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Old 08-24-2002, 06:37 AM   #11
edin gal
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Hope you have a great time, lucky you.
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Old 08-24-2002, 10:31 AM   #12
Red Dragon

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Have a wonderful vacation LadyZ. . We will endeavor to be here when you return to bid you greetings and salutations! Don't forget the T-shirts, and beware undesireable travel companions [img]smile.gif[/img]
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Old 08-25-2002, 11:45 PM   #13
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Getting disconnected quite a bit, but it IS Juno And this laptop has no mouse, just this finger touch thing! Yahieee. Well I'm here at the beach. Kathy got her laptop to get on the net again!

That's cool Moni that you know the Outer Banks too! [img]smile.gif[/img]

OK, to give the lowdown so far, forgive me for the typos, I'm on an unfamilar laptop sitting in front of me on a bed.

The trip down was horrible. Started off OK, had a small rain and wasn't really hot when we left. But as time went by and we kept going south the temps got warmer. Then we went through a pretty bit t-storm half way there, cooled things off for about 20 minutes then we drove into hot air. And it got hotter and hotter. Then the traffic was unbelievable. A four 1/2 hour trip ended up being 7 hours. We sat in 100 degrees F moving one car length, then sitting still for about 5 minutes, then another car length, another 5 minutes of sitting and baking in the unairconditioned truck with hot cars on both sides of us and hot pavement below. Well I got a tan before I even got there, in the truck, not kidding. I shoulda brought a cooler bag for drinks, as my Gatorade was like acid while we sat and slugged along that one and only road to the outer banks. Shoulda brought a towel too, nothing like trying to wipe the sweat off of your face with an arm covered in sweat. Hit a Burger King before the big STILL, but thought we were almost there, so we only got one small soda and a water (which it turned out smelled like the employee's armpits). And they gave us NO napkins, so I'm just sayin the hell with it I'm wiping on my hands on my sweaty legs, I'm dying now leave me be. Three hours later we got there, but guess what? HUGE t-storm was there to greet us, we actually drove into it while we arrived.

So we settled in, I drank a thousand gallons of water, ate a sandwich, drank a beer, and I was good. The storm had stopped by then, and it wasn't quite yet dark yet. So we all went to go find the beach (we are in a crowd of houses, not right ON the beach). Well one trail led us to a lake? Or a really big pond LOL, dunno what it was. It was really starting to get dark now, and the deer flies were a-bitin. Saw this one lady squatted down on the edge of the water and feeding something. Upon closer inspection, instead of baby ducks like I thought, it was these bit ass turtles! Begging for food! Heads all perked up out of the water, mouths open LOL! Was cute! Whatever this "lake" is, it is saltwater, as you could see the white foam around the edges. So anyways, we backtrack and go down another road, make many turns, and finally find a wooden walk to the beach. Well hello there guess what? Nother storms coming! Lightning o'rama on the horizon! So we had to rush and get back to the house, didn't make it! Wow mascara burns when it gets poured into your eyes! Wet dog that I was, I got back to the house and dried off and just went into the game room and drank beer, played pool by myself, and watched TV until about 1:00am, I couldn't get tired for some reason! Geez you'd think I'd have been exhausted, go figure.

Well today we hit the ocean for a bit. Since we had that storm last night, the surf was a bit rough. Swallowed my share of saltwater thank you. Frikken little tiny rocks on the beach are killer on the knees when I'd ride a wave in with my boogie board, the waves were so powerful they sailed you right to the edge, so you scrape up when you run out of water, which sucks. Maybe tomorrow it will be a little calmer, or at least the whitewater will be farther back.

Oh yeah, we have a pool at this house. Unfortunately, it is medium sized and only goes to 5 feet deep Put three people floating on a raft, and the pool is halfway full LOL. Oh well, it is nice to jump in after walking the hump back from the ocean (no parking anywhere so you could drive nearer).

So its had its ups and downs so far. There is a jacuzzi on this one deck, but is really only good for at night,, when it is cooler, it is set to 100 degrees. Got good blasting jets though, although I was afraid to get too close to them thinking they might give me a bruise LOL they are that powerful!

Dunno what the agenda is for tomorrow. Shit everyone once again is all in bed except for me, Russ and Jeff (Kathy's boyfriend, who hooked me up down here in my room on the net). They are upstairs playing Xbot. So I'm on my own, glad at least I got a chance to jump on the net and just vent (good and bad vent just need to talk, even if it is just typing on a screen). Nights seem to be a bit boring here, everyone goes to bed LOL, or goes to play games, and I'm left on my own. Guess I could go downstairs and play pool by myself again and watch the TV down there... nah.. guess I could go into the pool if I wanted... nah.. not hot enough outside... could get into the jacuzzi by myself...nah... I'd have to ask Russ or Jeff to get the top off for me, don't want to bother them. Plus you can only stay in the thing for a half-hour. Guess I'll just sit here on my bed in my room with the laptop here in front of me, watch my four inch black and white TV (battery run) and drink beer until I'm ready to pass out LOL.

PS - Gotta love those "Brew Thrus" though, you just drive in this bay, never get out of your car, give attendant your money, and they lob in beer to you. Then you drive out. Beer is totally NOT a problem to get in any way, shape or form in this town LOL!

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Old 08-26-2002, 12:00 AM   #14

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Well as sucky as that trip sounds like it was (OK it was!) I am glad to see you stopped in to say hi and that you got to vent!
I know what you mean about the drive-thrus for beer LOL! I live in a town of just over 2000 people and there are two of them here! (Not that I drink beer mind you butt they come in handy for cigarettes on my way home from the grocery store! )

Stick around and read through some of today's posts lol! That ought to keep you busy for a while! [img]graemlins/biglaugh.gif[/img]

I am headed for at 7 tomorrow morning and I am two hours late to bed (on the internet...go figure [img]graemlins/1dizzy.gif[/img] ) Well, at least I got some more of my site moved today. I am slowly leaving the internet ghetto known as AOHell LOL.

