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Old 02-05-2003, 05:23 PM   #11
Jack Burton

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"Ehr, well... yes."

Joram also seemed to have lost something. His gaze wandered to the sword still dangling in one hand, and he tried to remember what he had just been using it for. He stole a glance over his shoulder, in the direction of the tent and Tancred, who was out of view but making some unmistakably Tancardic sounds.

"You wouldn't happen to have the antidote we're searching for, would you? It.. ehr, may be right next to your touch, in which case I see no reason for you not to accompany us.
But I'm just the squire for now, so you should really ask Tancred. I'd... I'd better go help him out. There's a damsel in distress, you see? Right.

Joram took a deep breath before plunging back into the hospital tent. The nurse and her two warrior-aides appeared relieved to be able to continue the struggle.

"I apologise for the inconvenience, dear foes."
Joram raised an eyebrow. "Shall we? I'm sure Dart will soon be done parking his... his animal."

OOC: Me too. I thought you registered late February, or was that early March? A short while before I did, anyway.

[ 02-05-2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: Legolas ]
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Old 02-05-2003, 09:52 PM   #12
Silver Dragon

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The nurse and two warriors nodded seriously at Joram before resuming their previous actions.

One of the men glanced up, noticing Tancred and Joram at the entrance. "Hey, woman, we have company." The nurse turned around and uttered an unladylike curse when she saw the pair. Placing the needle down next to the bloodied knight, she padded slowly over to Tancred and Joram, a seductive smile on her lips.

"Don't pay any attention to this, the girl's just upset because her uncle was attacked badly. Unfortunately, she doesn't want to take the sleeping draught I made her, so I've been having a bit of difficulty." The girl glared angrily at the nurse's back. "Yeah, sleep forever she means!" The nurse hissed angrily at the two men, and one of them covered the girl's mouth tightly. The woman turned back towards the silent Tancred and Joram, the false smile fixed to her face. "Children say the silliest things these days, I swear. Now, how may I be... of service to you?" she asked, looking at Tancred, who was closest.

[ 02-12-2003, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: Skydracgrrl ]
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Old 02-05-2003, 10:24 PM   #13
White Dragon

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Tancred gives the nurse a somewhat puzzled look. Remembering his purpose - and puttng away the Spiritual Hammer for now - he points at the bloodied knight on the bed.
"Him. We need a word with him, good matron," Tancred grates through his helm. "A life hangs in the balance tonight, and we have no time to waste."
For some reason, the young paladin starts to develop a twitch. He frowns in annoyance at the strange fluttery feeling in his face.

OOC: We charge, we go out, we come back in, everything's nice and alright... There's a certain Pythonesque feel to all this. [img]smile.gif[/img]

"There's ONE place we didn't look..."
\"HELP! I\'ve superglued myself to a flaming bowling ball!\"
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Old 02-06-2003, 05:03 AM   #14
Jack Burton

