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Old 09-14-2001, 08:24 PM   #11
Zhentarim Guard

Join Date: June 23, 2001
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Moni, Lady Z: Thanks very much for sharing those. This is just the sort of thing I was hoping for.

Stress over exams and tests seems to be a popular cause for vivid (and often nightmare-ish) dreaming. I remember having some pretty disturbing dreams about loosing the ability to write during my last lot of exams. Many people have claimed that they have experienced premonition type dreams, where an event in their dream actually occurs in their life the next day. Perhaps you would have been able to answer the question if you'd heard that particular explanation - or maybe you're sub-conscious was trying to tell you it didn't understand something. onder: Anyway, I'm sure you did fine, Moni.

Lady Zekke:
I for one won't be calling you a freak, since my first post on the thread is hardly a testament of normality!

Seriously, your dream was amazing. I often have dreams where I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing, but I take the plunge anyway. This often features those faceless strangers who seem to know exactly what you should be doing but refuse to tell you. Just when your confidence is rising, you make a mistake and the strangers shake their heads and turn away. This theme occurred in a dream I had in which I was part of a wolf pack - but didn't really know what I was supposed to do (I'll post this one up later).

Still... the way that you saw clues to your fate before you understood them... the way it took you time to realise what had actually happened to you after you had "died" and your thoughts on what your eventual fate might be as you moved around in your new form... very interesting and inspiring. From what I've read, it's unusual for dreams to be so complex in terms of their 'plot' (for want of a better term).

Anyway, I'm no psychologist and certainly not qualified to babble on as long as I have. Once again, thank you both for posting those.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
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Old 09-14-2001, 09:31 PM   #12
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Originally posted by Sharpedge:
Moni, Lady Z: Thanks very much for sharing those. This is just the sort of thing I was hoping for.

Lady Zekke:
I for one won't be calling you a freak, since my first post on the thread is hardly a testament of normality!

Seriously, your dream was amazing. I often have dreams where I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing, but I take the plunge anyway. This often features those faceless strangers who seem to know exactly what you should be doing but refuse to tell you. Just when your confidence is rising, you make a mistake and the strangers shake their heads and turn away. This theme occurred in a dream I had in which I was part of a wolf pack - but didn't really know what I was supposed to do (I'll post this one up later).

Please do! I'm interested in seeing the similaries between our dreams, just for entertainment freakout purposes of course Post it!!!!

Still... the way that you saw clues to your fate before you understood them... the way it took you time to realise what had actually happened to you after you had "died" and your thoughts on what your eventual fate might be as you moved around in your new form... very interesting and inspiring. From what I've read, it's unusual for dreams to be so complex in terms of their 'plot' (for want of a better term).

Well, again, I thought it a rare dream too, was not what I usually dream about in such vivid context. But then again, I have this one recurring dream, which feels so real when dreaming it, all sensations are there, smell, feel, sound, touch, sight, frikken dread! Why are the most vivid dreams always scary ones? Dang I'd just like to have a really nice happy dream, in vivid sensation technicolor! But nooooo, devastation and horror seem to dominate in my dreaming mind. Bah, most of my recurring nightmares consist of the ocean. Sunamis mainly go figure.
Then there are those dreams I have wherein the sun explodes, or there are dark black tar-like clouds scooting overhead in the skies, or I walk amidst a city where everyone is dead, walk into apartments, offices, etc., nobody home, or at least alive anyways. Then I have seen lightning in the sky that drew a square, and in this lighting square an evil laughing face drew itself into the center of the square, again, in the sky, with us in the town looking up at it. Then another square started forming behind it, that's when we all decided to get in a car and put the pedal to the proverbial metal. Gawd, I could go on and on. But I will refrain.

Either way, I want to read your dream Sharpedge, so post it when you get an opportunity OK?

Anyway, I'm no psychologist and certainly not qualified to babble on as long as I have. Once again, thank you both for posting those.

Please, babble all you like Sharpedge! Hey, none of us are phychologists either, just passing about ideas re dreams is all, good topic! Btw, I have babbled much more than you on this particular thread, so if anyone is going to wear the SPAM hat tonight, guess it's gonna be me LOL!

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Old 09-14-2001, 10:35 PM   #13

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Originally posted by Sharpedge:
Moni, Lady Z: Thanks very much for sharing those. This is just the sort of thing I was hoping for.

