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Old 06-07-2001, 04:29 AM   #11
Zhentarim Guard

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I like! I like!

DawnChaser aka Thanatos (Dispositioner of Souls)

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Old 06-07-2001, 10:13 AM   #12
Zhentarim Guard

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btw Red Blue Flare - do you have any idea how time consuming this is I have to unravel numerous posts so all the actions and coversations are happening in the right places, change the wording so it is all one consistent style and write linking text. And at the same time I have to run my game and write the new posts! Yeesh - give me a chance
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Old 06-07-2001, 10:16 AM   #13
Zhentarim Guard

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Yikes - the dreaded double post bug. How embarrassing

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Old 06-08-2001, 09:11 AM   #14
20th Level Warrior

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WOW !!!

Awesome story! Will you be doing one about our lil' newbie group? That would be embarrassing, though... "Perin the ranger got killed by a wild dog..."

and it has a song!!! That's why it's good to always have at least one bard in the group...


[This message has been edited by RudeDawg (edited 06-08-2001).]
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Old 06-08-2001, 05:30 PM   #15
Elite Waterdeep Guard

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I see you post our tale here too Kiwi. Nice work!

Oh and hi all!
Its kind of weird to see someone using the same name as myself. I have grown so used to it is almost seems mine......
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Old 06-08-2001, 06:15 PM   #16

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Hi Milamber!! Welcome to the board

It's vice versa to us....we all are used to "our own" Milamber and it's strange to see you use "his" name
I can understand the weird feeling though...I for one really have started to identify myself with the name Melusine....
In fact, when Yorick, another board member, visited here a while ago, we accidentally called eachother by our Forum nicks a couple of times

Anyway, glad to have you here, and now I will stop spamming kiwi's topic Sorry for going offtopic there Kiwidoc!

Melusine, Archbabe of the Order of the Holy Flame and the Laughing Hyenas, &
Official Entertainer Elf of the BG2 Bar

Your voice is ambrosia
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Old 06-08-2001, 08:03 PM   #17

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Hey,I have deliberately not started to read the story yet.Will it spoil the game if I read this?As I will probably play the game.

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Old 06-08-2001, 08:23 PM   #18
Zhentarim Guard

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This is based on a game I am running for a few people on Elysium and a scenario I first wrote for Traveller and used in a competition in New Zealand. It is not related in any way to the Abyss interactive cooperative game.

Read it - NOBODY will play this game again!

[This message has been edited by kiwidoc (edited 06-14-2001).]
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Old 06-14-2001, 02:45 AM   #19
Zhentarim Guard

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The author retains all rights to the material posted here, including publishing rights and copyright. Reproduction of this without her permission is forbidden.

Chapter 2: A Dream of Flight - Part 1

Just as the first rays of the morning sun kissed the clouds, something began to disturb PG’s sweet dreamless sleep. She began to dream, but such a dream – more powerful and vivid than any she could remember.

It was still deep night in the dream and she lay still and silent on the bed. In the distance she could hear a soft sighing like the gentle wash of waves on a shingled shore. Slowly, gradually the sound grew louder and faster, coming ever closer and closer. At last it was like the rushing of a great wind or the beating of giant wings. An eerie music like the chiming of distant bells echoed round her head. PG thought she could hear voices in the chimes, but even though she strained to hear, PG just could not quite grasp the words.

Then the dream changed. The sound of giant wings became the sound of breathing, a vast and rhythmical breathing as though the earth itself was filling its lungs. PG felt a warm rush of air wash over her with a great sigh, and then she felt it again. Some huge and gentle being was breathing on her body as it lay on the bed. Softly, gently her body rose and floated up out of the bed. Her body had become a feather, drifting and rising on the great sighing breaths. A sweet lightness pervaded her whole being as the warmth of the breath buoyed her up and up.

Somehow she was gliding through the roof, the tiles slipping past her body like water. The inn fell away beneath her dwindling into a child’s toy as she steadily rose higher and higher. The lights of the village shone like beads on a string then, as she rose yet further, they shrank till they danced and twinkled like tiny fireflies.

