurt them but it seemed unfazed to attacks as well.

Tinade Fermana: “Bad puppy!”

Ygraine had to leave. Mundane matters were calling for her attention.

Ygraine Chockspurr: “'fraid I'm going to have to run guys- life calls!”

Tinade Fermana: “Farewell.”

Benny Alesman: “Take care

Ygraine Chockspurr: “You too! See you later!”

Suddenly the whole building began to shake violently.

Tinade Fermana: “Earthquake!”

Benny Alesman: “Yikes!”

Tinade Fermana: “Think I'd rather be outside, just in case the roof caves in.”

Lilisa: “As I said, you're not a witch.”

Benny Alesman: “Agreed.”

Benny and Tinade left the shop. Tinade asked direction from a passing guard.

Waterdeep City Guard: “What can I do for thee, Madam?”

Tinade Fermana: Where is the exit from Waterdeep?”

Waterdeep City Guard: “The exit is in the Southern area of the city. Go as far south as ye can, and you shall see the gates.”

Tinade Fermana: “Thank you, Sir.”

They came to the gate where the guards were battling some trolls that had managed to enter the city. The adventurers ducked back as a Troll Shaman started casting Implosion. The guards were using some sort of harm spell which ended the trolls quickly.

Tinade Fermana: “Oops, I so went the wrong way.”

Tinade and Benny met with Lilisa and the three returned to the inn. Approaching the Yawning Portal Inn from the west side, Tinade found that the inn had a ramp leading up to the third floor. She playfully ran up and down the ramp.

Tinade Fermana: “You should try this after it snows.”


As they entered the inn on the third floor, they found a lost looking dwarf.

Torlok Rockrubber: “Bah! Where is my durned room?! Hmph!”

A small group of people were watching a wizard show off his magic. While the patrons were distracted, the adventurers helped themselves to anything that was lying around loose. (Loose being anything that was not guarded by a medium-plus level trap and heavy lock )

Mukubee the Tribesmen watching Wizard: “Wow!”

Tinade Fermana: I left much loot in the cabinets

Benny spoke with the nearby bartender.

Kern Goodmole: “Welcome, my friend! What can I get ye?”

Benny Alesman: “I would like to see what thy sell.”

Randy the Wizard: “A difficult one this time”

Torlok Rockrubber: M”mmm Ale!”

Mukubee the Tribesmen watching Wizard: “Wow!”

Tinade Fermana: “Are you lost?”

Torlok Rockrubber: “No!”

Randy the Wizard: “A difficult one this time”

Mukubee the Tribesmen watching Wizard: “Hope it's better than your last stinker!”

Kemeria watching Wizard: “Where did he go?!?! That sucked arses! Very Lame. My Pet Rat could do that..”

Lilisa: “I found an amulet which will help your armor be more effective. Would either of you like it?”

Mukubee the Tribesmen watching Wizard: “Wow!”

Kemeria watching Wizard: “I could pass gas better than that, sir”

Torlok Rockrubber: “Mmmm Ale!”

Lilisa noticed a half-orc female talking to a male half-orc who was in the lobby earlier.

Lu Lu the Half-Orc: “Your very presence in my sight, is objectionable!”

Mukubee the Tribesmen watching Wizard: “Be quiet, now”

Torlok Rockrubber: “Mmmm Ale!”

Randy the Wizard: “A difficult one this time”

Lilisa: “Why do you not like me, er.. Lady?”

Lu Lu the Half-Orc: I just told you! You is near me! You GO!

Lu Lu the Half-Orc: “Your very presence in my sight, is objectionable!”

Lilisa: “You are one large, Orc's Ass. Hahah! Ye stink too!”

Lu Lu the Half-Orc: “You funny. No funny when me break you. Me punch a hole in you chest. Muhahah!”

Torlok Rockrubber: “Bah! Where is my durned room?! Hmph!”

Kristen the Wanna-be Witch: "All is well, my Pilgrims!”

Kemeria watching Wizard: “Where did he go?!?!”

Lilisa: “I am so sorry, er, Lady. I shall withdraw from thee at once!”

Lu Lu the Half-Orc: “Yes. Do that, you is a filthy..THING! GO!”

Krung the Half-Orc: What you want Girl?

Lilisa: “You know, Krung old pal, I feel like we are related, I've see you so much!”

Krung the Half-Orc: “Me know. Me always watch you go down that silly hole every night. Me happy you come back, safe!”

Lilisa: “I wanted to talk with you some more, Krung!”

Krung the Half-Orc: “What you want Girl?”

Lilisa: “Aren't your kind outlawed in Waterdeep?”

Krung the Half-Orc: “Only Outlaw when Girl like you bug me. Me get mad and smash!!”