Stress over exams and tests seems to be a popular cause for vivid (and often nightmare-ish) dreaming. I remember having some pretty disturbing dreams about loosing the ability to write during my last lot of exams. Many people have claimed that they have experienced premonition type dreams, where an event in their dream actually occurs in their life the next day. Perhaps you would have been able to answer the question if you'd heard that particular explanation - or maybe you're sub-conscious was trying to tell you it didn't understand something. onder: Anyway, I'm sure you did fine, Moni.

Anyway, I'm no psychologist and certainly not qualified to babble on as long as I have. Once again, thank you both for posting those.

I think you are exactly could have been clear as well if I had seen the problem on the board in my dream as opposed to the filled in rectangles...or at least a more obvious clue LOL
I had no fear of any basic addition problems that I thought might show up on the test. There weren't any haha.
It was actually was the only easy looking problem on the test that I never did "get".
I am sure I passed.
"On to the next two chapters!"

I have had dreams where everything from the dream has happened exactly as it did in the dream the next day...I've not had many and circumstances in them were pretty mundane but the impression I got from having dreamed them first were somee of the weirdest I have ever experienced.

Thanks for the cool thread!


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!
Old 09-15-2001, 09:35 AM   #14
Zhentarim Guard

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Thanks for your responses. The account of the wolf pack dream is in the form of a poem at the moment. I think I'll post the poem in Bahamut's poetry thread and then write up the actual thing here when I have time. Today I'm going to write up a nightmare that finished scant hours ago while it is still fresh in my memory. Yes, it is a nightmare and contains some nasty elements.

It is a very cold winter's night. I am lying in my bed and I know that I am alone in the house. For some reason I cannot get to sleep, even though the only weather outside is the soft and soundless snowfall that is beginning to blanket the land. I get up from my bed, chilly and alone, and take a peak out of a crack in my curtain onto the street below. Through this little crack I can see that a dog is lying on the road that stretches up my street. The dog is a sheltie (a domestic breed that looks kinda like a big fox with more fur). The dog doesn't appear to have noticed me, and shivers as its eyes scan my neighbourhood. For some reason I have this sudden compulsion to get the dog's attention... even though there are voices in my head screaming for me not to. I pull the curtains aside and knock on my window, waving my arms about. The dog looks over and jerks itself to its feet. It's eyes lock on mine and it begins to bark. "Shhh shh shh!" I whisper, opening my window so the dog will hear me. It seems in this reality that the people across the road own a pet dog, as it begins to bark in response. I start to feel guilty now as lights come on in houses across the street. I close the window and duck down, wishing for the dog to go away. Instead I hear it pad its way onto my garden and position itself under my window. It begins to howl again and again. Thinking I should be doing something, I get up and try to calm the dog while at the same time getting it to shoo. It is then I notice that a garage has opened in a house up the street and my grandfather emerges dragging a big industrial bin full of large plastic tubes of various colours and lengths. This is fairly odd since my grandfather lives several miles from us. Anyway, he looks over at the dog with a very worried expression on his face. He then selects one of the tubes and, puffing up a load of the cold night air into his lungs, blows on it. The sound that comes out is a mixture of the hollow sound you’d expect from blowing into such a tube and the most terrible and mournful dog howl I have ever heard. It is one of the most frightening sounds I have ever heard and I think it will stay with me for quite some time. The dog’s ears prick up and it looks over at my grandfather, who blows down the tube again. This seems to spur the dog into action, and it bolts in the direction of my grandfather. This doesn’t seem to faze him however, and he watches as the dog shoots into his garage out of sight. He looks up at me and urgently gestures for me to come down. I do so, and he seems to be preparing his car to leave. My grandmother is already in the back seat, muttering to herself. Just as I get in I notice the dog emerging from the garage and heading towards the car. I say something like “Looks like he wants to come with us,” and open keep my door open to let him (or her) in. “Don’t be a bloody fool!” screams my granddad. Slamming the car into forward gear it shoots up the drive and I realise he is attempting to run the dog over. The dog dives to the side, however, and I close my door. He slams the car into reverse and backs onto the street. Meanwhile many neighbours have come out to see what all the commotion is. My grandmother starts saying, “It’s happening again! It’s happening again!” over and over until a jolt from the car makes her cry out in pain and start screaming at my grandfather – telling him about her aching joints and how much they hurt. As we backed down the street and around the corner, the dream turned really nasty.

