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Old 02-20-2001, 04:56 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

Chain Story Anyone?

Yes, I am bored tonight


Some of our off topic ramblings have given me an idea. Whats say we begin a chain story? In other words, I'll start the story and everyone will continue it. If everyone puts in a paragraph or so (don't write the whole book or anything), it could prove very entertaining with all the great personalities we have here on our beloved Board! If this thread is actually successful, which I wonder, anyone can add to it as many times as they wish.
Anyway, here goes:

Falon was a large man, by many thought him still a child. The did not understand his D&D obsession. Playing at a card table in the dim lighted living room, he would play with his friends (all much younger than he) until they all left for the night. One particular evening, Falon fell asleep with a thunk onto the card table amonst his dwarven miniatures. He dreamed of being inside a whirlwind spinning him around wildly. When he awoke, he found himself not at home, but in a strange rock structure. He spun around and could find no exit. But he DID see sunken into the rock 10 separate doors surrounding him. He thought he must be still asleep and dreaming, and waited for two days until he was weak from hunger. In despiration, he decided to take a look at the doors. This is what he saw:
Each door had a different color and a picture inscribed in the center of it:

#1 - GREEN - Picture: Snarled tangle of enormous leaves and vines
#2 - WHITE- Picture: Mountain of Bones with an overcast sky
#3 - RED - Picture: Sand dunes with jagged lines written above them
#4 - GREY - Picture: Man-sized tubular hallway with many shadows
#5 - BLACK - Picture: Just a solid black square
#6 - BLUE - Picture: Drawing of a sky split with dark and light
#7 - PURPLE - Picture: Window looking upon strange planets
#8 - WOOD - Picture: Bloody stone walls with shackles
#9 - SILVER - Picture: Giant Metal Crab
#10 - YELLOW - Picture: Reptilian Eyeball

He somehow knew that each door led to other dimensions, but it was either pick a door or die a slow death in the rock prison he was locked in. He also instictively knew that each dimension housed another door that could take him back to his rock prison and he could possibly choose another door.

My fellow boardmembers, please help Falon decide and continue this story...

Or was this a stupid idea?

mack attack

As Falon stands there with the desire of hunger and water the only thing going on in his mind. He tries to think of the only logical guess that will bring him the things of life. His hand trembling reaches out for the first door. As the door opens he feel the warm moist air hits his face and the rich smell of dirt. His heart begins to race with the thoughts of being some where safe to go. As he opens the door a little further. He begins to see the green leaves and the sun beaming down on them. Then all of a sudden a little man comes out about 4 feet tall and says. Falon I thought you where never going to make it out.


EXCELLENT, mack attack!


BTW Ladywendy i just noticed a problem, i spent the time since i first read your post writing the next part, only to see it all ready done. i starting to think this will happen a lot.
Falon look at this figure. "Who..who are you? you know my name?"
The figure shock his head," My name is Dangal, I was told of your coming, I been waiting here for the past two weeks." Dangal walked off, towards a large bush. "Are you coming?"
Falon slowly walked after him, still nervous and reached a small camp filled with a smell of cooking, Dangal was rummaging through a small bag, and so Faldon took the time to look about the camp he saw that there was a larger bag across from him, a small bed roll on the floor and a large hammer against the tree nearest Dangal, the smell he found came from a small rabbit roasting on a spit.
"Here take this." Dangal offered him a small leather bag with a nossel at on end, a water skin Faldon geussed. He took a long drink from it and lowered it feeling better. "The rabbit should be done soon."
"The rabbit boy, on the spit."
"Oh right, what are you? Who told you I was comming? Where am I?" Falon asked suddenly.
"That's a story, that can wait for dinner." Dangal repiled.


Valen, I know. I thought about that while making this thread. Hope it doesn't happen too much.
Dangal wiped his mouth with his sleeve and replied "No need to pretend ignorance, boy. I know of you and my nieces's secret love affair. Now that you are here you both will be promptly married on the morrow!" As a piece of rabbit morsel fell from Dangal's beard onto the table, a door opened and in came Poxia, Dangal's niece. "Ooooh, my sweet cheeks, there you are!! She knuckle-drags herself towards Falon. At this point Falon wonders if this was the wrong door to choose. What should he do?


Falon could not believe his misfortune. As he was about to bolt towards the door, he heard a loud Thud off in the distance. A few seconds later, leaves began blowing around the clearing and threatened to spoil Dangal's rabbit bbq. The largest Rhina beast in all of history was plowing it's way towards Dangal.
Dangal pointed towards the hammer by the tree and told Falon it was time to prove his worth as a future son-in-law. He told Falon that this beast was the one terrorizing his crops. This was the moment of his acceptance or he would have to leave Poxia forevermore alone. Although Falon didn't really want to end up with Poxia, it became a matter of pride to him and he quickly went for the hammer.

By now, the Rhina beast was upon them. Poxia had bolted for the nearest tree (as quick as a knuckle dragger can bolt anyways.) Falon went forward and realized he was only half as high as the beast and decided strategy, rather than brute force would win the day. Behind him, Dangal stood his ground, with nary a weapon anywhere nearby.


Faldon blinked and thought for a moment. Suddenly deciding his continued breathing was probably more important than his pride, Faldon ditched the hammer, grabbed the rabbit, and fled into the undergrowth, leaving the two pushy outlanders to meet their fate at the hands of the dreaded Rhina beast.
Or not. Give us some characterisation to work with here, zekke.

mack attack

" Ah there you are Poxal, look who has decided to come out. And you thought that it would never happen." Dangle beaming with joy.
"Oh there is a wounderful day indeed I was just about to give up on him." As poxal shuffles towards her lover. "Um yes I had along time to think about what my life will be like with you and your wounderful uncle." Just as he manges to finish the last piece of rabbit. That seems to be leaving a bad taste in his mouth. As Falon stands trying to think what has he got him self into. He decides that something needs to be done. He feels that this will not do for him. He is much to young to be tied down with anyone at this time. " Is there something wrong dear you seem to be not looking to well"
" Oh no I was just so happy to see you come in. But before we get settled in maybe I should go and get some more fire would." As Falon starts to get up and make his way for the door.
"ok my sweet hurry back I have the furs all washed up and ready for a good night sleep."
" Yes I will be right back?"

mack attack

Well so much for the posts going in the right direction. Dam I type way to slow. Lol


He sprints through the forest away from the shack, something wiz pasted his ear, daring a look he saw it was a small hammer, diving behind a tree, he looks around it, and spots Dangal holding axe and making short work of the Rhina. Falon waits a couple of seconds to catch some breath and heads on, soon he is running blind, pushed ever on by the sound of Dangals cursing, suddenly the ground seem to disappear underneath him and he falls, rolling down a steep incline and with a splash hits water. Still groggy he gets to his feet, and wonders up stream, as his head starts to clear he hears a quite roaring sound and around the next bend in the river finds a small, waterfall surrounded by what looks like purple tulips leading to thick oak trees on all sides Yet it is all lost on him as he see a women washing her self in the water. He know he should look away but is intoxicated by her beauty, her golden hair falls gently over the shoulders of her milky white skin, slowly she turns to face him, her lips as red as roses, her eyes the blue as the sky itself. "Hello, who might you be?" she says, her voice as soft as silk, and with that he faints.


'A note on his character, just put yourself in his place, what would you of done faced with a big razor clawed creature holding a only hammer. Make him do what you would do and work from there.' or go with what Ladywendy says.


(peers upward)
Yeah, that's about right for me. Not going to work very well if one minute he's a self-serving coward and the next he's a knight in shining armour, though, is it?


Ok. then remember he is from our time lost in some other world, he scared, and doesn't know what going to happen, he probably never used a hammer/sword/axe in a fight, let alone against a crazed Rhina. perhaps later on he be a sword swinging hero but now he a displaced little man trying to get home-at least his is in my mind.


OMG, I'm in a room with mages. LOL. And here I thought we were battle hardened adventurers, ready for a battle at any opportunity. Ok, on with the festivities.
When Falon wakes up, he realizes he is being held by the most beautiful woman he has ever known. Her eyes a blazing emerald green contrasts with her strikingly blonde hair. She is standing between him and the sun and a sort of halo surrounds her. "Are you ok?" He notices that her eyes have changed color. Hmmmm..

Falon looks back into those eyes and realizes that he is hers. There is no denying that anything she asks of him, is his very life to fulfill. "My name is Falon, who are you that so captivates my heart and soul?"


By the way, this person (Falon) has played D&D for a great many years. I would imagine that he would have braved the Rhina if it came down to it and would have attempted to utilize strategy that he has learned from his prior "games". Maybe I'm off base, but I did put myself into that position. If I were to be face to face with a creature like this, I would have done my best to the exclusion of my life. Oh, and as for the hammer, nobody said it was a small hammer. I used that prop to build up it's (Rhina) reason for being there. It did say a large hammer. Hmmmmm. I actually do own a fairly large hammer of my own (5' in length) and have gotten into kind of a habit of swinging it around a bit. This is what I had envisioned Falon as having available.


