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Old 10-14-2001, 09:13 PM   #1
Red Wizard of Thay

Join Date: March 20, 2001
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska USA
Age: 63
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Well, with this being the month of October, I feel it's time to turn our minds to things that go bump in the night. The following story is my family ghost story. I hope you enjoy it.


Some of this story is first-hand experience, some was told to me by my mother many years later. I can testify to the truth of everything I saw and heard myself, and I have no reason to doubt my mother.

I was just a boy, aged about seven, and we were living in an old, creaky, two-story house in Washington State. It had a strange central stairway that went up and made a half circle at the top. The whole of the stairway was walled in and had a door at the very bottom. My sister and I slept in the upstairs room. There was only the one huge room up there. It covered half of the upper floor. The rest of this area was taken up by the stairway and a series of odd little child-high closets.
My Mother and Stepfather had their room on the ground floor, towards the rear of the house, and outside, Tony our Stepfather, had repaired a small concrete fish pond and filled it with water and goldfish. We of course had named them all!

It all began, as I recall, with the upstairs room. My sister and I slept and played there. The room had only the one door that led to the stairway and the short hall with the odd closets, and one window. We complained continually of the coldness in that room. So much and so often that my Stepfather purchased a radiant electric heater and placed it between our beds just in front of that window and the small shelf that stood below it. This he did despite his statements that the room was not cold.

But the room remained cold…

On this particular day, my sister and I had been told to clean our room. This was a chore we never much cared for and did half-heartedly most of the time. But, it was the price of being allowed to go outside and play in the front yard. We seldom played in the back for any reason. So we set to work and soon had our few toys tossed willy-nilly into our toy boxes or placed carefully onto the little shelf below the window.
Tony, my stepfather was in the US Navy, so I had few toys because we moved so often and had weight limits on what we could bring along. Two of my most prized were a pair of plastic cars. Not just any plastic cars. These were honest to goodness model cars. Built by my Stepfather and painted in detail. One green and the other one red with working wheels and hoods that opened. He had given them to me after spending hours and hours working on them. I rarely took them down from below the window.
As soon as we were finished, our room decontaminated of toys and rubbish of any kind, we romped down the stairs and waited for our mother to inspect our handiwork. It was a bright sunny day and we wanted to get outside. Our mother climbed the stairs and we vibrated in place waiting to hear her say those sweet words of release...

"Keep your butts out of the street and play nice! And Leave those Damned fish in the pond!"

That would be our cue to race each other to the door, where we would do our level best to imitate the Three Stooges, piling into each other and jamming the doorway with our bodies in our frenzy to be the first one outside. But those words were not what we had heard. Instead, the dreaded "Get your butts up here!" sounded from our upstairs room. Dejected and whining about all our hard work, we climbed the stairs listlessly and shuffled to our mothers side. Then our jaws dropped, well at least mine did. The room was a shambles. Each of the toy boxes had been flung open and the contents scattered. It was as if someone had turned the toy boxes over and emptied them onto the floor, then kicked the former contents about. Both of my prized cars were there too. The green one lay on its side and to my horror the wheels were broken off. Not just one wheel or two wheels. All of them. My mother looked down at me disdainfully.
"You told me this room was clean. Get busy and clean it up NOW. Unless you want to stay in all day." She looked at the ruined car then back at me. "Your father is going to be upset with you." Those words were something I did not want to hear, ever.
To this day I can remember his face as he looked at the green car and the three wheels I could find. One of the wheels had disappeared as if cast into the Twilight Zone. Dad had spent hours of his free time working on that car. But he didn’t say much. And I think he half believed me when I swore to him that I hadn’t done it. I think he wanted to, anyway. In any case we re-cleaned the room. It took nearly an hour. I spent much more time trying to find the missing wheel of the green car. I don't think I went outside that day. I never did find that missing wheel.

I need to tell you about our dog, because he is in the next part of the story. Butch was a huge German Shepherd with a nasty attitude towards anyone not in the family. Our Stepfather had thought that we needed protection while he was away to sea. Butch had been a guard dog at the base, but grew too old to continue there. Rather than see him put down, Tony brought him home. He was a great dog. Big and Mean as hell to anyone not in the family, nearly tearing the door off the hinges to get at the poor Mail Man as he climbed the steps to our front door.
He was, nevertheless, kind and gentle to both my sister and myself. Not once did he ever snarl or grumble when we played on him. Not even when my sister wanted to dress him up in her clothes. But he would not come upstairs. He would stand at the bottom and look up, but never enter the stairway and go up to our room. Perhaps he sensed something up there that we could not.

