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Old 03-04-2002, 10:05 AM   #1
Sir Kenyth
Fzoul Chembryl

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Here's another article by the same guy, Curt Smith. You can find these articles at "". He was prompted to write it by a woman from Honolulu. He takes suggestions from readers on article material. I hope no one finds his material offensive. I found it interesting, if a bit strongly worded myself. Then again, this was written for a mens magazine. So he didn't have to worry about political correctness with the greater majority of the target audience. I've read just as many articles in womens mags worded just as strongly from the other perspective. Enjoy!


Let me start out by saying that I'm not here to trash, insult or attack women. Instead, I want people to better understand that men and women are more alike than they think when it comes to sex and sins of the flesh. In order to do this, I will show, by example, how women behave in the exact manner that they accuse only men of behaving: like pigs.
an unchallenged myth

There seems to be a growing consensus among women that "all men are pigs." Every day women complain about how men are unfaithful, lying, dirty-minded pigs, whose major blood flow spends most of its time at the wrong part of their bodies.

But the fact remains that there are just as many deceiving and unfaithful women out there as there are men. So why is it that only the men have earned such a swinish reputation? The answer lies in the difference between how men and women communicate with one another.

it's a wordy game

It is a known fact that women are natural communicators (they love to express their feelings openly and very often). Whenever it comes to voicing their opinions, women more than men are the first to sit on the panel of a talk show (Jer-ry! Jer-ry!), or complain to their girlfriends about their failed or unhappy relationships.

Men are not as vocal as women, and tend to bottle up their emotions a lot more than their female counterparts. Men -- especially due to pride issues -- don't always communicate the woes of their relationships. Obviously you're going to hear more from her side of the story than his. But the fact remains that you have just as many women engaging in extramarital affairs as you do men. The only difference is that men don't talk about their women being unfaithful.

barriers are broken

There used to be a time when a woman's sexual desires were held hostage by her own body and society's condemnation. That is to say that the consequences of being promiscuous were more severe than they are today.

In the days of way back, a woman held the burden of caring for a child if she became pregnant, or risked ruining her reputation. Women did not have the luxury of abortion clinics or birth control. So once they got knocked up, that was it. There was no more hiding. For this reason a lot of women kept their legs crossed -- due to consequences rather than moral convictions.

Nowadays, women have more leeway when it comes to sexual freedom. What with birth control and the ability to support themselves, women's autonomy has been awakened and they have been released from the shackles that at one time kept them from giving in to their sexual desires.

Because of this, the number of women who have multiple partners or commit adultery has skyrocketed over the years. Men cheat and sleep around, yes, but this is what gave women the justification to call us pigs. But now that they have caught up to us on the "spread your love" scale, they are no longer entitled to throw this in our faces.

Men want sex, women want money...

sex, lies, and bank accounts

So what female behaviors have evened out the playing field? Why do women continue to accuse men of acting like pigs when they're emitting the same characteristics of the Ham family? Who's the bigger pig now?

Note: The Pig Scale works on a one to 10 basis. One being the least piggish, 10 being the most.

1. An eye for an eye: One of the first piggish behaviors that women accuse men of is looking at other women. This is a hypocritical accusation when women themselves salivate over gorgeous men. I myself have been a victim of numerous stare downs by women holding their male companions' arms. It is human nature for both men and women to appreciate looking at beautiful objects -- including the opposite sex.

Pig Scale


2. Sexual thoughts: Men enjoy talking about their sexual conquests with their buddies. Yet their method of description is quite simple and to the point:
Man #1: Did you bang her?
Man #2: Yes I banged her.
Man #1: Good job. You hungry?

When it comes to describing their sexual experiences, women go into great detail. They take notes and compare each partner based on his penis size (length and girth), marathon duration and sexual expertise. Obviously women put as much, if not more emphasis on the sexual part of the relationship as men.

Pig Scale


3. The double standard envy: Most women complain about the sexual double standard. Their greatest criticism is that men are allowed to sleep with as many women as possible without having to worry about their reputation, whereas a woman who acts in a similar fashion is labeled a skank, or worse a slut.

So what are women upset about? The fact that they can't behave in the same manner and sleep around without worries? Do they secretly want to act like men or better yet "pigs"? It would seem that some women call men pigs out of envy because they can't join the club. Food for thought.

Pig Scale


4. Multiple partners: Men have sex with multiple partners over a lifetime. Well guess what? So do women. Women have as many sexual partners as do men. A Global Sex Survey conducted by Durex concluded that Americans are World Champions in the partners division with an average of 14.3 partners for both genders.

Recent trends are showing that it is women who are outpacing men in the multiple partners department. Kenneth Logan, Psy.D, concluded that while men have remained stagnant over the past years, a woman's average number of sexual partners has been rising significantly.

Pig Scale


On to the cheaters and liars...

5. Adultery/Cheating: Men cheat, women cheat. The statistics are the same in this playing field. Let's take a closer look at a few reports on affairs in order to determine if there is a significant difference between men and women in the cheating department.