Tobbin-I might of stayed a fought the creature but I though that the dude is in unknow land facing an unknow beast, with a hammer and it run and not marry the other beast or stay possibly be killed and if suriving being forced by a angery dwarf to marry his beast like daughter-
"My name is Pfil, you better not move, you had knock on the side of your head."
She moved away from him and he gentle started to move his head, but a pounding ache stoped him.
"Ughh, i haven't felt this bad in ages."
"Oh, that would be the poition i gave you." She move closer to him "You still havn't told me your name?"
"Its Faldon." With his senses slowly returning he noticed that he was no longer in the river, in fact he couldn't hear the waterfall at all.
"Where am I now." He muttered.
"Your in my house, yes, I think this will suit you fine." She stood over him holding a outfit, in forest green, strangly it didn't look to bad.
"I leave while you get dressed." Very slowly Falon stood up, and dressed in the clothes she gave him and moved to the door.


When Falon got nearer to the door, it swung open. He was shocked. Coming through the door was himself. "How can this be he thought?" His duplicate had questions of his own, "It's about time you came to. What's the meaning of going after my girl. Are you some kind of shape changer? How is it that you look so much like me? Answer me before I crack your skull with my war hammer."


Reeling, Falon had no answer. Who was this man with his face? Who was this stunning beauty who had shown him such kindness. The raised voices - 'False Falons' threatening questions and 'Green-eyes' pleas for calm faded into a mixed blur of interwoven sonic blubble.
Closing his eyes and putting his hands to his ears he screamed. Holding one primal note he closed his eyes. Aah aahh ahh aahh....

Time passed. Silence. Blackness.
Hours passed, it might have been minutes - or days. He opened his eyes...

Bright light. Disorientation left him unbalanced. A shadowy figure emerged from the light. A figure wearing a white coat, eye-glasses and holding a needle.

"He appears to be improving Ambrose." the bespectacled white coated man said. "In time he will break."

The sting of a needle followed.

"What are you doing to me" Falon managed to utter before the swirly grey mists overcame his pain racked vision.



When he came back to consciousness, he realized that he was walking. The grey mists still surrounded him. Sounds still appeared muffled to him though and the mists were too thick to make out anything.
He walked along for a couple more minutes, and the mists began to fade away. A forest. He could hear a wolf growling off in the distance. Now that the mists were faded a bit, he could see that his shirt had been torn as if by a great cat. His pants likewise were shredded. He felt about a bit, but could not find any blood or gashes. Other than his clothes being torn apart, he appeared not to be harmed at all.

The trees became thicker and thicker as he progressed. He became somewhat frightened as he realized that he had no clue where he was or how he had gotten here. After about thirty minutes, he dropped down to his knees and felt an overwhelming feeling of despair. That same wind that blew by him at the lake began blowing again. Leaves churning. No, not exactly the same. The leaves only blew to his right.

He started off to find out the source of the wind. As he walked on, he saw the shack off in the distance. He wasn't sure, but it appeared to be the one where he met his twin. When he was about twenty feet from it, he saw a figure off in the back with a hammer raised to the sky. He slowly walked up towards it. Oddly enough, there was a deep shadow that made seeing anything very difficult. It wasn't until he was almost upon it that he realized that the figure was a statue. But even worse than that, the figure was him.

Then he heard it. A woman was singing off in the distance. Her music touched his very soul. It touched him in such a fashion that reality melted and he was safe at home again. He had never felt such warmth. Before he saw her arrive, he knew who it was. It was Pfil. But deep down, he knew that she had another name. When she had seen him, she outstretched her arms and light sprang forth.


in his chair.. looking stiff and scared... then all of a sudden... next next ?? WHATS NEXT???


falon takes her hand but she knows that there is reluctance in his actions,she cocks her head to the side and he knows that he must say something."Pfil ,i can't pretend that i know you ,i myself barely know whats going on,Two days ago,i'm at my house playing a game,and i fall asleep,nothing strange in that ,but i wake up and there is a bunch of doors in this room ,I picked this door with some leaves on it and when i opened it, their is some dwarf trying to marry me to his daughter ,i flee in panick when some beast comes crashing through the forrest,found the most beutiful woman bathing in the river ,meet myself at the door,and i have no idea what to do ,or how to get back home,do you know anyone that could help me.

mack attack

As the light hit him he felt another burst of over-whelming pain. Pain that he has never felt before. At that very moment he new it was a trap. Then all of a sudden things went black again.
AS Falon awoke he felt very tired and like his body was put through the rack. He awoke on a bed covered with furs. He looked over to the left and seen the women that had been signing to him but now she looked much different. She was now dressed in a long black rob and she was standing over a pot of boiling water. She added some white looking powder and the pot sprang forth into a black heavy smoke. At that very moment falon decided no matter the way he looked at the situation he needs to get out of there and fast. He looked around for a weapon and now once again he seen his hammer from the first day he was there. He slowly climbed out of the bed and reached for the hammer. The hammer was very light in his hands. The robbed figure still had his back to him. He slowly started to walk towards the robbed figure, just as he raised the hammer and was about to give the fatal blow to his capture she turned around and seen the face of his capture. A hollow looking skull. Falon swings and with the mighty blow he knocks down the monster. He looks around in a mad panic and sees a pack back he grabs it and runs out the door.


Another bolt of light flashed out towards him.
Immobile he remained in stasis until the first waves of light died from her hands.
"Come my love" Her words were a command, but held what to Falon felt like a millenia of sorrow - the weight of ages. Her eyes appeared to radiate Jade-like light in a pulsating fashion, keenly assessing every fibre of his being.

"Pfil" he croaked
"SILENCE" the roar was deafening in his mind. From Pfil?
"Come my love" she repeated. This time her eyes were glowing blood red, like fire.
It was not a request.
Gingerly he attempted a step forward and found he could move. What had held him so?
He walked up to her, met her gaze, her stern yet aching gaze. Moisture glistened underneath her eyes.
"Take my hands Falon" she held out her arms.

Falon took her hands, his fear transforming to intrigue. He looked at her milky white arms.
She was now wearing an amber robe. A thin wispy material that threatened to crumble or blow apart at the slightest movement.

"Now we shall be one Falon, our souls shall be as one" he noticed where he held her hands her skin had grown over the space between. Milky white colouring spread down his own arms rushing toward his torso, his heart. A rushing wailing tormented scream started in his mind. Louder and louder it grew reaching fever pitch.
Pfils mouth was open, her tounge moving, but no sound came forth. The wailing seemed to whip up a wild wind, a gale which ripped into his hair and stung his eyes, leaving them watery and blurred.

With the milky colouring came a cold cold feeling. Not numbness, a chill that sank into his very being. His entire body was white now, his arms now fully merged with hers, his legs now joined to hers.

And then it stopped.


mack attack

OK quick question I am sensing a problem every time it write something some one gets there before me. IS there away to see if some one has posted before I do so I can edit my little story. Poor Falon does not know if he is coming or going I had him kill the witch now he is talking to her. Thanks If you can help me.


??? ok folks... i got lost there...
anyone care to explain what is going on now??

mack attack

I know what you mean I guess pick a thread and go with it things go to fast. To bad there wasn't a sign in to stop more then one person writing at a time.


I'm working on it, but can't do much til later today- just wanted you to know I'm not ignoring your thread LadyWendy- I ADORE chain stories, used to do them by the campfire in Scouts...ahh the good ol' days


Don't worry about it, just go with the flow. So she died - he thought. She obviously didn't.
Re. checking just write it, copy then go and check if someone else has posted and if not, dump it on. If they have, modify.


....Falon stood there, connected at the legs and arms with Pfil. He felt the cold waves wash through him as the union continued. After what seemed like a lifetime to Falon, but in reality was just seconds, the merge was complete. He looked down at himself and blinked. It was as if Pfil just disappeared inside his body. Aside from a milky white skin, there was no difference in him.....then he heard the voice inside his head.
"Finally my wait is over! I now have the body I need."
"Wh..wh..what?" Falon asked silently
"Oh Falon, my dear soul. My body was dying, and I needed a new one to continue. That is why I lured you to the waterfall and gave you that potion."
" are not are just inside my head"
"Just for now Falon. I will use you to get me a.........permanent body"
"A permanent body?"
"Yes, I am impressed with your strength and fortitude Falon, but I could never live in this body. I need something more........beautiful"
"No more buts Falon. Now listen, this is what you, or I should say we, are going to do"

mack attack

"There is a body i desire but it's not going to be easy for us, Or should I say you. It is located not to far from here in a castle."
"So what do you need me to do."
"Well Falon I need you to go there with me inside you, we need to make a transfer that will make me more beutiful then I was. But it will not be a simple task there is many risks involved with going there. The host that is there will not be so reluctent to let us walk in there and let me talk over there body. But I asure it is the only way for you to get your mind and body back."
"Well if it is the only way then I must try."
"That is right Falon grab your hammer and lets go forth to the castle it is only a half day journey from here."


