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Old 04-24-2002, 08:04 PM   #1
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
Hey, guys, have I missed anything? I've been writing again. I decided to repost the early chapters so the newbies, who want to, can read up so the rest of it makes sense. (and for anyone else, 'cause it's been so long so I posted anything on it.)

It started out as a couple of loose posts that kinda went out of control (have you *MET* Cloudy?) and Ladyzekke (LadyWendy) got in on it, as well as a few others.

Chapter Two was my response to the accusations, then chapter three was me leaving ... then I kinda took creative control and the rest should somewhat make sense on their own. Anyway, here's my story...

-oh, and get comfy - some of the chapters are a little on the long side... [img]smile.gif[/img]


[ 04-24-2002, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Black Knight ]
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:04 PM   #2
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
Here is the beginning of the SAGA. It was written as a collective form. This is most of the storyline:

BK: I have been off it the wilds trying to find a suitable prize for milady's honor. Seems I need to bring you the head of another Loud Mouthed Lout who Besmirched your honor. I WILL NOT STOP until your honor is cleared and your heart is mine. My only fear that to gain your love is to give you a Widow's Vale as a Wedding present. My heart breaks at the thought of my love leaving you behind in this world trying to free it from the evil that lurks behind the sun. My only respite from pain is the thought that when my soul departs from this world, it will not leave unloved and forgotten. For my soul's mate will live on with the memory of the purest love that was forged on the slopes of passion so bright and hot that evil and lust were melted away and all that was left was wholesome and clean. Pure love that transcends all bounds, leaving all thoughts behind. No matter what battles I will have to fight, what distances I travel, no matter what planes of Heaven or the depths of Hell will be too far for my love to feel yours. For we might be just mortals in the cruel world, but through our love we have gone beyond the sun, beyond the stars, and into the heavens, where I may worship you as a princess among gods. My only wish is to be able to touch you once more before you go, to remember the feel of your soft skin, the smell of your amber hair, and the heat of your breath on my cheek as I bid you adieu and flee into the void once more to halt those who would risk unkindness upon yourself. To destroy those who would dare look upon you without respect. My life is yours to do with what you please, my heart has always been yours and my soul is thus as well.

CloudBringer: Oh Black Knight, how could I ever have doubted your devotion and courage? Woe that it took me soooo very long to see it! You are the very model of decency, goodness and hot, lusty...oh wait uh, my maidenly virtue says I should avoid that, where was I?

CloudBringer : Oh yes! Your reply has touched me, deeply. My beloved Knight, the very essence of valor and chivalry! But alas, I am now filled with dread at the mere thought of losing you to some vile, villainous, besmircher's evil machinations! No, no, a thousand times no! I'm fair to swooning at the mere suggestion. Nay, I could not bear to think that one hair on that gallant head would be harmed for my sake! (sigh, heavy sigh) How could I go on with the memory of just one stolen hour...nay, I should always want for more.
Stay, my Champion! Do not leave me! I take such comfort in your nearness.

BKearest StormCloud: My heart soars with your response. Words fail in their very description. Only emotions will carry me on til our oh so secret rendevouz. I would say more, but I fear I would tarnish the very thing that gives my life meaning: your honor. I wish there was a way to move forward time til we are together again. I long to hold you need, to entwine my self with you, so our hearts can speak their own language and words will be unnecessary. I need your touch. I need to look into your eyes and see my own soul reflected back. My love, my life, my soul are yours.

LadyWendy Well, BK, you have impressed me much with your galantry so I shall grant you my blessings and will trust you with my younger sister, Cloudbringer. She is the only relative I have alive (horrible family picnic accident involving giant leeches) and I am very protective. Treat her well BK, I don't want to have to feed you to the Trollics as I had to with David

(Censor – then The Black Knight left for the Night and one of CloudBringer’s other suitors saw in The Black Knight’s Profile that he had a Girlfriend…)

CloudBringer:Oh, my sister, I am griefstruck! (sniffles, wipes tearstained face with back of dainty hand) Word has come to me that my truelove has another! If this be so, I am truly dishonored...woe is me! And he has vanished, not even daring to face me and explain himself! Oh I am undone, I say, undone! (flings herself onto the silken sheets and sobs)

(Other lost info about how people where going to come to her aid and why isn’t The Black Knight Responding…)

[ 04-24-2002, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Black Knight ]
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:05 PM   #3
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
This is a story of Heartbreak and Pain, of Sorrow and Anguish, of Recovery and Friendship, of Healing and Love. This is my story.

One Month ago, my and my LadyFriend Strode out among the wild, searching for Evil, helping the destitute, and fighting Tyranny and Evil wherever it is found. On the third day, we stumbled upon a death scene. By the opening of a small cave, we see a small group of people who were slain and desecrated. Hope prayed to Pelor, the God of the Sun, to light the way of her Humble Cleric and to help us stay safely on the path of the Light. I also prayed to my God, Heironeous, and God of Valor, to keep me safe and to fight with Honor. We go in slowly, looking for signs of trouble. Hope prays for their souls as I look for the victors.
“Over here.” I told her. I found a man in a Robe, laying flat on the ground, barely breathing.
“I can’t find anything wrong with him,” Hope says and she prayed to Pelor. She is startled by the feedback in her spell. The Mage Opens his eyes and looks around. He looks at us with death in his eyes and as he dies, he thrusts his staff in her hands and says, “Destroy . . . Leeches . . . “ Hope looks at me inquisitively, and solemnly takes the staff and straps it to her back. We bury the dead and vow to find their killers. We search the bodies for money and weapons to donate to the Church, and then slowly we move forward again.
We go forward into the cave. I take out my Lantern of Eternal Light. For a day, we move forward, seeing nothing but side passages and running water. We follow the water down to a small pool. We see a miniature boat on the water. I search the walls beside the lake. There are matching holes above the water. I peer into the holes with my Lantern and see that they go forward for about five feet and then straight up. As I am looking at the matching apertures, Hope is looking at the boat. She sees that there are writings on the side of the boat. She puts on her glasses of reading and looks at the words. “Le Petit-Grand Bateau?” she says. The Boat grows to a normal size, big enough for six people.
When she says the name, however, The Black Knight hears something coming down the holes. He takes a couple of steps back and unsheathes his sword. Hope sees this and draws her Mace. They are both taken aback by the Large Grubs that come forth spewing acid. Hope ignores the acid and swings her might Mace. She strikes the Grub full on and the exoskeleton creaks under the strain. The Black Knight takes his Blessed Vorpal Sword and slices the head off of the Grub. It explodes in a frenzy of Acid, spraying the Good Knight’s Armor. He looks over just in time to see the other Grub meeting its demise at the Hands of the Mighty Cleric. A second acid bath. Hope asks Pelor to cleanse them from the acid. The Black Knight feels a slight tingle as Pelor’s will is done. He asks Hope what she did. She says, “I just read the name of the boat. It’s called Le Petit-Grand Bateau.” As she says that, it grows back to its original miniature size.
“Le Petit-Grand Bateau?” Black Knight says, and the boat grows back to its large size. So they have discovered the secret of the Boat of the Lake. They jump in. There are no paddles. The Black Knight looks at Hope and asks, “How do we make this boat move?” She shrugs her head and starts looking through her glasses for more script. “Have you looked at the front of the boat? Maybe if you Go . . . “ At the world Go, the boats speeds across the lake.
“That’s great, but how do we make this boat Stop . . .” The Boat comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the lake. The Holy Adventurers are spilled into the middle of the boat. Hope adjusts her hair and glares at Black Knight. She says in a small voice “Go” and the boat starts at a much slower speed. They make it to the other side. Hope stops the boat and makes it small and places it into her backpack.
As they move forward, they hear chanting. Evil chanting. They move forward slowly. Black Knight peers around the next bend. “There are five of them. Four wearing black scale armor, and one in a dark robe in the middle. What do you think?”
Hope thinks for a second and says, “Can you discern whether they are evil?”
The Black Knight concentrates for a second, and says, “Yes, they are definitely evil. Do you have any spells that will hold them?”
Hope smiles. “I thought you would never ask. I found a scroll that just might do the trick.” First she cast a Freedom Spell on us, and then she takes out the Scroll of Entanglement off the Fallen Druid we found earlier by the mage. It is successful and holds the entire party. The Black Knight walks forward. “Do you understand Common? What is going on?” As we get closer, we see that they are Minotaurs. And now they are mad.
“You have interrupted my spell. I have spent a week on this spell. It would have gone much faster if I had my staff. I feel that it is close. If you have the staff and leave it, I will let you leave with your lives,” said the Minotaur Mage.
Hope shakes her head. “You do not deserve such a beautiful staff. I can feel its magic, but I don’t know what it does. But I DO know that the person I got it from gave his life to take this from you. We have vowed to destroy the Leeches and to vanquish those responsible for their deaths.” Suddenly, two of the Minotaurs break free from the spell and charge the Black Knight. He takes his sword and cleaves the head of the first Minotaur clean off. The second one blocks the blow and returns with a thrust of his own with his giant club. It catches the Black Knight on the shoulder. Hope comes forward and with a mighty swing, crushes the head of the second Minotaur. The Black Knight looks up just in time to see the Entangle Spell wear off. Instantly, the Mage cast Iron Skins on himself and then starts chanting. Each of the two remaining Minotaurs charge. The Black Knight quaffs a healing potion quickly and readies himself for the charge. The one on the left heads for Hope. She feigns an overhand blow and hits him with a vicious blow across the jaw. He swings his Morning Star and misses her by an inch. The other Minotaur reaches the Black Knight and pulls out his poison dagger. The Mighty Knight shakes his head and cleanly cuts off the hand holding the offending dagger. The Minotaur charges Black Knight and he calmly slices his head off with the Magical Blade he wields. He looks over, sees Hope holding her own, then looks up at the Mage. He sees the chanting come to a climax as a fiery gate appears. A small Demon is gated in and makes a beeline for the Knight. The Knight says a quick prayer to Heironeous asking for strength in battle. The Black Knight feels renewed strength flowing through his veins and approaches the Demon. Hope, with one more crosscut with her Mace, crushes the skull of her foe. Grimacing with disgust, she steps over its headless corpse and walks toward the mage. The Black Knight and the Demon trade blows. Hope sees the problems and asks Pelor to protect her Knight from Evil. She looks up to find the Mage still locked into battle to control the Demon. She strikes with her mace. It snaps with a glorious blast of sparks and the head of the mace falls to the side. The stoneskin has been defused, leaving the Mage open to attack. She looks for a weapon and pulls out the Staff. As she swings, the Black Knight, with Pelor looking on, is getting the best of the Demon. He takes a mighty swing and dispels the Demon back to his proper plane. The Dispelling is powerful enough to knock the Knight facedown. When the Black Knight picks himself up, he sees a Giant Leech walking towards him. Tired, acting on instinct, the Black Knight has to go for a deathblow. With his last effort, he takes his blade and cuts right for the heart. As the sword goes through the body, the spell is dissipated. The Black Knight cringes in horror as he finds the body that has been run through with his sword morph back into Hope. He takes her into his arms.
“When I . . . hit the mage with . . . the staff I . . . was polymorphed into . . . a Leech. That’s . . . what the . . . mage meant.” She coughs up blood. “Destroy the Staff. He killed them . . .. “ Hope dies in the Black Knight’s arms. The Black Knight is struck with grief. Crying, he picks her up and stumbles back to the lake. Gets the boat out, floats across the lake, and runs for town. He goes to the Temple of Pelor and pleads for Restoration.
The Cleric of Pelor sadly shakes his head. “She is too far gone, my friend. She is with Pelor now.” The Mighty Knight passes out from the strain of the fight and flight to town, as well as the strain of a broken heart.
He comes to lying in a large bed. “Where am I?” The Cleric of Pelor tends to the Black Knight’s Wounds. “You are in the chambers of the Church. What happened?” I tell him of the battle and the heartrending finish. “A Leech, you say. That reminds me of a story that two sisters recently told me.” He told me of their tale. I vowed then and there to find these ladies and become their protectorate. The Cleric introduced me to Lady StormCloud. I was spell bound. It was as if a part of me that was lost had been found. I applied for a job that would put me in position to help protect StormCloud. I never told her that I knew, and I never told her my private grief. I am sorry it came out like this, but in a way, I’m glad. It needed to come out eventually. She grew to like me, and I her. Slowly, it became more than friendship until I had to Marry her to save her from myself.
So yes, I did have a LadyFriend a month ago. If you are charging me with falling for a beautiful Lady and trying to protect her from the world, then I am guilty. If you are charging me with withholding a painful experience that I chose to save the pain from my future bride, then I am guilty.
But if you are charging me with Deceitful Lust, Lying, dishonorment, and conduct unbecoming of a Knight, then I am not guilty and may Heironeous strike me feeble and blind if I am guilty.
To the other would be Suitors, do I need to remind everyone of Gabriel’s Multiple Personality Disorder? One minute he could be a Knight, then the next an Evil Mage bent on destruction. Would you believe him over a Knight of the Noblest Order? Or the other suitor, Sir Stealth Bomber who freely admits that HE HAS A WIFE!!!!!!
Please remember, my Purple Rose Petal of the Sky, that no matter what you decide, I will still be your protectorate until I no longer draw breath into this body. I am yours, Heart, Mind, and Soul.


