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Old 09-28-2001, 10:49 PM   #231
Silver Dragon

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OOC- *blink,blink* well, that's the last time I'm gone for so long... well, guess i better post! ^_^ btw, Liliara, skye sorta got left behind, she's in a cavern, she fell throught the ceiling of it. to refresh peoples memories, skye was fighting a huge pack of dire wolvesand was about to be killed when that strange orb of hers started to glow with unbelievable magic.

IC: Skye watched with widened eyes as she felt the wave of wild magic wash over her, her attackers backing up uneasily. The glowing amethyst orb suddenly burst open, melting, as something emerged from the inside. The dire wolves screamed with pain before disapearing in a sheet of white flame. Skye covered her face to protect it from the blazing light and burning heat. After the light and heat had faded away, Skye looked up cautiously, and gasped in astonishment. Before her stood a baby song dragon, who was preening its wings smugly, smoke curling up form its nose. It looked up at her, and skye backed away, unsure of the baby's next move. It sniffed her cautiously, and making a funny growl it pounced on her. She hadn't really expected it to start purring, once it had settled itself comfortably on top of her. "Oof, do ya mind?" she asked, irritated, upon realising that the dragon had no intent of harming her (except accidental of course). "Now, what to do with you?" Skye wondered, dusting off her clothes after the dragon had obliged to get off of her. She started to walk down one of the many paths in the cavern, only to discover the dragon to be following her. "Shoo, shoo! I don't have time to take care of a pet," Skye said to the dragon, motioning it away. **I'm not a pet. And I do whatever I feel like, silly elf** Skye heard a sweet voice proclaim haughtily. "Wha, what?! You can talk?! Well, of course you cant talk, but I thought that only a selected few were able to hear dragons," Skye asked in surprise. **Well, technically you are my bond partner, since you took care of me even though you did not know my true identity. In other words, only you can hear me, and we're stuck with each other for eternity. well, at least til one of us dies.** the voice said matter-of-factly, the dragon staring at her with intelligence. SKye sighed. "Well," she spoke ruefully, "If you are able to do what you did back there all of the time, then I guess I won't really mind." **You don't have to speak out loud, just speak with your mind. Don't you know anything about dragons?** the dragon asked her in astonishment. "Well, er..." Skye's face slowly turned a nice shade of pink. Now it was the dragon's turn to sigh. **All right, we'll have to work on that. For now, let's get back to the group and that tower of yours.** "How did you know about that?" Skye asked, surprised. **Well, I wasn't totally unaware of my surroundings when I was in my egg, and also since we have our physic (sp?) connection, I can look through your present and past thoughts. After awhile, you should to, along with other things.** SKye shrugged, accepting this brief explanation, and the duo wandered onward. Soon they came upon a dark doorway, with rotting beams. **I believe this is the tower you are looking for** the dragon spoke... er, thought to Skye. "How did you know that? Nevermind, we'll have to have some "lessons" on all the powers and stuff... also, what should I call you? I can't just keep calling you dragon, or "you", or "pet"..." Skye trailed off, staring at her new partner. **My draconic name is Eolandesamoradananne, but I don't believe a mortal, even an elf like yourself, can be expected to say it correctly. So you can just address me by Lyulfe** "Hm, fierce melody, eh? Well, then Lyulfe, lets go!" SKye smiled, and then headed into the darkness ahead, Lyulfe following.
OOC- yikes, lotsa typing... ^_^;; anywayz, just to recap- Lyulfe means fierce melody, which makes sense since the dragon is a SONG dragon. also, skye's new "pertner" is a guy, not that it really matters to dragons. ^_^;; the longer name, Eolandesamoradananne, means wild guardian of the spirit people, but don't bother using that name. I made it rediculusly (sp?) long for a reason, so just use the other name. and as much as i love dragons, i unfortunately don't know much about them.... -_-;; so if you see anything "incorrect" then tell me. and if u wanna know the colour or anything else, just ask. ^_^

What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
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Old 09-29-2001, 05:46 AM   #232
Talthyr Malkaviel
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The lone sorcerer, exhausted, almost spent of his powerful magical essence slumped to the floor, but not before discharging one more meteor at the bundled body of the beast.
Realization then dawned upon him, he had done it! The powerful beast was felled, defeated by his powerful magics.
Then fear set in, he was alone in this desolate place and if he fell asleep, would he ever wake up?
It was a question he would prefer not to think about, and didn't as his head hit the floor and he slipped into a plagued slumber.
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Old 09-29-2001, 08:20 AM   #233
Lord Shield