Oh I love this!! Everyone is such an interesting writer! And I don't mind if the stories get mixed up I am still curious to see what everyone writes. If things get too mixed up, I say someone just take it in another direction, no biggie, this is all just fun anyway.

Speaking of different direction, I think it is time for our Falon to choose another door, what say you?
As Falon journeyed towards the castle, he contemplated what he was about to do. He truly wanted to rid himself of his "other half" but did not want to afflict it on another innocent being. He came across a river and decided to bathe, as it had been many days. When he stepped into the light rapids of the riverbend, Pfil screamed in his head "Noo, I detest water!! I cannot swimm!! Get out now!" He felt a tug inside the left side of his skull and his arms and legs began to walk out of the water. Out of pure rage he flung his body into and under the water. He could feel Pfil's shock and outrage and in that moment felt the tug inside his head lessen. He used that moment to slam down an imaginary wall in his mind thus blocking Pfil's control over his body. As he felt the water rushing around him he realized that it worked and he stood up. He could still hear Pfil's voice cursing, but knew that at least for now he had gained control.

He sat down against and tree and contemplated his situation. Finally coming to a decision he screamed as loud as his hoarse voice could manage "I will suffer this hell no more!!" He then backtracked as best he could remember to the door he first emerged from. Two days later he came upon the door. He gathered as many fruits and nuts that he could put in his backpack and stepped through and once again found himself in his rock prison from whence he originally began. Exhausted, he feel asleep for an entire day. When he awoke he approached the doors and tried to decide which one to step through next. Obviously the jungle door did not prove to be as warm and inviting as he thought. He finally decided on the grey door with the shadowed tube. Perhaps that tube led back home (or not!) He opened the door and felt a damp cold blast of air. In his head Pfil yelled "You idiot, do not go in there! You have ruined everything and now you would torture me with unseen perils!" Falon replied "Does that mean if I feel pain, you will feel it as well?" Pfil: "Of course you addled brained imbecile!" Falon: "Well I guess you have gotten yourself in quite a predicament huh?" and laughs bitterly as he steps thorugh the door...
Somewhere in the dense fog hidden deep within his mind he faintly hears a voice "doctor, he has now gained access to the next stage..."


Falon walks away from the door but the creature tries to force him back "Your not helping, you know that."
"I'm controling this body, and if stoped fighting me will be quicker." the creature replyed in his voice.
"Oh, and i'm just ment to give up at let you use it for what ever ypu want."
"Look if you'll coparate it will all be over sooner."
"And then she'll kill you." Came a new voice from behind them . Falon sprang to his to his right, or tryed to as the creature tryed to make him move the other way, which left him lying in heap on the ground. The figure in the shadows just laughed.
"Who are you?" Falon growled using his hammer to help him self up.
"My name? Oh it nothing important. What is important is you need to get out of here."
"Oh and why should we trust a nameless creature, for all we know your a sprite playing a trick." The beast inside him yelled and suddenly the creature walked in to the light, it stood about, five feet tall with a almost copper-coloured skin, which only high lighted it siver hair and puipless white eyes, Then Falon noticed the ears, this was an elf, but not like any he ever read about.
"The name is Kosh, and if you want to live you will listen to my adivce."
"Why, I only just meet you, while.."
"While the women you though you loved turned out to be a monster that tryed to steal your body? My time is short, Go west from here you will find a order of priests seek their help, only they can remove this beast and keep you alive."
A howling noise filed the tunnel, dust began flying through the air, "Damn, we shall not meet again in this world, go west, NOW!" With hat the figure plucked a sword from thin air and ran past them deeper in to the tunnel, Falon watched him dissapear in a flash of light and the tunnel fell slient once more.
Confused he sat there trying to make sense of it all, where was he, what is this creature in side him,should he go to the priests, who were the people from the vision, was cause the noises he heard and what happened Dangal?


HaHa! Valen - touche!

Falon felt like he was being infected with insanity with all he was dealing with at the moment. He could feel Pfil's guilt and knew that the apparition heeding him west was an illusion created by her to dissuade him from entering the doorway. He pressed his hands to his ears and screamed spinning around the rock prison wildly. After about 10 revolutions he lost his balanced and crashed into the silver door pummeling through its blinding light. When he landed and got his bearings he found himself in a silver environment. Everything seemed to be made of silver, including the grass and the trees. He took a few crunching steps forward and heard a whirring sound off in the distance. He climbed a small silven hill and saw a giant crablike creature lumbering its way towards him. He noticed a small red beam in the air and followed it to his chest. Just in time he dove down the other side of the hill as an explosion erupted in the earth exactly where he was previously standing. When his roll down the hill came to a stop, he lifted his head and beheld a scene out of a nightmare. Strange dwarflike body parts were scattered about everywhere. He noticed many crossbows and bolts lying about. He thought about the approaching crab and weak spots it may have using his D&D knowledge. He noticed the crab had joint cracks. mmmm.

Disjointed faint voice: doctor, he has fallen into alpha 4 zone!!

mack attack

Man Is this to cool or what. I find my self checking the site all the time to see out is going to happen to him next I think all the twists are way to cool. I wish I had time to do some writing but need to go and do friday night things maybe later thanks for the great reading.

Stealth Bomber

Each time I finish my bit, some swine has beaten me to it! I keep another window open to see updates, but still can't type fast enough. Love this thread and will try tomorrow as I am off too bed now. Brilliant one and all!


Please, join in when you can mack attack! All additions welcome! Bump em if you got em!

Stealth Bomber

You posted on the wrong thread LadyWendy, but I saw it anyway. I have tried but I type too slow! It's 2-45am here and I had a few drinks earlier tonight, so my creative juices have flowed out of an altogether different location! I will return tomorrow, as I am sure this will go on and on and try then. Goodnight for now.


Not posting wrongly, Stealth, just knew what you were talking about! Sweet dreams oh knight of the short kilt and neverending smileys!! Look forward to your addition to our story tomorrow!


As the crab turned to face him, he grabbed the nearest thing, a severed arm, holding in front of him he charged the construct, the red light shone upon his chest and he threw the arm in to the beam and jump to the left, the devices weapon disintegrated the arm but Falon survived, sprinting closer to the beast, he dropped as close to the ground as he could and scooped up a cross bow, the beam was searching for him again, this time he mark it location, as a tube inside the monsters mouth, this time he stop, and dropped to a roll the beam passed over his head and he threw the cross bow towards it the creature eye storks, and its creature clawed move to protect itself. Using this to his advantage he moved to flank the beast, once it’s uncovered its eyes he was not to be found.
Falon took this breather to pick up as many bolts as he could find, and moved to a small hill, looking down he saw he was above it and jumped, the creature look at him as he was in the air, oh god I going to die he thought but the attacks never came, the beast was unable to attack him. The impact knocked the breath out of him, but he moved on, clawing on his belly the sharp scales of the beast cut in to his flesh, but he felt no pain moving near to the rear legs he shoved a bolt in to its there joints, there was a cracking noise and he knew it wouldn't last long but the beast was immobile and so he moved to wards the head of the construct, the claws moved towards him but couldn’t get a grip on him, unfortunately the could bashed him, rolling on his side he dropped in front of the face and shoved the remaining bolts in to its mouth, small bits of the red light could still be seen erupting past the bolts, driving his hammer head in the monster rose up in pain, the bolts in its back legs snapped as it rose, then there was an explosion and the head of the creation blew apart, sending shards of sliver to wards him. Curling in to a ball the shards mostly missed him, as he rose up he saw the creature was lying on the ground missing one of its claws and two f the legs on one side.
Sitting in the ruin, he looked at his body, “Let me know when you’re going to do that next time.”
“Sorry but I wanted to survive.” Replied Pfil,
"Well look at me. I'm bleeding all over, god I can hardly stand."
"They will heal." A loud noise behind them caused them to turn back towards the fallen beast.
(my first ever written battle, i think it was pretty good.)


Excellent as usual Valen!
Falon turned around and looked at the fallen dead crab. A voice sounded from it's mouth chanting "they will heal, they will heal". Falon walked towards the crab and inspected the small round device inside it's mouth. The sound seemed to be coming from it. Falon grasped the device and yanked hard, and after much viscious pulling and tugging, finally managed to pull the device loose. Falon figured it must be some kind of homing device, so he pocketed it hoping to fool the "masters" of the crabs.


After climbing back up the hill, Falon noticed that it was strangely quiet. He hadn't realized that he had walked so far. As he looked around, he couldn't see the door he came in through anywhere. As panic began to overtake him, he could feel a sneer from Pfil. He could hear her say, "That's about enough of this foolishness." After that, he felt a pressure in his mind build up to an overpowering level. He dropped to his knees.
Pfil stood up. She began to chant in an arcane manner. As her voice reverberated throughout the forest of silver, "Aggea Memna Findus Apparetus. TaPella Maret Anna Mae Setta", a shiny blue chord made totally of magic snaked forth from her fingertips. Tendrils formed from this energy and began "feeling" out the forest. After a few minutes. All of the tendrils formed back into one chord again and pointed back and to the left from where she was standing. Pfil sneered, "There. That is the way back. Foolish man."

