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Old 04-02-2001, 08:22 PM   #51
Symbol of Cyric

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And isn't it interesting that we freak at kids being exposed to sexuality, which is something every human being is involved with at some point, but we are willing to allow them to see degrees of violence that make soldiers shudder.

sorry.. had to add that. But I also agree with Zeeke, what we do here is all in fun. Isn't it a good thing for kids to see adults who actually know how to play and are inclusive of people of all ages??

done ... sorry... I get on the soapbox now & then...


Sometimes I think I
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Old 04-03-2001, 12:07 AM   #52
Symbol of Cyric

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Originally posted by Ramon de Ramon y Ramon:
LadyRae, I have to apologize: I had actually only scanned your post before posting myself. I am usually very careful to read every post before I post myself on a thread, but this time, by the time I came across your post, already so much tension had built up from reading the previous posts that my attention was already focused on my reply. Sorry !

Ramon, don't, don't, DON'T apologize! As I stated, you said it way better than I did (and also didn't make me feel quite so lonesome up there ) I wholeheartedly agree with Bilqis that I would much rather have my kid read about people being loving with eachother than the violence they're subjected to on a daily basis by the media... Have you ever watched Pokemon? *SHUDDER* A bunch of cute little critters who kick the crap out of eachother every few minutes and bands of little kids who have been allowed to leave home and wander the country-side and the streets in pursuit of this. What about GI Joe, the Great American Hero? Here's a cartoon dude who kills dozens of other cartoon dudes (yeah, I know, enemies) within a half an hour's time. Even the ones we watched as kids, Tom & Jerry being the worse (Ichy & Scratchy isn't really far off the mark from these! ) Why is slaughter, mayhem, murder, and extreme physical violence okay for even much younger kids than the 'board kids' and a bunch of middle-aged folks pretending to be romantic (Harliquin, not "Debbie Does Dallas") not???

Ahem. Sorry. And she embarassedly steps down from the soapbox.

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Conspirator...Um, I mean, member of the Ladies Guild
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Old 04-03-2001, 12:36 AM   #53
Fzoul Chembryl

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I hope I don't step on anyone's toes here, but I am going to add my two cents anyway.

I do agree that the violence displayed on TV, movies, and video games is too excessive for most children and may contribute to some of the RL violence we see everyday. However, the blame cannot lay entirely on the TV/movie/video game, some of the blame (actually most) should be laid on the parents who use this type of entertainment as a 'babysitter' rather than spending actual quality time with their children.

As for the 'romantic' escapades of the Moon's Hope Inn. First of all, does it really matter if it is 'harlequin' or 'debbie does dallas'? Both portray sex, only in different manners. I don't consider the actions that are taken on this board to be hardcore, but I certainly don't consider a wet towel contest to be a 'harlequin' romance either. Second, do we really know the ages of everyone on this board? There is no real way to verify the age of a member. How do we know that some of the participants aren't underage? We cannot expect everyone that is underage to speak up and tell us, b/c then we would exclude them from joining in....and that leads to my next point. The activities of the Moon's Hope Inn are exclusionary. There really is no other thread on this forum that everyone is not welcome to join in on the discussions/activities, however we are excluding the 'younger' members from joining the discussions/activities of the Moon's Hope Inn (ok, not all of it, but definately most).

I don't want anyone to think me a prude or anything. I am quite the opposite. I have a very 'open' opinion about sex/sexuality/romance. There is nothing wrong with a little role-playing, but I, for one, think that some of the role-playing has over-stepped the bounds of this forum.


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Old 04-03-2001, 12:59 AM   #54
Symbol of Cyric

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*Deep breath*
I think what's happening here is a cultural clash of sorts. I don't think it's a bad thing, in fact i think it's good in the continuing development of the personality of this 'virtual village'. we have people of varied ages, races, religions, gender, values, etc... (obviously) and this is a mix that can be destructive or constructive.

what i have seen here as opposed to other online communities or even RL sub cultures IS a mutual respect. but how is this mutual respect maintained? surely we need find the common thread that everyone is comfortable with, not only personally but culturally as well. - to elaborate: ramon, ladyrae et al. your point of view is right for you and many others here - no argument with it - but even if any of us have a problem with say, America's 'prudishness', that doesn't negate the fact that many valued members of this board have to live under it and whether or not they agree or disagree, if they are minors, their guardians may have they final say.

So while someone is saying, 'i think that value system is wrong and needs changing' - a minor gets pulled off the board by a protective parent. There is also the point that while most people can handle far more than is on this board, others may not be able to and if even one kid was damaged in some way, how would we all feel?

I don't feel this is the place to change the world, but to embrace it and what has attracted me to this place is it's tolerance and the ability to express oneself without fear. i believe most members share this point of view - otherwise we would be flaming instead of debating - and my opinion is that the benchmark should be set at the most a single member can tolerate.

