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Old 12-09-2001, 11:24 PM   #131
40th Level Warrior

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Rogues... who needs 'em?

My current party has no rogue -- started with 2 warriors, a cleric, and three wizards. Moved the warriors up to barbarians, and they get Traps & Locks (along with Pickpocket) to choose from, which is IMHO the most important reason to have a rogue to begin with. And with level advances and guild training, I'm comfortably up to Level 5 traps, making most chests easy (particularly with lockpicks).

Next time, I wouldn't make the former rogue a wizard. Instead, I'd probably make her a warrior.
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Old 01-18-2002, 01:33 AM   #132
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When going into town, sell items first before pooling your gold, once you're a high enough level.

See, if you have more than 10 million GP, the rest goes into another moneybag, which goes into your inventory. And repeat if you have more than 10 million for the second bag, third, etc.

If you don't have enough inventory slots left when you pool your money, any money that couldn't be put in your inventory just drops on the floor and rolls away. I've learned this the hard way....

And for those who are rolling their eyes at the thought of 10 million gold (like I used to), let me say two things: Fletchery and enchanted Dragon Arrows (+9 Damage, in my case). 49 of those is around 15 million gold, IIRC.
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Old 01-23-2002, 10:49 AM   #133
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because of conditions such as "Stoned", etc.

When you click on these characters in the Inn you should learn that they are in the Temple Morgue. Head over to the Temple and click on RITES. You then have the option (for a fee) to restore them to health thus unlocking them from the Inn!
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Old 01-25-2002, 02:12 PM   #134
Fzoul Chembryl

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In the Stout mine, before you enter the 2 cart area, cast a portal between the two carts.

Later, as you start exploring the mines, you don't have to always find your way back. Just cast teleport and you're back a the entry of the forgotten mine. Then, you just pull the lever and the cart will come back to you... yes, even after you've switched the tracks.
An idiot will only play Russian roulette with an automatic pistol! Thank God they only do it once! <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Smile]\" src=\"smile.gif\" />
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Old 02-02-2002, 11:35 PM   #135
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Want to do 200 points damage at a shot?

I noticed that if you hide in shadows, your damage is substantially higher than if you're visible. My Warlock with a Wizard Blade and Main Gauche +2 (both enchanted for extra damage) and both Dagger and Secondary Weapon skills at 12 would do around 60 to 80 points of damage combined if he was visible. Cloak in shadows, and the Wiz blade averages around 125 points of damage, with the MG at another 60 or more.

One note: Be sure to keep one character visible. Otherwise, many monsters have a nasty habit of not noticing you, even when you're trying to attack them.
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Old 02-14-2002, 09:29 AM   #136
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XIGNAL'S instructions on making the VIRTUALDUB fix to work:

The trick with Virtualdub is to save the file with another name since the program won't let you save it with the same name as the currently open file. Here are specific directions:

Save the open file in Vdub with the "Save old-format AVI" option with a new file name (such as mask1.avi). You should see some strange graphics appear; you will get back a large 32MB file.

Now exit Virtualdub and then in Windows Explorer rename the new file from mask1.avi to townmsk1.avi (over the old file - say Yes to the "Do you want to replace" dialog box). Do the same procedure to the other two town mask files (townmsk2.avi and townmsk3.avi) changing the initial save names as appropriate.

That should do it. Good luck.


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Old 02-19-2002, 01:00 AM   #137
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Skills you can't train in...

Some skills you can train in when you level up, as listed below.

Strength: Warriors Guild
Intelligence: Wizards Guild
Dexterity: Rogues Guild
Agility: Bushi Guild
Spirituality: Priests Guild
Presence: Priests Guild (by donating money)

In general, you don't want to waste skill points on those skills. Instead, apply them to something you *can't* train in.

For example (and in no particular order):


All these are beneficial skills that enhance magic use and combat.

Some skills (like Leadership) don't seem to have much impact. A high AC can offset most attacks.

For other skills, you're better off training in them at the guilds when you level up. For a few (or a lot) of GP, you can increase a full level of skill at one shot. At higher levels, you may need to spend more than 50 skill points to do the same.

There's one clear (in my mind) exception to this rule: always train the first level in a spell skill. If you don't, then you'll be a level behind (level 4 but only able to learn level 3 spells). Learn that first level right away, and you can match skill level to experience level.

For other skills, once a spell book hits level 7, I've seen no real advantage to increasing the skill. I train in other skills at that guild until those other skills are maxed out, at which point I return to train in spell skills.

And the biggie, that I don't think I've seen before... the highest you can train a skill is level 12, with the exception of some special ZenMaster exceptions that allow you to get to 14 in some skills.

*edited to add skill training list and presence*

[ 03-03-2002: Message edited by: Bungleau ]

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Old 02-24-2002, 05:59 AM   #138
Knip Dyolf
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To increase the game's base illumination:
Add -Light=x (where x = 1 to 16) at the end of the "Target" in your desktop shortcut to W&W. If you don't have a shortcut create one (right-click and drag deep6.exe from Windows Explorer and drop on your desktop, select Create Shortcut Here). Then right-click on the shortcut, select Properties, and then add the text as shown below:


Could someone please type for me the "text as shown below:" that Rick was referring to. I just got the little red box with a X in it where the text should have been [img]graemlins/crying.gif[/img]

I have set the gamma in the game to max but I still have to manually adjust the brightness and contrast of my monitor to 100% so I can see

\"Listen, strange women lyin\' in ponds distributin\' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. \"<br />Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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Old 03-11-2002, 08:19 PM   #139
Drow Warrior

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gallantry skill and casting the fiend spell frenzy also make your character's more powerful and will make them hit harder (more pts of damage)
Dark Age of Camelot Addict
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Old 03-28-2002, 10:59 AM   #140
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[bTIPS on being a VAMPIRE[/b] by decaf_dar

First, how to be a vampire:

The vamp inside Shurugeon Castle (where you get the Tusk), you should agree (You may!) if she wants to try out your neck. You'll still get the tusk, but you get poisoned after the bite and you attain the Vampirism trait.

Perks of a vampire:
1.) At night, veeeeerryy fast. (Like after you use up an entire round of your characters, he gets the turn every now and then.)
2.) At night, veeeeerryy agile and strong. (This should help if your vampire is the leader. Your characters successfully hit most of the time, even your wizards or priests.)
3.) Vampire bite: no problem on health, no need to heal when your enemies are red-blooded (should help on the Boogre adventure) and paralyzes monsters some of the time.

Flaws of a vampire
1.) At day, veeeerryyy slow. He only attacks at about after two or three rounds.
2.) At day, he gets hit most of the time (a bigger problem if the vamp is the leader, since the leader is the primary target of the monsters). He's also frail at day.
3.) Vampire bite doesn't help on yellow-blooded or green-blooded monsters.
4.) Vamps cannot be healed with spells, even with restore health, and when resurrected, only possesses 10 hp or more.

Important strategies:
1.) On every quest, ONLY PROCEED AT NIGHT.
2.) Watch out when you're full on health already, since you might forget that it's much better to attack an enemy with your primary weapon than with vampire fangs.
3.) The only spell that will heal the vamp is the Toughen spell (Vine Spell). Although it only heals 10hp for every incantation, when the spell wears off, the Max HP returns to normal, but the HP you gained when you cast the spell remains.

TIP IS FROM decaf_dar
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