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Old 11-28-2001, 07:08 AM   #31
Jack Burton

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Originally posted by Garnet FalconDance:

Ok, (playing devil's advocate so it's ok for a *possible* pedophile --don't care what the age of consent is, in my mind 16 is still not a fully-fledged adult esp. if still living at home!-- can legally contact and 'groom' ppl in such a manner and no one gets overly upset since by law he/she is of legal age?!?!?

Sorry if this sounds like a rambling rant-attack. It isn't meant to be. I become so agitated (understatement) at lawmakers who, through both good intent and pure pressure through questionable means, have decided that a small party of ppl should decide the fate of the future generation by enacting ridiculous laws designed to not offend anyone--often at the price of erradicating a great deal of moral fiber and common sense. In past, perhaps a 16 year old was able to act as an adult (indeed, historically, 16 was getting long in the tooth for a female). In this day and age with it's easy communication and instant gratification mindset, there needs to be a much greater awareness that there are indeed perverted ppl who actively seek innocent prey. And because our natural tendency is to trust until proven otherwise, they are especially dangerous.

I don't know what this 'grooming' is, Donut, but I do know that ppl groom *horses*, not young women. *Someone* needs to contact authorities if for no other reason than to alert them that this individual *may* be extremely dangerous and after a little more than someone to chat with! The entire incident sounds highly suspicious and little red flags should be raised IMMEDIATELY!

::ok, ok, I'm stepping off again...

Yes Garnet FD this was a bit of a ramble [img]smile.gif[/img] but I share your agitaion and frustration. But whatever your view the fact is that if the girl is over 16 in Britain or 18 in the US this man has done nothing that the authorities can deal with. It's immorabut it isn't illegal. The problem has to be dealt with by the girl, her friends and especially her parents. They have to find a way to alert her to the dangers of this situation, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is a dangerous man. Anyway this is a moot point because this girl lives in the US and that makes it a crime for the man to lie to her in a chat room. CONTACT THE FBI LAV (and make a mental note to give us all the information next time [img]smile.gif[/img] )

As for the term 'grooming' in this context it has come to mean the preparation of a child to participate in sex. Sick I know, but it's about how they get inside a child's head. It isn't my term - you can see it used here from a report from the BBC today.

BTW, Please don't think this stuff doesn't get me angry.

Police in England and Scotland have carried out dawn raids on suspected paedophiles in the world's largest collaborative policing operation to root out child pornography.

Suspected paedophiles were arrested and computers and software were seized after a dozen homes were swooped on by police.

The National Crime Squad says the scale of the operation is unprecedented and represents the culmination of a worldwide clampdown on child pornography.

The raids involved law enforcement on four continents. More than 130 suspects were targeted in 19 countries including Australia, Canada, France, America, South Korea and Japan.

It discovered 60,000 fresh images of youngsters that had been downloaded and traded between paedophiles.

NCS said those arrested were suspected of using internet newsgroups to request, exchange and supply paedophile images.

"In one instance a newsgroup was used to seek help with the 'grooming' of a young child for abuse," said a NCS spokesman.

Intelligence gathered during the 10-month operation showed there were "dozens" of newsgroups carrying illegal paedophile images, he said.

Interpol distributed information to countries with the suspects and following two meetings in Lyon and London, the raids were launched.

Detective Superintendent Peter Spindler, heading the operation for NCS, said: "If you have an interest in this type of material, then society has a right to know who you are, what's your DNA and have we got you on the Sex Offenders' Register.

In one instance a newsgroup was used to seek help with the 'grooming' of a young child for abuse

NCS spokesman
"That is what is going to happen to the people that have been arrested."

DS Spindler said it was "particularly disturbing" that the paedophile images on the news groups were available for even children to access.

Those accessing the newsgroups did so regularly and "with purpose", he said.

"We also learnt, not surprisingly, that those abusing the internet have learnt from recent police successes how best to protect their true identities."

Detective Sergeant Doug Bewley, from Scotland Yard's paedophile unit, said: "Any piece of child pornography is an example of child abuse.

"There is no anonymity on the internet for anybody who deals with this disgusting material.

"It is a serious offence and any persons being found involved in it will be arrested and will be dealt with," DS Bewley told the BBC.

The BBC's crime correspondent Stephen Cape said the operation was complicated by the fact that lots of suspects use false addresses that are virtually impossible to trace.

"Behind these people there could well be organised gangs," he said.

Eight people have been arrested in the UK so far.

The files of more than 400 suspects could not be traced because they left no electronic trail.

The NCS has now developed "sophisticated facial mapping software" of children being used in the pornography which they hope will enable them to be quickly identified.