[ 04-24-2002, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Black Knight ]
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:06 PM   #4
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
The Black Knight walks around the Precipice surrounding the Estates. He seems to be discussing something with a small Fairy Dragon. He starts putting pebbles into piles, some for stay, some for go. The piles seem very equal. The Black Knight stares into the sky, looking for a sign from the gods. He replays in his mind the fun times he has had. He also replays the questionable things he has put off in his mind, only to come back in the dead of the night when the only movement on the earth is the sound of thought. He balances the two on his heart, knowing either way the scales tip, his heart will be crushed. Does he vanquish all newcomers and slay all enemies, ignoring all the facts in front of him. Has its appeal, but innocent people might get hurt. Or does he rage at the source of his pain. Then again, he has never been an advocate of killing women . . . yet. Or does he simply end it all . . . he thinks less of that then killing woman. So it must be a peaceful solution. Things cannot remain the same. He is unhappy with the distrust that has formed between them. She is unhappy with the lonely nights in the Castle while he is off purging the world of evil. This disparity cannot remain. With a determined look, he takes the ring of return off his battle-worn finger, kisses it, and throws it off the cliffs. He turns around, only to see the object of his distress standing behind him. The Dragon Fairy dissolved with a poof. The Black Knight says, “Please, for once, just listen. I can only say this once. We are not okay. I am not able to fulfill my Knightly Duties to Amn and my duties as a husband to you. This has been tearing me apart for days now. I know you are not happy and, with your needs unfulfilled, have been turning to others for . . . comfort. I do not blame you, or them. I cannot be both a Knight and your Husband. I was born to Knighthood. I was raised to be a Knight. If I were to turn away from all that I am to stay with you, that would make me less than I was, and I would come to resent you for it. That is the last thing I want: to make the objects of my love and desire the object of my hate and distress. So it is with a heavy heart that I must release you of your Maiden Vows and return you to your Sister. It is not because you are unwanted, rather because of my desire. My Desire to make you truly happy. I know now that you would not be happy in a cage, no matter how pretty that cage is. I don’t want to tie you down. I release you so you can find that which will make you happen.”

“I know that this, in some ways, will dishonor me. I accept that, and that is an issue between me, my god, and my fellow Knights. I go to the temple to fast, pray, and await sentence. Please don’t follow. Know that I am still you protectorate, still have feelings, and want you to keep your ring. Just know that there will be no more Black Storm Clouds of the Night. I will miss our time together, and this hurts more than I thought it possibly could, but it is for the best. Goodbye, my Purple Rose of the Night.”

The Black Knight turns, reads a scroll of Dimension Door, steps through and leaves Cloudbringer alone on the heights near the Estate.

“Wait! NO! Black Knight, my love, my life! NO NO NO!” (She casts Follow: Dimension door to one true love: BK) The figure in purple silk races after the darker one, catching up and out of breath she pleads: “Please then listen to me? Please, for one moment? We have hardly spoken since your return, but for strife-filled exchanges. I have not been untrue! ‘Twas all just words and smoke! And ‘twas ne'er my intention to dishonor self or you, my beloved! The vows we spoke are unbroken, unless you leave. (she catches her breath and goes on) I would make this pledge to you then, you must indeed fulfill your duty to Amn and vanquish Evil where'ere you find it, and I would not have it any other way. ‘Twas that that drew me to you and that which binds us. And I shall remain, faithfully waiting for whatever time we may have together. I cannot, WILL not abide without you!!! Yet, there is another way- would you consider it? Might not I accompany you on occasion? Twould be fitting, I have the skills! Could you wish it?” (sobbing she throws herself at his feet) “Do with me as you will, I have said my piece. I shall love you as long as there is breath in this body and there shall be no light in my life without you.” (she gazes tearfully up at the dark figure outlined in gold by the full moon's glow awaiting his answer)

[ 04-24-2002, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Black Knight ]
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:06 PM   #5
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
Note from the editor – I took the liberty of adding some of those people who involved themselves in my story. I tried to keep with your general comments/alignments/etc. If I didn’t, remember this is a story. Also, I didn’t save all the info that was posted after Ch3 and before this, but it keeps the general line of the story

When we last left our story, The Black Knight had just told CloudBringer that he had to leave to keep her virtue and honor and is dedication intact. Our Fair Maiden CloudBringer was left on a precipice asking for another chance. Gabriel comes and walked her off the cliffs, only to find Jerome and Hellfire there to taunt her lost. This is where this edition of the story begins.>

Gabriel has LadyWendy take CloudBringer and make her comfortable in the Castle. LadyWendy tells Gabriel to get rid of the rabble in front of the Castle and then tries to comfort CloudBringer. She is inconsolable, crying for 3 days. On the Fourth day, the sun came out and dried the stormcloud’s tears. Gabriel came and asked if she was feeling better, she nods her head yes. “I realize that it is time to get on with life. He is gone. Probably into the Blasted Void, where he will die never to know of my honest devotion to him. I will always have feelings for him, but I only ask that no one mentions that name in my presence.” “But Lady CloudBringer, The Black . . . “ Gabriel started to say. “I SAID NOT TO SPEAK THAT NAME!” She clears her throat. “Anyways, I have been in remiss for the last couple of days business. What needs done?” Gabriel thinks for a little bit, then starts going through the various repairs that need done. Windows need replaced, the drawbridge needs cleaned still from that spell from Charlie. “Oh, and there is an applicant to your Lady’s Guards. A Sir Ozitee, I believe. Shall I send him it?” The CloudBringer answers in the affirmative and the young man is brought forth. He is covered from head to toe in White Armor with a Navy Cloud and Lightening Bolt coming from the Cloud. “A curious Emblem, Sir Ozitee. Where is it from?” The man looks to CloudBringer for permission to speak. Once again, she nods.