Because Pfil had weakened herself casting the finding spell, Falon took a chance and re-asserted himself. Pfil dropped to her knees fighting him for about five minutes, but she was still not used to this form.

After a couple of tries, Falon stood up. He thought, "Thank you Pfil, you do have your uses." With that, he decided to explore a little more.


As Falon stood surveying the wreckage of the crab, he noticed that the strange silvery sheen of the landscape had dimmed, assuming a more normal hue. Looking across the undulating plain in the direction the crab had come, he saw in the shimmering distance what appeared to be a small cluster of buildings, to far away to discern any individual characteristics. Something about them suggested they were of a transitory nature, but Falon was at a loss as to why that particular impression should come to him from such a distance. "We must be going back, this place is dangerous," the voice in his mind was strident, "there is nothing here that will serve as host for me, and you will get us both killed through your ignorance of your peril." Falon grunted in suprise as his body half-turned back towards the door. A sheen of sweat broke across his face as he grimly fought back the witch's attempt to wrest control of his body, and he trembled with the effort of pushing her presence back to that of a disembodied voice. Like the tendrils of fog made by the machines used by second-rate bands on the way to nowhere, he felt her attempting to ooze around the barrier he had put her behind when plunging into the water. The water! Desperately, Falon evoked the sensory impressions he had felt before, when the shock of immersion had first displaced the psychic parasite he had so unwittingly picked up like a bad case of toenail fungus that required amputation to cure. The cold shock of water, his clothing becoming sodden and heavy, pulling him under the water's surface, his head going under as well with water filling his mouth and nose, the disorientation of tumbling out of control, wondering if he was going to be able to regain his feet or even start swimming... with a despairing wail, he felt Pfil stop trying to control his mind and body and shrink away from the sensations he was imagining, cowering back into the corner of his mind that he had shut her in before, no longer interested in controlling him, obsessed only with staying away from, keeping out of the water. "What's the matter, somebody drown you for a witch in a previous life?" he smirked, positively enjoying the small spike of fear he felt from her in response to his remark. "we'll do things my way, and if you're worried about my ignorance killing us, I suggest you concentrate on making sure I don't walk into something that would be bad for the both of us." He smiled grimly at the lack of response to his comment, and started out towards the distant cluster of shapes on the horizon, hoping he would not have to go to the mountains even further off in order to find some sort of water to drink. He pulled the strange device out of his pocket, but it had gone silent and offered no further comment at this time. With a shrug, he put it back into his pocket and took off in a long, comfortable stride towards the distant buildings, wondering exactly what he would find there.


tobbin, that was too cool. i did not see your post when i was writing mine, i can't believe it fit so well with what you put in there befor i finished mine


Pfil replied to Falon, "All right. A truce for now then. Let me gain control so that I can heal our wounds."
Falon asked, "And why should I trust you. I mean, you've taken control of my body without asking me. You are trying to force me to do as you like. Why should I trust you."

Pfil could only say, "Falon, there is much you do not understand. We are walking the planes right now. You can not casually walk someplace without first finding out as much as you can about it. You haven't once asked me who I am. I didn't lie to you telling you that I am Pfil, but you are right. I do have another name. Her name is Julie. I can not explain to you now what is going on, but I can tell you that it is important that we find me a host soon. The Overseers are placing obstacles in my path as I am sure they will be doing for you soon. Please, we have to get out of here now. I will follow your lead, but at least let us heal. There will be more to fight later on. I would also suggest that when things seem their darkest, you have to let me use my powers. I know you don't feel you can trust me, but really, I don't want to die as much as I know you don't want to die."

Falon's response was, "Ok. But if you start to do anything or go anywhere I don't like, I will force myself back. Once you are done, I gain control too, or there is NO DEAL. Understand?"

Pfil answered, "Deal." Pfil could feel Falon's will shrinking back. As he relinquished control, she exerted hers. She began casting once more, "Ergo et annum, coret du Tai A'pnen. Sailva (A green hue began to form around them) eck paltum Coret Du'tanan." Their skin began to glow green and at the completion of the last syllable uttered, their skin began to weave back together. Blood was swallowed by surrounding skin. When the last traces of their battle had disappeared, Pfil staggered and fell to the ground.

Falon reasserted his control and stood back up. He could not hear Pfil, or even feel her presence any longer. He could just stare at his skin in amazement. He pulled the homing device out once again and noticed that it had a button hidden underneath it's surrounding sheathing. He pressed the device and a grid appeared with a numeric keypad. He typed in 7, 3, 1, 2, 9, 8, 5 before he could think about it. Somehow, he knew what he had just done. He had pressed the key sequence to turn off the homing device. He also knew that it was much more than this though. As the keypad disappeared and the metallic sheath reappeared, he pocketed it once again. He wasn't sure when he would need to use it, but he sure as hell didn't want to leave it behind.


if some movie producer seeking for a rookie, frsh, imaginative writer... just a few more posts... hehe cmon! what next?


"You are a foolish man Mr.Falon."
The childs eyes were blue, innocent and trusting. The contrast with the steel in the childs voice could not have been greater.
"Do you know what you just removed?"
"Ambrose..." a deeper rich golden voice murmered behind the child. "He is but a fool, spare us this waste of time, throw not your pearls before swine and do what you must."
"Give me the device Mr.Falon..." the child looked so harmless, so trusting. He held out a little hand. "The device Mr.Falon.."
Falon noticed his skin mottling, bubbling.
"Ambrose, you must hurry" the golden voice murmered
"The device Mr.Falon, now. Do not be so foolish to undo all that for which we have strived."

Falon looked down at his hands.....


As he noticed the glow, he understood. He relinquished control to Pfil once more.
Pfil looked at the little boy and said, "Tell your masters that you will not get me yet." Without uttering a word, Blue light sprang forth from her fingertips. As the light touched the little boy, in a deep echo that resonated across the field he yelled out, "You are no longer important. Julia is dead already." The last word faded off with an echo that lasted for a few seconds. "OK, are you satisfied now, Falon? I say we should leave NOW!!!!!". With that, she let control go back to Falon.

Falon looked around dazed at first, but then confidently a second time, "No, not yet. I can't explain what's going on as much as you can't, but I have a gut feeling that is telling me that something here is extremely important. And, I don't mean the homing device." With that, he pulled out the strange device once more and tried to look at it closer than he ever had before. With a few motions of his hand, the sheathe disappeared once more. When the numeric keypad appeared, he noticed there were two extra buttons on the side that he didn't notice in his haste before. One of the buttons colored a deep green, the other an unremarkable yellow.

Falon decided that he had to learn more about this device. Why had the boy wanted it back? Why did he ask him if he knew what it was that he had removed. So many questions and it now appeared, so little time. With a slight grimace and a bit of apprehension, he pressed the yellow button.

Off in the distance a voice stated, "Welcome to OMEGA WAVE." The sound of thunder appeared, softly at first, then building to an ear splitting level. The ground began to shake. The rest of the silver disappearing from the trees and vegetation. As far away as he could see, a dust cloud appeared. Before he knew what was going on, they were upon him.


Like waves they appeared, from out of every corner his eyes could see. Insects of unimaginable proportions, all steadily marching toward him. The 'dustcloud' it seemed - on closer inspection - was actually a swarm of perhaps locusts... or worse.
His pulse quickened. He hated cockroaches. As a child ants had got in a sandwich of his so he hated them too. Spiders made his skin crawl. This was his worst nightmare manifesting before his very eyes.


sorry this is not related to the story.
yorick, you got my mail ?? i emailed you to the address you posted in "the sojourner". thanks.
sorry again. im leaving now (walks out silently)