Lilisa: “Heh, well, can I ask you another question? I was joking before..”

Krung the Half-Orc: “What you want Girl?”

Lilisa: “Could I sharpen my blade on your hide?”

Krung the Half-Orc: ‘Me not know what you mean!”

Lilisa: “Can-I-cut-your-backside-with-my-weapon.”

Krung the Half-Orc: “NO! BY THE GODS! YOU ARE SICK! BEGONE!”

Katherin: “Please excuse me mylady, I have really bad gas.. I think it was those pigs’ feet I ate!”

Tinade Fermana: “Aye, you are a living stinking cloud!”

Katherin: “And no spell to memorize! Hahaha!”

Lilisa: “Sorry, just kidding, Kung! I have more questions!”
Krung the Half-Orc: “What you want Girl?”

Lilisa: “Who are you?”

Krung the Half-Orc: “I be Krung! I be me. just a half-orc trying to be me. quitely. be me... be me...”

Lilisa: “Yes. everyone can see that. It's hard not to when you're seven feet tall.”

Krung the Half-Orc: “YES! Me tall. me so tall. me so horny! me need to talk to Misty by door soon.”

Lilisa: “Ya know, you just gave me a really bad mental image.”

Krung the Half-Orc: “Shut's you up!! You need something else?”

Lilisa: “No, I am going to get away from you now.”

Kristen the Wanna-be Witch: “Hello! Wow, you are a handsome fellow! I love what you did with your hair!”

Benny Alesman: “Grumbles... Yes, My hair is nice. What are you about?”

Kristen the Wanna-be Witch: “I'm a dangerous WITCH!”

Torlok Rockrubber: “Mmmm Ale!”

Benny Alesman: “Ye are NOT a real witch!”

Kristen the Wanna-be Witch: “YES I AM! I am! I have powers!! I do!”

Benny Alesman: “Sure ye do. Show me then!”

Kristen the Wanna-be Witch: “Okay! Watch!”

Kristen the Wanna-be Witch: “Go with my blessing, then.”

Torlok Rockrubber: “Bah! Where is my durned room?! Hmph!”

Jak the Halfling: “Greetings, friend.”

Tinade Fermana: “How's it going?”

Jak the Halfling: “Wadda ya want!”

Benny Alesman: “How is the Ale here?”

Jak the Halfling: “It's damn good, me boy! how about ye leave me alone so I can enjoy even more of it?”

Benny Alesman: “I am sorry, small one. I will leave thee be.”

Tinade Fermana: “Such a grouch, to be so short.”

Benny Alesman: “Farewell, then.”

Jak the Halfling: “Until we meet again.”

Lilisa: “He is merely out of balance.”

Tinade Fermana: “I think the correct term is "Imbalanced”

Torlok Rockrubber: “Bah! Where is my durned room?! Hmph!”

Leaving the poor dwarf as lost as when they found him the adventurers went downstairs.

Lilisa: “No, that is a different malady altogether.”

Passing through a waiting area on the second floor the trio continued down to the main lobby.

In the center of the lobby was a well. The well shaft was the best known entrance to Undermountain. People could be lowered to a huge series of caverns, halls, mazes, sewers and other places unnameable. There was treasure down there too. Protecting the treasures were traps, deadly traps, traps that sliced, traps that burned, and traps that simply sucked away your life energy. Also guarding the treasures were monsters; too numerous to count and too horrible to describe.

But if you were strong enough, or smart enough, or fast enough, (or lucky enough), you could slip down, overcome the guardians, grab the loot and make it back with your body and mind still intact.

Armed guards stood by the entrance to the well (or more correctly the exit from Undermountain! ) For some reason there was also an armed guard at the basement stairs.

The three decided to stock up before continuing.

While they were bartering with Durnan, Tinade noticed something. Identical gold rings appeared next to each of the adventurers.

Tinade Fermana: “Wooo, gifts from the Gods... Whoa - check this out.”

Benny Alesman: “Well, have a look at this...”

Tinade Fermana: “Here, on the floor, right beside you.”

As no one seemed to claim ownership of the ring Benny scooped his up and examined it. The ring was enchanted to protect the wearer from several harmful effects like fear and paralysis.

Tinade Fermana: “The Gods have smiled on us, and I'm not overly religious...”

Benny Alesman: “You have my thanks.” Benny figured whoever had the power to bestow gifts would also have the power to hear thanks.

Yawning Portal Guard: “Protect the Tavern, evil creatures are about!”

A small group of bugbears erupted from the well. With the reflexes that only an elf can have, Tinade sent an arrow into the nearest bugbear before any of the others could react. The bugbear was out of the fight before it even started.
Benny charged the biggest bugbear he could find, while Lilisa sent her animal companion, Malane, into the fight.

