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Old 01-14-2001, 05:16 AM   #31

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dragons are also subject to the movement bug. as long as you stay out of the visual range, you can cast multiple cloudkills at them and watch them cough their life out.

liches on the other hand, CHEAT. Once faced a lich in the unseeing eye, i forgot it was there, and while I was casting spell protection and my own skeleton army to hack it to bits, it cast several skeleton warriors. Ha, I thought, finally I get to use the same tactic against a lich! and cast a death spell at them, because the manual says when you cast a death spell at a summoned creature, its dispelled immediately. I was pissed when all they did was shrug it off.

anyway, I think the worst monster is beholders. liches and dragons are always single creature. this gives you a chance to concentrate your firepower, spell or not, so you can attack from multiple vectors. beholders come in packs, and their projectile attacks are nasty. combination of spellstrike and death spells is no laughing matter.
Old 01-14-2001, 05:18 AM   #32

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Necromantic spells don't work against undead, do they?
Old 01-14-2001, 05:34 AM   #33

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Dragons are much stronger than Liches. I think the people who made BG2 thought it would be really neat to be able to kill something so powerfull as dragons without having to wait for BG3. so they lowered the dragons stats a little.
Old 01-14-2001, 08:03 AM   #34
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Hey, maybe we'll see a Tarrasque in BG3! Try pitting your 6 boys and girls against this motherfucker:

Tarrasque (as taken from the 2e Monstrous Compendium)
Climate/Terrain: Any Land
Frequency: Unique (But still inhabitant of Prime Material plane, unline demons/gods)
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: See below
Diet: Omnivore
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: See below
Alignment: Nil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: -3
Movement: 9, Rush 15
Hit Dice: 300hp (Approx. 70HD)
Thac0: -5
No. of Attacks: 6
Damage/Attacks: 1-12/1-12/2-24/5-50/1-10/1-10
Special Attacks: Sharpness bite, Terror
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: G(50' long)
Morale: Champion (15)
XP Value: 107,000

The legendary Tarrasque, for there is fortunately only one known to exist, is the most dreaded monster native to the Prime Material plane. The creatuer is a scaly biped with two horns on its head, a lashing tail, and a reflective carapace.

Combat: The Tarrasque is a killing machine, and when active (see below) eats everything for miles around, including all animals and vegetation. Normal attacks are with its two forelimb claws (1d12 points of damage each), a sweeping tail lash (2d12 points of damage), a savage bite (5d10 points of damage plus acts as a sword of sharpness, severing a limb on a natural attack roll of 18 or better), and two thrusting horn attacks (1d10 points of damage each).
Once every turn, the normally slow moving Tarrasque can rush forward at a movement rate of 15, making all horn attacks cause double damage and trampling anything underfoot for 4d10 points of crushing damage.
The mere sight of a Tarrasque causes creatures with less than 3 levels or Hit Dice to be paralyzed with fright (no saving throw) until it is out of their vision. Creatures with 3 or more levels or Hit Dice flee in panic, although those of 7 or more levels or Hit Dice that manage to succeed with a saving throw vs paralyzation are not affected (though they often still decide to run away).
The Tarrasque's carapace is exceptionally tough and highly reflective. Bolts and rays such as lightning bolts, cones of cold, and even magic missiles are useless against it. The reflection is such that 1 in 6 of these attacks actually bounces directly back at the caster (affecting him normally), while the rest bounce off harmlessly to the sides and into the air.
The Tarrasque is also immune to all heat and fire, and it regenerates lost hit points at a rate of 1 hit point per round. Only enchanted weapons (+1 or better) have any hope of harming the Tarrasque. The Tarrasque is totally immune to all psionics.

Habitat/Society: It is fortunate that the Tarrasque is only active for short periods of time. Typically, the monster comes forth to forage for a week or two, ravaging the countryside for miles around. The Tarrasque then seeks a hidden lair underground and lies dormant, sleeping for 5d4 months before coming forth again. Once every decade or so, the monster is particularly active, staying awake for several months. Thereafter, its period of dormancy is 4d4 years unless disturbed. The ratio of active to dormant states seems to be about 1:30.

Ecology: Slaying of the Tarrasque is said to be possible only if the monster is reduced to -30 or fewer hit points and a wish is then used. Otherwise, even the slightest piece of the Tarrasque can regenerate and restore the monster completely. Legend says that a great treasure can be extracted from the Tarrasque's carapace. The upper portion, treated with acid and then heated in a furnace, is thought to yild gems (10d10 diamonds of 1,000 gp base value each). The underbelly material, mixed with the creature's blood and adamantite, is said to produce a metal that can be forged by a master dwarven blacksmith into 1d4 shields of +5 enchantment. It takes two years to manufacture each shield, and the dwarves aren't likely to do it for free.
It is hoped that the Tarrasque is a solitary creation, some hideous abomination unleashed by the dark arts or by elder, forgotten gods to punish all of nature. The elemental nature of the Tarrasque leads few living Tarrasque experts to speculate that the elemental princes of evil have something to do with its existence. In any case, the location of the Tarrasque remains a mystery, as it rarely leaves witnesses in its wake, and nature quickly grows over all remnants of it presence. It is rumored that the Tarrasque is responsible for the extinction of one ancient civilization, for the records of their last days spoke of a "great reptilian punisher sent by the gods to end the world."
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Old 01-14-2001, 08:08 AM   #35
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Oh and this is what it looks like.

