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Old 02-24-2001, 04:26 AM   #1
The Magister

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The Ironworks Forum Wizards & Warriors own storyline

Party Members: Ditka, Adam Mage, Serath, Scronan, Sazerac, and whoever the Sage, Wyvern chooses as 6th member if she accepts this office.

Quests so far:

Form party
Meet the Sage, Wyvern, at the Crypt of Bersault
Get potion from Kerielle, lady mage south of Veleia
Get recipe for Ukabu brew from Toad Village
Cleanse the Serpent Temple of it's worshippers, kill the Naga and take her hide
Meet at the Pit of the Boogre, north of the western gate of Ishad N'ha in three days time

Cast of characters so far:

Gareth: Headman of Veleia
Requests that Ditka find the final ingredient for Ukabu Brew: the crushed leaf of the Jungle Lilly.
Advice: seek counsel of the wise sage, Wyvern, to find Lily the Ranger for aid in quest
Killed by poisoning, assassin unknown..

Ditka: Barbarian warrior. Tall, lanky, likes his ale, axe wielder, Chosen One, reluctant Ukabu. Sazerac's assessment: "Rash and foolhardy, but has a true heart and a sense of purpose, which will come with maturity."

Scronan: Warrior and Healer, Sazerac's assessment: "Scronan is powerful and his mettle is tempered well"

Adam Mage: Wizard, wears purple velver robes and curled toed slippers. Sazerac's assessment: "Adam Mage shows great ingenuity and clarity of thought; he will be well needed. He is also incapable of the betrayal that we sense."

Serath: Paladin, Healer, booming voice, muscular, calloused hands, staunch friend of Sazerac. Honorable, loyal as are the other 4.

Boo: Serath's pet hamster (who also likes his ale). Is Serath's confidant and advisor. Squeaks to Serath that they should have the Sage, Wyvern decide on the last member of the party.

Sazerac: Warlock, Priest, heard rumors of poisonous batch of Ukabu Brew for warm skins, and now knows Monyka is in league with the dark forces by reading the casting of his rune stones, though he senses her inner conflict over this alliance. He assesses the strengths of the party.

Raistlin: War Mage, Rogue, Ratling. Has been contacted by Kerah at various times, and been told to seek "The Crown of Leaves" (whom he finally concludes is Laurel) to have his destiny revealed, and that Monyka is allied with Lord Cet. Killed an Amazoni Mantrap by himself. Proficient in casting the Call of Home, Portal and Teleport spells, returns to Veleia to look for the Crown of Leaves, and presents himself to the 5 as the Rogue of the Ages, asking them for the whereabouts of Laurel.

Kitten: Assassin, Ninja wannabe, impulsive dark haired comely woman in early 20's, former lover of Ditka. Kills Monyka by throwing two daggers into her eyes.

Slip: Bard, Gnome, brings news that Mekdawa from Toad Village is at Veleia's towngates looking for the Chosen One, the Ukabu, for a big party, and something about an Ukabu Brew. He also reports the death of Gareth.

Monyka: Ninja, a beautiful tall elven disciple of the Sage Wyvern, last true princess of the elven nation, killed by Kitten and resurrected by Wyvern, but secretly a disciple of Lord Cet. Declares that Ditka and his party must obtain the skin of the dreaded Naga, clean out the worshipers in the Serpent Temple, and within three days time must enter the Pit of the Boogre located north of the western gates of Ishad N'ha. She says the only cure for the poison of the Naga are the tears of the statue of Kerah, a bottle of which is held by Kerielle, near the Windmill south of Veleia. Is aware that a Ratling War Mage and Rogue, Raistlin, is onto her and goes looking for him.

Wyvern: Sage, highly proficient caster of Mist Form, Teleport and Telkinesis, resurrects Monyka, and is entreated and convinced through telepathic link with Laurel to meet with the heroes at the Crypt of Bersault to aid them.

