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Old 05-07-2001, 02:19 AM   #1

Posts: n/a
Like Sazerac, if my story can offer anyone any inspiration, any hope, any consolation, I want it here to be available to whoever needs & reads it.

A True Story
Titled "The Five Dollar Truck" (lol) by FreudianSlip:

One afternoon in Oct. 1986, I was invited to go out drinking with a couple of friends and turned them down to go out job hunting.
I immediately felt "Death" and the satisfaction that "It" would secure a victory in taking the life of one of my friends.
Having a (self) righteous attitude toward the spritual and our power over evil, I challenged "Death" and felt that the answer to defeating it would be to go along but the price for my own victory would be on my head, so to speak. I went.
We had an afternoon of hitting bars, laughing and having fun and on the way home traffic suddenly got heavy and the driver, in an attempt to avoid rear-ending someone, tried instead to make a right hand turn at 40 mph. Of course he did not make the turn and instead, crossed the street he was attempting to turn on and was headed into a palm tree.
It was here that time slowed down and I had time to "see" all the options and consequences of trying to keep myself out of harm's way. There was no center seat belt in the old pick-up we were in so I was not wearing one. I knew I would go through the windshield. Turning around to perhaps grab the back of the seat, I "saw" that if I did, the counter force of the impact would break my hands. I turned back around and decided that if I could just duck behind the driver's arm, I could aim my chest at his forearm and my face at his hand in a way that would keep me from being seriously hurt and even keep my glasses intact. I scooched over a little and it was then that I "saw" the passenger, a single father who was the only person worthy and capable of caring for his daughter (in his family) "get crushed to death as a result of the angle of impact into the palm tree".
I did the only thing I could to save him and turned the wheel to make the truck hit the tree from the front rather than from the front fenderwell and his door. The driver then looked at me and saw what I had intended to do to save myself and said "I don't think so!" He moved his forearm down to keep me from hitting it and the moment of impact arrived...there was nothing else I could to except to make sure my face hit his hand at least, instead of the steering wheel.
I broke one bone in the back of his hand with the area of my face that hit it, just to the left of my nose & as above my teeth and jaw as I could manage. The steering wheel impacted with my chest just on the right side of my sternum and I felt ribs break.
A policeman was just behind us and red lights started flashing immediately. Medics were called to the scene but I refused transport to the hospital in order to be able to be able to pick up my son from the sitter's. I had broken a couple of ribs before and wasn't worried to much about having to wrap them myself to heal. The driver and passenger were otherwise unharmed.

I woke up the next day choking on a blood clot and struggling to breathe. My nose was clogged on one side and I blew out more blood with what little strength I could put into it. My chest was swollen, a large goose egg right at the base of my sternum. Knowing I was hurt worse than I had originally thought, I got dressed, got my son off to kindergarten and left the house to head to the ER only to meet the driver on my sidewalk as he approached my front door.
"Hey there!" I said, smiling.
"I sold the truck for Five Dollars this morning." he said to me.
"What on earth would you do that for?" I asked.
"Because the cops that were on the scene yesterday were friends of mine and they did not issue any citations or even file an accident report. The truck was not in my name yet so I sold it for five dollars to a friend of mine that you don't know, by the way, so that if you try to go to the hospital for your injuries, you can't file for any coverage through my insurance. As far as anyone who matters in a legal sense is concerned, the accident never happened and you can't prove that I ever owned the truck, much less that you were in it when it "supposedly" crashed."
The look on his face was something I can't describe, just something totally devoid of feeling. It really suprised me, since we had been friends for at least five years.
"Well the truth is," I told him, "I am hurt worse than I had originally thought and I am on my way to the hospital right now to get looked over. I coughed up a blood clot when I got up and I am having trouble breathing, but I never even thought to claim any coverage on your insurance. I chose to go with you knowing there was danger involved and I take responsibility for what I've done to myself. You want to give me a ride?"
"You're kidding right?" He answered, "I am not giving you a ride!"
As I walked past him and out of my yard to catch the next bus, he continued, "You can't prove I wrecked that truck you know! Nothing you can do can prove that I ever even owned it!"

When I got to the hospital, I was looked over and X-rayed. The X-rays revealed a fracture to my sternum about 2 1/2-3 inches long. The right side of my rib cage was crushed and shattered. There were more breaks than could be counted. Ribs were broken away from the right side of my spine down my back.
The Dr. confirmed a punctured lung and told me the only reason I had not drowned in my own blood was becasue the bottom of the lung where it was punctured was full of fluid (pneumonia). He poked, prodded and listened some more to my chest, back and abdomen with his stethoscope.
He looked around and asked how I got there. I told him I came on the bus. He looked totally suprised and asked me "You WALKED in here?!"
I nodded my head as he shook his own in disbelief. "What?" I asked.
"Pardon me if I seem a little suprised" he said, his face going a little pale, "but people who have suffered the injuries you have normally arrive on a stretcher and they are usually DOA! I find it hard to believe that you are even conscious much less that you came here on the bus!"
"Its the truth" I told him, "you can ask the nurses out front. They'll tell you I walked in alone."
"Excuse me for a moment." he said as he left the room. He came back a little paler even and asked me if I had insurance. I told him no and he asked, as he helped me off the examining table if I would come with him, please.
He walked with me to the exit of the ER and told me for me to even be alive and conscious showed him that I had the strongest will to survive that he had ever witnessed in all his life and that he was sure with that will that I would probably be OK eventually, provided I could get the proper medical care it was going to take with the injuries I had but state law allowed hospitals to refuse treatment to patients without insurance because of lack of payments that so often occur in such cases and I should seek assistance elsewhere. He gave me a light push toward the exit door and told me "Good luck."
"You're kidding right?" I asked in total ignorance (lol).
"No, I am not." he answered. His face almost looked sad but quickly turned to that devoid of feeling look that I had seen in my friend earlier when I stared at him in disbelief. "Good luck" he repeated as he motioned me to leave. He turned and walked away.