Stealth Bomber

He turned back towards the town in the distance and began to run as fast as his weary legs would let him. He glanced over his shoulder occasionally and it seemed the seething mass of bodies was drawing nearer and he swore he could hear the scraping of claws over the hard, shiny bodies as they clambered over each other in their desire to reach him. He noticed a small sign to one side with an arrow pointing towards the town. It said 'This way to the Big Escape'. Soon he passed another, then another. Hope at last! However in the back of his mind he couldn't help thinking that all was not well. The worm of unease was burrowing throgh his head, but to go back was certain doom as the giant swarm would completely over-run him in seconds.
The shapes in the distance were starting to take recognisable forms. He could make out clusters of small, irregular houses and vague humanoid shapes through the salty sweat running into his burning eyes. His breaths started to become laboured and he dared not look behind him as he was afraid to see how much closer the swarm was. Pfil was strangely silent and he guessed she was as frightened as he was. He tripped over a tree root but managed to roll and spring up to continue his flight. He saw a small bush in front of him and he jumped over it awkwardly only to land on something with a loud clatter. A deep voice boomed 'Who dares to disturb my fair lady and I?' As Falon got up, he heard the unmistakeable sound of a sword being drawn and he turned to see a very large man wearing a blck chestplate and helm with a enormous sword held in both his hands. Instead of fear however, Falon felt the uncontrollable urge to laugh as the Knight was wearing only a pair of boxer shorts with lipstick kisses on them, below his imposing chestplate. 'How dare you mock me you varlet' said the Black Knight. Before Falon could answer, the Knights companion placed her hand on his gauntlet and said 'Stay your hand good Knight, I sense no evil in him. What brings you here?' Falon could hardly speak after his long run so he waved weakly towards the wall of grinding jaws and snapping claws which was only 20' away. 'Aha, the Omega Wave' said the Black Knight as he charged towards them, his sword a sweeping blur as he scythed through them. 'So impetuous' said the beautiful lady dressed in a shimmering gown of pale blue, touched with wisps of ermine, so as to resemble the sky on a warm summer's day. She waved her hands in a dance-like fashion and lightning sprang forth from her fingers. It struck one of the larger beetles and arced from bug to bug, bursting them asunder with a large cracking pop and spurting green sticky fluid far and wide. 'Ick!' she cried, I hate bugs. Falon agreed and was glad that the remaining bugs had turned tail or burrowed underground in their eagerness to avoid the comical Knight's blade and his lady's storm. Pfil whispered in his mind, 'She would make an ideal host', but Falon wasn't so sure he wanted to cross her or the knight. 'I must go home and change out of these dripping clothes' said the lady 'And anyway, it is time to feed the hippos'. She turned to Falon and said 'You had better come and I will see what clothes we can find you.'

They walked towards the town and Falon saw there was a busy market. One shop in paricular caught his eye, 'Ye Olde shoppe of Shyte' proclaimed the carved sign proudly, 'proprietor Charles the Jester.' Amongst the vast range of goods on offer he could make out 'Eunuch's love potion', Hippo nappies XXXXXXL, Buttock's Burn cream, Non-slip saddles and a whole host of objects piled high in a tangled mess. A man wearing a burnt skirt was negotiating with the owner over the purchase of the cream. Charlie could be heard clearly above the mass of people milling around the market saying, 'I'll tell you what guv'nor. I'll do you that cream and the saddle for not £20, not £15 but an incrdible £5. What d'ya say?' 'Ach I dinnae no' said the man in the skirt, picking at a particularly nasty looking scab on his posterior. 'I might just rub some goose-grease on the burrns, d'ya ken?'. Falon tore his eyes away from the strange couple as he heard a beautiful voice rising above the hubub. A bard had gathered a huge crowd around him as he sang a strangely catchy ditty about a curious past-time which involved binding marsupials. He played an extremely long trumpet which he insisted on calling a didgeredoo. A beautiful foreign lady screamed hysterically in the crowd, before throwing a frilly undergarment onto the minstrels head. Falon turned to the Knight and his lady and said 'Where are we?' She replied 'Oh, this is the greatest place on Earth, an Escape from the pressures and pitfalls of everyday life. We call it the Great Escape and all are welcome.'


HaHa! Stealth I love the way your brain works!!
The beautiful foreign lady lightly touched his arm and said "Please, let us introduce ourselves, my name is Windgust and this is Blacky." "My name is Falon and I am lost. You wouldn't happen to know what is happening to me do you?" Windgust replied, "why, what is happening to all of us Falon? We all have the same things in common here in the Great Escape. None of us can remember exactly what drew us here, but once you are here it is very difficult to leave. You should try talking to the locals, maybe you can figure out our mystery. In the meanwhile, I need to change my clothes. Come dear Blacky. No, don't pick at that with your sword, it is dead dear." As Windgust and Blacky walked away towards a tall blue and white building, Falon once again looked around him. He couldn't decide who to approach. He noticed a man in his backyard grilling a steak with a beer in his hand and decided to ask him about the Great Escape mystery. As he came close, the man looked his way and grinned and pointed and nodded towards his cooking steak. When the man looked up his mouth began to open and smile as if ready to let out a laugh, but instead a deafening belch came out and his grill burst into giant flames. The steak man, now on fire, ran to the sideyard and jumped into the guppy pond. Falon thought it best if he just left the man to his problems and continued walking towards the main market area. He came close to approaching this very tall large man eating a salami sandwich reading the Great Escape Herald, but changed his mind when the man just glared at him with his head still down, only eyeballs looking at him. Continuing on he espied through a tavern window a beautiful women playing the piano and a bard singing so loudly he could hear him from the BBQ pit backyard. In another window he espied a man frantically wiping cream from is burnt arse yelling "damn Charlie's shite cream! May cause burning sensation?! AAARRRR!!!"

As Falon continued,....

Stealth Bomber

Brilliant Ladywendy, now where did my head roll to?
Falon walked furthur down the street. A young girl dressed as a town crier was proclaiming loudly 'Oh yea, oh yea. Here this all ye good folk of the Great Escape. A poll to end all polls. How will this story End. Who is capable of tying all the loose threads together into one coherent tale? Who won the American Election? She was busy handing armfuls of scrolls and quills to all and sundry and it was obvious from the huge stack behind her that she had accumulated a lot of answers already. Indeed, the table they were piled on was in danger of collapsing under the volume of responses. Just then Falon saw a sign 'Seer this way'. Pfil said 'At last, maybe the seer can make some sense of all this.' He followed the sign and bumped into an angry looking mage with burning eyes. He had a fearsome demon of some sort, attached by a chain to his wrist. The demon snarled at Falon and its teeth and horns glistened in the noon-day with the sickening blackish-red colour of drying blood. The mages snarl was worse and spittle flew the air in a graceful arc only to land on Falon's shoulder. The mages hands twirled and a reddish glow soon gathered between his palms as a fireball flew towards Falon. Luckily for him a drunken man, wearing a small coronet, stumbled into the path of the fireball. The flames combined with the fumes of alcohol emanating from his every pore and the resulting blast consumed him utterly and would have taken out the entire town were it not for the timely intervention of a beautiful and graceful lady, who surrounded the growing explosion in a silvery sphere, allowing it to burn itself out without harming anyone else. 'Thank you, Lady Wendy' said a knight as he he picked his spilt mug of turnip ale off the floor. 'Think nothing of it, Sir Valen' she replied before gliding gracefully towards a small castle at the back of the town. Falon thought that this place was full of danger, and he best tread carefully if he ever wanted to get home again.

He finally saw two tents side by side, almost as if they were trying to push each other away. Above one was a sign that said 'Memnoch the Mighty knows all.' The other said 'The Oracle of Armisael.' Outside the second was a crucifix to which a mutilated body was nailed, its guts ripped out and the head was mounted on a sharp stick as if in warning. Someone had carved into the corpses rotting chest, 'No flames.' Falon wasn't sure which tent he should enter.

Off to bed now LW, pick it up tomorrow


Night, Stealth. I want to continue but would rather wait for others to add theirs first. If they don't, be assured I'm on it tomorrow!

No takers? eh? Cloudbringer, Black Knight, Lord of Alcohol, Yorick, Moiraine, Armisael?? Where'd you go Valen, mack attack, Tobbin, Hellfire, Newbie, MORIDIN?


Not me, I'm too interested in seeing how someone characterises me. That crucified corpse is starting to reek a bit, maybe someone'll volunteer themself as a replacement.

mack attack

Standing before the two tents Falon only needed to look towards his new found friend in his mind. "Plif I need some help on where to go here. I am starting to slowly loss any sense of what is right and wrong."
"I can only tell you that both doors you take are going lead to one form of danger. But only one you will come bach out a live. There is great magic that is blocking me to see what is the right one to take. What ever you do make the right choice. For the sake of both are lives."


My good name placed on a drunk!, And when i had a nice twist to add, the slander, you shall hear no tales from me


As Falon stood considering which of the two tents to enter, his apprehension at the grisly warning of no flamers faded in retrospect as he considered the close calls he had already had with large, sudden eruptions of flames since entering the strange, albeit mostly friendly community of great escape, and his resolve firmed as he turned abruptly to enter the tent of Amiseal the Oracle.


A hearty voice boomed out as soon as he crossed into the dimmer environs of the tent, "G'day and welcome, what can I be helpin' ye with, mate? As his eyes grew accustomed to the interior, he saw a figure dressed in worn, comfortable clothes reclining in a chair with his feet kicked up on a table that fair threatened to collapse under the weight of books, scrolls, loose sheets of foolscap, manilla folders, and computer printouts??? Falon goggled at the incongruent collection of information media, but almost against his will his eyes were irresistably pulled to the large, ornately worked stein the man was holding, the condensation dripping off promising something of even more immediate need than information- liquid refreshment!