“I lived in a land not far from here in the mountains.” He began. “My families Symbol is a Cumulonimbus cloud. I saw your Signet as a maker of clouds and thought it to be a sign from the gods. I have been looking for employment as a guard, and I hear you might have an opening? I have no references. My last duty was dispatched when my liege died of old age after under my guard for ten years. I was the only guard, he my only patron. I am ready for another assignment, and I know that you have enemies about and are in need of assistance.” He looks CloudBringer in the eye. “Again, I pledge to allow no harm on thy lady’s personage on pain of my own life.” His voice boomed in the room. Sir Ozitee knelt in front of her and she gave him leave.

“He is quite a specimen, isn’t he? Noble, Mysterious yet humble. His eyes look right into your soul. He’s not a Knight, is he? She asks Gabriel. “Not as far as I know. He is too young by ten years.” He replies.

“Good. Let him know he has the job.” CloudBringer says. Gabriel bows slightly and leaves. She sits and thinks about her lost love and sighs.

A fortnight later, there is a disturbance in the night. Alarms are sounded. Gabriel quickly checks to CloudBringer’s safety and joins the fray. CloudBringer, now awake, aimlessly wanders her apartments. She hears a noise behind her and is startled to see a man dressed in Ninja Black behind her. “I could have stabbed you from behind, but I wanted to give you the pleasure of knowing who your murderer was and who sent me.”

“You talk too much.” CloudBringer says, drawing her Dagger. “Who is behind this?”

“I am the humble thief Hellfire, at your service. I have been sent by Jerome, the Fallen Paladin to kill off his most hated adversary.

“Good Luck, I’ll make sure your corpse is returned. Minus certain . . . parts?” She lunges at him with surprising quickness. They both know their fight is beyond any further words. The sounds of battle quickly fill the room, matching the sounds of the courtyard. Hellfire quickly changes hands and blocks CloudBringer one more time. He pulls out a second dagger and cuts down the tapestry. He nimbly jumps out of the way as it ensnares CloudBringer. He grabs the mass and throws it to the ground. “Thought you could kill me, did you? I just want to congratulate you on making me break a sweat. Rarely happens in a fight. I’ll see you in Hell.” He takes both Daggers and raises them overhand to make the killing blow. He hears a noise behind him. He looks down and sees eighteen inches of cold steel protruding from his chest.

“What are you waiting for? Chicken?” CloudBringer screams. She notices that the tapestry is being raised. She readies herself to spring. She sees light, goes to attack. She gets her knife at his throat when he says “It would be a tragedy to have to kill you in defense after saving you from this cur. Sir Ozitee finishes uncovering her. “I was running past looking for any more invaders when I heard the commotion in your room. I saw him about to play stick the dagger in the tapestry, and decided to see how well this sword would go through his chest. Shall I finish cutting you out of this, or are you not going to lower your dagger?” She hands the dagger to him and he cuts her out of the tapestry.

Just then, Gabriel walks in with a crossbow in hand. “CloudBringer, the enemy has been slain. I’m not sure what . . .” He notices the dagger in Sir Ozitee’s hand and lower his crossbow at him. “If you hurt her, I will make sure your body hangs for a full year from the ramparts of this building.” “Oh stop it, Gabriel, he saved my life. Your Assassin is right there. He mentioned a Jerome. Does that name mean anything to you?” Gabriel Sir Ozitee shakes his head. Gabriel thinks for a second and then slowly speaks. “Y-y-yes. It might be him. There was once a man who was besotted with your sister. He tried to win her affection by attacking all evil mages. He turned it into a Crusade against all non-Lawful Good Aligned Characters. He was thought to be destroyed by a small thief named Tipsy. He ended up losing his Paladin status and went over to the “Dark Side” No one has heard from him for years. I’m sorry Sir Ozitee, I jumped to conclusions here.”

“No apology necessary. I might have done the same in your position. Very Honorable think to protect her Lady’s person. One needs to take such a position seriously.” States Sir Ozitee.

“Actually, I might have something alone those lines for you. I need a Captain of the Guards. The last one . . . “ Gabriel looks quickly at CloudBringer “left. Suddenly. Anyway, we are in need of a person of Honor to fill this position. From what I have heard the past couple of days from the men, you would do well. What do you say.”

Sir Ozitee ponders for a moment. “Is this what you want, Lady CloudBringer? I only want to serve.” She gives an affirmative nod. “Then I will, with your help, Gabriel. We shall protect Our Lady. I am yours.” He leaves to make sure the castle is secure. Gabriel makes sure of our Lady and he, too, leaves to patrol the Castle.

The next morning, Sir Ozitee approaches CloudBringer. “You still need someone to dispose of the body. What do you want done with it?” “Behead it and send the head to Jerome,” she says darkly. Sir Ozitee bows and without another word, leaves to complete his task. On his way out of the Castle, he sees LadyWendy. “So, here is the man I’ve heard so much about. How do you like guarding my Sister’s person? Anything . . . happened on her person?” She nudges him in the ribs. He stiffens, bows and leaves. She walks into her sister’s room. “So, who’s the new Eye Candy? Is he sweet? Have you made any moves on him?” CloudBringer shakes her head. “Of course not. You know that I still pine for . . . someone else. But there is something about him.” LadyWendy replies, “Yes, it’s his eyes. What’s his name?”

“Sir Ozitee,” CloudBringer replies, “First name is Kuri, I believe.”

Sir Ozitee questions some of last nights invaders as to where the Once was Good now is Bad Jerome is currently residing. He finds that Jerome is frequenting a brothel by the Copper Coronet. He readies himself and goes to the place of ill repute. Once there, he looks around. He notices a door with a large guard, a set of stairs to the left with a guard at the top of it. He goes to the innkeeper and asks what is behind the door. He smiles and points to a sign. It says, “For a good time, go to the top of stairs and show your silver. To die, go to the Door on the right and show your weapon. The Lady or Lion is your choice. Bartender has no tongue, so don’t talk to him. Signed the Management. Sir Ozitee takes one look at the Barkeep, shakes his head and flips him a copper. He decides to check out the Lady option first. He flips a piece of silver. As he goes through the door, he is met with sounds of copulation and exertion. A petite little blonde comes over and asks if he wants a good time. He shakes his head and keeps moving. He sees what he wants. An older lady sits on a stool in the back, keep track of how many . . . customers each girl has taken. He grabs another stool and sits beside her. “Lad, it’s been many a day since I’ve had to take on the likes of you. Why don’t you find a young sturdy girl to pass the time with.”

“Actually, I’m just here for information. Do you know Jerome.” Her face goes white. She motions for a servant girl to come and take over. She looks at Sir Ozitee and walks to a door. She beckons for Sir Ozitee to follow. Sir Ozitee finds himself in a room with many curtains and cushions cover the floor. Sir Ozitee looks around, poking his sword at some of the curtains. “Sit down,” She commands. “What do you want with Jerome.”

“I have a . . . present for him from my protectorate. I will leave it only for him. If you would be so kind, please show me to him.” She chuckles, “Okay. Follow me.” She takes down a backset of stares. You walk by a door. You start to wonder if it is the same one you need to have a sword to get behind when you feel a prick in the middle of your back.

“Hello. I hear that you are looking for me. I’ll take that.” He takes the package from your hands, and looks in. “Well, it looks like my favorite thief will have to be resurrected again. I will HAVE to take it out of his wages. What to do with you. If you defeat one of my creatures in the pit, you get to tell me your name. If you defeat two, you get to leave with your life.

“And if I defeat five?” You boldly say? The sword pushes slightly on your back. Jerome throws his head back and laughs. “ Five? If you defeat five, I’ll come down and fight you myself. Five it is. You might want to pray to your gods. If you have any.” He walks away. Sir Ozitee finds himself being dragged to the pit. His helmet has been removed, but Sir Ozitee is allowed to keep all his other magical armor. Sir Ozitee drinks a potion of Strength and feels strength flowing through his veins. As he looks up, he sees the grate being lifted. A large Hobgoblin walks through, takes one look at you and raises his sword. Sir Ozitee feigns an overhead move. When the Hobgoblin raises his hands to block, Sir Ozitee slices cleanly through its middle. He wipes the blood off as the small crowd cheers him on. Wages are slowly exchanged as the wait for more opponents for the young fighter drags on. The grate raises again. A Werewolf comes out howling. He lunges for Sir Ozitee’s throat immediately. Sir Ozitee dodges and receives a scrap on the left arm. He swings his blade again and sticks the Werewolf through the heart. He wipes his blade on the Werewolf’s back and waits for the next group.