Zipping around the corner through which we had just reversed came a horrible sight. It was a purple disembodied hand, with sharp looking claws and bubbly rotten flesh. “AAAAH!” screamed my grandmother. “The hands!” she cried. “The hands of hatred!” This claw thing then proceeded to zoom up to the front of the car and grab hold of the bumper. Another hand floated round to join it, and soon we were being dragged back up the hill to my house. As we crested the hill, a terrible sight greeted us. All of my neighbours were being attacked by a multitude of these hands. There were also disembodied eyes hurtling about... seeming to take glee in the suffering the hands were inflicting. When people were killed, their hands and eyes would detach and join the horde. Many of these hands flew towards the car and began to tear it to pieces. I made a run for it across the snow but I felt the hands grab me and I was lifted into the air above the street. I seemed to leave my body at this point, and turned to watch as the claws bore me into the air. For some reason, this dramatic music began to play as the inevitable occurred and I witnessed my own death. It was then that I awoke with a start.

For a few minutes afterwards, I was petrified. Though the dream had ended the atmosphere of it still hung over me. I cautiously got up and parted my curtains. Fortunately, there was no dog on the road and the feeling of eeriness began to fade as I fetched a cup of tea. Still, very strange, no? What connection was there between this dog and the hands that appeared afterwards? Why was I so afraid of this dog in the first place? Further, why did my grandparents seem to know what was going on, and why were they in a starring role anyway?

Anyway. That’s that. I’ll post the wolf pack one when I’ve had a chance to summarise it.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

[This message has been edited by Sharpedge (edited 09-15-2001).]
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Old 09-18-2001, 06:59 PM   #15
Ironworks Atomic Moderator

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Just so ya know, I'm going to reply to this Sharpedge. I seemed to have lost it, finally found it on page 4! Doh! Well it is bumped now, and again, I will reply once I get a chance

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Old 09-18-2001, 07:16 PM   #16
Zhentarim Guard

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Originally posted by ladyzekke:
Just so ya know, I'm going to reply to this Sharpedge. I seemed to have lost it, finally found it on page 4! Doh! Well it is bumped now, and again, I will reply once I get a chance

Good stuff! Actually, I'm just about to post the wolf poem when I find Bahamut's poetry thread (that seems to have been buried too). Looking forward to your reply.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."
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Old 09-18-2001, 07:35 PM   #17
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Good Golly Miss Molly!!!! Woah! That is one heck (or should I say hell?) of a dream! Sheesh! Man! Well shite! Dunno what interpration I could give, as I am not good at that sort of thing, as I have dreams myself I have no clue on. Well, seems to me though, you were afraid of the dog, yet it to me was almost as if the dog was actually trying to warn you. Maybe it was like a "dog of doom" not something you get really friendly with or get close to, but it is there for information purposes only? And your grandparents knew what was going on cause in your heart you know they really care about you and may know some things you may not because they've "been there done that"? As for the horrid scenario re the hands killing everyone in your town, I can't explain, as I have similar dreams, but mine are me at a beach and the waves are phenominal size and kill everyone around me. If you ever figure yours out, let me know LOL!

Looking forward to your next one, so post whenever you are inclined

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Old 09-18-2001, 08:54 PM   #18
Zhentarim Guard

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Thanks for your thoughts, LadyZekke. I think you're right about my grandparents, as I have a lot of respect for them and the knowledge that they possess. I'm also worried about them at the moment as neither of them are in very good health, so that may explain why they were occupying my thoughts.

I often have dreams that involve a lot of death/apocalypse, and I don't understand them either. Perhaps fear of death is just a common pre-occupation amongst all of us... Whoa... apologies for gettin' all grim on you there.

I've had some absolutely hilarious dreams too... hilarious in their utter lunacy that is! If you promise not to call the men in white coats, I'll post up a funny (well, I found it funny, you may find it just crazy ).

BTW, it helps me to know just that someone is reading these dreams. It does me good to post them and write about them as it helps cement ideas in my head. So don't worry if you don't write loads about interpretation. Like you said: just passing about ideas re dreams is all.