Laurel: Sister of Gareth, silver hair, brown eyes, average height and build, quiet good looks, wants to earn the heoes' trust, will look for the Sage, Wyvern for them. Upon meditating to contact Wyvern telepathically, an appointment is set up for the party to meet Wyvern at the Crypt of Bersault

Tamortir: Master Barbarian and Ditka's former teacher of the highest levels in the barbarian arts, warns him to be wary of those who would call themselves friends.

Party Try-outs:

Balgin Stondraeg, Dwarf, staunch warrior, axe wielder

Wylie: Whiskah, wouldbe Samauri, still needs practice, wants to sabatage Kitten's chance to get into the party..

Dael: Gnome, Rogue, good potential as party member by proving his expertise fleecing a tavern customer.

Plus numerous unnamed wouldbe adventurers, each 200 gold pieces lighter..

The Tavern: Serves ale, serpent cider, peanuts, and unknowingly, poisoned brew.
Proprietor: Galliwag

Toad Village:

Shinwiki: Aged Toad Shaman and Village Leader, has vision of warm skins coming to village for the secret recipe of the Wiki Family Ukabu Brew, heralding rebirth of Ukabu Legend.

Biggywiki: Brother of Shinwiki, Brewmeistoad, upset that the secret of Ukabu Brew was to be given to warm skins, adds Dragon Mushrooms to a fresh batch of Ukabu Brew, and rumor has it somehow smuggles it into Veleia.

Nookywiki: Beloved wife of Biggywiki, protests the addition of the mushrooms. Not good for Toads, not good for Ukabu!

Mekdawa: Warrior and Scout, sent by Shinwiki to seek the warm skin, Ukabu.

Our Storyline Synopsis:

Gareth, the headman for the village of Veleia, wakes Ditka from sleep in his hut to request that he find the final ingredient for Ukabu Brew, the crushed leaf of the dreaded Jungle Lilly. Ditka, somewhat hungover, is less than receptive, whacks Gareth around, gets bitten on the hand for his trouble, blearily is forced to listen to Gareth's persistant demand, and reluctantly agrees to comply but is determined to first finish his night's rest.

Meanwhile, at Toad Village, Shinwiki, the village Shaman and Leader, visits his brother, Biggywiki, to tell him of his vision of warm skins soon to come to the village for the secret of Ukabu Brew. Biggywiki is nonplussed for the secret of the brew has been in the Wiki family for generations, even though the brew had been created and the secret guarded for the coming of the Ukabu of Legend. He prepares a special batch of Ukabu Brew, adding highly toxic Dragon Mushrooms which are "Not good for warm skins, not good for Toads!" a fact which his wife, Nookywiki, berates him for in no uncertain terms. However, her protests fall on deaf, er, where are ears on a toad anyway? and rumor has it that somehow Biggywiki finagles getting the dangerous brew into the Tavern in Veleia.

Shinwiki sends his best scout, Mekdawa, to search for the warm skin, Ukabu.

Back in Veleia, Ditka wakes and heads to the Inn, meets up with his old friends, Scronan and Adam Mage, only to learn that Gareth has forced the quest issue by announcing to the town that a party of adventurers was to be formed. Ditka, fighting the onslaught of the sudden crowds and feeling a strong need for headache reduction, immediately has a brew and then another.

Noticing a stranger, Serath, and his pet rodent, Boo, who is eagerly slurping up ale from an ashtry, Ditka introduces himself to Serath who asks Boo for his assessment of the barbarian. "Squeak!" Apparently Boo finds Ditka quite satisfactory and friendship is formed. They are interrupted by the approach of Kitten, a sultry, beautiful and very aggressive wouldbe ninja and former lover of Ditka, who knocks him over with a one-armed blow. Ditka, unprepared and still nursing his aching head, takes a dive to the floor, denting his plate leggings.

Adam, finding Kitten to be strangely to his liking, yet angry at her for her actions, decides to win her attention by casting torchlight in her hair. Enduring the flash fire until it subsides, she begins to flirt with Serath, who maintains his reserve.