Suddenly, two human sized green creatures come snarling at Sir Ozitee. Sir Ozitee takes a step back and looks at them for a moment. They look at him for a moment and spread out. Sir Ozitee feigns at the one on the right and sticks his sword through the shoulder of the first creature. He then reverses the sword and sticks it between his arm and his body and surprises the second creature in the chest. The first creature takes the opportunity to punch Sir Ozitee in the face. Big mistake. An enraged Sir Ozitee grabs the creature and throws it across the ring. He waits for it to get up before running it through. He takes a few steps forward and waits for the grate to be lifted again. Suddenly, he feels sharp pains in his shoulders. He looks over to see both of them attached teeth first to his shoulder blades. Sir Ozitee stabs them both with his sword. “Trolls” his thinks. He looks around and sees a torch on the side of the ring. He takes it and sets the creatures aflame. He watches as they wither away. He limps back to the center of the ring and is surprised to see Jerome walk through.

“I figured it would be easier to kill CloudBringer’s boy after I softened him up a little. Yes, I knew who you are. And I know who you were.” Sir Ozitee’s eyes raise. “Yes, I know your secret. I will be happy to tell her. After I kill you!” He unsheathes his two handed sword.

“Have you used that since you fell from Paladin status?” asked Sir Ozitee. Jerome shakes his head no. “Good. Funny things happen to Holy Swords if people who wield them are not of pure heart.” Sir Ozitee raises his sword. “They tend to shatter into a million pieces at the blow of one who is!” With that he takes a mighty swing and Jerome’s sword turns to steel shards. The mighty defender, beaten but not quiet done, walks over to Jerome and asks in a loud voice if he will submit. After Jerome spits on him, Sir Ozitee takes him over to the grate, opens it, and throws him into the animal pit. He walks through the pit. It has turned silent. He walks up to the Barkeep and says, “It’s all yours.” Sir Ozitee smiles and stumbles out.

CloudBringer and LadyWendy are waiting for Sir Ozitee’s return. CloudBringer is waiting at the front room while LadyWendy is lounging by the fireplace. Memnoch comes in and says, “Well, this is a lively bunch. Sir Ozitee not back yet? Guess not. Well, how about I make fun of CloudBringer’s name for a while to pass the time. Okay, okay, maybe not.” CloudBringer lowers her dagger. “Hey, you can’t blame your Jester for trying to lighten the situation.

Just then, Sir Ozitee staggers in. He drops at Memnoch’s feet. Memnoch takes him and drags him to a couch. Sir Ozitee is bloodied from head to toe. His wounds from the trolls just won’t heal. His life is draining in front of their eyes. They yell for the Cleric to come. “Hey, um . . . he feels a lot heavier than he looks. Hey, he has a magical shimmer to him. The jester does a little spell and Sir Ozitee’s disguise goes away. It is none other than The Black Knight. He looks at CloudBringer and whispers, “Heart, Mind, and Soul. Forever.” Just then, Moiraine, the Cleric comes in. She takes one look at him, and says, “This is more than I can do. We need to get him to the temple”

CloudBringer gets Gabriel, and between them and LadyWendy, Moiraine, and Memnoch they bear the litter that transports him to the Temple. Father Bronze is there. He looks at the litter and sighs. “Not another fighter beaten up at a bar, is it? I am tired of putting them back together.”

“No, Father Bronze. I wouldn’t waste you time with that. He has wounds from a Troll that I know not how to cleanse. He doesn’t have much time.” CloudBringer, in tears, begs him to help. Father Bronze mutters under his breath and prays for help from his god. The Black Knight mighty chest heaves, and he takes a breath. And another. And another. His eyes open. “Don’t try to talk,” says CloudBringer, “give the spell time to work.” The Black Knight takes her hand and closes his eyes. He awakes two hours later, feeling only slightly dead. CloudBringer is still there holding his hand.

“I’m sorry. There was no other way to get to the bottom of Jerome’s evil plot to take over Amn. I was charged with dispatching the fallen paladin for the good of the order, and there was no other way to do this without putting you in great harm. I just want you to know that I never doubted you, and I will always be yours, Heart, Mind, and Soul. He falls back asleep. CloudBringer starts to cry a little shower of happy tears. They are together again. LadyWendy comes in and sees them together. She turns back around and goes back outside. She turns to Gabriel and remarks, “Looks like Evil will have to find another town to mess with. The Black Knight is back.” Lightening strikes. “You really need to get back inside,” Gabriel says. “It’s starting to rain again.” LadyWendy smiles “So it is. Looks like a Dark Cloud is going to cover us tonight.”

They walk off, readying the castle for another day’s adventure.

[ 04-25-2002, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Black Knight ]
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:09 PM   #6
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
Chapter Five: Jerome and Gabriel.

The Black Knight and CloudBringer came down from their wing the next morning and, hand and hand went to break their fast with the Lady Wendy. They come down and see LadyWendy sitting at the table. CloudBringer notices her distress and gives here a hug and asks what is wrong. "Oh, it's Gabriel. Ever since that problem between him and Jerome that got both of them kicked out of the order . . . things have never been right between us. It all started such a long time ago . . . "

As young squires, Gabriel and Jerome were good friends. They both followed the code, fought well, and were the top people of their group. They were always competing, whether it is in wrestling, rousing evil, or sword fighting. Once they stepped out of the competitive arena, they were inseparable.

Until she came along. The Squires were in a temple, getting ready for the next round of tests. She sauntered in, her diminutive frame that seemingly filled the room with here presence. Her dark brown locks bordered her delicate face. Her laughter was ringing as they struggled to cover up. Her deep brown eyes, with the dark gold flecks, were the type of eyes that a person could lose they soul in. And when she was feeling mischievous (most of the time) they sparkled like shooting stars in the sky. Right now, it seemed that there was meteor shower. "Gentlemen, just wanted to introduce myself. I am Wendy, wandering Minstrel. I want to make a song about big, strong, and handsome warriors." Both Squires, although still embarrassed, brightened up. Wendy laughed and said, "Well, do you know any?" Both men sagged. "Oh, now, I was only kidding. I hear that you two are the best of the best, and you will someday become Knights of the Holy Order of the Flame." She whistles. "Well, I was serious about wanting to make a song about you two. Will you meet me a the Copper Coronet later." She hears a door open. "Well, boys, I will see you later." Her laughter rings again as see leaves the room. A stunned guard snaps off a salute as she walks out of the men's changing area.

The Squires hurry up and get dressed. Jerome stops and asked the Guard who that was. "Sir, that is the LadyWendy. She is the older of the two daughters of the King's Brother." He stammers, "I . . . I don't even remember her going by . . . it will never happen again."

Jerome laughs, looks at Gabriel and comments, "Well, I'm sure she used some of her Magic on you." Gabriel turns red and looks away. "Why, Gabriel, I'd say you've taken a liking to her. Can't say I'd blame you. A woman that gutsy, and easy on the eyes. And that voice . . . makes a man want to lie down everything you own at her feet just to be near her." Now it was Jerome's turn to blush. "Anyways, we better get a move on. But I do think we can find time to look into the Copper Coronet tonight, eh?" Gabriel laughs and they move on with there day.

One meeting turned into two turned into three. It became part of their every day routine. They would work out in the morning on their sword work, go to the temple of their studies, meet with their Knight Mentors for duties, and meet with the LadyWendy at the Copper Coronet for a couple of hours. She, being the Sultry Bard that she was, could sneak out of her family estate at will. She never failed to meet them, to make them laugh, and to educate them on life outside of the order. She had a teasing way of making them both feel like she was there for them and them only, without really picking either one of them. For she couldn't. She had spent most of her young life being prim and proper, the model of a young lady of the court. Then she started studying the old books and she finally found a use for all that singing training and black arts training she received. She even had trained a small kitten to carry messages to the young Squires.

She sometimes used her new training to sneak out of the Castle and pass herself off as a Court Bard. But she never used her newfound Bard Powers on her Squires. She felt that for the first time, she actually wanted to have friends. She liked both of them very much, and in her heart, she knew she was playing with fire. She loved the intoxicating way her allure overpowered their senses. She had never used her "womanly" powers without having the spell components before. She was the Temptress, the Lady of the Lake, and she loved it. She knew they were falling for her, but she was enjoying her newfound power too much and the excitement of her Vocal Powers to look to the future. Which was looking grim.

The Barbarians were rising up again. There was talk from the younger tribesmen of taking back the lands of their ancestors from the evil magic users of the city. Over the course of the last few months, there has been a lot of unrest among the tribes. They finally decided to attack, but they were going to need help. The Witchdoctor of the tribe, in his black Mage robes, called forth the ancient spirits of the tribe to ask for guidance. The Witchdoctor is directed to find an evil staff of polymorph. The Barbarian spent the next month in getting the staff. He then organized an advanced recon of the mages. They found that the Royal family was planning a small picnic in the Royal Woods. The Witchdoctor decided that he would take the Staff and a few warriors and take out the royal family. The rest of the people who tear down the village. The March was on . . .

The Holy Order of the Flame met to raise the eligible Squires to Full Knighthood. It was a great day for Jerome and Gabriel. They received the Order's highest honors, and were both inducted in the order. They both swore to uphold the Code of Honor, to Fight with Honor, and to Serve with Honor. They went to the Knights meeting that night. Word of the unrest in the area and the gathering of the Tribes. It didn't take a Mage's robe to figure out that something was coming. Jerome and Gabriel got ready for war. The day they were to march forward, Jerome heard meowing outside of his and Gabriel's tent. It was that trained Kitten of Wendy's. There was a hurried message of trouble at the picnic and they needed help. Leeches. Jerome woke Gabriel up and showed him the note. "Jerome, you know how Wendy's sense of humor is. This is not the time for games. We have to leave for the battle front. Today." Gabriel rereads the note. He thinks to himself, "I hope she is kidding, isn't she?" He walks outside and starts putting on his armor. Jerome comes up behind him and conks him on the head with the flat of his sword. "Sorry old friend. I can afford to take that risk. I love her more than anything, and I can't take the chance that she isn't kidding. I will check it out, then return.