I know from personal experience that when i was younger i thought i could tolerate far more than i actually can. i'm addicted to cigarettes as one result of that bravado, and there are many others. there were laws in this country to prevent me from smoking and a culture that felt these laws should be broken. i am under no doubt that it is anything but my own fault, but i chose wrongly and must suffer the consequences. many of the contributors to my illegal supply were in fact adults at the time.

now i'm not suggesting that we are anywhere near that level (or that we need laws here!), i enjoy the exchange of ideas and having my own boundaries and conventions challenged as i'm sure most of us do and i don't see potentially damaging material on here. i think Yorick and BK etc.. were trying to give a 'heads up' - let's be mindful of who is here and respect our differences.

even if only one of our friends is uncomfortable with the content, how comfortable are we?


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Old 04-03-2001, 01:16 AM   #55
Symbol of Cyric

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hmm, perhaps i should elaborate a touch more:
example, if someone is reared in an environment where nudity, for whtever reason is considered appropriate only within strict boundaries, and another where it is considered natural in many situations; where is the common ground and who finds it easier to compromise?

the first may respect the second's rights but suffer inbuilt guilt or discomfort they are unable to deal with and have to remove themself from the situation to avoid the ramifications particular to their experience. the second may not *like* to compromise but may be more equipped to deal with the situation as to cover up will not cause a cultural/moral reaction in the same way.

Does this make sense? How do we feel about this?


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Old 04-03-2001, 01:33 AM   #56
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You have very eloquently voiced my own thoughts. Not all of them, of course, but nearly so. And for me to throw another huge post re-iterating it would be wasteful of space. So I'm just going to say for the record that I would pretty much echo you.

And in answer to some other posts....I feel there are things which I personally must adhere to and lines which I will not cross. They may not be (and most likely are not) agreed with by a lot of people. So be it. We agree to disagree- my motto for the board. But that said, I expect to be shown respect, even if you don't like my viewpoint and I extend that courtesy to you all in return.

Re Ramon's piece- forgive me, Ramon, I am only touching a small part of what you wrote! Tolerance is the key. But I would play devil's advocate and say just how far do you take tolerance? Must I be subjected to things that offend or disgust me in the name of tolerance? No, at least not purposely and continually. If we truly respect one another we will not do that to anyone. Assuming we know it is in some way upsetting the other party. Personally, I have simply avoided things that do that to me. But that is an adult, informed decision on my part. Not all young people have that sense of self and will take that course of action.

I guess the only other point I will make is that just because a young person has access to things that may not be appropriate (on the web etc) does not,in my mind, condone MY behaving/speaking in an inappropriate manner. And yes, I do understand that appropriate/inappropriate is a relative term, but I speak from personal perspective. That's what I mean when I say I have a line I don't cross. Purely subjective and all mine, but important to me, nonetheless. And it is my own conscience that I answer to in the end so I take my values and attempt to abide by them.

Before anyone gets the urge to flame me (even in your minds!) I would say that none of this is aimed at anyone in particular. Granted, I have not been there much, but to date, I don't think I've seen anything in the Inn posts that is totally inappropriate as far as minors are concerned. Sorry, Moridin. I am concerned that you have been offended. Even that one note, is cause for us to talk and think about things.

Again, all opinions here are my own personal viewpoint. This topic appears to be very emotionally charged for some people and I hope it is not going to cause ill will anywhere.

Genuine debate and discussion should enlighten us as to how others think and feel, but it should never make anyone feel threatened or belittled in any way.

Leonis, you said things so beautifully, thank you. Reasoned where I may have been more emotional. But all the clearer for it.



StormCloud of the Black Knight

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 04-03-2001).]
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Old 04-03-2001, 11:07 AM   #57
Ramon de Ramon y Ramon
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Originally posted by LadyRae:
Ramon, don't, don't, DON'T apologize! As I stated, you said it way better than I did (and also didn't make me feel quite so lonesome up there ) I wholeheartedly agree with Bilqis that I would much rather have my kid read about people being loving with eachother than the violence they're subjected to on a daily basis by the media... Have you ever watched Pokemon? *SHUDDER* A bunch of cute little critters who kick the crap out of eachother every few minutes and bands of little kids who have been allowed to leave home and wander the country-side and the streets in pursuit of this. What about GI Joe, the Great American Hero? Here's a cartoon dude who kills dozens of other cartoon dudes (yeah, I know, enemies) within a half an hour's time. Even the ones we watched as kids, Tom & Jerry being the worse (Ichy & Scratchy isn't really far off the mark from these! ) Why is slaughter, mayhem, murder, and extreme physical violence okay for even much younger kids than the 'board kids' and a bunch of middle-aged folks pretending to be romantic (Harliquin, not "Debbie Does Dallas") not???

Ahem. Sorry. And she embarassedly steps down from the soapbox.