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LS has managed to land the metallic hovercraft on the beach of the island. He gets behind the gunwale and a rifle appears in his hand

Back at the abmbush site, a hobgoblin gets a look of shock as a hole appears in him. The bullet passed right through the rock somehow - LS is out of range of the arrows - this rifle has 1000m range

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Old 09-29-2001, 01:07 PM   #234
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Kivan rounded a corner and reached an intersection where five tunnels met, he raised his torch to get a better look at the intersection and then turned to Kharanax and said, "Are you sure you know where you're leading us? I'm pretty damn sure I've been here before, look," Kivan pointed at the floor, "There's the torch that I dropped here last time we were here." "I'm one-hundred percent sure of were I'm leading us," said Kharanax, he then pointed to one of the tunnels, "That's the one we've got to go through, that torch on the ground is just something which the magic in this prison has created to make us think we're moving in circles." "We'll find out soon enough, sorcerer," grumbled Kivan, "At the last intersection you said we were two tunnels from getting out of here, so we'll soon find out if you were right." Kivan then walked into the tunnel, the others following him.

After spending an hour walking through a straight tunnel, Kivan and his friends heard something from up ahead, motioning for silence, Rissa crept ahead to see what had made the noise, she dissapeared into the darkness and came running back into the light of Kivan's torch about a minute later, "Grimlocks," she said to the group, "Lots of them, at least fifty, in a large chamber up ahead." the others readied their weapons and magic and advanced silently, but made no effort to hide the light of their torches since grimlocks were blind, when they reached the chamber they slowly and silently encircled the grimlocks who didn't notice them as long as they couldn't hear them, as soon as they were ready to attack, Kivan shouted a battlecry and sliced the head off of the nearest grimlock.

(OOC: I'm a bit confused as to where everyone is, Kivan and his friends are in a prison maze located somewhere unknown, where are the rest of you?)

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Old 09-29-2001, 05:30 PM   #235

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Encard grins evilly and uses one of his wands, causing a magical portal to open. He immediately says the trigger word for another wand, this time causing a fireball to shoot from it, through the portal... and set fire to several of the enemies. A goblin accidentally hits Plague of Miniature Rabid Elephants with a small rock he threw over his shoulder, and is impaled by Plague's flaming spear (of death) as Plague runs by.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 09-29-2001).]

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Old 09-29-2001, 07:05 PM   #236
Silver Dragon