Benny struck the Bugbear Chieftain with several hard blows. Malane also hit the chieftain but the hardest blows came from the Yawning Portal guards. Durnan hired the best and they made short work of the bugbears and a Goblin Elite that managed to sneak in.

Benny Alesman: “I have to talk to Durnan for a pass...”

Durnan: “Welcome back, Benny, is there something more ye be needing?”

Benny Alesman: “I'm ready to go into Undermountain.”

Durnan: “Are you sure? Are you stocked up on healing potions, weapons, armor and maybe even some magic? I am just making sure, because Undermountain is pretty dangerous.”

Benny Alesman: “Yes, I am ready to go down to Undermountain now.”

Durnan: “There we go, 1 Gold taken, and here is your 'pass'. This will allow you to enter the water well now. Don't worry, the guards will allow you to pass as long as you have the contract. Make sure you have 1GP on returning here.”

Benny Alesman: “Thanks, Durnan!”

Durnan: “Just remember to be careful!” In a low voice he added “Don’t be in too much of a rush into danger. Danger will find you soon enough. Take care.”

A haunting melody came from the harp player in the corner.

Tinade Fermana: “Wow, inspired music now...”

They paid the 1GP fee and were lowered down into Undermountain.

Tinade Fermana: “you sure there's no spiders?”

To be continued…

[ 05-29-2007, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: javan ]
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Old 05-24-2007, 12:58 PM   #5
Ironworks Webmaster

     Bow to the Meow


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AWESOME!!!! Damn, you could make a Novel here! Loved it all--and glad you enjoyed those rings. Fear and such are a drag. [img]smile.gif[/img]
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Old 05-25-2007, 03:06 PM   #6
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Very nice, Javan!

Aww, rats, sounds like Ygraine should have hung around longer...she likes purrty shiny things!

Might be able to play again in a few weeks, but tomorrow and next week we're booked solid. Hubby might even be able to join us! He's looking forward to finding the time to run through Undermountain again.
"Don't take life for granted." Animal (may he rest in peace)
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Old 05-26-2007, 10:35 AM   #7
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Undermountain Level One

The attack started immediately upon landing.

They landed on a narrow land bridge that bisected a circular pond. Two skeletons lying on the ground at the north end of the bridge animated and attacked. A Zombie Warrior shuffled in from the south end of the bridge. An ooze-like creature (Large Dun Pudding) spat a vile liquid blob from across the west end of the pond.

Lilisa and Benny attacked the skeletons while Malane (the panther companion) attacked the zombie. Tinade shot at the Large Dun Pudding as it was out of range of the melee weapons.

Lilisa smashed her Skeletal Warrior and turned to help her companion take on the zombie. A wolf came running from the west to join the Zombie Warrior. Malane switched her attention to the wolf. The panther made short work of the wolf.

Seeing the skeleton was resisting his piercing attacks, Benny switched his shortsword for the mace. The mace dropped the skeleton on the next blow.

A Gnoll charged the group from the east while a Hobgoblin Shaman cast spells at the adventurers.

Malane leaped past the dead wolf and attacked the Large Dun Pudding. Lilisa finished the Zombie Warrior and went to assist Malane. Tinade was still hitting the pudding with her arrows. The ooze creature disrupted under their combined attacks.

Tinade put an arrow into the Gnoll as it tried to attack the druid and her companion. Benny came up behind it and dropped the Gnoll with a single sneak attack.

The Hobgoblin Shaman cast an Acid Splash cantrip on Malane. Lilisa killed the Shaman with her fiery weapon.

A sense of dread came over Tinade as she looked south. A small passageway was sealed off by a large web.

Tinade Fermana: “Spider...”

A Bandit Rogue tried to sneak in from his camp to the south. The panther spotted him first and mauled the bandit before he could harm anyone.

Tinade Fermana: “I hate spiders!”

Lilisa fed her companion. The panther seemed instantly revitalized.

A Bandit Chief attacked the group with wild powerful swings. He struck the panther first. Malane collapsed and did not get up.

Benny gauged the Bandit Chief’s ability. The bandit was swinging too wildly to be accurate. Benny switched his shield for a second shortsword in his off hand.

A Skeletal Warrior and Duergar Rogue appeared. Lilisa attacked the skeleton. She smashed the skeleton and then attacked the Bandit Chief that harmed her animal companion.

Tinade used a scroll. A corrosive green arrow shot from her hands and hit the Bandit Chief.

The Bandit Chief slammed Benny with a wild hit. Benny struck back and Lilisa finished off the bandit.

A second Duergar Rogue and a pair of Duergar Mages appeared. They tried casting spells instead of engaging in melee. Lilisa had little difficulty disrupting the spells and sending the four Grey Dwarves into their next life.