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Old 01-14-2001, 08:28 AM   #36
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And in case you need more of a challenge after dustin' off the old tarrasque, say hello to Tiamat, ruler of the First Plane of the Nine Hells:

3rd Ed Stats - quite lengthy

Colossal Dragon
Hit Dice: 49d12+588 (906 hp)
Initiative: +4 (Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft., Fly 150 ft. (clumsy), Sw 40 ft.
AC: 50 (-8 size, +48 natural)
Attacks: 5 Bites, +60 melee; 2 wings, +55 melee; sting, +55 melee
Damage: Bite, 4d6+19; wings, 2d8+9; sting, 4d6+9 plus poison
Face/Reach: 15'x40' / 15'
Special Attacks: Breath weapons, frightful presence, sound imitation, spells, spell-like abilities
Special Defenses: Scent, spell resistance 30, damage reduction (25/+4), immunities, see invisibility, keen senses, water breathing
Saves: Fort +39, Ref +27, Will +34
Abilities: Str 49, Dex 10, Con 35, Int 28, Wis 25, Cha 28
Skills: Alchemy +35, Bluff +61, Concentration +63, Diplomacy +61, Gather Information +59, Intimidate +61, Knowledge (Arcana) +31, Knowledge (Dragonkind) +34, Knowledge (History) +31, Knowledge (the Planes) +31, Knowledge (Religion) +31, Listen +61, Scry +61, Search +61, Sense Motive +59, Spellcraft +61, Spot +61, Wilderness Lore +33.
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Hover, Improved Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Expertise, Fly-By Attack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability (domination), Snatch, Wingover
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary (1), Troupe (Tiamat and 1d6 chromatic dragons of age categories d8+4)
Challenge Level: 25 (solitary)
Treasure: When traveling, Tiamat carries her magic items and 2d12+2 gems of various sizes. Her lair contains 2d4 level 20 treasures.
Alignment: Always lawful evil
Advancement Range: N/A


Multiple Heads: As shown above, Tiamat gains five bite attacks per round. A head can be severed with a slashing weapon if the weilder inflicts a single blow causing 185 hp damage.

Breath Weapons (Su): Must wait d4 rounds between using breath weapons. As she has five heads, each head can deliver a different breath weapon. DC 46 Reflex save for half damage for each type of breath weapon:

Cold: 12d6 damage
Acid: 24d4 damage
Gas: 24d6 damage
Lightning: 24d8 damage
Fire: 24d10 damage
Frightful Presence (Ex): Can cause "panicked" or "shaken" state in creatures under 49 HD within a 480' range (DC 43 Will save negates for one day).

Sound Imitation (Ex): Tiamat can mimic any sound or voice. DC 43 Will save to detect.

Spells: Tiamat is a 20th-level sorcerer and a 20th-level Cleric with access to the domains of Evil and Law.

Spell-like Abilities: In addition to her spells, Tiamat can cast each of the following three times per day as a 20th-level caster: command plants, control weather, darkness, domination, fog cloud, gust of wind, mirage arcana, plant growth, suggestion, summon swarm, veil, ventriloquism. DCs against these spells are 19 plus the spell level. She can corrupt water once per day. She can charm reptiles three times per day (as mass charm spell, DC 27 Will save negates).

Poison (Ex): Stung creatures suffer 3d6 temporary Constitution damage (DC 46 Fort save to negate). After 1 minute, make a second save or suffer an additional 3d6 temporary Constitution damage.

Water Breathing (Ex): At will, always active.

Magic Items: Tiamat typically carries these items (not included in stats): amulet of the planes, +8 bracers of armor, carpet of flying, cloak of displacement, crystal ball with detect thoughts, darkskull, iron bands of Bilarro, iron flask, orb of storms, portable hole, +5 ring of deflection, +5 ring of resistance, rod of rulership, rod of splendor.
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Old 01-14-2001, 08:30 AM   #37

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Hahah! I was about to say the only thing I'd rather face less would be the wrong end of Tiamat's breath weapon.
Old 01-14-2001, 08:35 AM   #38
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From how they made it sound in the dark elf trilogy, I'd hate to have to come up against a Yochlol too. Or even worse, LOLTH. Definitely would back out of a fight with Tiamat or the Tarrasque though.
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Old 01-14-2001, 08:37 AM   #39

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There's a Yochlol in BG2, but you have to go through Viconia's romance to fight it. I'm pretty certain there are worse Tanar'ri you can face, though.
Old 01-14-2001, 08:41 AM   #40
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Armisael, don't know about you, but that was definitely the puniest, scrawniest, wussiest yochlol I've ever faced. I was expecting a BIT more...

And yochlols are meant to be handmaidens of Lolth, they can destroy an entire drow elf house all by themselves.
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