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

[This message has been edited by Sharpedge (edited 09-18-2001).]
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Old 09-18-2001, 09:15 PM   #19
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Originally posted by Sharpedge:
Thanks for your thoughts, LadyZekke. I think you're right about my grandparents, as I have a lot of respect for them and the knowledge that they possess. I'm also worried about them at the moment as neither of them are in very good health, so that may explain why they were occupying my thoughts.

I often have dreams that involve a lot of death/apocalypse, and I don't understand them either. Perhaps fear of death is just a common pre-occupation amongst all of us... Whoa... apologies for gettin' all grim on you there.

I've had some absolutely hilarious dreams too... hilarious in their utter lunacy that is! If you promise not to call the men in white coats, I'll post up a funny (well, I found it funny, you may find it just crazy ).

BTW, it helps me to know just that someone is reading these dreams. It does me good to post them and write about them as it helps cement ideas in my head. So don't worry if you don't write loads about interpretation. Like you said: just passing about ideas re dreams is all.

Yes, maybe because your grandparents aren't doing very well health-wise, they dominated that dream, as they are foremost on your mind, even if you don't know it?

You and me both re the Apocalipse dreams, my sunami dreams are not the only ones. I have many dreams of all sorts. Giant Godzilla/Dragon type monsters destroying cities (may look funny on TV, but when in a dream wherein it really feels real, you'd be surprised at how that type of "enemy" scares the shite out of you. I've had a lot of "boat" or "ship" dreams, wherein everyone is fleeing a certain land, and our ship ends up sinking. I have seen the sun explode and devil faces drawing themselves in the sky, or black tar-like coulds skuttling about overhead, and you are thinking in the dream in all of these instances that something is definitely WRONG, but you don't know what nor what to do but flee. In most of these types of dreams, for me at least, funny, I always somewhere in the dream retreat to this apartment that I used to rent in RL in Crystal City, on the 16th floor. Apparently, in my dreams, I still have a key, and the apartment is still vacant, and I go there for a sanctuary for a short time, as if to take a lunch break from my nightmare. Of course, eventually I leave, or look out the window, or stand on the balcony, and the nightmare "resumes".

I know Sharpedge, is hard to explain a lot of dreams, and of course we all hope they never come true. Like you, I'm glad to be able to post my dreams somewhere, and hear other people's as well.

Still waiting for your next one. And GEEZ, don't think you will scare me off LOL, I could compete probably with you on Nightmares unfortunately. So post away, I'm interested in hearing them. Especially those "hilarious" ones! C'mon! Give it up!

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Old 09-19-2001, 05:56 AM   #20

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OK, here is a really weird dream that I had the other night. I hope no-one finds it offensive to their religion - I am just relating my dream. I am an atheist by the way (yes, it is relevant, you'll see when you read on!)

I am in the desert. I have lots of my friends with me, and I am taking them to a place I have been before - even though I am dreaming I know I have been there before in a previous dream. Slowly we come across a big square building in the desert. It is an ancient building, with large stones - sandstone - used to build the walls. I can see where the wind and sand has worn the stones. The wind is blowing, I try to keep the sand out of my eyes. There are steps leading up to a square door. I realise that I know we are somewhere in the middle-east, but nothing more specific. The people I am with have never been here before, but I have brought them here for a reason, to show them something special. Because the room once contained the holy grail, for one night, while it was being taken somewhere safe, by a monk or a saint who sheltered here from a storm. Nothing will ever destroy this building, it is holy. And if you sleep in the building at night, god will talk to you in your dreams. That is why I have brought my friends here. I find this scary, not wonderful. But I take my friends into the building. It is empty, but from somewhere comes strange yet beautiful ancient music. There is no wind. The floor is covered with sand, blown in over the years. No-one else knows about this place but me, and those I have brought here. Daylight comes in through the doorway, although dusk will not be long. There is no-one here but myself and my friends. Again, in my dream, I know that I have dreamed this before, but last time I was alone. I have to show my friends. We settle down to sleep, in silence, and darkness falls.

And then I woke up. I repeat - I am an atheist. I think this is extremely strange - any ideas on why I dreamed this?


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas
Proud winner of the 'Most Useless Post 250 Has Ever Seen' Award 2001. "I'd just like to thank my friends and family, without whom none of this would have been possible..."
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