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As if struck by lightning, d'Artagnan sits still on his steed, whilst Joram disappears in the tent.
"Did..did you hear that Humphrey? He.. he just said we could come along! Come along he said! We should ask this.. Tancred fellow first, he also said, but come along he definitely said as well!"
Then with a sudden swoop he jumps off Humphrey once more, and starts jumping around singing "Come along, come along, we'll be riding to the break of dawn!" Then he suddenly stops, breathing heavily.
"But what do we do Humphrey? Shall we go in, and check the interior of the tent?" With a sigh the bard sits down on a rock, and stares about. The horse, following its owner's example, lies down again in the grass, and slowly closes its eyes. d'Artagnan, in the meanwhile, is thinking out loud about his possible future.
"We will be riding through deserts, we'll be passing waterfalls, and evergreen hills! Poetry! Pure poetry! We'll be rescueing fair maidens, and defeating evil dragons!" Then he suddenly stops. "Now where's that muze when you need her?"
The bard stands up again, strides towards his horse, and starts fumbling in his backpack. Minutes pass, and nothing happens. More and more stuff piles up next to the chubby pony, but apparently it isn't what the bard is looking for. He's still pulling the weirdest things out of his pack. A bundle of torches. A bright red boomerang. A pile of books. All sorts of things appear from out of his pack.
"Finally!" he suddenly exclames, and with a relieving sigh he gets back up again, holding what seems to be some sort of scroll. Taking a deep breath, d'Artagnan starts muttering the words of what is apparently a spell.
"Behold the light that shines within, I call upon thee, my Muze, to help my withdraw the light from the being that I am."
The bright flash the follows blind both pony and man, but when the smoke clears, the figure of a woman appears to the view of d'Artagnan. Although not she cannot be seen clearly just yet, she seems to be fairly handsome, and 'properly dressed' as well.
"You have called upon me, d'Artagnan?" With a heavenly voice the muze starts speaking to him.
"I did, oh Muze" the bard says in response to the question.
A sighing is heard, and the Muze steps out into the light. "How many times, d'Artagnan, haven't I told you to call me by my name!"
"I believe we're stuck at 206 now, Neveah. But you also know that your beauty isn't measurable by a name alone, and that is why I do not like it to call you that way."
"Right, d'Artagnan. You always know what to say to make me blush do you." And with these words, a stunningly beautiful young women steps into view. "Now what did you call me for?"
Rowing is not a sport, it's a way of life

Goal: Beijing 2008
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Old 02-08-2003, 09:55 PM   #15
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

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Several miles away from the current incidents, a sharp cliff jets down into the sea. The waters are relatively calm, the tide down, and the skies clear.

Crisp air bubbles make their way to the surface, letting out a soft *pop* as they leave the biosphere. The skies suddenly darken, the winds forcing the waves onto the cliff face. The winds pick up, and a wild tempest begins to take shape.

The seas roar of vigor; the sun now completely absent from view. The clouds begin a spiral, forming what looks like the eye of a hurricane. The waters below take on a similar shape, escalating into a massive maelstrom. The seas arise, and a swift and versatile cyclone steadily moves toward the rock's edge. As quick as the storm came, so it has past. The waters subdue, the winds die down, and the skies become the clear as the lens of a scope.

Several minutes pass before the waters rise again, only in a different way. The waves split and an enormous sea drake emerges from the depths below. Atop its snout rests a pale-skinned elf stripped of its belongings. The elf steps down onto the surface of the cliff, gazing into the sky above. The drake quietly departs.

The elf mutters, "Hence begins my life anew," as he begins a simple stride onwards.

OOC: Sorry, it's been a LONG time, and my RPing skills aren't up to par. You all will just have to put up with them for the time being
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Old 02-09-2003, 04:56 PM   #16
Jack Burton

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OOC: What an entry!! Good to see you Nanobyte!
Rowing is not a sport, it's a way of life

Goal: Beijing 2008
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Old 02-10-2003, 08:52 AM   #17
Jack Burton

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"Indeed. We're questing to save a damsel in distress, so to speak, and we believe this man may be able to assist us in that."

Joram raised one dark eyebrow, waiting for the nurse to give them permission.

After a few seconds, the knight leaned closer to the nurse.
"It's really rather urgent," he whispered. "My friend here's got something of a crush on her but she's fallen ill because of some sugary poison. Now we need an antidote so we can restore her and he", Joram pointed his head in Tancred's direction, "can declare her his undying love.
It's a knight thing, you know."

OOC: Hi Nanobyte [img]smile.gif[/img]
Glad to see you join us [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]
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Old 02-10-2003, 04:38 PM   #18
White Dragon

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IC: Tancred smiles to himself as he sees Joram whisper something to the nurse. Deep down, he’s quite relieved. He knows diplomacy was never a strong point of his, and that Joram’s much, much better at him when it comes to being discreet.

OOC: No-one ever said Tanc was a good judge of character. [img]smile.gif[/img]

IC: He sees Joram wave his head in his direction, and the whispers stop. Tancred wonders a little at the curious sidelong look the nurse is giving him. Not to seem suspicious, he nods at her. When the sidelong look refuses to go away, he gives a sheepish thumbs-up.