I am tired and gone. You have a great what-is-left-of-your-vacation Ladyzekke!

Here's wishing you calmer waters, sand instead of gravel lol, mild but definite sunshine and lots of fun! [img]graemlins/cheers.gif[/img]
Old 08-26-2002, 12:26 AM   #15
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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Sounds like you have it not that great Ladyzekke [img]tongue.gif[/img] but this could be a fine manuscript to a comedie film lol.
But i hope you have it nice now and the weather is great and that you not will have this damn trafic jam on your way back home again. [img]graemlins/jawdrop.gif[/img]
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Old 08-26-2002, 12:27 AM   #16
Red Dragon

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Awww, sorry to hear that the trip was a genuine pain. I am very glad to know that you have arrived safely and taken the time to give us a sitrep. Hopefully your day tomorrow will be trouble free, as you enjoy your visit. You know we miss ya [img]smile.gif[/img]
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Old 08-26-2002, 10:39 PM   #17
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

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Moni - You got two of them there eh? LOL, we don't have anything like that where I live, only drive thrus are for fast food places, banks, and the occasional pharmacy. They are pretty cool! Although you are not supposed to drink and drive, so the whole concept is a bit off, but I personally don't drink and drive, so just enjoy being lazy and not getting out of my car and scoring ciggs and beer LOL!

I came "this" close to trying to sign up a free month on AOL on my laptop while I'm here at the beach. But didn't because (1) Someone else already hooked their laptop up with Juno (the one I'm using now) and (2) Same person warned me that AOL has had a reputation of getting credit card numbers from people even when they just sign up for a free month, then they bill them "if they don't call to cancel" but many did so, called and cancelled, yet continued to get billed for months and months on end! So screw that, plus when I heard that I thought of you and all your troubles you've had with AOL that you posted. LOL, so I'll just stick to mooching his laptop!

Megabot and Relic - thanks for your well wishings! I need all I can get LOL.

Well here is the boring Beach Update:

What a boring day! Frikken rained most of the day, and the temps are much cooler. Which sucks. I don't mind the rain as long as it is still hot, always can still swim, but when it is cool swimming just ain't the same LOL. The ocean feels cold and this pool is like icewater LOL. Did nothing really today. Woke up, went to Burger King for a breakfast sandwich and some hash "rounds", cost 11 bucks! Man they rip you here on prices at any food places, even apparently the cheap fast food joints. Sat around after that four hours, nobody knew what to do cause it was raining. Most stayed in their rooms sleeping or lounging about I guess. Went shopping for a bit, didn't find much but a pair of earrings worth buying. Then the sun kinda peeked out so we all decided to try for the beach. Since there wasn't much sun nobody brought their sunglasses. Well we get to the ocean and even though it is partly sunny, partly overcast, it is just blindingly bright for some reason. After 20 minutes we had to go back for the sunglasses. So back we go traipsing all the way back to the house, squinting away, by the time we get back the sun had gone out and it looked like rain was coming again, so we just never went back. Figures But we were all hot now from the long walk so thought time to jump in the pool then. That lasted about 15 minutes, pool was just too frikken cold! It was fine yesterday when it was hot, but it just is too cool outside now. I floated on a raft for a bout a half hour with my arms dangling in the water. Took them an hour and a half for my fingers to stop feeling numb after I got out LOL. So after that we just all hung out drinking and sitting on the decks until dark, ordered pizzas, and now everyone, just like last night, has convened to their own devices. Two are in bed (its 10:30pm right now), one is playing Xbot, and two are playing pool. I once again am in my room on this bed typing and watching my tiny TV that gets in ONE station. What sucks is I don't feel I can look forward to tomorrow cause I heard rain in the forecast for tomorrow too. What to do that hasn't already been done? I myself am all up for driving up and down the island and visiting all the shops, but Russ isn't into that, sick of shopping he says already. Maybe I can talk Kathy into going with me, dunno. Sigh, I have a book to read I guess, but just something about sitting in a house near the beach and reading, something is just not RIGHT with that dammit! I sincerely hope the weather isn't going to be as rainy as predicted. All I ask is for a few hours of sun, just not a total washout for the entire day!

Blah, usually vacations fly by so fast you never know where the time went, so far time has been going really slow. I mean, I hate sitting around, want to be doing something all day and evening, don't want to sit around watching TV or reading a book, or sleeping

And of course this type of situation is financially hard on me LOL, as when bored I find myself buying all sorts of stupid trinkets I come upon in the gift shops LOL. Bought two 2 inch in diameter fiber optic marbles on these little wooden stands, 12 bucks each. Why? I cannot tell you that I dunno, they looked pretty. But have no purpose whatsoever LOL.

Aiyeee! Hopefully I won't get bored enough to buy the bucket o' fools gold!

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Old 08-27-2002, 07:54 AM   #18
40th Level Warrior
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Boy, it sure sounds you're not having much fun LZ. What's with these hash rounds btw ? Is that what i think it is ? [img]graemlins/petard.gif[/img]
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Old 08-30-2002, 10:24 PM   #19
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Hey Lady Z, i see you're back. Wanna share the rest of your misery with us ?
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Old 08-31-2002, 08:24 AM   #20
Lord of Alcohol
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Too bad about all the rain Wendy We actually need it very badly but it could have held out until next week lol! I live about 4 hours from the Outer Banks so when I check the weather I can see on the radar that its storming almost every day there! I have to admit I chuckle a bit when I see it and say poor Wendy You didnt catch a break this vacation thats for sure but hey better luck next year!!!
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