The rest of this story is my mother’s:
Late one night our ferocious Butch was on guard as usual. My Mother had settled into bed with a book she was reading. Tony was gone to sea and she was alone. Butch lay across her legs at the foot of the bed, his eyes closed, but his ears, alert for any sound, twitched. His long years of training were still with him.
His ears twitched again. He sat up straight at the foot of the bed, irritating my Mother, who thought he was hearing someone walking down the street or perhaps a car in front of the house. She scolded him and ordered him down onto the floor. He complied, but a thin nervous whine escaped him as he left the bed. That was what caught my Mothers attention. Butch never whined. Not once in all the time he had been with us. It was exceedingly odd. He stayed erect on the floor facing the only door in the room and his ears lay back against his skull. A low growl murmured in his deep, powerful chest. All at once the hair on his back stood on end as if an invisible hand had run from his tail to his forehead, raising the hair as it went, and the growl died in his throat. He cried out in fright, squealing like a frightened puppy, flinging himself under the bed as quickly as he could force his considerable bulk under the too low railing. The bed rocked and bucked as he did so. My Mother was so astounded by this she leaned out over the bed and looked at him. The bed was shaking with his trembling and he was curled into a ball. She called to him repeatedly. But he would not respond to her in any way. His whining ceased and he became deathly still. My Mother sat up and was about to throw off the covers when she saw it. Standing there at the foot of her bed.
It was tall, man-like and filled with a white translucence, outlined in red. It stood there staring at her. The temperature in the room had plummeted and she could see her breath before her eyes. Still it stood there radiating a bone numbing cold like a freezer coil. Long minutes passed as her own shudders started to ripple through her slim body. The apparition didn’t move for a long time. She felt as if it were trying to tell her something. Then without warning it reached for her and she, like any sensible person, pulled the covers up over her head and shook as Butch had done. Praying to God all the while to make it leave.
“Please God don’t let it touch me!”
She knew if it did she would die.
Several minutes passed and the cold left the room. She ventured a glance from under her covers and saw just a glimpse of it as it passed out of the room and turned towards the stairway! Screaming she flung herself from the bed and ran to the next room. But the door to the stair was shut and there was no sign of her visitor.
She headed, shaking, up the stairs to our room on the floor above. It was the longest flight of stairs she had ever climbed and she felt as if she would never reach the top. When she did our bedroom door was open and she could see us, my sister and I, tucked tightly within our covers and sleeping soundly. The radiant heater gave off it’s baleful red glow, coloring the room ruddy red, as if all inside was covered in blood. Unable to stop her shuddering, she carefully entered our room. She woke us one at a time and held us close.
“We’re all sleeping in my bed tonight.” she said gently.

We slept together that night. Something that was not usual for us at all. But is a very fond memory for me. I will never forget the feeling of peace I had curled against my mothers side, her arm wrapped around me.

We moved six months later, to east San Diego.


I must thank Fljotsdale for editing this story for me. She did a wonderful job
and is responsible for it being as readable as it is.

(Bows low and then hands the kind lady a yellow rose.)
Thank you Fljotsdale.

For the rest of you, I hope you enjoyed reading this story and I encourage you to write up your own family ghost story. It is Halloween after all.


The line between good and evil is razor sharp. Be careful of misteps,
lest you find yourself spitted upon your own blade.

[This message has been edited by Wulfere (edited 10-14-2001).]
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Old 10-14-2001, 10:31 PM   #2

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: The Outside Looking In
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woah, scary. glad you moved, who knows that might have happened if you stayed there?

It's simple. Once the Planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the injury...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the Planet? Think how much energy would be gathered! Ha, ha, ha. And at the center of that injury, wil be me. All that boundless energy will be mine. By merging with the energy of the Planet, I will be come a new life form, a new existence. Melding with the Planet, I will cease to exist as I am now. Only to be reborn as a 'God' to rule over every living soul.

What are you saying? Are you trying to tell me you have feelings now? Ha, ha, ha... Stop acting as if you're sad. And there's no need to act as if you're angry either. Because, Cloud, you are... a puppet.

Shadow Dragon of the DotW
Super Sephiroth, slayer of the Uber Fluffy, and battle co-ordionator and defender of the HADB clan.
Follower of the mighty Fallen Paladin himself.
Diplomacy is all and well, but HADB is better!
Head of the IronWorks Intelligence Division
Official Soup Server and bumper of Cloudy's Cafe
Possessor of the Aerie Diamond Head from the ALSB.
Page in the Court of Lady Lioness

Stalking the woodlands,
the Lioness in my sight,
warm feelings doth come,
into my lonely heart

[This message has been edited by SSJ4Sephiroth (edited 10-14-2001).]
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Old 10-14-2001, 10:41 PM   #3
Pangur Ban

Join Date: June 3, 2001
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I wonder what had happened in that house ... ?

I am a firm believer in the paranormal.

On a more whimsical note, it was reported on radio this morning that the number of ghost sightings in England had fallen away to nil over the last few years. One paranormal investigator has claimed the the magnetic radition emitted from mobile phones ( !! ) disrupts the spirit world.

Pangur Ban
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Old 10-14-2001, 10:47 PM   #4

Join Date: March 29, 2001
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Very intresting story Wulfere. Alouth mine isnt as belivable is yourse (it you belive in this sorta stuff,witch I do) but its was all very real to me.

I guess I should start at the beging, last winter, my uncle met a lady named Silva (sp) she had a son named Jose, they got married and we became friends and all that good stuff.