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OOC- Okie dokie, I'm gonna recap to help all the confused ones. ^_^ including myself, of course, heheh. Where everyone is, what they're doing, and where they're supposed to be going.
Alrighty, first it started off that Skye and her friend from long ago, Shade, met an elf (or half elf?) named Liliara. The trio went on a quest to get a sword for Liliara- the destination is a tower where only elves (and maybe half-elves) can go without instantly dying. Along the way, they stumbled into a fog while being chased by a dragon, and Skye got separated from the group. Shade is in the tower and had just stumbled upon the owner of the tower, who is now an undead mage, a lich. Liliara is in some underground tunnel, most likely leading to the tower. She's with a male elf named Bullvye, whom she stumbled upon imprisoned while in search of Skye. Link is also there, how he got there I'm not entirely sure, since he was just fighting with Lord Shield's group just a short while ago... Right now the three of them are discussing the drows that Bullvye had just killed. Skye is in a different underground tunnel and had just reached the tower, with her new "partner", Lyulfe the song dragon. (read my previous post for more details) On to the next "group"
While the trio had left, Lord Flash had gone to meet with his "benefactor", Lord Muro. He pretty much got the crap beaten out of him, then got sent on a mission to go to the same tower as the trio (Skye, Shade, & Liliara) were going to. He's with a female mindflayer named Yai'k La, and a new model of robot, X015. Right now I believe they are breaking through the tower upwards (aka, getting up through the floor), due to the fact that the tower entrance is on the 10th floor. ^_^;; Also there are two new characters, brother and sister vampyres. They are at Lord Muro's hidden island thingy, and they are about to cover the sun with a cloud, while they wake their coterie to attack Lord Shield's group, who are busy fighting a horde of hobgoblins under Lord Muro's control. Onward! ^_^
Lord Shield found out about Lord Muro existing on this plane, and went with a bunch of people from the Bar who weren't on a quest at the moment to go invade and destroy Lord Muro, and "save" Lord Flash. Right now they had just landed on the beach in some metallic hovercraft that Lord Shield had found, after finishing off a bunch of droids owned by Lord Muro, and Lord Shield is presently shooting hobgoblins through a huge rock (mountain/boulder thing), since the rock only protects them if it has his "essense" in it (quoting him on that). As for other groups and people in Lord Shield's group...
Kivan, Rissa, and Ben were sweep up by a spectral hand and brought to the red sorcerer Kharanax, who had them free him from his cell, which was protected against his magic, but not Vorpal Blade. They just freed some of Kivan's friends, Siria and Dac, and are about to attack some grimlocks that they discovered while trying to escape from the magical prison maze located "somewhere unknown" (direct quote). Oh, and Neb, mind telling us in your next post what all of your characters are? who's an elf, who's human, and their gender, and stuff like that. ^_^ thanx.
Tancred and his sorceror sword, Karnas, switched places somehow, so now Tancred is in the sword and Karnas is in Tancred's body, which now has red mage robes on, and Karnas can use his magic again. They just spotted Lord Shield's hover craft, and are heading in that direction.
Link had been transformed and was beating the crap out of robots for Lord Shield (supposedly saving his butt, heheh. ^_~* ) Link now somehow is with Liliara and Bullvye, and they are discussing the drow that had inprisoned Bullvye, who were now very dead. ^_^;; Oh, and a group of drow is about to stumble upon the threesome, so they're preparing to fight.
Encard is with Lord Shield's group, and he just cast some funky spell that summoned some mad elephant or something, which is trampling hobgoblins right and left (or something like that.) ^_^
A sorcerer(sp?) has appeared on this plane, his sig. name is Talthyr Malkaviel, but I'm unsure if he's going to have his character named that or not. He's unconsious right now, from fighting some beast.
Ash is with Lord Shield's group also, but hasn't posted since page 8, so I'm unsure if he's going to be active on this thread. The same goes for Milamber, Jabidas, SSJ4Sephiroth (aka Mui Vistage) all of which havent posted since forever. ^_^
waverider and PoesRaven stopped by to see what we're doing on page 9, but I don't believe they are active.
I hope I cleared some confusion up... and if i left a character or anything important out, just post it. ^_^ and when u post, if you dont mind, could you state the general stuff about your active character(s)? just gender, race, class, and whatever else u deem important (abilities, allignment, age, watever. ^_^) Oh, almost forgot my own character. ^_^;; Skye is an blade bard elf, about age 20 (in human years), female (no da), and, um, can be very clumsy and insane at times. ^_~* she's childhood pals with Shade.

What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
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Old 09-29-2001, 07:20 PM   #237
Talthyr Malkaviel
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Yes well, even the most powerful sorcerers get forgetful at times, firstly yes that is the characters name, I meant to use a different user name (silly me)
and stats wise- Human sorcerer, male.
I hope that has further clarified things.
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Old 09-29-2001, 07:39 PM   #238
Talthyr Malkaviel
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@Where in the nine hells am I??' the sorcerer asked himself as he dusted himself off after a rough night on the floor.
Battle weary and hungry he walks along, looking for any signs of civilization.
After a few hours journey a building appears on the horizon, rushing to get a good meal, he runs up and then reads the sign.
It's a bar.
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Old 09-29-2001, 08:06 PM   #239

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IC: Encard cackles gleefully and continues to launch fireballs through his magical portal. One of the hobgoblins figures out it might be a good idea to try and kill the guy who's launching the fireballs, but is hit by one just as he gets to the portal's entrance and is turned to ash. Unfortunately, the fire rebounded slightly, hitting Encard on the other side of the portal and knocking him overboard. As he swims to the surface, spluttering, (he seems to have fallen into a hidden pool of deep water) a current suddenly catches him and pulls him down and sideways, away from the hovercraft. Encard frantically grabs at one of his wands, apparently his Wand of Zapping, and tries to say the keyword. It apparently came out a bit off, though, since instead of landing him back in the hovercraft, the wand put him down right in the midst of the hobgobling ambush. Encard quickly looks around to determine his situation, then says an invisibility spell before any of the creatures can change targets. Being hobgoblins, they don't think of shooting at the empty space where Encard was. Unfortunately for him, Encard realizes that there are too many hobgoblins to sneak past, even invisible. However, just as he is trying to decide what to do, as using his wand might attract a bit too much attention (the trigger is multiple words), Plague Of Miniature Rabid Elephants swoops down and stabs another hobgoblin with his flaming spear (of death) while easily evading several arrows being shot at him. Coming up with an idea, Encard points a finger at Plague and says a trigger word, causing the ring to glow for a moment and an invisible, magical line to stretch between the two of them. As Plague flies up higher again, the line comfortably pulls Encard up as well.