Benny turned his attention to the Giant Spider that emerged from the webbed passageway. Tinade kept her distance and fired arrows at the oversized arachnid. Lilisa joined the fight after she finished off the Duergar. The spider fell to their combined assault.

Tinade Fermana: “I hate spiders!”

South of their position was another land bridge over another pond. This bridge had a giant-sized set of doors across the center. On the east side of the pond stood some Drow with their Duergar underlings. The Drow began firing crossbows at the adventurers.

Tinade’s bow and Lilisa’s sling won the ensuing missile exchange.

A large almost-invisible puddle of ooze greeted the trio when they opened the giant doors. The Large Slithering Tracker was immune to the flame on Lilisa’s weapon and to Benny’s sneak attacks but the remaining physical damage by the group was enough to kill it.


They headed south and saw a man in wizard’s robes casting spells against a two-headed giant trapped in a large spider web. The Ettin fell to the wizard’s spells.

Roddybug the Wizard: “Hurray for me!” He noticed the adventurers.

Roddybug the Wizard: “Greetings and well met.”

Tinade Fermana: “Ah, spiderwebs...”

Benny Alesman: “Well met, friend.”

A Shadow sneaked out of an east-end passage and attacked Benny. Roddybug cast Burning hands. Lilisa and Benny managed to avoid the flames but the Shadow was fried on the spot.

Tinade examined the giant’s horde.

Tinade Fermana: “Woot, gold mine! Shield in here.”

Benny went exploring the east passage when he stumbled over a trap. A poisonous cloud enveloped him.

Lilisa found some glowing objects near Roddybug’s camp.

Lilisa: “What is the meaning of this glowing stone, do you think?”

Benny was preoccupied with collecting loot from a crate he had found. A Shadow attacked him but it was quickly dispatched without harming the bard.

Tinade Fermana: “Hmm, they say they are for activating teleporters throughout the sewers and Undermountain.”

Another Shadow and a Duergar Warrior appeared. Roddybug spotted them and began casting spells. The ground shook and everybody fighting (including Benny) were slammed to the ground.

A large Mushroom-like creature appeared and attacked Benny.

Benny, still struggling with the poison from the trap, slashed the Duergar one more time to finish it off.

Tinade appeared and began firing at the Myconid (mushroom creature). Roddybug cast another spell. A minor storm of missiles slammed into the Myconid. Tinade used a scroll of Ice Storm. Lilisa showed up and cast a Flame Strike. Despite being hit with fire and ice the Myconid still stood. Roddybug cast another spell. Again Benny was caught in an area of destruction but managed to resist part of the damage. The Myconid did not get up again.

Lilisa: “Friend Bennie--you should pick up one of those stones-they may prove vital.”

Tinade Fermana: “Benny, you should get you a blue glowy rock.”

Benny wandered back to Roddybug’s camp and picked up the glowing object. It looked like a holy symbol made out of stone that glowed a soft blue.

Benny Alesman: “Hmmmm. interesting...”

Benny heard sounds of combat and quickly returned to his friends. Again he felt the “CLICK” before it was heard. Benny narrowly avoided another trap. He arrived in time to see Lilisa and Tinade finish off a Duergar Warrior.

Lilisa: “'ware! Traps”

Tinade Fermana: “, trap”

Tinade began looting the bodies. Tinade Fermana: “Bullets here”

Lilisa: “My thanks”

Tinade Fermana: “Certainly”

Lilisa: “Where shall we tread now?”

They took their leave of Roddybug and headed north. The passage turned east into a chamber filled with an assortment of creatures- all hostile.

A large black panther attacked Tinade. Tinade fought back hurting it. Benny would have preferred to charm the creature but now it was enraged. He quickly put the animal out of its misery.

An Orc Champion attacked Benny. Tinade brought it down with a single hit.

An Orc Shaman began casting spells against Benny. Benny’s new ring protected him from spells.

Benny noticed traps were laid around the chamber. There were too many traps for him to disarm in the middle of combat. He used a scroll of Find Traps to remove them effortlessly.

A Bugbear and Orc Champion entered the fray. Tinade attacked and killed the Orc Shaman.

Benny use a Flame Weapon scroll while Tinade dispatched the Bugbear and Lilisa attacked a Skeletal Warrior.

Another Orc Shaman appeared and cast Sanctuary. Benny ignored the Shaman and helped Lilisa with the skeleton. Tinade killed the Orc Champion and joined the other two attacking the skeleton.

A pair of Bugbear Shaman showed up with a Goblin Elite. Benny killed the Goblin Elite with one blow while Lilisa finished the Skeleton Warrior.

Tinade managed to land a critical hit on a shaman killing it.