Gabriel wakes up ten minutes later. He is enraged that his friend would do such a thing. No longer thinking of the impending battle, he jumps on his war-horse and chases after. About halfway to the Royal woods, he catches up to Jerome. Jerome takes one look at Gabriel and spurs his own war-horse into a run. Jerome hurries to the chase. He catches Jerome on the outside of the woods. Gabriel starts to pull his sword, when Jerome falls to the ground, pulling Gabriel with him. "Listen, can you hear it? That hissing sound?" Gabriel looks at him funny, then closes his eyes and really listens. For the first time, he really listens and notices this low rumbling hiss, like someone blowing over the end of a wide neck wine bottle.

They walk slowly forward, into a macabre scene of twisted bodies. Jerome notices that there are Barbarians and Royalty alike. They follow the sounds and see an 8-foot, green monster towering over a small crevice in the rocks. The new Knights look at each other and charge forward. The Giant Green Leech turns around just in time to block both thrusts with its left arm. The blow stunned Gabriel's entire sword arm. Gabriel and Jerome looked at each other and instantly flanked the Leech. Jerome started to draw the Leech to him, and Gabriel went around back to try to flank him. Gabriel pulls out his dagger, and as the Leech jumps forward, he strikes. His blow chops off the leech's hand. This dispels the magic and both Knights are surprised to see a Barbarian witchdoctor in dark robes fall to the ground, clutching a staff to his body. "Thank God. I thought my torment would never end. This staff, it is evil. I stole it from some nearby Minotaurs. It causes you to polymorph into a Giant Leech and go Berserk, trapping your mind while your body carries out the killing. Please, help me."
Just at that moment, they Knights hear a groan and turn to see Wendy fall to the ground outside the small cave opening. "Well . . . it took you long enough. Help me . . .. back to the estates." Wendy faints. Gabriel looks at the Mage and Wendy, and says to Jerome, "I can't feel my arm, and I can barely hold up my dagger. I think we can take Wendy back between the two of us, but what about the mage?"

Jerome thinks for a second and says, "I don't believe him. I think the staff is just a staff. Let's leave him and send back one of the other Knights." So the Mage was quickly forgotten, and Jerome and Gabriel prepared a litter to carry Wendy back to the estates.

The Knights return back to the estates with Wendy in tow just in time to see the wounded start to pour in. "The Barbarian's must have attacked," Gabriel said. "We have to see if we can help."

"Oh, I think you've helped enough." Sir Tainly, the Head of the Holy Order of the Flame said to Jerome as he walked out of the estate. "We needed both of you on the front line during the battle and you, Jerome was nowhere to be found. Gabriel was found knocked silly, and then when the medic got there, he was gone. I ended up using some of the Squires to shore up the lines. There were heavy casualties. Jerome, you are hereby revoked from the Order, and you will give up your sword. Gabriel, you are under suspension pending further review of your conduct."

Jerome takes his sword and throws it to the ground. He then spits on the ground in front of Wendy's litter. "It's all this Wench's Fault. She bewitched me. And now I have nothing. Gabriel, don't look at me like that. She is the evil that has . . . " He looks down to see a sword pointed at his chest.

"Don't you ever call her Evil again. The only reason you are still alive is because we are friends. One more umbrage on Wendy's honor, and I will forget the bond between us." Gabriel said with a surprising harshness.

"Bond? What Bond? You were always jealous of me. She loved me, not you. You couldn't stand it. Who needs it? I don't need any of you. Not the stupid Knights, not her, and not you." Jerome yelled hatefully. Just then, Wendy stirred. "Gabriel. Help" And she went back to sleep. Jerome, with hate in his eyes, told Gabriel, "Next time you see me, you had better be able to use that steel you have. For I can use mine." Gabriel looks down at the sword in his hand in surprise. It was like he didn't know he drew his sword. He slowly puts it back into his sheath. "I think you better leave now, Jerome. Before something gets said between us that we can't fix."


Wendy stirred her now cold breakfast tea. "And with that, all that was good in Jerome died. He left us there with an emptiness inside both of us. Gabriel gave up the Order too. I think he never forgave me for playing them off each other. For getting him to that point where he drew a sword on his best friend. Me, I have never forgiven myself for letting it go that far. The only reason I kept the land is that I had a little sister who didn't go with the rest of the family who was still alive. It was fortunate for you that you came down with that illness and couldn't go. When you're Great Uncle Ziroc dies, CloudBringer, you will be Queen. You knew that. Now you know why."

CloudBringer wipes the tears from her face and give LadyWendy a big hug. "Now CloudBringer, it is okay. It has been almost 6 months since this happened. I am over him. Gabriel . . . he still has a place in my heart, but it will never be the same. He will never forgive himself, and that will keep us apart."

"But it is not so bad. I have Lord of Alcohol and Tobbin as . . . Friends now. I am happy with them. And I am more up front with the both of them." She beams as her eyes sparkle. "But enough of this. Let us speak of happier times. And you Black Knight, you have to go now, don't you." He nods his head. "Don't worry, Black Knight, she will be safe with me until your return." The Black Knight walks out of the room. As he shuts the door, he sees CloudBringer and LadyWendy hugging. He smiles, and then goes back into the Void to fight Evil for another day.

[ 04-24-2002, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: Black Knight ]
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:10 PM   #7
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
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The Black Knight, bruised and beaten from his latest battle vs. Evil, lets himself into the Estate. He steps over Lord of Alcohol, who is snoring the night away. “I wish LadyWendy would put her toys away when she is done with them. Especially after that accident with the last one. That’s what he gets for sneaking up on me when I come home from battle. I still feel badly about Tobbin. Oh well. Upsy Daisy, Lord of Alcohol.” The Black Knight begins to lift his inert body up.

A man steps out of the shadows and says, “Do you need help with that?” The Black Knight drops Lord of Alcohol and draws his sword. “Who are you? What are you doing in my estate? How much did you hear me say?” The man in Black steps out of the Shadows, “Forgive me, my Lord. I did not mean to startle. I was walking the Estate Ramparts, and I saw someone let himself in. I merely came to investigate. I assume you are LadyWendy’s Brother-in-law?” The Black Knight nods affirmatively. “Then allow me to introduce myself,” continues the man in Black. “I am Cervando, the Stealthy Assassin. I am LadyWendy’s . . . how did you put it . . . current ‘Toy.’

“What need does LadyWendy have of an Assassin? Are my guards not enough? What use is an Assassin. Where is the Honor in that?” rages The Black Knight. He takes a deep breath. “Never mind, I will ask her myself in the morning. Now, if you please, help me carry this man to one of the Servant’s rooms. We will figure out what to do with him in the morning.

Elsewhere in Amn, some meetings were not quite as happenstance.

Two people where in an abandoned beggar’s house. Or so it seemed. One man was a Cleric of Talos. He wore a Black robe and had no eyes. But he did have this aura about him that led you to believe he saw everything. The other person wore a Black Robe from head to toe. The Robed figure said not a word, just patiently awaited the third member of there evil party. The Cleric said, “Are you sure he said today?” The Robed Figure nodded. “Here? In this pit of refuse?” Again a nod. “Why?”

I’LL TELL YOU WHY, YOU CHILD OF EVIL. BECAUSE THIS IS MY LAIR.” Said the Evil Mage, as he stepped out of the darkness. “DID YOU BRING WHAT I ASKED YOU?” They both nodded. “GOOD. IT IS NOT WISE TO DISAPPOINT A SERVANT OF THE CAPSLOCK GOD. FOR I AM ACCORD, THE SERVANT OF JEROME, KING OF CAPSLOCK. HE HAS BEEN RESURRECTED TO CONTINUE ALONG THE PATH OF EVIL. AS HE GATHERS HIS STRENGTH, HE PUTS FORTH THIS PLAN. ARE YOU BOTH READY? ARE YOU WILLING?” They both nod. “THEN WE SHALL PROCEED.” Accord walks around the room. He searches the room. He finds the chink in the wall he is looking for. He pushes on it, and from the center of the floor arises a brick. He goes around the room and pushes on two more chinks. Two more bricks in the center raises up. The mage quickly steps forward and spreads a fine powder made from the bone of a lambs leg. He intones the enchantment in a language not heard by man for eons. A language that was unlocked by the tomes found by Accord in the temple of the CAPLOCKS GOD. When he finishes the simple enchantment, the three stones have combined into a staff that glows in the blackness. The mage touches the stone to the floor. It shimmers slightly and then dissolves. The Cleric and the Robed person look at each other quickly and shiver. Such is the reaction to dark magics. When they look back, they see steps descending into darkness. They quickly follow the Mage into his lair. He grabs a tome made from the skin of a virgin and waves his hand over it, unlocking the mysteries inside. In that same language on the pages of the mage’s book is the spell he seeks. He closes the book and draws a pentagram. On each point of the pentagram, he puts a black candle. He then draws the symbol for Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Black Magic, each in a section of the pentagram. He draws the symbol for Life in the center. “GIVE ME THE LOCK OF HER HAIR, QUICKLY.” The mage demands. The Robed Figure glides forward and carefully extracts the hair from the pocket on the robe and steps back. The Evil Mage combines the hair with the dried blood of a mother killed by her own daughter and ground shavings off a man’s pelvic bone. He looks quickly to the Cleric, who hands him a vial of evil water blessed by Talos and a sample of skin. The mage mixes them into his bitter brew and carefully pours it on top of the symbol of Life and then with a thrice-blessed Dagger, draws the symbol of death. The Robed figure hesitates, then steps into the center of the enchantment. The Evil mage and The Evil Cleric chant at the same time, each working its magics. The air grows heavy inside the pentagram, and the Robed Figure starts to tremble, then rises slowly. The chanting starts to grow more robust, as it draws to its climax. As the chanting ceases, the figure quickly crumples to the ground. “IT IS DONE, AS PLANNED.” The Mage looks over at the spent Cleric. “YOU HAVE DONE WELL, MY FRIEND. AND AS PLANNED, HERE IS YOUR REWARD.” The Mage tosses a Staff to the Cleric. ‘BEWARE OF THE POWER OF THE STAFF. IT’S POWER CAN TURN ONE . . .QUITE LEECHEROUS . . .” The Mage’s evil laugh bounces off the walls as the Cleric takes the robed figure out of the lair and onto the street. “SO IT HAS BEGUN.” The Mage says a spell and the room returns to it’s evil normal.
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:11 PM   #8
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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Location: Delaware OH USA
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It is now about 3 hours till dawn. After getting The Lord of Alcohol safely ensconced in his sleeping quarters, The Black Knight is restless. Unable to sleep, he goes down to the Armory to oil his Armor and his Blade. He walks in to find Cervando looking at his Two-Handed Sword, turning it over slowly, admiring the blade and the balance of the piece. “Good Evening, Stealthy Assassin. Anything I can help you with?”