Slip, a gnome bard, approaches the group, cracking wise about Boo until Serath lifts him into the air with groweled threats to get to the point of his intrusion, which was that a Toad warrior was outside the town gates gabbling about some chosen one, that a big party was to be thrown for this legendary Ukabu and about some sort of brew. Scronan asks what an Ukabu is and suddenly a very comely disciple of the great Sage, Wyvern, calls out that she has an answer. Before she can continue, Kitten throws her two daggers into the disciple's eyes, dropping her to the floor, dead.

Astonished, Adam chides her for killing the only contact they could have used to find the sage Wyvern, exclaiming "Discipline, girl, discipline!" Kitten, aspiring to become a ninja, realizes her lack of discipline is what prevents her from achieving her goal.

Ditka, wondering about the strange taste in his ale, bellows for Gareth, who hadn't yet appeared. Slip, who had left the premises, runs back into the bar to declare that Gareth was dead, that as he died, he had said something about brew being poisoned! Ditka lurches to his feet choking, then thrashes to the floor as the poison in *his* brew takes hold. (Incredible constitution, he'd been sucking up the suds for a good hour or more. ) Sazerac, in simple brown robes, suddenly enters and casts his strongest Cure spell on Ditka, who lays in a pool of his own vomit and sweat, stomach cramps slowly subsiding, hot and cold waves alternately sending shivers and lassitude through his body.

Sazerac tells them of all the skeletons rising from their graves around the town. He surmises that the poisonings were either committed by the Priest assassins from the Serpent Temple, or that perhaps the rumor that the poisoned brew came Toad Village was true. Ditka, recuperated from his near death experience, roars that he *will* get to the bottom of this.

Suddenly the dreaded Sage, Wyvern, appears in mist form, cast the little known Telekinesis spell on Kitten's daggers extracting them from the dead disciple, and they throw themselves neatly through Kitten's boots inbetween her toes and deep into the floor. Resurrecting her disciple, Wyvern cautions Kitten against further rash attacks against her disciples or be personally taught the lesson of self-restraint, and then the Sage disappears.

The disciple, apparently none the worse for wear, suddenly calls out for Ukabu, who knows who he is, to reveal himself. Ditka's boots, heeding the call on his behalf in spite of his alarm and reluctance to comply, clomp him "forward awkwardly as their owner fights the pull of destiny", while Serath and Boo reason with and encourage him to accept his fate.

The disciple removes her cloak, blinding all with her overwhelming elven beauty, and proves her mastery of the art of the ninja by the sudden arrival of her foot, with "the edge of her boot revealing a razor edged dagger, poised at Kitten's throat", informing Kitten that she'll be worgur food if she pulls another stunt like the last.

Then introducing herself as Monyka, she tells Ditka what he must do: Procure the skin of the Naga in the Serpent Temple, cleanse it of it's worshippers, and then within three days, take the Nagahide to the Pit of the Boogre, north of the western gates of Ishad N'ha. However, in order to protect himself and his companions, he would first need to get the tears of the Statue of Kerah from Kerielle, a lady mage near the Windmill south of Veleia who would probably exchange the elixer for a favor.

Meanwhile, Raistlin, the Ratling Rogue and War Mage, is fighting for his life with an Amazoni Mantrap, thinking to himself about Monyka and her alliance with Lord Cet.

Ditka feels over
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Old 02-24-2001, 08:52 PM   #2
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Back to the top!
Elara - would you be so kind as to post the portion which got eaten??


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Old 02-24-2001, 09:20 PM   #3
The Magister

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Ok, here's the rest of the synopsis, plus the last two posts eaten by the board monster..

Ditka feels overwhelmed, too much to do, so little time, for they still yet have to form their party and gather enough gold to equip their band properly. Adam comes up with a plan to part would-be adventurers from their gold by charging an try-out entry fee of 200 gold each.

Monyka, finished with the setting up of our heroes, leaves Veleia to find Raistlin, who she senses is a threat to her plans to gather the heroes' souls for Lord Cet. Just as she is about to confront him, Raistlin, after battling many a roving beast and crawler, decides to cast Call of Home, and zips through the ether to the town gates of Veleia to search for the "Crown of Leaves", leaving an exasperated Monyka hurling ephithets at the empty scenery that soon filled with a band of Trolls.