Another Skeletal Warrior joined the fight followed by a Zombie Warrior.

Benny’s flaming weapon finished the Skeletal Warrior.

Lilisa killed the Zombie while Tinade attacked a Duergar Warrior.

Benny suddenly realized there was an Orc Shaman still casting spells around. His flaming weapon put an end to the shaman’s threat.

Tinade landed a sneak attack on the Duergar that finished off the grey dwarf.

A Bugbear entered into Benny’s combat range and was dispatched before the fight had even begun.

Tinade and Benny double-teamed the final Zombie Warrior to quickly bring about its end.

Benny Alesman: “Well hurrah!”

The party examined the chamber. They found the monsters’ previous victims.

Tinade Fermana: “Poor souls..”

Lilisa: “There is a magical bag here.”

Tinade Fermana: “glad it wasn't me.”

Benny acquired Durnan's Magical Bag.

Benny Alesman: “Not all adventurers make it out of Undermountain alive.”

Tinade Fermana: “I'll bet some don't survive it either.”

While they were talking a group of Bugbears attacked. Benny killed the closest Bugbear while a pair of Shamans began to cast spells.

Benny killed a Goblin Elite while a Shaman hit Benny with Magic Missiles.

Another Bugbear Shaman appeared with a Gypsy Mage.

Tinade and Benny finished one Shaman and then the other.

The three adventurers focused on the remaining Gypsy Mage. The Mage began casting a spell. That was a BIG MISTAKE. It opened an Attack of Opportunity for Lilisa and sneak attacks for Tinade and Benny. All three hit; the spell never had a chance of completing.

Stoned Again

They trekked north again.

Lilisa: “Here! Guide your attention to me!”

Tinade Fermana: “Balls of a juggling ogre!”

Lilisa: “A strange chamber....”

They found a rust coloured creature the size of a large pig, with long whip-like antennae and a long rat tail with a propeller (??) at the end. The rust creature attacked Lilisa but missed. Benny sneak attacked the monster and killed it with one blow.

A Gorgon and Hook Horror appeared. The cavern began to shake.

Tinade Fermana: “Ah, Undermountain quake”

The adventurers focused on the bull-like Gorgon. The Gorgon spewed a green-black mist from its mouth. Benny and Tinade continued to hit the Gorgon.

Lilisa: “The gorgon petrified me.”

The Gorgon breathed again.

Tinade Fermana: “Wow, role reversal”

Tinade hit the monster again, finally killing it.

Benny Alesman: “I'm stoned again...”

The Hook Horror attacked Benny’s still form. Tinade made a critical hit which ended the Hook Horror.

A Minotaur Berserker showed up as the petrifying gas wore off on Lilisa. Benny was soon free as well. The three companions wore out the tough Minotaur. Other Minotaurs attacked from the far end of the cavern.

Benny charged a Minotaur Shaman. A smaller Minotaur stood in the way. An arrow from Tinade and a poke from Benny’s flaming shortsword dropped the small Minotaur to the ground, never to rise again.

The Shaman tried to cast a Sanctuary but Benny’s willpower overcame it. He began to hit the monster causing damage. Lilisa joined him. It tried to cast a minor healing spell but the damage that Lilisa, Tinade and Benny were causing was much greater. It fell to their combined attacks.

A Small Minotaur and Water Elemental quickly fell as well to the combined attacks.

The chamber had a small altar in the east side bathed in a soft light from an unknown source. Offerings were placed at its base. A circle of runes was drawn in red (blood perhaps?) on the ground before the altar. Around the parameter of the chamber vines and small bushes grew.

Lilisa: “Odd to see these small bits of Nature within all this gloom.”

She examined the treasure laid by the altar. Lilisa: “A dagger...”

Benny Alesman: “I prefer short swords...”

Tinade Fermana: “I don't!”

Benny Alesman: “Beware; I do not trust those runes on the floor...”

A pair of Hook Horrors and a large Troll entered the chamber.

Lilisa attacked the Troll Berserker while Benny and Tinade took on the Hook Horrors.

Benny got the attention of a Hook Horror with a powerful sneak attack. Tinade followed up with a sneak attack of her own. Benny put the creature down with a final thrust of his flaming sword. The second Hook Horror went down just as fast.

Lilisa cast a Flame Strike on the Troll Berserker. The monster ignored the damage and continued to swing at Lilisa. Benny and Tinade used the opportunity to sneak attack the Troll. The Troll Berserker withstood a lot of punishment but the fact remained; the adventurers were constantly hitting him and getting nothing in return. Benny’s flaming sword claimed another kill.

Up the Creek?

They left the chamber and headed north again. A huge ooze monster blocked their path. Unlike the smaller round oozes this creature was thicker in consistency and was cube-shaped. This Gelatinous Cube was affected by fire. They finished it off quickly.