OOC: Btw, Plague Of Miniature Giant Elephants isn't a spell I cast (although it IS a spell I could cast...), but in this case is the name of a character who I'm currently outlining. I'm thinking, something along the line of a humanoid male, carries a flaming spear (of death), innate flight-like powers (he runs through the sky instead of flying through it, exactly, but he can make his strides go VERY far), gray leathery skin, some other stuff I'm still outlining... hmm... ah, yes, elephant-like head, some other fancy special powers (*cackle*)...

IC: However, as Plague gets to a high point, above arrow fire, he turns to where Encard is and asks calmly, "Why have you atached yourself to me?" Encard looks at Plague for a moment, slightly surprised that he can apparently see through invisibility, and answers, "Well... I couldn't think of any other way to get out of that group of hobgoblins without wasting time dodging arrows... so I just... well... used this spell... Is there a problem with that?" Plague thinks for a moment, then says, "Well... I'll let you stay... but first you have to help me with a little... project... of mine. Sound fair?" Encard looks at Plague, wondering what he has in mind. "Hmm... well... I suppose so... but hat depends on the project. After all, I could just use a flight spell now..." Plague rhinks for another moment, and responds, "It's fairly simple, really... there's merely a few here on this island who I kind of have to slaughter just a little bit. You know what I mean." Encard nods his head in affirmation. "Yes, I know what you mean. But who is it that you need to kill?" Plague looks at Encard for a few more moments, then answers, in a careful tone, "Well, there's a pair of vampires here... they by themselves aren't too formidable, but they have help... and they aren't the main target, but merely hellish servants. My main enemy here... is a fiend who's essence is to feed on death and pain... It was once a mage, but became a lich to cheat death, and has now grown in its evil power, and plots and bides its time, feeding on all the suffering and murder that occurs nearby... AND THAT @^(&$^@&^ @*^&*@^$ @^$*@&^$#&@$*&^#^% @^&^#%&*# KILLED MY BROTHER!!!" Encard cringes back for a moment, then asks carefully, "Then I can assume you've been here before? For what purpose? The only creatures dwelling here that I know of are Lord Muro and his Servants after all... Are you of them?" Encard tenses and makes sure he has one of his more deadly wands at ready. Plague looks at Encard for a long moment, then answers him, "No, I have not been here before. The foul thing I speak of came here fairly recently, withing the last century or so, I believe. I've just lately tracked it to here." Encard's eyes grow slightly wider in surprise. "But that would mean you're... no, nevermind. We have more important things to think about. You believe you can kill this thing by yourself?" Plague looks torn for a moment, then slowly shakes his head. "No, but at least I can try and hopefully kill some of the thing's servants, at least..." Encard turns his head sideways looking at Plague, thinks for a while longer, then tells him, "Well... I think we could do better than that. How about you help me and my companions with what we're doing, and I'll see if they'll help you with your quest when we're done?" Plague stands on the air for a moment, uncertain, and replies, "Hmm... I suppose that would be fine... if your companions agree to help. And if I do not have to wait too long. MY BROTHER WILL BE AVENGED!!!" Encard cringes back for a moments again, then tells Plague, "Well, then, let's go talk to them! Ready?" When Plague nods, he dispels his invisibility and uses his Wand of Zapping to zap them back to Lord Shield's hovercraft.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

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Old 09-29-2001, 08:26 PM   #240
Red Wizard of Thay

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OOC: Ok, here is my catch up to add on to Skye's.
Liliara went back to find Skye. She encountered a male prisoner, who was taken by Drows. She's not sure if he is elven yet as he has a HUGE build and is dressed in a loincloth, but he does speak the elven language. (strange)
Link... The drow in the room were already dead and judging by Bullvye's build and dress, I don't think he is an elf. We can compensate easily though!


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