Falon started to ask what in the world, but all that came out was a dry croak. Licking his chapped lips and forcing a dry swallow, he tried again. "You're the oracle?" 'Absolutely, you were expecting Glenda or Oz?' he replied with a smile. 'Pull up a chair and take the load off, you look like you've come a fair distance, and at a great run, if you be the one who initiated the Omega Wave.' Falon started as he reached for the chair off to the side of the table almost obscured by fanfold paper, nearly falling over before recovering. Armiseal laughed heartily at the look on his face as he seated himself. "I wouldn't be much of an Oracle if I didn't know SOME of what goes on around here now, would I?" Falon nodded at this, feeling a little more relieved. "Here, try this on for size and tell me why exactly you choose my humble shop." Falon couldn't believe his eyes as the oracle handed him a liter of Foster's, dripping wet and ice cold, and he nearly ripped the tab clean off the can in his haste to get it open.


Valen, i reread stealth's, and so should you. valen was not the stumble bum in the coronet- that was a nameless extra consumed in fire, like the security guys in the star trek episodes who die right away to establish the seriousness of the problem.


Perhaps you are right Newbie ,i fear i over reacted.


Enjoying the incredibly refreshing sensation of getting his whistle wetter, Falon considered where to start. "I guess I choose your place because of the warning against flamers. I had two close calls with erupting fireballs just between the edge of and here, so I figured that was one thing at least would not be a problem here." The booming laughter from the oracle suprised him, and he collected his thoughts as it died down into the occaisonal chuckle. "I don't really know where to start, it has all been rather chaotic, and some of it I can't really say with any great degree of certainty happened at all, even though I was there." "You're not travelling with Schroedinger's cat, are you?" The Oracle said this with an insistent intensity that took Falon aback. "No, no cats so far, although that would at least have been a nice touch of normalcy in this trip through the looking glass," Falon replied as the Oracle resumed his relaxed position on the other side of the table. "Hmm, I guess not," the Oracle murmured, "although you do have a travelling companion, don't you?" Falon nearly dropped his beer at the start Pfil gave, and was suprised to realize she had been trying to make herself as small as possible since he had entered the tent. "I believe there is a solution to the situation you have found yourself in, but you must deal with your fellow traveller before i can give you any real help there. One thing- to keep further complications at a minimum, I would suggest not using the device that summoned the Omega Wave until you are the sole possesor of yourself. Thing the secundus- If I recall correctly, and I almost always do, I believe that Charles may have somethings that will help as well in his Shoppe. Go down there and tell him I sent you, and that he should see if he still has those red slippers. His shoppe is a little disorganized, remind him they are the ones Ladywindgust and Blackie found in the straw bedding pile of the orcs they suprised cooking that mangy lion last month. Also ask him if he still has that slightly dented golem with the frozen joints that won't move, I think that will make an excellent temporary solution to the immediate problem of your unwanted 'guest' as well." As Falon stood to thank the oracle, he was taken by suprise as Pfil surged out of the depths to seize control of his body, extending his/their hands toward the oracle and starting to mutter a deep, ochre glow into existence. The oracle's boots slammed down to the ground and in one startlingly swift movement came to his feet and upended his enourmous tankard over his head! Falon sputtered and Pfil froze in shock as he regained control and sent thoughts of rushing, tumbling torrents of water at her. The oracle looked at his empty stein in remorse and shook his head, looked at Falon and said "Go- you need to deal with her first, and the remembrance of water will eventually loose it's power for you. What a damned shame waste of beer, alcohol abuse if I ever saw it." Falon turned to leave the tent, and paused to ask a question. "Go," the Oracle pointed, "I will be here or at the inn when you are done at Chales' shoppe." With that, Falon walked out of the tent, to retrace his steps back through the crowd.


Ah well, time for me to head off.


whew, next?

Jon the Hell Caster

Ok here is my part
As Falon walked through the crowd a pigeon flew overhead perfectly dropping a piece of shit on him. 'Hey' screamed Falon and then he started to run when hundreds of pigeons started there discusting attack. Soon he was covered in the vielsome substance(shit) and couldn't move anymore.


Falon sat before a fire, drying off, when a figure approached him. "You look familiar.” he said looking up. “Who are you?"
"Good question." the man replied taking a seat by the fire. "You're Falron right?"
"Er no, I’m Falon and you still haven't told me your name."
"I know, Falron...oh yes the druid or was that Fardon, anyway Falon why are you here?"
"Well I fell a sleep on my...Your not listing are you?" Falon said noticing the man’s eyes were back on the tents he just left.
" Incurable flirt were saying."
"I don't know why I even bother, all the times and effort, well maybe there was no time and effort spent but still."
"Are you going to let me finish?" Falon asked angry, it was starting to be a bad day.
"What, oh yes your story, it was very nice."
"I haven't even"
"BUT I just want to say this, have you ever though this is but a dream, an ideal your mind created?"
"When I first got here yes, but not any more."
"Because to haven't woken up yet, perhaps you can't wake. A Coma dream, a creation of your wounded mind. All these worlds are parts of you, we people, neurons."
"No, why would I dream something like this, and why would I do what been done to me."
"I see, you mean Pfil.... Pfil where have I heard that name before...Oh yes now I remember...Perhaps she the side of you that wants to be a woman?"
“What no, never.”
“I think you does protest to much.”
“IS there some else I can talk to?” Falon
"You’re not being helpful." Pfil cried rising to the surface.
"Good, it makes a change. Look a three headed monkey." the stranger, screamed pointing behind him.
Turning he saw nothing, looking back to the figure he saw that it had changed, a different man sat there now.
"Who are you?"
"No one important my good squire."
"What happened to the other guy?”
"Oh he had a dental appointment had to go. But he gave me this." The figure leaned over the fire and handed him a note.
' When you find the answers you seek remember the Questions or they will be useless '
Staring in confusion at the note he looked up, the man was gone, he decided it was a long day and went to find a place to sleep.


"Doctor, the subject has virtually quit responding to the stimulea sensorium. Alpha wave activity has begun to spike in an arrythmic fashion, and vital signs are dpressed."
"Get me 10cc norephinepherine, ready an adrenaline hypo. We can't let him get away from us at this critical juncture."


Valen, just for info the drunk man on fire was our dear Lord of Alcohol!
As Falon looked for an inn he once again passed by Memnoch the Mighty's door. Thinking perhaps he could find an easier way, he entered the door, but could barely only open it enough to get his body through. At first all he could see was tall piles of papers crowding the entire room. Instantly a head appeared above one of the piles. Falon spoke up and said "Pardon me, I don't mean to bother you but I have a few questions." Memnoch groaned and his head once again disappeard. From behind the piles he heard Memnoch reply "Can't you see I have enough questions already around me?! Questions, questions, everyone in this entire town has questions for Memnoch! sigh, Fine, just write out your questions and I'll get to them in the order in which it was received, which will probably be long after you are dead." With that Memnoch started cackling wildly. Falon decided he couldn't wait that long and so quietly exited. While backing out of the door he was knocked down. When he looked up from the ground he saw an outstretched hand. "My apologies, I didn't see you there. Here, let me help you up." When Falon stood Pfil swooped in and said "Why thank you kind knight" giggle giggle. "My pleasure my err, lady." Enraged Falon imagined a waterfall and Pfil disappeared. "I am not a lady!" replied Falon. "Ok ok, mate, I guess I, err misunderstood. Again I apologize."


Falon began to think he made a mistake entering either of the tents. Nothing was making the least bit of sense.
"Listen, I need answers and someone out there said you have all the answers I could ever want." Looking toward the other tent he muttered under his breath, "I've been going in circles trying to find my answers and I'm getting REALLY tired of this."

"Ahhh, yes, well that is a problem, isn't it?" replied the wise and mighty seer, not looking up from his scrolls. "Yes, quite the predicament."

"AND?" shouted Falon, his blood pressure rising to dangerous heights, face tinged with purple. "WHAT IS THE ANSWER?"

"Seek the creature that does inhabit the weavers shed on the good Lady Wendy's estate." intoned the wise and mighty Memnoch.

From across the way, Falon heard Armisael's voice, "Bugger that! Drink more ALE!"

With a deep sigh and more thoughts of waterfalls for good measure, Falon picked up his hammer and headed out to the marketplace.

----WINDGUST? BLACKIE? Oh this is tooo much, LOL!----sorry I took so long, LadyWendy, I got bogged down reading and laughing! ;-0 I'm baaaaaack!


Falon was so upset by the ordeal, that he wasn't really watching where he was going on the way to the Marketplace. Before he knew it, he felt himself stop short and a severe pain followed.
"Good sir, may I assist you?" came the deep resonating remark.

As Falon looked up to where the voice had come from, he noted that the 7 foot tall man standing in front of him was garbed in woodland clothing. The bright green and brown markings seemed to contrast darkly amongst the rest of the townfolk. "Who are you?"

"My GOD, is that really you? I thought you had died." again the stone against steel sound coming forth.