Benny Alesman used a Potion of Antidote to stop the poison from spreading.

A Shadow appeared and attacked Lilisa. She dispatched it before it could swing a second time.

They came upon a swift stream running parallel to the passageway. A small dock was there with cargo crates on the side. A large rowboat was tied to the dock.

Lilisa: “There is something ... odd up ahead”

Tinade Fermana: “now that's scary!”

Benny Alesman: “A boat... with no oars... is someone up the creek without a paddle?”

Tinade Fermana: “might be us.”

Just beyond the next doorway Benny spotted a trap. The helm he took from the Xanather Thieves earlier was beginning to be worth the trouble of getting it. He disarmed the trap with ease.

Tinade Fermana: “Looks dangerous, you go first”

Benny was crossing yet another land bridge when he was attacked by an enormous red-skinned giant. The giant raised his arm up and projected a cone of fire from his hand. Benny was engulfed by the flames before he could jump away. His Ring of Elemental Resistance helped a little but the flames were simply overwhelming.

Lilisa cast a Call Lightning spell. Thunder rumbled Undermountain as lightning cascaded from the ceiling. The giant was hurt by the electrical strike.

Benny hit the giant with his shortsword. The blade stung the giant but the flames were ignored. Another cone of fire was dodged completely.

Tinade used a scroll of Ice Storm. The magical cold really hurt the fire giant.

The giant slashed at Benny. Benny’s magical belt absorbed about half the damage. He heard a wicked laugh as if Halaster Blackcloak himself was watching the proceedings. The giant tried to grapple Benny. His quick wits and quicker feet helped Benny evade the giant’s grasp.

Lilisa cast a Flame Strike. Benny wondered “what is she was doing?” The fire giant resisted the flame damage but was still hurt from the divine damage the spell dishes out.

Tinade used a scroll of Bigby’s Crushing Hand. The fire giant resisted the spell.

Benny used a Call Lightning scroll. Again the spell was resisted. Benny used a scroll of Summoning Greater Undead. A vampire appeared.

Lilisa used a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds. Tinade used a scroll of Chain Lightning. The electrical spell blasted the giant.

Benny and the vampire (sounds like a Goth band [img]tongue.gif[/img] ) attacked the giant with their swords. The giant tried hitting Benny but found it hard to get past the damage resistance that Benny’s equipment provided.

It was a war of attrition and the adventurers had better supplies. The giant did not stand a chance.

Benny used a scroll of Find Traps. It cleared the way for the group to collect loot.

Tinade looked around nervously. Tinade Fermana: “Spider country..”

Lilisa summoned Malane again.

Benny took out a two handed axe with a cold enchantment on it. He did not use it earlier because he needed his shield to protect him. After the fight with the fire giant he figured there couldn’t be anything more dangerous around. Could there?

Tinade Fermana: “Did I mention that I hate spiders?” She used a Shadow Shield scroll to protect herself from death effects.

As they were searching for loot, a pair of fire giants attacked from the north.

Benny and the Summoned Vampire got in the first hits. The fire giant retaliated against the vampire. Lilisa and Malane attacked the second fire giant but missed. The second fire giant killed the animal companion with one flaming hit.

Tinade was hitting constantly with her arrows but they were like insect bites to the towering giants. Lilisa landed a critical hit but her weapon’s flame was useless against the red-skinned opponent. Benny hit again while the Summoned Vampire and the giant traded blows.

The first giant was taking wild swings at the Summoned Vampire doing fire as well as physical damage. The vampire finally collapsed under the giant’s onslaught. The giant turned its attention to Benny.

Benny struck the giant with his greataxe; the cold biting into the giant’s skin. The second giant turned its attention to Benny as well, seeing him as the biggest threat.

Tinade moved close enough to the melee to get in sneak attacks. Lilisa was free to attack the first giant and managed to get the final blow.

Benny began his bardsong. The second fire giant traded blows with Benny.

Lilisa and Tinade continued to hit the giant.

The giant smashed Benny with a critical hit. Benny had to use a Heal potion to remain in the fight.

Tinade Fermana used a Melf's Acid Arrow scroll.

The giant had a critical miss on Benny. Benny ended the fight with a final two-handed blow that toppled the fire giant.

The group examined the fire giants’ camp. Along with gold and gems they found fire traps, potions and bottles of liquor!

Tinade scouted ahead.

Tinade Fermana: “Enemies spotted: they can't hide from me!”

Benny ran past the archer and charged the oncoming fire giant. Lilisa joined them. Benny began another bardsong.

Benny and the giant traded blows while Tinade and Lilisa hit from the sides.