Suddenly there was a shock of cold as she passed through a grey-white mist of cloud, and then it lay below her like a vast carpet of soft wool. The stars were achingly bright and pure in a black velvet sky, and a huge moon hung like silver sickle ready to reap the white clouds themselves. This dream was so very special, so rare and so lovely PG wanted to hold on to it forever, but something was urgently and insistently pulling her to wakefulness.

As she woke slowly and reluctantly, PG was surprised to find that the bed she was lying on seemed different. Far from a simple cotton sheet over a straw filled mattress, she was lying on a soft surface covered in a very strange smooth and slippery cloth, unlike anything she had seen before. The ceiling was different too. She could have sworn the ceiling in the inn was whitewashed plaster with a faint tracery of cracks. This ceiling was cream. She was not sure what it was, but it was definitely not plaster.

She raised her puzzled head to explore the room further and became aware she was not alone. All her new companions from the night before were rousing themselves from strange beds just like hers. However, there was no sign of Banny Butterburn, the landlord of the Black Dragon.

They were in a long narrow room, lined with an almost luminous material that could have been sheets of white marble, but it wasn’t. Panels set in the ceiling and walls glowed with a very soft light, and as they moved about the room the brightness increased. There were eight beds set four on each side, each furnished with the same very odd bedding. A small table at the foot of each bed held their gear, cast off clothing neatly folded, armour and weapons safely stacked and packs set on the floor against the foot of the bed.

The mood and power of the dream was still with PG so strongly she felt unreal, as though all of this was not really happening. Wordlessly she rose from the bed and began to pad barefooted across the floor. She was still only clad in her undershirt and breeches but she was not cold, in fact the floor was oddly warm under her feet.

There was a strange white door set in the wall between her bed and the next, with an odd handle made from some gleaming metal she had never seen before. Ignoring her stunned and confused companions PG pushed open the door, and the room beyond suddenly filled with a soft white light. The walls were covered in tiles, in a soft grey and white pattern with hints of blue. There were rails on the walls, in the same metal as the door handles, and huge white towels hung from the rails.

Set in the centre of the room was what looked like a deep pool, but there was no water. Still in her bemused, dreamy state just a little detached from all around her PG stepped into the empty pool. Immediately warm water began to well out of outlets set high in the sides of the pool. Startled she scrambled out and the water stopped. With a laugh she suddenly realised – it was a bath!

Against the far wall were two every odd pieces of furniture. There was some kind of bowl set on a high pedestal against the wall. When she placed her hand in the bowl this too began to fill with water. Next to this was a wooden seat with an odd wide metal base. The seat itself appeared to be hinged. Intrigued PG lifted the seat. How bizarre, the base was a bowl filled with blue fluid.

PG returned to the main room, where her companions were also wandering in a dazed, half-awake state. She murmured vague words of greetings and continued to explore. At the far end of the long room were two large doors, and when she tried them she found they would not budge. To the left of these a long, low table was laid out with an assortment of bread rolls, cheeses, butter, boiled eggs and fresh fruits. PG picked up some cheeses and fruits and sniffed them in suspicion. A large jug contained chilled fluid that smells of fruit, and a pewter jug gently steamed next to its. Lifting the lid revealed a dark and bitter smelling fluid. Eight stools sat under the table.

PG returned to the middle of the room and shook her head a bit. Bizarre as this place was it seemed to be real.

“Well, has anybody got the faintest idea of where the hell we are and what we do next?”


The tall, heavily scarred man who had been so quiet in the common room last night stood quietly, looking dazed and bemused. He slowly brought his right hand up to his face, and touched it. With a start he quickly pulled his hand away, and then touched it to his face again. As he did this, Ceylar who was sitting on the neighbouring bed with a stunned look on her face pulled the strange sheet around her and with considerable difficulty began to pull on her clothes under the sheet. She glared indiscriminately at all the males in the room, just daring them to try and peek. Just as she finished the grey eyed man reached out his hand to touch her cheek.