During Monyka's sojourn from town, Ditka, Adam, Sazerac, Scronin and Serath determine that they are the party, after try-outs were held. Equipment is procured with the gold collected from the try-outs. Gareth's sister, Laurel, enters the Tavern, and says she'll will prove herself by contacting Wyvern for them, through Lily the Ranger if possible. Upon meditating in the forest on her own, she telpathically links with Wyvern and convinces her of the necessity of aiding the heroes. An appointment is made for all to meet at the Crypt of Bersault.

Sazerac, after consulting his rune stones, talks with Serath about the five who so far form the party and about his doubts and yet his defense of Monyka, who, though not to be in the party, may later still be an aid in some undefined way.

Ditka is visited by his former teacher in the arts of the barbarian, Tomortir, who warns him to be wary of those would call themselves his friends. Talking with the other 4 of the little band, they determine to watch each other's backs and to ask Wyvern to choose the 6th member for them, knowing that with 2 offensive spellcasters, two warriors and a healer, they would require someone practiced in the more clandestine arts to open locks and chests and to disarm traps.

Just at this time, Raistlin enters the Inn and introducing himself as the Rogue of the Ages, asks where he can find Laurel. More or less astonished to have an experienced rogue turn up just as they were considering the necessity of one, the 5 quickly assess his qualities. Laurel suddenly appears and asks Raistlin why he is seeking her out...

Compiled by Elara from adam mages "this forum's W&W own storyline" thread posted from 2-12-01 to 2-22-01.

Here are the last two storyline posts from the first thread...

RE:this forum's W&W own storyline Raistlin

Raistlin was bored. He had spent all afternoon in the Tavern in the company of a female gnome who had regaled him of stories about how once she had opened a level 4 treasure chest with a level 2 lockpick. He had lost the thread of her stories along time ago, but she was contented with just listening to the sound of her own voice. His old mind had wandered back to the time when he met a party of 6 pixie bards who had come from the shires and were in the process of making Laurels for their heads from Mantrap leaves they had salvaged from the beast, which they had alegedly killed by themselves. "Thats it!!" Raistlin exclaimed. "...and then I removed the dagger.... whats it?" said Tany puzzeled and a little annoyed from the unusal outburst from anotherwise polite Ratling. " Oh Im sorry Tanya" Raistlin said appolegeticly "But do you know if their is a person here called "Laurel"?" "Why yes their is, but the last time I saw her she was talking to those two gentlemen over at the counter" Raistlin looked in the direction in which she pointed "Thanks alot, Tanya, I really enjoyed your stories but I must go and chat to those two, Would you excuse me?" "Oh ok" pouted Tanya, and then brightened when she spotted the Whiska and fellow gnome she had spotted in the corner. "I want to chat with those two anyway". "Crown of Leaves","Laurel", why didn't I think of that!?!" mutterd Raistlin too himself gleefully as he walked over to the Barbarian and Wizard who were standing at the bar........

02-21-2001 09:49:15 P.M.

RE:this forum's W&W own storyline Mammawlin

. . . Raistlin strolled across the bar to where Adam and Sazerac had been joined by serveral others and introduced himself, gleefully claiming the title of "Rouge of the Ages", and watching closely for a reaction from the adventures. When no reaction was noted, he snorted and summed them up mentally looking them up and down, each one looked to be outstanding in one respect or another and all had an air of overwelming confidence that made him take a deep breath and purposely enlarge his chest - he deemed these were impressive folk to say the least. Raistlin said "I'm looking for someone named Laurel and was told she had been conversing with you gentlemen. Could you tell me where I may find her?"
The Adventures exchanged looks upon his requests for information about Laurels whereabouts. So this was the Rouge of the Ages they had been hearing about. This was Raistlin. Strange he should show up just when they were considering him as a party member and asking for Laurel at that.
Before anyone else could speak, Laurel stepped out of the shadows (or did she just appear?) and spoke: "I am Laurel, why is it that you seek me out?". . . . .