Benny had to resort to another Heal potion. The giant was simply overwhelming Benny’s damage resistance.

They traded blows again. Benny was the one who remained standing.

Lilisa: “The enemy of the moment is in my sight.”

Yet another fire giant appeared!

The fire giant and Lilisa traded blows. The giant’s greataxe did a lot more damage than Lilisa’s tiny sickler. Benny slipped in with a sneak attack.

Lilisa and the giant missed as Benny started another bardsong.

The fire giant turned his attention to Tinade. It delivered a painful blow to Tinade while the adventuring trio returned the hit.

Again the giant hit Tinade. Lilisa hit back while Benny and Tinade could not find an opening.

The fire giant hit Tinade again. Benny got in another sneak attack.

Another fiery attack and Tinade crumpled to the ground. Benny retaliated with a critical hit. Lilisa poked the giant as well; her sickle stinging the red giant.

The fire giant swung and missed Benny. Benny responded with another critical hit which brought the giant down.

Lilisa used her Rod of Resurrection on Tinade.

Tinade Fermana: “Thanks.”

The adventurers began to search the giants’ camp in detail calling out their discoveries to each other.

Tinade Fermana: “Woot, wine!” She tested it for quality. *Burp*

Benny joined her with a bottle of spirits he had just found. *Burp*

Benny found a handful of coins in an old sack. Benny Alesman: “Just some loose change in there.”

Tinade Fermana: “Any body want some ogre gloves?”

Lilisa: “I have heard there are even darker regions to this Undermountain. Our work here may take long.”

Benny examined a large chest. Benny Alesman: “There is a greatsword and full plate here.”

Along side a bedroll, Tinade found some potions and alcoholic beverages.

Tinade Fermana: “Yay, more wine.”

Benny found a magic wand among some gold.

Tinade Fermana: *Burp*

Since no one else claimed them, Benny took the greatsword and plate armour. If he could not use them at least he could sell them.

The adventurers came across a group of Ochre Jellies. The jellies were immune to sneak attacks but would take full damage from Lilisa’s flaming sickle and Benny’s cold axe. After slashing some of the jellies Tinade ended the fight with a single blast from her Wand of Fire.

Benny picked up some loose coins and a pair of Gauntlets of Ogre Power.

On the way back south, Lilisa noticed a hidden door.

Lilisa: “Come have a look here.”

Benny noticed a trap trigger in front of the door. He used a Find Traps scroll to ensure its removal.

Benny Alesman: “Well, have a look at this...”

The secret door led to a hidden treasure chamber. Three large chests were illuminated by unknown light sources. They each examined a chest.

Among a pile of coins, Benny found a longbow with a small accuracy enchantment. Quivers of arrows with elemental enchantments lay mixed in the treasure.

Benny Alesman: “A minor bow and some arrows…”

Benny put everything into a bag of holding as no one claimed “first dibs”. Benny took a short rest.

Another Fine Mephit

Tinade returned to the passageway and scouted south.

Tinade Fermana: “Enemies spotted: they can't hide from me!”

Lilisa and Benny hurried to join their friend.

Tinade Fermana: “This way.”

Lilisa rushed to join Tinade who was fighting a pair of Hook Horrors. Benny swapped his two-handed axe for a short sword and shield.

Tinade finished the first Horror with a sneak attack using a fire arrow.

Lilisa hit the other Hook Horror. The monster was distracted enough for Benny to get a critical hit on his sneak attack. Another hit by Lilisa brought the Hook Horror down.

The chamber they were in ran in a north-south direction with pillars along the east side. Each of the pillars was bathed in a cool blue light. As the party approached the first pillar a Crystal Ice Mephit appeared and attacked!

Benny used a Flame Weapon scroll on his sword. As Lilisa attacked the Mephit more Mephits appeared along other columns.

Lilisa hit her Mephit and watched as it missed her in return. Tinade sneak attacked another Mephit for critical damage. Benny managed to sneak attack his Mephit twice in a row. It collapsed from the combination of physical and flaming damage.

Tinade critically hit her Mephit again. The flaming damage was impressive as the flying creature crashed and burned.

Lilisa used the Veltsmotisi Cloak of Defence. Tinade brought down another Mephit with her fire arrows. Benny sneak attacked the final Mephit. It too, went down in flames.

Benny was preoccupied with disarming a trap when someone attacked Lilisa. He finished the trap and looked up to see Lilisa drop one of the two ogres attacking her. Tinade hit the other ogre and Benny finished it off with a sneak attack.

They headed west. They began to hear harsh whispers ahead.

A Large Gelatinous Cube waited behind the next door. It tried to hit Benny but disrupted under the combined assault of all three adventurers.

Harsh whispers became louder as they advanced.