Falon could just stare and wonder. This tall well built man with a well kept beard and a dark brown cap with a tall blue plume feather sticking out of his cap was just too much for him to take in. "I'm sorry. I don't know who you are. My name is Falon."

"My name is Tobbin." replied the well tanned woodsman. "I'm sorry, but you seem less a Falon to me, but a Julia." Let me remove this gem for a minute. With that, Tobbin placed his hand to his eye and pocketed the gem of true seeing. "By Mystra's light. It's true. You are not Julia. But I could have sworn for a moment that you were she. Wait a second. There's something in your eyes. Why do your eyes change colors like that. From Blue To Gold Then to Brown? Wait a second, it's not just the color, your eyes are changing shape too."

Falon stammered, "I'm not sure what you mean. It's just me."

Tobbin placed the gem back to his eye and it became one with him again. "No, you are Julia. The gem never lies. I have something for you. Here then is the necklace that I had promised you. It took a long time to collect the pearls and then to work them, but you are worth it. I left the blood on the first one, just like you asked."

With that, Pfil took her opportunity and knocked Falon completely out. Pfil's eyes changed back to a deep green. "Thank you Tobbin. I knew you would find me." She began casting once more, "Most noble night's memory of my sister fair, inhabit now the blood of love so rare. In deepest darknest night I call to Agatet, please bring forth and mend to set. Arborie dae nah kat'unah est kagorat et el" The last word again echoing for several minutes.

At first, it appeared nothing had happened, then a slow wind began to stir. The wind picked up faster and faster, blowing off Tobbin's cap. As he bent to pick up his cap, the pearls began to shake. The blood began to duplicate and pour forth. Within a couple of minutes, a humanoid form was created from droplets of blood. The necklace around it's neck seeming a sight so beautiful and yet so sickening. After a couple of minutes, the blood began to change form into muscle, bone, tendon, and organs. Within another ten minutes, Falon's beauty by the lake stood before him once more."

Tobbin said, "Julia, I am ready."

Pfil looked at Tobbin with a sad gaze. "I can't do it, Tobbin. You have been so kind to me. You have endured a great deal to finish things." With this, tears began to form in Pfil's eyes.

"No, I can endure this no longer. I am ready. You must complete the spell. One life for a life. It was the deal. It was the pact." With that, Tobbin once again removed the gem and handed it to Pfil. "Tell her how much I loved her. Tell her I will wait for her. Tell her I will always protect her, no matter what must be done. No matter the cost." The wind began to blow into a small cyclone surrounding Tobbin. "Hurry, there isn't much time left."

Pfil said, "I know, and I'm sorry that the only way I knew to bring her back was from the love you shared." She walked up to Tobbin and kissed him on his cheek. "I will miss you, you know."

Tobbin replied, "I know. But Julia has a lot to do yet. Our love will conqueor anything that separates us."

Pfil began casting. "With one life I create a life. With love born beyond magic, I bind them. Tae Sen Bah Ral. Met Non Et enum. Sai Sellan." With that, Pfil fell to the ground. Tobbin's spirit arose from his form and entered into Falon's body. Both Julia's and Tobbin's spirits came forth hand in hand towards the now levitating female form with the pearls. Tobbin's spirit guided Julia back into her body.

Julia's eyes slowly opened and she screamed. "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOO. Why, why did you do it? We were to be together." And she hugged his spirit form which was now somewhat solid.

Tobbin's reply, "I had to. I love you. I had to give you another chance." With that, he kissed her passionately. As he slowly began to dissolve, Julie held onto him until every last trace of him was gone.

After she had composed herself a little, Julia said, "I will love you until the end of time."

Falon regained consciousness and realized that Pfil had taken over his body again. He picked himself up from the ground and in doing so, realized that he was now holding a gem. As he placed the gem near his eye, he noticed that Julia had a white glow surrounding her. Now, he felt that it was time. He knew he had to finish up here soon because what he had waited for had happened.


It has been an honor serving you lords and ladies. I shall miss you greatly. Thank you for all the wonderful times we have had together. Tobbin bows and exits gracefully.


Umm, Tobbin you've got me stumped. I'm a bit confused about the Pfil-Tobbin thing. Not sure how to proceed next on this one! Maybe someone else can come up with the next chapter to this chaotic saga!! Or maybe this thread has come to an end. Although I would prefer a happy conclusive ending. Anyone want to continue or end this?


You know, maybe since everyone seems to be slowing down on this story, probably because some of us (not all) have run out of ideas. So maybe I don't know we could change it to one sentence only, that's all you get to continue the story. Would make it perhaps even more chaotic, but still fun, and very little thought involved. Any who disagree, please if you can continue the story as we have been, paragraphs and all!


Slow he walked away from the camp, heading due west using the last memories that Pfil gave him as a guide, the door soon came into sight, . He walked through the door with hesation, a cruel smile crossed his face, stopping in the center of the room he brought the gem to his eye, the doors vanised before it, behind him on a once blank wall was a new door. Laughing he kick at its lock until it burst open, and walk through it. The world span, waves of darkness so bright it blinded his eyes struck him. His ears were racked by slient scream until they ached, his whole being was torn to shreads and put back together in seconds until he could take no more, then darkness took him.


Soothing, enveloping darkness.
Tiny pinpricks of light, stabbing through the darkness.
Shining, sparkling, glittering with silver fire.
A tiny sliver of gold, slowly widening.
Chasing the darkness away.
He opens his eyes.


As his eyes adjusted to his new environment , he reliel on his ears for a brief second, he could a hear a howl, a wolf? a Worg? or worse..
His eyes, now adjusted to the new suroundings seemed to play a trick on him, where am I? he thought.
Heavy snow fell and the mountains around him were high and white with all the snow, and damned cool too...
He wrapped his arms around him, stomped his feets to get the blood flowing. Now about that wolf he thought, oups, there he/she whatever is he thought. His arm went for his sword but it was not there.. oh oh..
-"Greetings two legs.." The wolfsaid..
-" Yoou, you can talk..?"
-"No, not really, only on your mind"
-"Where am I?"
-"In the mountains of course"
-"How did I get here?"
-"By walking?" the wolf tested? He had never seen anyone two legs so out of place before.. Hmm, what should I do, he thought and looked the poor man over.
"It´s a village not far from here", he said testingly to see if that would be a good thing to say, personally he didn´t like cities or villages.. Too many two legs and there stupid dogs..
-"Which direction? Could you please show me?" Faon asked.
-"Follow, and don´t trail behind, there are big two legs and green ones around..
-"Giants? ogres, orcs?", but the wolf had already started out and Falom started to run to catch up.

They ran for what seemed as a very long time for the now tired and coled Falon. Where is this wolf leading me he thought.
-"There" The wolf had stopped and correctly, in the distance he could see a small village and smoke fromthe chimneys, he could make it before dark he estimated.
-"i leave" the wolf said an ran off, be wary two legs, they are a fiercr kind, good to hunt with! The wolf said and Falon swore that he had given him som kind of a smile, the only smile he thought a wolf could have..
He slowly strted to descend the slope and made his way towards the village.
-"This is some fine mess I got into", he shuddered and hurried his pace..

Well, a small contribution to you, sorry about the spelling..


The village didn´t exactly rose up to greet him, rather it was there, small and inconsifignant, but however, there were people there who stopped to see who was coming. One man, took out a bow and an arrow and held it at ready. Falon decided it was time to say something.
-"Er, eh hi!, I come in peace, can someone please tell me if there is anything hot to eat and drink around here?"
The man, relaxing a little but not completly, said a cruel form of common:
-"Sure In the middle of the village you find big fire, a man known as Redfearn. Talk to him.
-"Thank you very much", Falon said and stumbled onwards the center of the villge.
The people of the village stared a bit confused but mostly, curiously. They seemed to be hunters and farmers, but how they could farm up here in the cold was a mystery to Falon. As he step into the light f the central fire, he suddenly felt good again in a very long time, an elderly woman put a cloak around his shoulders and said something in a foreign language, Falon murmered a thanks and gladly took an offered bowl of something that smelled musty but most importantly, hot.
-"you the outsider?", a voice boomed.
-"Readfearn?" Falon said as he looked over his shoulder...
Well come on, continue this now ok..


Though I would keep this going for awhile---
"Yes!" Readfearn replied "Where you come from outsider?"
Falon rose slowly and turned around. What he saw nearly made him back up into the roaring fire. Readfearn was a giant. He was nearly 11' tall with arms like tree trunks and legs like, well like, bigger tree trunks. He was dressed in crude animal furs and had a long brown beard that stretched nearly to his waist.
"I....I....I really don't know where I came from." Falon stuttered
"No know where came from" Readfearn said in a loud booming voice.
The people that were gathered around the fire looked at each other and started to mumble under their breath.
"No, not really anyway" Falon stated, "It has been a long, weird journey which is long to relate. As for how I came to this village, I followed a wolf here."
At this the villagers really started mumbling.
"Wolves not come here" Readfearn stated matter-of-factly
"Well he stopped on the mountain top up there" Falon said pointing to a ridge in the west.
"You not look like him" Readfearn said
" who?" Falon asked
"Like one who supposed to save our souls"
"WHAT??" Falon said a little too loudly "your souls?"
Just then a beautiful young lady stepped out from behind Readfearn. She put a hand on his huge arm and looked at Falon.
"I will explain from here, Readfearn. Thank you" she said in a high, melodic voice.
"I am Mejera and our story begins like this............"