Last october we had a halloween party, I asked Jose and another cousen to stay over for the night, now let me say this it was a some what warm night, anyway, we sat outside on my trampiline, and, since it was halloween I though I would bring up the subject "Do you belive in Ghost" I was also stuyding the subject at the time, so I thought I would impress them with my knowledge of it

Anyway, they, of course said "Nah, there not real." We started talking about it and I said " Well, if there near you, you get cold, really cold, and somtime they leave mostiure on your body."

They reflected on this for a mintuite ,then of course one of us said "You know I am feeling kina cold..."

And then, it hit me, it was kind of cold. I am telling the complete truth. Then me and Jose simontanisloey looked down at my arm, of course, there is this water looking subtance on my forarm.

We ran into the house, completley freaked out. We ran into my room and just kina looked at each other. We talked about what just happened. We all swore that none of us pulled a trick on one another.

From that point on, Alot of weird stuff happen too us. And all of us have been weary of the supernatural.

If you want me to tell some more of the stuff, just ask...


So if in the forest look behind you, because that where the ranger is going to be

Grand-Jester and Spam Monitor of Laughing Hyenas
Messenger of the Emerald Dragon

May a pregnant yak chew on your ear for all eternity.
A guitar solo is to a guitarsist is what a palette is too a painter.
"...But I look at my self as a fragile, inteligent,human being. But there is a clown inside that comes and messes it up everytime" -Jim Morrison

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Old 10-15-2001, 01:02 AM   #5
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 3, 2001
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Looks like I'm gonna have to stay away from the forums during Halloween time if people are gonna post scary stuff like that

But its a great story! (it IS only a story right?)

No-Name Face
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Old 10-15-2001, 07:15 AM   #6
Red Wizard of Thay

Join Date: March 20, 2001
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska USA
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Pangur Ban and SSJ4Sephiroth... I have often wondered about that myself. Part of the story that was edited concerned the small garage in back. I had always been creeped out by that small structure. It has nothing to do with the apparition my mother saw, or maybe it does? Cell Phones indeed...LOL

Grand Ranger... Please do tell us more. I didn't know spirits left moisture.

Lifetime... No it is true. To the best of my knowledge what my mother told me was 100% fact. I have no reason to doubt her. She was a religous woman and not given to falsehood. I know the business with the toys and the attic always being cold is true.


The line between good and evil is razor sharp. Be careful of misteps,
lest you find yourself spitted upon your own blade.
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Old 10-15-2001, 07:36 AM   #7
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

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Originally posted by Wulfere:
I must thank Fljotsdale for editing this story for me. She did a wonderful job and is responsible for it being as readable as it is.

(Bows low and then hands the kind lady a yellow rose.)
Thank you Fljotsdale.
Accepts rose graciously. How did you know yellow was my favourite colour!?
No need for thanks, though. Its YOUR story! I only trimmed it a bit.


Dubbed Queen of the Illuminati by Diogenes.
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Old 10-15-2001, 07:43 AM   #8

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Wulfere, I am glad that you left! Really made me think of the past staying at my parents farm.

We, all(my family) moved there when I was very young. In this season also. As we were scoping out our new domain weird things happened but nothing that couldnt be written off as coincidence. Like dissapearing items, moved items and strange sounds at night. Its a big farm..about 150 acres surrounded by a state forest that added another 200 or so acres. As the years rolled on these things happened but less freqently than at first, almost like whatever it was accepted us but was always watching. One year my parents went to Spain and left my two olders brothers and I at home for 3 weeks. This would change my veiw of the farm forever.
We were all a little wild and had our partys and late night fun. One day we had a huge gathering that flowed over until evening. So many people that I didnt know. Well, I was outside doing something by myself and I saw a black figure go into the barn. Thinking ahh man we told these people not to go into the barn for we were afraid of people smoking in there. So I like a fool followed. No lights were on how strange..I went up into the hay loft. No lights. all of a sudden I heard a gasping sound and looked over. by the moonlite window I saw a black figure swinging from a noose. AHHHHH! I ran so fast..I couldnt say anything. I ran back inside almost crying.. Everybody was inside ,it was late. They looked at me and got scared and asked what happened.. I told them and everybody went outside to check up on my story.. Nothing was there. Later on that night we were talking to our freinds, some were neighbors and ...someone said dont you know the history of McCabe? We all looked at each other .. no. He built this farm and two others on this road. He died by hanging himself. The name of the road is McCabe and you are living on his farm.
To this day I can sense him there when I visit but the fear is gone now. My nights alone there are peaceful and restful. I know something is still there.

[This message has been edited by Conan (edited 10-15-2001).]
Old 10-15-2001, 07:57 AM   #9
Red Wizard of Thay

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Location: Lincoln, Nebraska USA
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Fljotsdale... Yellow roses are given as sign of friendship here in the states.
Had I known it was your favorite color I would have found a gif on the net and linked your rose. Thank you again.

Conan... whoa, that's a chilling thing to see. Something like that would be really terrifying.


The line between good and evil is razor sharp. Be careful of misteps,
lest you find yourself spitted upon your own blade.
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Old 10-15-2001, 12:59 PM   #10
Red Wizard of Thay

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