Lilisa spotted a Drow Scout. Benny sneak attacked the scout while a Redback Spider covered the area with a giant web.

Lilisa: “Spider!”

A rat attacked Tinade. She skewered it with an arrow. Looking up and seeing the Redback Spider, Tinade froze.

Lilisa missed her attack on the spider. The Drow Scout tried to sneak attack the distracted Lilisa but missed. Benny sneak attacked the distracted Drow and hit. The Redback Spider attacked Benny without success. This daisy chain of attack-the-enemy-who-is-not-attacking-you continued for two more rounds with only Benny hitting each time.

Tinade Fermana: “Aaaaaahhhh”

Tinade snapped out of her paralysis and began to pump arrows into the spider.

Lilisa turned her attention to the Drow Scout.

More Drow appeared. A Drow Assassin missed his sneak attack on Lilisa. A Drow Wizard began casting a spell. Another Assassin missed Benny. A second wizard cast an Animate Dead spell. More assassins attacked!

Benny sang another bardsong. Lilisa hit the assassin attacking her.

The Redback Spider bit Benny but the damage was absorbed by his enchanted belt.

Lilisa killed the assassin with a direct hit. Lilisa followed up with a critical hit to the Drow Scout. The Drow Scout hit her in reply.

Benny hit the spider.

Another assassin missed his sneak attack on Lilisa.

Benny killed the spider. Tinade killed an assassin with a sneak attack.

A Summoned Skeleton Chieftain attacked Lilisa and missed. The Drow Scout and Assassin missed Lilisa.

Benny summoned a vampire.

Tinade sneak attacked the Drow Scout. Lilisa killed the assassin. Another sneak attack and Tinade dropped the Drow Scout.

The Summoned Vampire killed a Drow Assassin.

Tinade took out the Summoned Skeleton Chieftain with her fire arrows.

A half Drow/half Spider appeared across a small moat. Lilisa hit it with her sling bullet while Benny swapped his shortsword for his longbow.

Lilisa hit the Drider again as it cast a Web spell. Benny hit as well but the Drider ignored the piercing damage only being hurt by the cold enchantment on the arrow.

A Drow Rogue appeared and tossed a sack of something at Benny. Benny evaded the sack unsure if it contained caltrops, a tangle foot trap, or something more insidious.

Lilisa was having more luck hurting the Drider than Benny. Her sling bullets had an electrical enchantment on them. The Drider had to use a Potion of Cure Serious Wounds.

Benny attacked a Drow Warrior who had joined his companions. It also had resistance to physical damage.

The Drider cast a Magic Missile on the Summoned Vampire, hurting it. With only a melee weapon the vampire could only watch.

The Drow Warrior threw something at Benny. Again his reflexes saved Benny.

Tinade hit the Drow Warrior while Lilisa finished off the Drider.

The Drow Warrior threw another grenade-like weapon.

Tinade used a scroll of Ice Storm. It hurt the Drow Rogue and crushed a nearby Stinger.

Benny hit a second Drow Warrior as it threw another grenade-like weapon. Benny made sure he was not around when the missile landed.

The Drow ran out of missile weapons first. The adventurers had stocked up to begin with and added to their supplies with loot taken form the monsters on this level. The Drow did not stand a chance.


Not willing to press things too far, the adventurers decided to return to the Yawning Portal Inn.

Whether by design or by luck they had stumbled on the keys to success in Undermountain:

Go in a group. There is strength in numbers and it is more fun too.

Each person can fill different roles that way even if you have two people with the same class. One rogue can scout ahead in stealth while the other handles traps. One wizard can try to insta-kill the boss while the other carpet-bombs the minions. One fighter can dodge the incoming attacks and retaliate with a thousand tiny cuts while the other tank can stand like a stone wall and crush his opponents with his mighty two-handed weapon of destruction.

Be prepared. Bags of Holding are your friends; bring lots of friends. If you can use scrolls and wands then bring them; otherwise bring potions. Heck, bring portions anyways. Ammunition is light. Bring plenty of it.

Try to focus your attacks on one monster at a time. A monster standing on its last leg will still fight as hard as one untouched.

Tired but happy the group broke up to deal with the mundane matters of life.

Tinade went shopping for more supplies.

Lilisa had target practice.

Benny went to get some sleep wondering “When can we get together again next time?”

[ 05-29-2007, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: javan ]
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Old 05-29-2007, 04:21 PM   #8
Garnet FalconDance

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(Psst, I'm pretty sure Lilisa uses a sickle, not a dagger .)
"Nature tells every secret once." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Old 05-29-2007, 10:11 PM   #9
Zhentarim Guard

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(SHHHhhhhh! [img]graemlins/blush.gif[/img] Oooops- corrected)
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