The Hite Report on Male Sexuality (1980), surveying 7,239 men, found 72% of men married two years or more had had sex outside of marriage. But wait, here's an oink of a surprise -- the increase for women having affairs has been even more significant.

The Kinsey Report (1948) sampled 6,000 women and showed that by age forty, 26% of the women had experienced extramarital sexual intercourse.

Morton Hunt's 1972 survey showed that 52% of divorced women had had an affair, many of which occurred during the last few years of the marriage.

Cosmopolitan magazine's 1980 survey of 106,000 readers (women between the ages of 18 and 34) reported that 50% had at least one extramarital experience. For those over age 35, it jumped to 69.2%.

Sociologist Lynn Atwater, author of The Extramarital Connection (1982), a book about women having extramarital affairs, reported, "it is among women, more so than men, that rates of extramarital participation are rising dramatically."

And Shere Hite's 1987 report of 4,500 women in Women and Love found that 70% of women married five years or more were having sex outside of their marriages.
It seems to me that women have done a bang-up job catching up to what they've complained and accused men of doing for so many years: cheating. Viva la birth control, it sure has helped women in so many ways.

Pig Scale


6. Women use men for money: The stereotype that men use women for sex has been around for centuries. And when you hear that women use men for cash, remember that that also places them in the pig category. At least we want their bodies, they, in turn, are checking out our checking accounts. So while women complain that men use women for sex, how much better are they if they're using men for materialistic purposes?

Pig Scale


7. Queen of the industry: Yes, men buy pornography, but women dominate the industry. Sex sells and everywhere you look, be it a movie, an album, a magazine cover, the fashion world, or the adult industry, you will always see a woman endorsing sex.

Sure some people will say it only happens because there is demand for it, and behind the demand is a man who can't control his hormones. Some women will even argue that if a man cannot control his hormones, then it is his own problem and it is up to the man to control himself. So if women know that men are weak because of their testosterone, then why don't women do them the favor of not supplying the pornography?

Who's the real oinker here?

Here's where we decide who the bigger pig is: the man for falling victim to his uncontrollable biological needs, or the woman for supplying it to serve her materialistic needs? Let me put it this way: who is the bigger criminal, the dealer taking advantage of an individual's dependency on drugs by supplying him/her, or the poor individual who cannot resist his addiction to narcotics?

Pig Scale


8. Deceitful ways: How would you feel if you found out that your child is really the child of another man conceived through an extramarital affair? Well believe it or not, the annual Parentage Report from the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) reported that in 1999, 28% of men who had their DNA tested were not the biological fathers of the children they were unknowingly raising as their own. In 2000, the rate increased to 30%.

Not only are some women committing adultery, but they also follow up by doing the unimaginable moral sin of Parental Fraud (yes, believe it or not, it's so common that there's a term for it). If you want to know more about this horrible crime, visit

Pig Scale

Men= 0

proof is in the pudding

Maybe in the past there was a significant difference between men and women only because women could not afford to be as promiscuous as men without risking the possibility of pregnancy. But since women have leveled the sexual playing field through financial independence, abortion clinics and birth control, women have shown that their past restraint was due to fear rather than moral beliefs.

The proof is in the pudding. Since birth control, abortion clinics and the increasing role women play in the working field have taken effect, women have quickly caught up to committing the same piggish behaviors that men have been accused of for so many years. Now that women don't have to worry about the responsibility of feeding another mouth, they've managed to stoop as low as what they've accused men of doing for ages. Who's zooming who here?

welcome to the pigpen

So the next time you hear a woman muttering, "Ugh, all men are pigs," keep this article handy and inform her that if all men are indeed pigs, then all women should take their rightful place next to them in the sty. All men are not pigs and neither are all women, but if women decide that it's okay to use this expression (and a very common expression at that), then men of this world also have the right to generalize every women's behavior.

There may be some guys out there that have a less-than stellar reputation, but is it fair to throw every guy into such a negative category just because of the wrongdoings of some? If so, then women will ultimately suffer the same generalizations.

I've listed all the major sexually greedy behavior that women accuse men of doing for so many years. But I've also provided arguments and statistics that show that women are committing the same acts. Women no longer have the right to accuse all men of behaving in such swinish ways without first inspecting their own sex's actions. As a wise President once said, "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone."
Master Barbsman and wielder of the razor wit!<br /><br />There are dark angels among us. They present themselves in shining raiment but there is, in their hearts, the blackness of the abyss.
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Old 03-04-2002, 10:21 AM   #2

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Mmmm, that was quite long, so let me admit that I didn't read the whole lot!

From what I read, it seems that he is angered by generalisations, but goes on to commit the exact same offense himself. Loyalty and trust in a relationship works both ways, but this guy seems to be a bit of a hypocrite with a huge chip on his shoulder.
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Old 03-04-2002, 11:06 AM   #3
Barry the Sprout
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Originally posted by Epona:
From what I read, it seems that he is angered by generalisations, but goes on to commit the exact same offense himself. Loyalty and trust in a relationship works both ways, but this guy seems to be a bit of a hypocrite with a huge chip on his shoulder.