02-22-2001 05:15:43 P.M.
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Old 02-24-2001, 09:27 PM   #4
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MONI's Post:

Monyka, after much thought and contemplation of her situation became more furious at the Ratling than worried about her standing with Cet for now. She had lost nothing yet and the Ratling's tattle-tailing would provide the perfect reason for an ambush of the party if need be.
Knowing she needed to strengthen her knowledge of Moon Magic, she passed through Ishad N'ha and headed West.

Lots of Ratlings to toast here, she chuckled to herself. Oh and this is just a small portion of what is to come!

I'll make that coward an orphan of his own race before I take him out personally!
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Old 02-24-2001, 10:04 PM   #5
adam mage

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Adam watches Raistlin talking to Laurel.
*Why he wants to talk to Laurel immediately? curious....* he wondered to himself, *is he prepared for our quest?*
Then he glances over to Sazerac, who is expessionless.
Suddenly Sazerac said, "It's time"
Adam is puzzled, "time for what?"
Sazerac gets up and ....
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Old 02-24-2001, 10:20 PM   #6
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

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Hmm. Mind throwing a mysterious figure in there anywhere? I haven't read it yet (haven't had the time), but I will get into it. I'm not good at story-telling (let me warn you now), but I can get good. Just not good with description, that's all.
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Old 02-24-2001, 10:29 PM   #7
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

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Sorry for breaking up the story, I'll delete it, after you have seen it. Wouldn't want to mess up a good story now would we?
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Old 02-25-2001, 12:42 AM   #8
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Monyka's room was simple but comfortable. She attempted to sleep but voices kept spinning around in her head. Different voices with different messages and difficult to identify individually. Gradually two voices became stronger than the rest. Cet's continued reminders to deal with the adventurers in Valiea pounded like the headache throbbing her temples. The other voice, softer and almost comforting, spoke of options, whispered of alternatives, and seemed to sooth away Cet's harsh jabs. Monyka fell asleep. The dreams, at first nightmarish and dark, turned to green pathways and sound of laughter. She pictured herself sitting on the dock of Nymph Lake with someone else, both dangling their feet in the water and laughing as the minnos nibbled at their toes.

"Remember, as you are growing up, that you are not competing with me. You are your own special person with your own strengths and weaknesses. Don't try to grow in my shadow. Find your own light and follow that and all will be well."
"But it isn't that easy! Everywhere I go, everyone is always saying 'there goes Wyvern's daughter'. They are always comparing me to you!"
"I'm not and you shouldn't either! People distort who I really am. It's like there is some great myth which is totally beyond who I am and what I have done. You should know better. You know that I get grumpy, that I make mistakes, that sometimes I can be wise and other times foolish. I have had concerns in Gael Serran which have at times taken me away from you when you needed me and the only reason I ever could go is because I believe in your heart you have the strength to find your way, your own special path."
"But it's hard!"
"Yes it is, but it is an illusion. I hope that you will remember this day when you need it most and in remembering you will know that my faith is not a challenge but an insight into who you are. It's all there inside you, everything you will ever need for any situation. I've made mistakes and you will to but in the long run we both can make the best choices and in the end we will be more than family, we will be friends."

The dream image of Wyvern tossling Mony's hair just as she had so many years ago. As she feel into a deeper, restful sleep, Monyka's last thought was ......
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Old 02-25-2001, 12:58 AM   #9
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that of a long-bearded wizard in sable robes, his hand stretching out to hers.

"I believe in you, too, Monyka," he said. "You have much you can offer us, once you come to terms with your own pain. Don't you dare give up on yourself."

Then, quietly, the vision faded away, as Monyka sunk into deep slumber.
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Old 02-25-2001, 11:46 AM   #10

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Monyka looked around..."mysterious figure?
Storyline? Not good at storytelling?" What the *&^%? Where was this disembodied voice coming from?!

"breaking up a good story and deleting what?"

"What is it I am supposed to see?!" she wondered aloud?

"Don't mess up a good story? Please don't!"

The disembodied voice remained silent after that and she wondered if perhaps she did need rest after all.
She returned to Ishad N'ha and got a room at the Inn for the night just in case.
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