The same thing happened at every hospital in the city. They would continue initial tests and by the time I had gone through them all, I had an almost complete list of my injuries and the well wishes of the Dr's to survive it on my own.
A fractured sternum, a crushed rib cage, ribs broken away from my spine, ruptured sinuses in the left side of my face, a few teeth broken at the roots, a ruptured stomach, a displaced kidney and gall bladder (the kidney was thrown into the front part of my abdomen while the gall bladder ended up underneath my right shoulder blade), a lacerated liver...all of my internal organs they told me were at least shifted but probably cut, or ruptured as well. To this day, no one knows just where my spleen is lol. I had whiplash so bad that my spine was almost "S" shaped. It was months before I could stand up straight and to this day, my neck sits "just inside" being even with my spine. If I focus on it it tingles and is uncomfortable.

One Dr. was at least kind enough to prescribe me Tylenol with codeine for the pain (which ended up further damaging the already damaged kidney) and a medication for nausea that would enable me to keep food in my stomach, provided I ate as little as possible in order to allow it to heal. Like I could eat ANYTHING without literally feeling it run down through my abdomen and into my right leg LOL!

With the placement of my kidney, I could not lay on my left side without having it cut off circulation directly through my aorta. Laying on my back would collapse the damaged lung, laying on my stomach would be a sure way to kill myself with all the broken and splintered ribs I had so I was left with no choice but to lay on my right side in order to be able to both breathe and heal. I cut up the muscles in my back in the process with all the ribs that were broken there and the swelling of my rib cage and abdomen left me looking like a barrel with a goose egg on it...on legs, with arms, and with a head perched on top.

I only got through it with faith in God and myself and earnest prayer that if my life should be spared I would make it a worthwhile one.
I used meditation to focus on various inner parts and literally will and feel myself heal.

A year or so later, I found a hospital (county) that would admit me for surgery to move my kidney and gall bladder back to their proper positions.
Fearing going under an anesthetic, I called my sister in KY who was, at that time attenting a church that believed in faith healing.
She got the whole congregation praying for me and the day before I was to be admitted for surgery, I was sitting on the couch with my (then) boyfriend watching TV when I felt a slight "push" against my back.
Thinking he was putting his arm around me and not wanting to have my hair pulled (lol) I sat up a little in order for him to place his arm behind me. When I went to lean back, I felt "two fingers and a thumb" press into my spine, keeping me upright. I waited for whatever and then felt pressure from them again except this time my whole body went nearly limp, almost numb.
Kinda thinking "Huh?" before I could turn to look at him, I was "answered" with what I can only describe as thought with "Its OK, can you hold this relaxed state?"
I thought back, "Sure, so long as you aren't going to hurt me!"
I felt a hand on my lower back next...a full open, five fingered hand right where my kidney belonged. I was asked (again with thought) "Is this OK with you?"
"Just don't hurt me" I thought.
I felt "the hand" enter my back, it was cool and soothing. I felt it grab my right kidney, gently pull it back into place, and then let it go. It then exited my back and remained against my skin for another second as I was "asked" again "OK?"
"OK!" I thought back at it and then the "hands" pulled away and were gone.
I turned to my boyfriend who had been sitting next to me this whole time (oblivious to all but the TV as he was) and told him, "Hey! Feel the hollow in my back!"
He looked at me and the most startled expression I have ever witnessed on anyone swept over his face. He jumped up off the couch, stepped back away from me and asked in fright "What's the matter with you? You're glowing!"
"I'm glowing? Really?! How cool! Come feel the hollow in my back!"
"Not until you tell me what is going on! You're GLOWING!"
I explained to him what had just happened and he asked me if I thought it was aliens (lol). I told him I had never considered it could have been, that I thought it was an angel sent to heal me because of all the prayer going on for me in KY and again urged him to feel the hollow that the displaced kidney had left in my back.
He stepped cautiously toward me and reached around and felt "the hollow". "Its GONE!"
"Yes, I know!" I told him, isn't this WONDERFUL! I don't have to have surgery! I don't have to go under anesthesia!" I jumped up and down in pure joy while he stood there looking at me like I was diseased or something. I stopped jumping up and down and looked at him and asked "Don't you think this is great?"
He answered "Its just WEIRD!" and then he literally ran out of the house. He only came back to get his belongings and tell me he was moving in with his friend Bryan, that what had happened was too trippy and he could not stay with a woman who "glowed" like I had earlier.