Ceylar flinched visibly, and began to chant and weave her hands in a spell of protection. Immediately the man spoke in a deep, calming and authoritative voice.

"My lady, please accept my sincere apologies. I really needed to know that you are real, as you obviously are.”

Ceylar sniffed at him “Hmph, well in future please refrain from touching me. I don’t like being touched.”

He bowed slightly and replied, "My name is Errol Grey, I am a Paladin in service of the almighty Heironeous, and my life is dedicated to the standards of the Order of the Invincible. I tell you this now because we might need each other's skills and talents in this particular situation."

He turned to the rest of the group and continued in a clear loud voice that hinted at experience in public speaking "If your life means a lot to you, then think very carefully before acting. This food here - however nice it may look and even smell, remember it may very well be poisoned! It may also not be what it seems; this could all be an illusion. Now my lady, as you appear to be a spell caster would it be possible for you to check for the presence of magic or illusions?"

There was a groan from a nearby bed as Da’ar pulled a pillow over his ears and muttered “Will the lot of ye’s just bleedin’ shut up. Me’s is tryin’ to get a bit o’ sleep here!”

Ceylar sniffed again. What a pity this Errol had made such an obvious suggestion before she had thought of it herself. Hopefully none of the others had noticed. She began to chant softly and move her hands to form arcane and intricate patterns. Errol watched her closely stroking his unshaved chin, a deeply puzzled look in his eyes.

Da'ar rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but even though he pummelled the pillow several times and covered his ears it was no good. He sat up in the bed, glaring at Ceylar as she chanted. Finally, he got up and began tromping heavily round the room in just a pair of well-stained breeches.

"Where'n da 'ell are we’s? Dis’ ain't wheres I wenna sleep las’ night," he growled.

Suddenly he spied the table of food and with a yelp of glee trotted over and began piling up food on a plate.

"No!!" Errol shouted in horror when he saw this.

"Don't eat this food! At least not until we know for sure that it's food and if so, that it's edible food. Please!"

The dwarf began shovel food in his mouth as he chuckled “Dinna be daft man. Food be’s food be’s food!”

PG returned to the pile of gear stowed neatly at the foot of her bed, and began to fasten on her armour and secure her weapons harness. She grinned at Errol.

"Well I guess we'll find out soon enough if its edible or not!"

Moving over to the table she pulled out a stool and said to the dwarf, "Hey Da'ar, hows yer guts? Any burning, twisting, stabbing or pangs of agony and doom? No? Good!"

With evident glee she assembled an enormous plate of food and a mug of the bitter liquid. Sitting next to Da'ar she began to tuck in.

"Arrggh!" PG suddenly cried out, clutching at her throat and falling off the stool. She moaned as she rolled on the floor in evident agony.

"It hurts! It burns!"

There was an appalled silence for a few brief moments but then PG sat up grinning at the others. “Well, that will teach me to take a drink before it cools.”

"Actually its really tasty. Tuck in guys!" Ignoring the disapproving glares she sat herself back at the table and resumed her meal with great gusto.

Errol frowned at her "That is not funny! Do not eat that food. You don't know me but you have to trust me on this one. Don't eat the food before we know for sure that it's safe, and even then you have to be suspicious. Poison can take days to take effect"

Errol was almost shouting now, and he walked over to the table, grabbed the plate in front of PG's nose, and smashed it against the floor.

"Ooooh! Touchy!" PG’s reply was gently mocking though not without a good degree of humour.

"If you feel that strongly about it then I'm sure I will go along with your demands. I do so enjoy the company of a strong demanding man... I would however advise against coming between Da'ar and his food! Blood shed at this time of morning would be most unwelcome." She smiled mischievously at Errol and gave him a quick wink.