Stealth Bomber

'A long time ago a god, the mighty Ozzie, brought us the gift of Rock'n'roll and taught us the 'wanky dog' and how to head-bang. Now are children do nothing else but chase hamsters in the wood and listen to his Devil music. As we grow older, we go deafer and deafer and our heads break off. Luckily we have developed telepathy and that is how I am communicating with you. We are sure you are the one sent to save us. Recently, he sent a huge Iron Man in retribution for us refusing to listen to the music. Each Sabbath it comes and kills a child in a bloody fashion. We fear that if we cannot be saved from Ozzie, then we shall be forced to bow to his will and our souls will be his forever. Please tell us you will help?'
Falon was lost for words. He mentally consulted Pfil, but she wanted to get away as fast as possible. He looked at the beautiful woman and saw tears in her eyes. How could he refuse? But what could he do?


LOL Stealth!
Of course there was only one thing he could do. RUN for it! He turned to run but ran straight into the chest of what could only be another giant.
"You no go, you help" said this man.
"Shite!" Falon yelped, stumbling back and sitting down on a log. He sat for a bit and then looked up.
"Ok, ok I will help. I just have a few questions for you."
"Go ahead" Mejera said telepathically
"First, what do you listen to Ozzie's music on? Second, this Iron Man how long until he appears again? And third, why do you let your children chase hamsters?"
"Well" Mejera said sitting down next to the fire, "the music comes from a mysterious box in the chieftans hut. It has played constantly for 100 years. No one goes near it for fear of their life. As for the second question, the Iron Man will be appearing in two days time. He will come at high noon and take one of the children. We have tried to fight him, but can't. Our simple spears and rocks only bounce off of him. He laughs and then wanders around the village randomly picking people up and throwing them in the lake. And the third question.......we let our children chase hamsters because it makes them......." Majera suddenly slumped over on the stump. Falon raced over to her and lifted her head. There was a little dart in the side of her neck. Falon pulled it out and touched the tip to his tongue.
"Bleeeeckkkk" spitting, he realized Majera had been poisoned, but why? Did someone not want him to find out about the children and hamsters? Was this the clue he needed to stop Ozzie?
Falon looked up at Readfearn and shrugged. "She is dead"
"Oh, that is very bad" Readfearn replied. He reached down with one giant hand and picked up Majera's limp body. He walked across the square and threw the body as hard as he could into the lake. "She will be missed" he said returning to the fire.
Falon stood staring.
"W....why did you throw her in the lake?"
"That what she want" Readfearn said sitting down on the now empty stump.
"The hamsters Readfearn, why do you let the kids chase the hampsters?"
"It keep them out of our way" Readfearn replied.
"That is all. It keeps them out of your way."
"Then why did someone poison Majera just now? No one seems to be upset by this."
In fact the people around the campfire just sat there with there heads rocking back in forth, all in the same rythm.
"Oh we no care 'bout Mejera. We only care that music stop."
"Well can you take me to this 'box'?"
"Sure it is right in that building over there." Readfearn said pointing to a building nearby. "It right inside by door on table"
Falon walked over to the building. He looked inside the door and couldn't see anybody inside, so he went in. He looked to his left and saw the 'box'. He remembered these. It was a boombox. What the hell was a boombox doing here? Falon walked over to the boombox and examined it. He couldn't see any cords and the tuner dial was broken off, and it didn't seem to be emitting any sound at all, but the power light was on. He looked at the back of the boombox and took off the battery cover. There were batteries inside! He pulled the batteries out and rolled them in his palm.
"Everready ULTRA long life" was printed on them.
Suddenly there was a lot of shouting outside.
Falon rushed out
"What is going on!" he yelled.
Readfearn ran over to him and grabbed him in a big hug. "The music it has stopped!"
"You done it, the music has stopped! You big hero!"
"It was nothing really" Falon said almost out of breath from the hug
Suddenly everyone in the village was rushing over to him, shaking his hand, hugging him, and clapping him on the back.
"Today is Falon day" the village chieftan announced over the crowd, which made them yell even louder.
"But what about the Iron Man and the sabbath?" Falon asked.
"Oh we no care. The music stop that what important. Let Iron Man take all children. We no care!" Readfearn said grinning.
It truly was a grand day. A feast was prepared and everyone drank, sang and danced until dark. Falon was finally enjoying himself in this strange land......then an old man dressed in tattered old robes appeared in the light of the fire.
"Shite" Falon said under his breath..........................

Sorry this was so long


Stealth - your a nut! I love it!
Wolfgir and MORIDIN, you guys write so well I don't dare taint it with my boring ramblings! And here I thought this thread had died! I am humbled by your talent! MORIDIN, quite impressive, you first had a serious chapter, then Stealth came in and turned it upside down, and then you just went with the flow and turned out quite a hilarious conclusion to the "Ozzie" problem!
Thanks guys for all your participation in this thread! If anyone can think of more to the story, please do! This is so fun! (Of course, with such long posts, I'm thinking maybe a new thread should be started to continue "The Story" as this one is getting quite large)


The figure screamed out, he was to close to the fire, his old robes went up like dry grass, rolling on the snow he tryed to put the flames out. Falon approched to help when a passing gaint pick up the man and toss him in to the lake. Sheepishly Falon backed out of the village slowly and broke in to a head long run when he reached the egde.


Falon fell axhausted from the run and he had a headache coming real fast to greet him. "Damn stupdid ones.. everybody knows that the Bard Frank Sin It of Ra is the king.." he thought, but therse ones bah..
-"Weird eh?"
-"What!? wha in the gates of abyssal dmnation whas that?" Falon turned around, he had enough of frights to last all into the everlife, and as things seemed, he would be going there in a short while..
Ah, the wolf, well he seemed to the only friendly soul around here. He looked at the wolf, and the wolf looked at him. If a wolf can have a look of puzzlement on its.. er.. head than this one had it..
-"You don´t like your pack two legs?"
-" DAMN NUTHEADS" "They are insane, nuts and stupid all in one and thats not nearly half of it.."
-"Of course, they´re two legs.. To much time with their heads up in the air, don´t see the ground anymore, not good."
Well if a wolf, damn that Falon thought, the wolf smiled at him... he couldn´t help it but he smiled back..
-"Now we are getting somewhere the wolf said, but unfortunately you have to go again, tel about this music to others."
"There is a paladin in the next plane you will meet, his name is.. erhm, what was it now, something with Sir Trent Razorwine or something like that."
Ah portal shimmere to life behind the wolf and Falondidn´t like this one, hells and fury, he didn´t like anything anymore.. Whay is it so bad sittig in a tavern listening to Bard Frank Sin It of Ra and sipping some hot wine..Well to the breach dear friends he thought and closed his eyes..
-"Run with rage, not with fear", he heard the wolf said.
-"Yeah right..."
Falon was consumed by darkness again and when he opened his eyes...
Hehe, this is fun!

Bloody hell, this really is long (about 29 pages in MS Word!!!)
Well, anyway, heres the story as far as I got it, I f those who posted after this point can remember what they said and continue the story, great, if not, then just make up something new!
Old 02-20-2001, 06:13 PM   #2
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I think I'll wait a bit and see if anyone is interested in continuing. If not, then I guess I'll continue. Anyone?????
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Old 02-20-2001, 09:02 PM   #3

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Ok, that's about as far as I remember too. I thought I had more on there, but I didn't. Give me a little time to work it back up again. I think we should start another thread and link this one to that. I'll give her a go. That's an awful lot up there. If I remember right, there were 87 posts in the thread when I got to it.

Here is the link to the new thread:

Chain Story Anyone (2)?
Old 02-20-2001, 09:42 PM   #4

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There was more...Both me and Tobbin had added a new section.
Old 02-21-2001, 12:00 AM   #5

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I know Valen, and your part of the story set mine up. I wrote my next part based off of what I could remember from PART of what you wrote. I hope I did it justice. I'm sorry that I mutilated the names though. I couldn't remember them.
Old 02-21-2001, 02:49 AM   #6
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

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Hey Tobbin, how about if we started out a new one? Maybe your thread?
But this seems to be a very very very long and threatning-to-cottupt-the-whole-forum-you-know.. so maybe a new one?

I already have a nice beginning!
WOLFGIR is offline  
Old 02-21-2001, 10:55 AM   #7

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So spill the beans already. LOL. You can start one up if you like. I won't be able to start one til tomorrow. That's when I'll be going back to work. Oh hey, make sure you title it so I can find it though, we are getting so many posts on here, it takes awhile to track stuff down.

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