Cervando is visibly shaken. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in. I was having trouble sleeping. There is Evil in the air. I expect you feel it to, Yes? Well, I found myself drawn to this room, and this sword. It is exquisite. Where did you get such a lovely piece?”

The Black Knight smiles and takes his amour off the wall. “Do you know how to hone a blade, Assassin? Good. Then you can have the pleasure of doing my sword as I work out the kinks in my armor. Meanwhile, I will tell you the story behind my sword.”

I was a young man from a long line of Nature Clans. We had many people with special powers involving nature. They could heal, but not from supplicating their gods, but rather working with nature. There was an evil force in the world that was bent on destroying everything that was good. One day, we received word that an evil mage was planning on unleashing a Young Red Dragon on Amn. My three older brothers and my father were selected in the party to scout out the Evil Mage’s Lair. They knew the Mage came from the North, and he was only ever seen in a Dark Gray Mage’s Robe. The Gray Mage found out about the scouting party, and was amused. So confident in his power, he let them come to the very door of his lair. It was at this door where he first unleashed his Dragon. It was an 8 feet tall fire-breathing dragon. The Dragon hated Good only slightly less than being held as another creature’s slave. It constantly looked for a way to break his bonds. But the only way to release the Dragon from the spell was to break the Dragon Necklace the Gray Mage had, and then dispel the magic around the Geas placed on the Dragon. The Geas would not let the Dragon harm The Gray Mage, and the Evil Red was not allowed to allow harm to the Gray Mage as well. So the Red waited.

The Gray Mage commanded the Evil Dragon to kill the men, but to leave their heads untouched. There was much slaughter, as the Dragon tore into his playthings, leaving the heads as instructed. He then instructed The Big Red to take the heads to the village below. With a big woosh, the Big Red collected the heads and flew to the town. The towns people scattered as the Fairy Tale Came to Life dropped in their midst, did his deed, and flew away. I was incensed. I tried to follow the Dragon then, but the High Priestess stopped me. Without speaking, she asked me to follow. She collected another Priestess and without a word, walked to the Sacred Grove. I was hesitant, but I was with the Priestess, so I followed quickly. We walked to a small stand of Trees, and came upon a giant fallen tree. “Try moving the tree.” I tried to get my hands around the trunk, but quickly gave up. It was too big around. So I settled for gaining purchase with both hands and, having set my feet, started to push for all I was worth. It was like granite. With every muscle bulging, I gave the tree everything I had. I was unable to move it. The Head Priestess said, “Without the permission of the Forest, nothing is possible. With Her help, all things are possible. Do you pledge to fight evil where ever you can?” I looked at her, blinked twice, and said I would. “Do you pledge to be of pure Mind, Heart, and Soul till task is completed?” Again I answered her that I would. The Priestess grabbed my hand and pricked both ring fingers. She let the blood from each finger drop on the tree, and the concentrated for a little. I felt really lightheaded, and weak. It was like all the colors got darker and all sounds were sharper. “Now, sir, please move the tree.” I pushed on the tree with one hand and it moved to the side. “Go forth and find what you need to fight this threat of Dark Magic.” Like I was entranced, I walked forward towards where the tree trunk had laid. I noticed a hole in the side of the hill the trunk had rested on where a man could crawl through. I went through and on the other side found myself in a dry cave. There were many items in the cave, but there were only three things that shown in the darkness. One was a ring. One was a sword. One was this fine magical armor. I brought it out of the darkness and back through the entrance. Once out, I noticed the slight glow of the armor faded slightly, and shuddered a bit. I turned around to see the Priestesses looking at me. The Log had rolled back into place. We walked back to the village.

“The sword you hold is the fable Evilsbane, the Holy Sword of Truth,” Said the Priestess, when we arrived back at the temple. “It helps shield your mind from magic, and it also helps you see through Evil’s tricks by dispelling the evil magic on contact. The ring is a homing ring. Its Mate was on your Father’s hand. You will use it to find the Fire-Breather. The Armor is resistant to heat and cold. All of this will turn on any person who tries to use it that is not pure of Heart, Body, and Soul. These armaments are connected to you now. If you are killed, they will be transported back here to wait for another that is worthy. Your task is to avenge your brother and turn back this Evil that advances on us. After that, you need to remain honorable and good-hearted to keep the tie to the armor. Go now and prepare for battle.”

I put on the ring and felt it pull me North. I took the Armor and put it on, buckling the sword to my side. “I am ready.” I said. I figured that I would not be surviving this, so it was time to be brave. The Priestess smiled, “You wear that armor like you were born to it. If you pass this test, I know a place you could go to truly learn how to use it. Have you ever heard of the Holy Order of the Radiant Heart?”

Within the hour, I was riding north with the hopes of the world riding on my shoulders. With the help of the ring, I was soon at the entrance the lair. Suddenly the Gray Mage appeared. “What is this? A mere Boy comes to play? I’m in a good mood. I will give you a chance to take your daddy’s sword back to him and not get hurt.” I took another step forward in anger and froze. “That’s what I thought. And I tried to be nice. What is a mage to do?” The Gray Mage says a few words and we are in his lair. The Dragon is sleeping in the room as they appear. The Gray Mage’s froze me by his giant pet. He picked up my sword and turned it in his hand. “This is a great sword. I can feel the magic in it. I generally don’t make a use of using swords, but this time I will make an exception. I wonder how it will feel to be killed by your own sword?” With that, he lifted up Evilsbane and started to do the killing stroke. Time seemed to stand still as the mage struggled against the sword. The air grew thick as the sword slowly turned on its wielder. The mage ducked to the left as the sword flew on it’s own volition toward the Gray Mage’s heart. The sword caught the Dragon Necklace and broke it off the Gray Mage’s neck. The Sword flies through the air and the tip hits the Red Beast. The Ubiquitous Beast let out a mighty roar, as the Necklace was broken. The sword dispelled the Geas the Gray Mage had placed upon the beast. He went forward to the Mage. The Mage was chanting and unleashed a blast of coldbolt that consumed the room entirely. The Dragon fell to the ground in a mighty blow. As the Mage turns to face me, he notices the Dragon stirring. As I get up to face him, he grabs a scroll. The Gray Mage smiles, turns to me and says, “See you in Hell.” With that he reads the scroll. There was a loud explosion as a ball of fire leap from his hand towards me. As it hits me, the chemicals from all the various vials on the walls erupt. I staggered under the intense pressure from the heat of the flames, but was protected from it by my armor. As I made it out, I felt a slight pressure from the ring. I looked up in time to see the Dragon trying to fly away. But he was too damaged, too badly beaten to heal anymore. As he plummeted to the ground, I dove for cover. I hear a great crash. I scramble up with my sword in hand in time to see the beast taking its last breath. It had caught its side on the spires of the Lair, and a large gash showed in his side. His breathing labored as I reached him. He said, in Draconian “Finish it. Please.” So I took my sword and plunged it deep into the Beast’s eye, and with one last breath, the beast died. I took his scales back to show proof of my tale.”

“So, I knew that you could not be evil, Cervando because you could handle my sword and feel it’s righteousness. You are a good choice for LadyWendy.” A rooster called outside. “It seems we talked the entire night away, Cervando.” Just then, in rushed a servant. “The Black Knight, CloudBringer send for you. A visitor approaches.” Cervando and The Black Knight are on their feet. As they rush to the front gate of the Estate, they meet LadyWendy and CloudBringer. “Does either of you expect anyone today?” The Black Knight asked. They look at each other and shrug. “Not this early, darling,” purred CloudBringer. I was just awaking and missing you from my bed when the servant came in to wake me.