"I'm called PG, I noticed you in the bar last night, in fact I think all of us who were in the bar are now here. I'm sure I don't know what’s happening, perhaps the thinkers amongst us may have some insights" She looked significantly at Ceylar.

By now this little exchange had thoroughly caught the attention of the others. Da’a’r just grunted and said "Bah, if it be poisoned, I'm a dead un' any ways, might as well eat up! You’s all can sit around and starve."

Kyan wandered over to the table and picking up a bread roll took an experimental bite. “Hmm, tastes good to me. There is no obvious reason for it to be poisoned, now is there? Unless one of us has something to tell the rest of us?"

He eyed the rest of the group appraisingly. "Is anyone here wanted by any law enforcement agency, or for that matter any other powerful group or entity?”

Kyan then held out his hand to the paladin with a warm smile. “Errol, pleased to meet you. My name is Kyan. Now that the introduction is done with, I would like to point out that we are all together in this. But just to be sure; if the paladin would be kind enough to make a little check, so that we know that none of us is evil?”

Errol smiled “It is already done, and no one here has the stench of evil.”

Ceylar nodded. “The only signs of magic I could detect in this room were those I expected in your armour and weapons. There seems to be nothing magical about the room or the food, and no one here but me is using magical powers.”

The sound of a long, luxuriant yawn filled the room, as Lapsyng stretched cat-like then padded gracefully across the room to stand beside Errol.

"Well met, sir Paladin. I am Lapsyng, bard of no small renown, diplomat, entertainer, spell caster, and egotist extraordinaire.” He beamed at the paladin and performed an overly elaborate bow.

“Now, use a little common sense my boy! I can't rightly hold it against you, since none of you have anything on me in the way of years and experience, so I'll let it slide this once." Lapsyng winked playfully, letting Errol know this was meant in jest.

"Anyway, I believe Kyan has the right of it. Now, we all went to sleep in an inn. We wake up here with all our gear, locked in this room. One of two things has happened. Either someone carried us here us out, or we were removed by magic. Can you honestly think of any reason to transport us hundreds of miles, only to set us down and poison us?”

PG raised an eyebrow. “Hundreds of miles, where did you get that particular gem of information?”

Lapsyng smiled. “Well I know of know such place anywhere in all Amn. Why, do you?”

There was no response so he continued. “Can you think of a being with that much magical power who would resort to poisoning to bring an end to us? It is very plain we are thoroughly outmatched here. I suggest we all go along with it and do what we are obviously meant to do, and let us not allow suspicion and anger to cause us to bicker and quibble amongst ourselves.”

Twai had been sitting quietly on her bed almost unnoticed by the rest, a little taken aback by both the arguments and PGs frivolity. Finally she broke her silence.

"I'm not sure what you are all thinking, but if this is supposed to be a prison, then why do we still have all our weapons and gear? And look at all the food, and facilities here. This looks more like an ‘unexpected invitation’ than anything else. And whatever brought us here; I'm pretty sure it will be able to keep us here for as long as its little game takes... Sooner or later, it will reveal itself. But I don't trust anything of this all..."

She paused for a moment, then continued, "And I'm not planning on just doing nothing. We need to get out of here as soon as possible..."

But how to get out? There seemed no possible way. The group sat in a long silence that was suddenly broken by a rather rude noise. Da’ar had finally finished his breakfast. He belched loudly and then lifting his buttock repeated the offending sound. Ceylar and Twai’s mouths curled in twin disapproving grimaces. Ignoring the two women completely Da’ar stomped back to his bed and began to put on his armour.

"Well now, we's in a rather odd place, look at those rooms!" the dwarf said to no one in particular, opening a door into room identical to the one where PG had found the bath. He wandered over to the wooden lidded metal bowl on the low wide base. Opening it up, he noticed a lever. Shrugging, he pulled and hopped back as a roaring sound was heard and the water swirled down a hole in the bottom.

He smiled and said, "Hey, a funny hand washer thingy!" and stuck a hand in and pulled the lever, 'cleaning' his hand. He repeated the process with the other hand, and dried his hands with some odd soft paper stuff.