Bilqis, LadyRae, Moiridin thanks for your support/dissent, but I am also afraid that you missed at least some of my point:

This should not be on which in the media is worse or more harmful, "indecency" or violence, but not on the media at all. That is exactly what bothers me so much about this debate, especially the American version of it - we have our own version here in Germany, fortunately much mellowed down as the topic is none of our national obsessions (but, thank you, we do have our own national obsessions here: in case you are interested, go check out my post on our immigration/political asylum debate on the Sojourner thread ! ):

one side is yelling: "we do have to do something about all the indecency on TV/in the media, it has become completely unbearable and is harming our children !"; the other side is shouting back: " what is so bad about a little sex and nudity in the media, the most natural things in the world after all, but what is really a major problem is all the violence in the media, that is really harmful to our kids, there has to be done something on that ! "

And how nuch good does this do ? None at all, but it is really harming society and above all children, because it is drawing the public attention away from the real (key) issues like schools, social welfare, a family-friendly tax sytem, a good public childcare system and actual violence and abuse happening at the local and even family level as well as the meaning/implications of good parenting. I am calling those "real key issues" because with them it is not a question of personal belief or shaky or highly contradictory scientific evidence if they have a major impact on the actual well being and chances in life of children or not.

And, please, nobody try to tell me that drawing the public attention excessively to the wrong, because comparatively irrevalent issue(s) is not a very dangerous thing - at least in the long and medium run: in a modern "media democracy" public attention is all important, for issues that lack it, tend to be neglected by politicians and administrators as well. (For everyone with a background in economics: I think the concept of "alternative costs" could be applied here quite nicely.) Media democracy translates too often to discussing the role of the media instead of using them as a forum to discuss the real issues.

Thanks for hearing me out once again !
And I really think that it is quite telling of the human qualities of the people on this board that we can have debates on such controversial issues and everything stays civil and friendly.

So long !

R³ - Co-president(s) of the Club of Broken Hearts
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Old 04-03-2001, 11:09 AM   #58
Fzoul Chembryl

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I thought about letting this drop into the nether regions but I think I have to clarify/explain a little better my previous post.

I am/was not offended by any of the activities of the Moon's Hope Inn (or any other thread). It would take way more than that to offend me

CB--You mention in your post that just b/c someone might have access to material they think is inappropriate, then you should not change how you act/talk. I agree with you on this IN MOST CASES. However, we KNOW that there are underage kids on this forum and we have to take the responsibility to act accordingly. It is one thing to act in an adult manner when you know there are only adults, but it is another to act that way blatently in front of kids! We cannot check ID's at the door and we therefore IMHO have to act in an appropriate manner. For example, think what you would think if you took your children into a bar and these 'acts' were taking place. Would you allow your children to 'participate' or 'watch'?

I can already see that many people are thinking....boy what does this guy have against a little fun and games? He is getting too worked up over such a small thing. PLEASE KEEP READING TO MAYBE UNDERSTAND WHERE I AM COMING FROM
My sixth grade teacher, a person I trusted, who helped me attain many things in high school and even into collage, was recently arrested for soliciting underage (minor) boys for sex. He did this through internet chat rooms! This is his second time being arrested for this and part of his 'deal with police' is to implicate over 50 other men he knew that also used the internet to find sex, all with underage children!
This frightens me! This is someone I thought I knew. I would have vouched for his character anytime, but now this comes out.
That was the most recent. The next is a little more shocking, for me at least. My nephew, who is now 10, and his three brothers (all with the same mother but different fathers), were used by his mom and her then boyfriend to make child-pornography! While this part is shocking enough, it gets worse. The mother and her boyfriend both went to jail (fortunately), but before they did they were able to distribute the video tapes and pictures. My nephew now is 'big' into computers and spends a lot of time online in various chat rooms. Just after christmas this past year, he was sent an email from a supposed friend that he met in a 'disney' chat room. THE EMAIL CONTAINED AN ATTACHED PICTURE OF TWO OF HIS BROTHERS PERFORMING 'SEXUAL' ACTS WITH HIS MOM! Luckily, he notified my sister (step-mom) about this email and she notified the police and they were able to track the person down who sent the email. It was a 39 year old man from Alaska, who police say frequented chat rooms looking to solicite sex with underage males!

I am in no way saying that anyone here is like these men. However, there are people out there who look for 'forums' and 'chatrooms' that are frequented by underage boys and girls and we have to admit that a 'gaming' forum would fit that criteria.

Now I am sounding like an almighty ass! I don't want things to stop. This forum has become a big part of me and I enjoy the diverse opinions and cultures. But, just remember that we don't have a way to police identities on this board and therefore we really have to take the responsibility upon ourselves to 'control' our content.

I am now stepping off my soap box and leaving for a while to avoid the rocks/bottles/insults/looks of disgust that are hurled my way


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Old 04-03-2001, 11:17 AM   #59
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Moridin? UH, see my post again,please. Re, your third We AGREE on this. I have been the one shouting MINORS at folk in a few cases, including my own.

Sigh... I have a headache (RL one) so I'm letting this go. Not because I can't or wouldn't explain/debate/go on forever...but because I am tired.


StormCloud of the Black Knight
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Old 04-03-2001, 11:38 AM   #60
Fzoul Chembryl

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Sorry CB!

I did misread your post

Hope your headache get better


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