“Either way, the horsemen approaches,” replied LadyWendy. The quartet looks up to see the rider come through. The Rider jumps down and sees to the horse. The Black Knight takes a step forward, and blinks. The rider takes the Black hood off her head. The Black Knight takes a quick breath, and says “Hope?”

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Old 04-24-2002, 08:11 PM   #9
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
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The room was dark as the Evil Mage did his incantations. Accord puts Blood of an unborn infant, shavings off the jawbone of a cow, and eye of Gingritch. Mists swirls about and a figure rises from the mist. Accord falls to the ground, prostrating himself before the mighty figure. “YES, ACCORD, YOU HAVE DONE WELL. HAVE THEY ARRIVED?”





Accord lets the mist swallow his master back into the ground. “There is not much to do but wait and see . . .this should be interesting.” He takes his crystal ball and peers into it.

“Hope. . . but how?” The Black Knight mumbles, as he stumbles forward. “The cleric was wrong. There was a way to bring me back from the dead. It was not pretty, but it worked.” Hope gets off her horse. She looks at the sky for a moment, the sun just coming over the horizon, shakes her head, and says, “But the price was high. I can no longer hear my God. I am no longer the Cleric you once new. I am empty inside.

The Black Knight nods, “That would explain the feeling I get from my Sword. It tugs at you like you are not good. I don’t understand. And that staff you have, that looks familiar. Where did you get it?”

LadyWendy motions for the Jester Memnoch to come. She whispers a few words to him and then pushes The Black Knight aside. “This person has been through a lot and here you are questioning her. I don’t care who she is, she is a guest in my estate, and until I say otherwise, she is not to be questioned like a common thief. Now dear, let me take you inside to freshen up. You must be exhausted. I will put you in the best quarters, right between Lady CloudBringer and myself.” Lady CloudBringer gives her a dirty look and walks over to her Black Knight and throws a protective arm over him. “Yes you must be tired. Here, let me take your things and have them transported to your room. Are you expecting anyone to be joining you?”

“Actually, I am expecting a Cleric from town to come. He has to make sure the spell holds correctly. She smiles sweetly at CloudBringer and says in a low tone for her ears only, “But I am sure that The Black Knight will want to get reacquainted with me later.” And she follows the Jester Memnoch off. Memnoch leads her off and takes her to the newly redesigned guestroom between LadyWendy and CloudBringer’s rooms. “This has changed.” She mutters. “Excuse me?” Memnoch says. “Nothing, I will be needing nothing further but my things. And tell whoever is bringing my stuff to be careful.” Memnoch nods thoughtfully and runs away on further errands.

The Black Knight calls his Canines to him and says a few words to them. WOLFGIR and Kdog nod and take spots near both entrances to the Keep. The Black Knight walks over to CloudBringer and gives her a hug. “I don’t know what is going on, but that . . . that is not my Hope. Something is wrong. I just can’t put my finger on it. It is like she looked around this place with knowledge. New things were noted. It feels wrong. And my Magical Sword almost shot out of its sheath when she looked at it. I don’t understand.” CloudBringer, with a tear in her eye, nods to her staff and they scurry around picking up Hope’s things. CloudBringer motions to one of the guards to come forward. “Bring her staff to me, I wish to exam it.”

He goes to give it to her, and it slips. He grabs it at the same time as CloudBringer does. CloudBringer gets knocked to the ground as a fireball arcs to the sky like a deadly firework, it explodes, blinding everyone. A great roar is heard as the Guard elongates. The dark magic is worked, as he is polymorphed into an Insane, Hungry Great Leech. His four claws pinching in the air and massive maw snapping shut. The Great Leech roars again as it barrels down on CloudBringer. Both Canines answered his roars with howls of their own. Kdog tackled the Polymorphed Guard high as WOLFGIR tackled low. CloudBringer quickly gets to her feet and draws her sword. LadyWendy cries, “No, Dogs to me!” And she starts her incantations. Both Canines jump off and growl as the back off towards LadyWendy. The Polymorphed Guard gets to its feet as LadyWendy finishes her spell. It doesn’t even effect the Guard as the Dispel Magic spell hits. The Black Knight draws his sword and goes to protect his Lady when an arrow speeds by and hits the creature in the knee. The creature makes a loud howling gurgle as it hits the ground. It shimmers slightly as it hits the ground. The Guard is Polymorphed back into his original form with an arrow protruding from the back of his knee. The Guard slumps in obvious pain.

The Black Knight spins around to find Cervando lowering his bow. “Seems you aren’t the only one with magical weapons. These arrows have the ability to Dispel Magics of the highest power upon impact. I’m just glad it was strong enough.”

CloudBringer calls for more servants to help the guard, and calls for Father Bronze to be brought from the Temple to help with the injured. “Someone bring me Hope. I want to get to the bottom of this. And what was that fireball for? Going straight up in the air like that. It was like it was almost a signal . . . “

The Black Knight’s eyes bulge. “Men,” he yells. “Prepare to defend the estate. We are going to be expecting visitors.” The men bustle about the Estate, readying the battlements. Vats of oil are readied, as the sun slowly starts to rise in the east. Arrows are checked as armor is quickly put on and secured. Hope is brought out into the courtyard visibly shaken and struggling against her captors. Memnoch says, “Seems LadyWendy was right. She had me keep an eye on this one. When that fireball went off, she ran for the castle wall. I caught her with a hold spell right before she could get to the North Gate.”

“What is this all about,” The Black Knight questioned. “Who are you, that you took the shape of my dead fiancée? ANSWER ME!” The Black Knight yelled. Just then a warning call was hear from the East. “COMING BY AIR! COMING BY AIR!” Out of the Sun came a score of Flying Griffins were visible, each carrying a pair of Orc Fighters. The Black Knight, with visible frustration at the turn of events, turns to Memnoch and shouts, “Take her to the Dungeon and lock her up in a cell. I am assuming you know more spells then how to make a coin disappear? Good, go to LadyWendy when that creature is ensconced in her cell and help LadyWendy with her spellcasting. Quickly.” Hope just laughs and draws her Black cloak around her. Memnoch takes her by the arm and leads her away. The Black Knight looks at the half score of men and shakes his head, wishing there were more.

Suddenly, LadyWendy appears with ten fighting men at her side. Lord Of Alcohol, Tobbin, and Cervando were at the fore. LadyWendy smiled, “What did you honestly think I had these Gentlemen hang around merely because they were pretty? I knew we might need some help defending the estate someday against that that is against you. I already sent my kitten to Sir Tainly, head of the Knights of the Holy Flame, letting him know we need help. I have had my Lady-in-Waiting, LadyRae take the servants underground to the tunnels. They know if they don’t see our flag flying over the main castle in three days time to keep going to next town to warn them of the danger. We are ready.”

The Black Knight cocks his head for a second, then draws his sword. “Good, because here they come!” LadyWendy and CloudBringer look up just in time to see the first wave of Griffins fly over the battlements. Memnoch appears at LadyWendy’s side with a nice cloak around him. The burning arrows from the battlements are loosened on the incoming Griffin, and some of them drop their evil payloads short of the walls. The largest of the Griffin carry two humans on its back. It circles the action, waiting for the outcome. LadyWendy’s ten men make a quick circle around her while The Black Knight and company search out for battle where ever it may be found. The air was feverish with the sounds of battle as the Griffin unloaded their Orcs then gained altitude while awaiting further orders. The Black Knight was in his element, clearing a swath of evil in front of him. He looks over to see CloudBringer cornered by two Orcs. He takes a dagger out of his hand and throws it. The first Orc looks down and is surprised to see the point of a dagger sticking out of his chest. The Black Knight starts to run that way when CloudBringer hits the Orc with her Purple Rose of the Night and a Lightening Bolt screams down from the sky and kills the second. She dips her head to The Black Knight and her eyes widen. The Black Knight drops to the ground and the cleave of the Orcish Hand Axe. The Black Knight struggles to get Evilsbane up to block the next blow. He hears the whoosh above his head and sees his dagger stuck between the eye of the Orc. He gets up and looks back at CloudBringer. She blows him a kiss, then goes inside to find if any Orcs has gotten inside. The Black Knight takes his dagger from the corpse, wipes it on the Orc’s leather armor, and puts it back into his arm sheath.

LadyWendy casts many spells, left and right. Orcs drop from the sky and are slain where they land. If LadyWendy’s spells don’t get them, Tobbin, Cervando, or Lord of Alcohol’s arrows get them. And Memnoch is there, singing his songs, making the Lad’s fears go away and strengthens their resolve. LadyWendy sees the battle waning, sends Cervando and Tobbin to search out for battle, the rest she takes with her inside to rouse out any that made it past the first line.

The Black Knight finds himself alone in the courtyard. He hears Orcish muttering around the corner. The Black Knight throws a rock into the discarded weapons on the other side of the courtyard. The Orc, hearing the noise comes to investigate. As he comes around the corner, The Black Knight goes to spring. He jumps on the back of the Biggest Orc he has ever seen. The Orc struggles to hit The Black Knight. He rams The Black Knight into the wall. The Black Knight gets his dagger out of his Sheath and finally manages to slit the Orc’s throat. The Orc fall backward on top of The Black Knight.