Yes, my thoughts exactly. I liked the other article you posted by him (the response to a letter) but this one is laughably hypocritical. He rants about women generalising men and then proceeds to say all the way through the article "men do this", and "women do that". It is the same kind of generalisation that he originally fights against, hence making him hypocritical in my mind.

Also, women are only after money? Men are only after sex? It would be pointless to go into the various different personal examples from people proving this wrong, as it is blatantly short-sighted in the first place.

Sorry Sir K, I don't have a problem with you - I jus think this author needs to stop contradicting himself.
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br /><br /><i>\"And the angels all pallid and wan,<br />Uprising, unveiling, affirm,<br />That the play is the tragedy, man,<br />And its hero the Conquerer Worm.\"</i><br /> - Edgar Allan Poe
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Old 03-04-2002, 11:12 AM   #4

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Originally posted by Barry the Sprout:

Sorry Sir K, I don't have a problem with you - I jus think this author needs to stop contradicting himself.

Yeah, I should have made that clear in my post - my problem is with the article, not with SirKenyth for posting it! [img]smile.gif[/img] Interesting read nonetheless.
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Old 03-04-2002, 11:50 AM   #5
Sir Kenyth
Fzoul Chembryl

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Yes, he does seem to "go off a bit" in this article. This may be because of the fact that he wrote the article for a mens mag and wanted to make sure and keep the audience with a little "rant" overtone. The general message though is interesting. True equality for the sexes seems nearly complete. The interesting part is that the behaviors that were classic male or female are now levelling out across the board too. This seems to indicate that the gender behaviors were primarily based on social mores and peer pressure, not upon some some inherent male/female physiological difference. I expect (hope) most racial and gender oriented biases will be gone in two more generations. At least in places like Europe and North America. As this happens I expect to see a lot of changes in how people generally act based upon the past behavior of their specific race/gender. It should be quite interesting.
Master Barbsman and wielder of the razor wit!<br /><br />There are dark angels among us. They present themselves in shining raiment but there is, in their hearts, the blackness of the abyss.
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Old 03-04-2002, 12:01 PM   #6

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Originally posted by Sir Kenyth:
True equality for the sexes seems nearly complete.

Ah, if only that were true. Although there is undoubtedly more equality now which should be celebrated, women still earn only 3/5 of the average male wage. There is still a glass ceiling, most top execs are men, this is the case in most jobs & industries. Will the US ever elect a woman for president? Will a woman ever stand for president?
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Old 03-04-2002, 12:04 PM   #7
Talthyr Malkaviel
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I think that was the point of the article to be generalising, he was saying that since he hated them so much, that next time someone gave a generalisation, you could show them that generalisations work both ways....

Or maybe he's just hypocritical, I don't know.
Resident cantankerous sorcerer of the Clan HADB<br />and Sorcerous Nuttella salesman of the O.R.T<br /> <br /><br />Say NO to the Trouser Tyranny! Can I drill you about this?
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Old 03-04-2002, 12:13 PM   #8
Sir Kenyth
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Originally posted by Epona:

Ah, if only that were true. Although there is undoubtedly more equality now which should be celebrated, women still earn only 3/5 of the average male wage. There is still a glass ceiling, most top execs are men, this is the case in most jobs & industries. Will the US ever elect a woman for president? Will a woman ever stand for president?

That's right! The top tier of the cake is still predominantly male. The top tier contains lots of people from previous generations though. I think it will get better as the old ways die off and new blood takes over. Old money is also predominantly owned by men. I think if you remove these exclusive areas and take stats of the more common folk you'll find that the playing field is pretty even. Women also tend to avoid extremely dangerous/exerting/dirty jobs by personal choice. Many extremely dangerous/exerting/dirty jobs pay REALLY well! Ironworkers, marine salvage crews, landfill divers, etc. all make VERY good money, and in my opinion, deserve every penny of it! Few have the stomach for work like that.
Master Barbsman and wielder of the razor wit!<br /><br />There are dark angels among us. They present themselves in shining raiment but there is, in their hearts, the blackness of the abyss.
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Old 03-04-2002, 12:23 PM   #9
Talthyr Malkaviel
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Originally posted by Epona:

Ah, if only that were true. Although there is undoubtedly more equality now which should be celebrated, women still earn only 3/5 of the average male wage. There is still a glass ceiling, most top execs are men, this is the case in most jobs & industries. Will the US ever elect a woman for president? Will a woman ever stand for president?

And the worst thing is, however many people support total equality, it just isn't happening.
There shouldn't be the glass ceiling, but there is, because unfortunately some people are still opposed or not ready for proper equality.
Resident cantankerous sorcerer of the Clan HADB<br />and Sorcerous Nuttella salesman of the O.R.T<br /> <br /><br />Say NO to the Trouser Tyranny! Can I drill you about this?
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