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Old 04-13-2005, 11:11 AM   #1
Lord Ao

Join Date: August 25, 2001
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Hello Gang!
Guild Wars goes on line 24/7 on April 28, that's 15 day's from today.

I'm starting The Ironworks Guild and will be calling it "Ironworks Chosen Few" (ICF) our capes will have the Hammer and anvil simbol on them that is offered in GW guild sign up. it can be seen centered on this page.

All mambers of Ironworks that wish to play Guild Wars are welcome to join the new guild. Our goal will be to assemble teams for cooperative play. Cooperative play is about having fun. Running missions with interesting builds rather than building the "strongest" possible group. Often the fun builds can be just as successful if not more. This helps maintain the closeness of the Ironworks community, a closeness that they say is a strong aid in PvP combat, where good teamwork is essential with a goal to become ranked in the top 10 on the Guild-vs-Guild ladder, ICF plans to remain competitive but will aim to keep their PvP gaming as fun as possible.

In the RPG part of GW the cooperative missions, ICF will attempt to put together a balanced 6 man/woman group with healers, damage dealers (Warriors & Rangers) and debuffers (such as a Mesmer or Necromancer) then proceed into these RPG adventures (that are more than 50% of Guild wars} where again the main goal will be to have fun and for our members to gain the skills needed to compete in the arenas and for each member to be the best we can be.

In the event of a mission failure, the group will discusse the skills they had available and possible replaceing those skills with ones that might aid our next attempt.

So please join the "Ironworks Chosen Few" guild and help to rule the world of Guild Wars
Remember these are just games so don't get too upset
when you get your ass handed to you in a hat box
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Old 04-13-2005, 02:58 PM   #2
Bozos of Bones

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If there'll be a place for a Necro build inside the clan, expect me to fill it up
But first comes school. I'm at the end of my school year here, only a month more to go. So GW will be on the waiting list for me until I finish this $/)" #=(#\€#).
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Old 04-13-2005, 06:52 PM   #3
Jack Burton

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Well as long as my dial up connection can handle it, I'll be there...
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Old 04-13-2005, 09:15 PM   #4
Lord Ao

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All Ironworks members with a will to play are more than welcome no matter what class you pick.
As far as Dial up connections: No problem!! Dial up works great in Guild Wars. It may take you 30 to 60 seconds longer to load your character into each Quest or Guild Battle but no body can start until the last man arrives in an area. The PvP games don't start the 60 second count down clock to start a round until all members from both teams have worped in.
I just love the way the game is designed in that everybody counts no matter who they are, what they are or how they connect to the game. Everybody is equal when the team play starts and after that its all in how well you learned to use your available skills.

see everybody when you can get the time to play

[ 04-13-2005, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: TheCrimsomBlade ]
Remember these are just games so don't get too upset
when you get your ass handed to you in a hat box
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Old 04-13-2005, 09:22 PM   #5
Jack Burton

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cool thought so, it was either guild wars or WOW on my shopping list and seeing as how this one doesnt require a monthly fee I will most likely get this...
though that doesnt mean I wont get wow at some point too....
My only problem with this game is the lack of proffesions, I mean, i wont mind playing a ranger, but what about a thief? I would have thought they would surely put that in.....
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Old 04-13-2005, 09:43 PM   #6
Lord Ao

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So far in the quests they don't have a need for a thief but it is under consideration to add the thief rogue Bard combination class in one of the first three Expansions as they will then be a class that will have a purpose, At least thats what I read at one of the offical sites below.
Remember these are just games so don't get too upset
when you get your ass handed to you in a hat box
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Old 04-14-2005, 09:06 AM   #7
Jack Burton

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As soon as I get my new computer, I'll try to join in!! Guild Wars is certainly on my "To Buy" list!
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Old 04-14-2005, 09:31 AM   #8
40th Level Warrior

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April 28? I thought it was April 18? Anyway count me in, I definitely will buy this one. Though I haven't yet decide which class to play.
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Old 04-14-2005, 11:11 AM   #9
Lord Ao

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Kakero go to the site below and Download "the Edge"
it's a program that allows you to build any type character with any and all the different Profession combinations and their skills and then test your charactor in simulated battle against any of the monsters in the game. It works quit well and is fun to fool around with. It also, like the name gives you an "Edge" in character evaluation to help you pick which one you would want to play and where to start. You can't transfer these charactors to the game but,it helps you to find out which path to take when starting charactor creation at the begining of the game.

[ 04-14-2005, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: TheCrimsomBlade ]
Remember these are just games so don't get too upset
when you get your ass handed to you in a hat box
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Old 04-14-2005, 02:20 PM   #10
Symbol of Cyric

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I'll be in to when i get my new pc, so i can actually play it! Not exactly sure how long that will be, may be July or so...
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