As The Black Knight struggles to get the Orc off of him, he hears human footsteps. “Hey, Help me get the bugger off me,” he says. He looks up to see the point of a dagger and the hem of a black cloak.
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Old 04-24-2002, 08:12 PM   #10
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
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He looks up to see the point of a dagger and the hem of a black cloak. The Robed figured Laughs. “I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since you left me for dead. You impotent Bastard. I never loved you. I used you to get what I wanted. And now the only thing I want is your death at my hands.” The Robed Figure kicks the sword to the side.

The Black Knight closes his eyes. “You are not Hope. Stop trying to act like her. I don’t know what strange magics you have that allow you to appear like her, but you are not. Why don’t you give up this charade and tell me what this really is about.”

The Robed Figure laughs again. “Let’s just say I finally saw the wisdom of an old friend. She was not worth the pain I went through. I spent the past six months watching her parade her pets back and forth in front of me like I didn’t have feelings. Well, no more. I will bring down this entire family for her pains. When my Lord gets here and loosen the Demon on her, then and only then will I find happiness in your pain.”

The Black Knight struggles to get out from under the four hundred pound Orc. “But when did CloudBringer have lovers paraded here in last six months. She has been with me the . . . ” “NOT HER, you feebleminded idiot, her sister. And when LadyRae turned me down, I decided enough was enough. Much like this is enough.”

The Robed figure takes out a dried sprig of mistletoe and a handful of sand from the robe. He says the words that Accord taught, and crumpled the mistletoe into the sand and threw it into the air at The Black Knight. The Black Knight falls asleep. The Robed figure then takes a scroll and reads it and a second fireball shot into the sky. The remaining circling Griffin comes in for a landing. The CapsLock King and Accord lands in the courtyard. Jerome nods to the Robed Figure and smiles. “We don’t have much time, call the demon forth and let’s be gone.” Accord takes out some black Chalk and draws a large pentagram. He then draws the symbols for earth, fire, air, water, and black magic in each of the outside parts of the pentagram. “Quickly, everyone inside, and get that Griffin in here. We only have a small window to get away before the Demon will turn on us.” Accord then takes a small book out and turns to a marked page. He has prepared the spell that will call forth the Demon Prince Thyxill’llxkzs. He takes a vial of blood from a virgin killed in her own wedding bed and quickly mixes it with the blood of a prostitute. He then takes a thrice blessed dagger and writes the secret name of Thysill’llxks in the ground. He then reads from the book, intoning the incantation five times, each time with a different emphasis. On the last time through, a second incantation can be heard. Accord falters and looks around. He sees LadyWendy attempting a spell of her own. Jerome sees her too, and takes his Crossbow and goes to shoot her. The Robed Figure takes his sword and hits the crossbow. “NO!” The shot goes into the air. LadyWendy’s spell gets off and The Black Knight is awoken. Just as her spell gets off, Tobbin, Lord of Alcohol, Cervando, and CloudBringer come up the north side of the courtyard, with the large Canines WOLFGIR and Kdog in tow. A gate of fire springs up out of the earth and a large howling can be heard emanating from the gate. Jerome and Accord Jump back on their stead and the Griffin flies away, spirally back towards the skies to watch their Loosen Terror reek havoc among the estates of LadyWendy. The Robed figure sinks back away from the Group. But the Canines are having nothing of that. They each hold on to a hem and drag the figure back to the circle.

The rest of the group goes over to The Black Knight and gets that Orc off of him. “Thanks, we don’t have much time.” Off in the distance a horn is sounded and repeated. The Black Knight smiles. “Seems Sir Tainly is about a mile off. We just have to hold off this abomination until then.” CloudBringer looks at the fire and brings a potion forth from her purple robes and quickly drinks it. The Black Knight looks at her and says, “Feel better?” She just smiles and nods.

Just then the wall of fire finishes and the Prince of Demons comes forth. Thyxill’llxkzs is about eight feet tall. He has four arms, two on each side of his massive torso. His broad chest is covered in black and green scales. His eyes are glowing yellow, with small pits of blackness in them, black holes capable of stealing souls. His forked tail wavers back and forth in anger. He has what looks to be a Human leg in his mouth. “Who dares disturb me!” He finishes the meat and throws the bones aside.

“I did!” yelled the Robed Figure. “Kill them all,” the figure shouts. “BE QUITE,” shouted the Great Demon. Suddenly, everyone becomes still. The Demon walks around eyeing each in turn. He looks at the Robed Figure and smirks. “You haven’t the power nor the skill to keep me in check. I have no reason to bow to you.” He looks at The Black Knight and CloudBringer. “You both are too good to call forth a Demon like me.” CloudBringer face turns red. The Demon Prince walks over to LadyWendy and he group of fighters. “Ah, a true mage is present, but I don’t think you have it in you to call one such as me forth. How shall I play with you all, that is the question. What is the game . . .”

Just then the Cavalry arrives, lead by Sir Tainley, the Knights of the Order of the Holy Flame came on the scene. 10 men in full battle gear on majestic war-horses came flying in, lances readied. The Demon just laughed as it waved a hand at the Knights and they too froze. The Prince turned back around. He looked at each person in turn. The Black Knight in his own calm anguish, LadyWendy and her men Cervando, Tobbin, and Lord Of Alcohol, and the Intelligent Canines, Kdog and WOLFGIR, both snarling. And he notices a bottle lying on the ground. The Great Demon looks around in confusion, then shakes his head, dismissing his thought. “I think it would be fun game if I had you fight each other.” The Knights, to their own horror, all turn and lower their lances pointed at The Black Knight and LadyWendy and her men. The Great Demon laughs, as his fun is to begin. “Ready, men. Chhhharr . . . “ He looks down to see a sword being thrust out from his stomach. Thyxill’llxkzs turns around just in time to see CloudBringer fall backwards. He starts to feel that paralyzing tingling of transference from plane to plane. CloudBringer laughs and walks around him and says, “Ha, I figured you would try to play with us somehow, so I took steps to prevent that. Oh, and that sword, it causes banishment on any contact with Demonic Creature. I’ll tell you more about how I did it next time I see you. But for now,” She motions towards the fiery gate that is forming behind him, “it is time for you to go.” She puts her tiny boot on his massive back and pushes him forward into the gate, pulling her sword from him as he falls through the gate back to his own plane.

When the Demon is sent back to his plane, his mind trap spell wore off. Everyone comes back and the Knights get their horses back under control. Sir Tainly saluted CloudBringer and said, “Well, looks like we didn’t get in on this fight, but we had better secure the grounds for the night. Men, to the grounds!” Sir Tainly and his men rode off, looking for more surviving Orcs and their griffins. LadyWendy walks over to CloudBringer and gives her a big hug. “Oh, sister, you were great! But how did you do it? We were all frozen inside of our bodies and then you just reached down and drank that second potion. How?”

“Well, I remember The Black Knight, Cervando, and Tobbin talking about Demons and I recognized the Gate as a Demonic one. So I had a potion that was suppose to numb the effects of mind altering spells. So when he tried to freeze my mind, it didn’t work. Then I waited for a chance. When the Knights came and he turned his back on us, I took my other potion of invisibility. And don’t give me that shocked expression, Mr. Black Knight. I am a Bard, you know. I do have abilities of my own!”

The Black Knight just laughed. “I was not questioning your abilities, dear. I was just marveling over the fact that you never cease to amaze me.” The Black Knight looks at the rest of the fighting men around them. “But Gentlemen, the Estates have not been cleared to my liking. Shall we let the Good Knights of the Holy Flame have all the fun?” And with that, the men folk charged off.

LadyWendy turned to CloudBringer and said, “What about this . . . thing? Shall we take her Hooded Robe off now and dispel the magic surrounding her, or shall we wait until we are all back together for the feast tonight? Yes, I thought you would like that. Kdog, WOLFGIR, take him below!” The two Intelligent Canines start to drag the hooded figure off to the dungeons below. Just then, a great pair of shadows comes over the ladies and chanting can be heard.

The Black Knight and his men are rounding up the last of the Orcs when The Black Knight feels a great pain. He falls to the ground. Sir Tainly jumps off his stead and goes to The Black Knight’s side. “What is it, my friend.” The Black Knight looks up at Sir Tainly and says, “The ring, it is no longer here. She is far away.”

Just then, Kdog and WOLFGIR come howling into the yard. LadyWendy comes stumbling after with Cervando in tow. Cervando shakes his head. “I went back to check on them, and I found them all in midst of a holding spell. Great vines had come from the ground and held them where there were. I saw two figures being lifted out of the middle by the evil griffins. One of them took that Robed Figure.” Cervando looks at The Black Knight. “I’m sorry, The Black Knight, but the other figure was CloudBringer. The Griffins went North as far as I could tell.”

The Black Knight gets up and looks at the ring. “Oh, we will find them. I can track them with the rings that bond me to CloudBringer.” The Black Knight eyes were jet black, with a fire burning inside of them. “It is not her that blasted Caps-Lock King is after. It is me. And the gods help him if he hurts my Keeper of the Clouds.” The Black Knight picks up his sword. “We shall rest here tonight, and then head North. I will take five of you with me tomorrow. Be ready.”

A Rolling Thunder is heard as the Estate puts itself to right after the attack. As the Lightening hits the ground, The Black Knight can be seen looking north of the Northern Ramparts of the Tower. If you listen well enough, you can hear him say, “Cloudy, I’m coming for you. Don’t give up. Don’t give up.”

[ 04-24-2002, 08:12 PM: Message edited by: Black Knight ]
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