The damn twitch starts up again. The cavalier tries to restrain the urge to take off his helm and scratch. Damn thing! He hadn’t had a twitch like this since… he stopped using… Detect… Evil…


[ 02-10-2003, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Tancred ]
\"HELP! I\'ve superglued myself to a flaming bowling ball!\"
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Old 02-11-2003, 08:36 AM   #19
Jack Burton

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While Joram and Tancred were inside the tent, d'Artagnan was consulting his muze.
"Now what did you call me for, d'Artagnan." Neveah asked the bard, and looked at him curiously, anxiously waiting for his reply.
"Just the usual, my Muze. I want to write this brilliant story about the coming journey, and I just know that things will work out if you just helped me a bit," d'Artagnan answered, and he grinned broadly at the young woman.
Neveah however wasn't too pleased to hear what the bard had to say. She turned around and sighed heavily, nodding her head disapprovingly.
"You'll never learn, do you, d'Artagnan? When will you ever see that you don't need me to make up beautiful stories? You have talent, but you lack the spirit to use it well enough!"
With a sigh the bard sits down in the grass, and looks hazily to the ground.
"I'm not too sure about that, Neveah."
"How can I convince you then? I have already told you that you are by far the most talented artist I have ever helped. Remember when I told you about Sir Hirs of Jorlington? He thought he was the most brilliant actor ever, but to be honest even a kobold could do better than him. You ARE the best one I've ever had, d'Artagnan. In the perspective we're looking at, that is."
Neveah softly places her hand upon d'Artagnan's shoulder, and gently squeezes it.
"Just take your time, and set your mind to it, and I promise everything will fall into place. You'll do just fine. Just fine..."
With a sigh the bard stood up, and looked at his Muze, not saying a single word. Softly he touches her golden hair.
"I think I must be honest to you this time, Neveah. I have not summoned you because I need your help for a story. It's... something different..."
Rowing is not a sport, it's a way of life

Goal: Beijing 2008
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Old 02-12-2003, 12:37 AM   #20
Silver Dragon

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OOC Posts

Condensing everyone's posts into one so you can delete them... [img]smile.gif[/img] (in chronological order...)

Cloudy: Might I respectfully request that if anyone's name is mentioned in the intro post of an ongoing thread, they be asked if they wish to participate or have their name removed? Just pm them and ask. for instance, I don't believe some of the people mentioned now are even particpating on the RP board so it's silly to include them in thread as characters.

Skye: Well, let me know when you all decide what the name shall be, and I'll edit it respectfully. But once we decide upon the issue, please everyone make sure to delete their posts, since it does not directly involve the plot currently at hand... Ok, I've been told that some wont want their names in the main post of this thread anymore. In order to stop the confusion, I'll remove all names (cept mine, cuz I know I want my name in it) unless those people inform me otherwise.

Link: If you want you can appoint me to a task as well. I could be the bouncer.. I guess, but I could also be the entertainer of the bar with my new char..

Skye: that's fine Link. Just let me know if you wanna be the bouncer, and I'll add your name.

Sir Tainly: I have now assumed the mantle of proprietor... may change the rules, but I think the old stuff is still valid, anyone want to suggest any changes?.. The new name will be Sir Tainly's Irish Bar...

People to delete posts Please [img]smile.gif[/img] :
~Cloudy (1)
~Link (2)
~Sir_Tainly (2)

Issues... ^^;

(I'll stop soon, I promise!)

~Link, do you want to be signed up at Bouncer?

~Please delete posts... [img]smile.gif[/img]

~Does anyone know if someone wants their name added back to the first post?

~Even though it's not a rule, may I suggest to try and keep strictly ic posts. It saves space and the amount of posts we use... if you have to type ooc, do so in an ic post. [img]smile.gif[/img] Is this okay Sir Tainly?

~If the above is the case, Tancred(1), Link(1), and Nanobyte(1) please delete/edit your posts pertaining to Nanobyte's amazing return. [img]smile.gif[/img] (WELCOME BACK NANOBYTE!!! )

Anything Else people want to add?

[ 02-12-2003, 12:42 AM: Message edited by: Skydracgrrl ]
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