I did not care, lol I was healed and a trip the next day to the hospital confirmed that my kidney, indeed had been returned to its natural position inside my body.
The Dr. there did not believe me any more than most everyone else I have ever told this story to even though he had solid proof that he did not have to cut me open as he had previously proven he had to. It doesn't matter to me who believes...I know what it was I felt and I know that my kidney (still damaged but functional) is back where it belongs. Since my gall bladder posed no threat to killing me the way my kidney did in its interference with my aorta, I opted to leave it be for the time being.

Eight years later when I was trying more seriously than I ever had to rebuild the muscles in my back, I was getting so violently ill whenever I reached a certain point in muscular strength that I would vomit seemingly gallons of bile. It was then that I met my Guatemalan Healer, Medicine Man and friend, Carlos.
In the process of returning my gall bladder to my frontal abdominal cavity, Carlos placed two fingers and his thumb into my spine as I lay on my stomach on my bed. He pushed them gently into my spine and my whole body went limp and almost numb. I heard his words in my head as I remembered the "hands" with my kidney before he even spoke them.
"Can you hold this state of relaxation?" he asked.
"Oh yes!" I answered, smiling the biggest smile.
He very gently, with his other hand, pryed my gall bladder out from under my shoulder blade and moved it gently down the to the lower right of my rib cage. I heard it "plop" into my abdominal cavity and he told me I should be ok, that it is not exactly where it belongs but that was the best he could do without being a surgeon.
I related the story of "the hands" and my kidney to him and he laughed. "I am sure it was angels." he told me. "Angels from my country!" he added with his wide and child-like grin.
I have never been sick a day in my life since with the exception of your normal run of the mill colds and a touchy resperatory system that I try to keep healthy.
Well, not true... About a year ago, I went to see a Dr' here in Texas for illness I was suffering from complications related to an ulcer and way too much stress (sleep deprivation caused by Rex's snoring).
As he poked around on my abdominal cavity I could not help but notice a most puzzled look on his face as he poked again and again. The look of pure puzzlement just kept getting more intense.
"Things are not where they are supposed to be are they?" I asked him with a smile.
"Uh, No, they're not!" he answered.
Before he could comment any further, I told him about the accident I was in and how my internal organs had all been shifted.
"Shifted." he echoed. "Yes, that makes sense now."
A look of relief replaced the look of utter confusion and he continued on with his exam, shaking his head every now and then when he could not find things where "they belong"
I could only smile and give thanks that I am alive.
: )

I believe in the powers of faith, prayer, and the will to live.
My motto in life has become "Live every minute as if it is your just could be!"
Here's to enjoying everything life has to offer...the good, the bad and everything in between. : )
Love , Hugs & Peace,

Old 05-07-2001, 02:27 AM   #2
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Moni, I believe in one thing, I´m glad you made it!!!

Thank you for your story of life..


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Old 05-07-2001, 02:29 AM   #3

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Thank you Wolf!
Love, Hugs, Peace & A Kiss On Your Brow


Old 05-07-2001, 02:30 AM   #4
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: April 9, 2001
Location: Dallas, Tx, USA
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man everyone here is so

I feel small in comparison...

The HumbleDawg


The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes
and my girlfriends, Pamila and Phil
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Old 05-07-2001, 02:35 AM   #5

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Originally posted by RudeDawg;
I feel small in comparison...
Don't EVEN!
Man, I feel like the road you traveled was MUCH harder than the one I went down!

Glad we are all here to share our love of life with one another, that's for sure!

Love, Hugs & Peace,

Old 05-07-2001, 02:46 AM   #6
20th Level Warrior

Join Date: April 9, 2001
Location: Dallas, Tx, USA
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I'm taking you (and your SO) to Bedford with me in Aug so's we can meet Saz...
go to the blues festival...

The GettinTogetherDawg


The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes
and my girlfriends, Pamila and Phil

[This message has been edited by RudeDawg (edited 05-07-2001).]
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Old 05-07-2001, 02:50 AM   #7

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Sounds like a plan! My E-mail address is available through my profile here, you can write me when you are ready, or anytime for that matter!

Going to bed now
See you later


Old 05-07-2001, 06:53 PM   #8

Posts: n/a
Bumping this back up in case it was missed by anyone who may want to read it.
(Yes I am vain and need confirmation of my worth to the world)

Old 05-07-2001, 07:02 PM   #9
20th Level Warrior

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Location: Dallas, Tx, USA
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Originally posted by Moni:
Bumping this back up in case it was missed by anyone who may want to read it.
(Yes I am vain and need confirmation of my worth to the world)


We luvs ya, Moni!

The LuvDawg


The RudeDawg
Known in these Forgotten Realms as Perin LightEyes
and my girlfriends, Pamila and Phil
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Old 05-07-2001, 07:05 PM   #10

Posts: n/a
LOL Aw Thank you RudeDawg! I love you too!
I told Rex about Bedford while we were out today...he is into it!


[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 05-07-2001).]

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