Finished, he came out and said, "So, 'ave ye all etten and figured out whats we’s goin’ to do? An' where be the chamber pots, me's need some relief."

A small, slightly sarcastic smile appeared on Ceylar’s face. “Um Da'ar, about relieving yourself, you may just have found the place to do that I think. Try sitting down on one of them bowls. At least I think that’s what they are for.”

Lapsang added his comment "That is indeed the chamber pot. Many of the wealthier Pasha's in Calimshan install running water into their abodes as a sign of power. One of the uses of that running water is to make chamber pots that empty themselves.”

Having regained the group’s attention the verbose bard turned to Kyan and continued. "I have a confession. I am indeed wanted. Or at least I used to be. I was hunted by nearly every king in the north, each spending exorbitant amounts to have me brought before them. I much prefer playing at quiet inns, though, so gradually I've let my name slip into anonymity.”

“And as for whether anyone is wanted by the law for a crime... that is his or her place to decide whether or not to come forth. We are cast together by fate, and we cannot allow the past of some to affect the present of all. None shall be forced to reveal anything they wish not to. If any of you have any information that you feel may shed some light on this matter, I urge you to come forward so that we may all face this together, but you are by no means beholden to any of us, any more than we are beholden to you. The only bonds which we shall use against each other are the bonds of friendship, trust, and respect."

Lapsyng turned for a long moment and looked Kyan in the eye, almost as if to be sure he understood.

Kyan replied in a firm clear voice. “As I stated before we are all in this together. If you are wanted maybe you should tell us.”

Ceylar cast a jaundiced eye on Kyan. Why was everyone deferring to him? She sniffed “Well who made you the leader around here and gave you the right to tell us what we should or should not do. I can make my own decisions thank you very much!”

Errol frowned a little “"Wisely spoken, Lapsyng, but you'd be even wiser not to break the law when my eye is on you.”

Lapsyng laughed, a light musical sound that broke some of the tension building in the room. "Since many have accused Paladin's, rightly or wrongly, of not being that quick on the uptake, and since it is the curse of the bard to speak in riddles and games I shall clarify. When I said that I was wanted by every king in the north, I meant they wanted me so that they could hear me play. I assure you, I have broken no laws that did not need breaking."

With a small smile well hidden from Lapsyng, Errol turned to Ceylar. “You have demonstrated your familiarity with the magical arts. Perhaps you have found some clues as to what is going on here. I am not sure about this place. I can sense no evil here, but more than that. It seems that there has never been any evil here. I have yet to find a place never touched by evil, so I don not trust this place in the slightest.”

Ceylar replied with a grudging admission “Well, I am indeed familiar with the magical arts as you call it. However my magic is focused more on the offensive side. I have no real clue as to what is going on here.”

Errol nodded as if he had expected this answer “It would be best if you would all put on your armour and keep your weapons nearby. Who can tell what is behind that door, or maybe already here?"

PG grinned at him. “Well maybe I can tell you what’s behind this door. Hell maybe I can even open it!”

With that she leant an ear against the door, listening carefully for any hint as to what was on the other side. Lapsyng joined her, and muttering something about how much better elven ears were. After several minutes they shook their heads in disgust. PG began to carefully examine the door running her fingers over it while she hunted for an opening mechanism and any hidden traps. It became increasingly obvious that this was not the first time she had attempted to open a locked door.

A quiet and deferent female voice startled the group – they had completely forgotten about Assam, the young priestess from the desert kingdoms. She had been sitting in quiet contemplation, observing the group and taking it all in.

“Well, if you do get that door open I hope nobody minds if I come too!”


There is only one kiwidoc, accept no substitutes


[This message has been edited by kiwidoc (edited 06-14-2001).]
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Old 06-14-2001, 12:48 PM   #20
Elite Waterdeep Guard

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Posts: 24
Hehe, I just love playing Ceylar!!!
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