[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> <br />Proud member of the Axis of Upheaval<br />Official Titterer of the Laughing Hyenas<br />Josiah Bartlet - the best President the US never had.<br />The 1st D in the D & D Show
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Old 11-28-2001, 08:27 AM   #32
Garnet FalconDance

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(You should see what I deleted before I sent that--you'd have had ppl waiting on my doorstep with a custom-made white jacket! [img]smile.gif[/img] I was *that* upset)

Thanks for posting that last bit.

Last night I had to call the sherrif's ofc. as there's a 21 yr old woman who has tormented my 12 yr old daughter and her 10 yr old best friend all summer. It was verbal abuse only, or so I thought, and I never could catch her at it. (It would happen as they were riding bikes or at the park away from the house) Last night she crossed the line and came to the house after dark *demanding* that I "get her (Annie's) ass down here right now". excuse me?!?!? This woman had gone into the little friend's yard and gotten a play ball off the back porch, written on it "......(her own name) must die!" and to 'prove' my girl had done it, showed me how the girls had written their names on the ball (along with names of band members from N'Sync whom they adore). Well, I told her she was mistaken (still befuddled at her claim and approach! since I *knew* the girls hadn't--long story)and she informed me she was calling the cops. Ok, she left and *I* called the sheriff.

While waiting for the deputy to show up, I discovered that this 'woman' had, on at least one point, pinned my daughter against a tree and the only reason she didn't go any further was that the neighbor saw. Of course (*huge* sore point right now), the neighbor didn't bother telling either of us so we could act and neither did Annie 'cause she was scared. Now, my daughter is a little scrapper (with three big brothers, she has learned to be tough!), but she apparently had been told the family would be threatened in some way if she told. AArrgghhhhh!!!!!!!! The deputy suggested a restraining order. Seriously considering it. Unless she strikes my daughter and is either witnessed doing so (with ppl willing to make a statement) or leaves marks, there is not a damned thing they can do to stop this bitch!

Why do I ramble about this? It is a small illustration of what can escalate when ppl do *not* become involved. If the neighbor had told me and her father when the tree incident had happened or if another adult who witnessed the verbal abuse had stepped forward in defense of the girls, this 'woman' would at least have been deterred. Why she has taken this tack is unknown other than than guesses--presumably she derives some sort of thrill from tormenting those 'weaker' than herself and figures that in a town of 335 she can get away with it (as half of everybody is related to the other half it seems--very insular and we're on the fringe as we're only related by marriage) She came to my back door expecting to find the kids alone (hubby had the car at work still so it appeared no adults would be home) and fully intended to whoop some ass. If I had not been here, I fully expect her to have attempted to do so--except then she would have met Annie's two 14 yr old brothers up close and personal!

This is in no way as serious as the situation Lav's female friend is in, but it is related in that if someone *doesn't* get involved, bad things could very well happen!

::sheepish grin:: thanks for listening
"Nature tells every secret once." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Old 11-28-2001, 09:35 AM   #33
Bruce The Aussie
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Another idea along the lines of nebs is a total hard drive wiping virus. send it to him and boom. no more mr pervert (or possible mr perfect). [img]smile.gif[/img]

also if i was her i'd go and meet this guy with a whole bunch of largemale friends. preferably rugby players or football supporters (the english football supporters are supposed t be one of the three most rowdy groups of supporters in the world [img]smile.gif[/img] )
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Have a nice day <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Big Grin]\" src=\"biggrin.gif\" /> <br /><br />\"be calm, be happy, be stoned\"<br />The person currently speaking is(tick appropriate): Me/My inner child/the voices in my head/my inner demons
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Old 11-28-2001, 09:48 AM   #34
Cerek the Barbaric
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You've received a great deal of advice already and most of it follows the same track - contact the authorities! I have contacted my own group of friends concerning your friends predicament.

They include several computer programmers, one system administrator, and one police officer in Charlotte, NC. Here's what they said.

It would take a court order to legally track the guys identity through his IP. Even if you did that, any info you find will probably be false - especially if his intentions are immoral.

The police officer agreed. Your friend needs to try talking to the girl and expressing his concerns. If that doesn't work, you should contact the state or federal authorities. The FBI is always glad to recieve tips on possible stalkers. If the tips don't pan out, then no harm is done. And - if the guy is legit - he shouldn't be upset about the girls friends checking him out.

AFA as the mystery guy is concerned, I agree with everyone else. I can't think of any legitimate reason he would continually ask the girl if she was a virgin. If he is interested in a real relationship, that shouldn't matter....and if it did, he should only ask her once and accept her answer.

There's a lot of sick people out there and the internet is a great place for them to find their victims. Please urge your friend to intervene. Even if the girl gets upset, she will eventually realize the he only did it out of concern.

************************************************** *******************

This woman showed up at your house to attack your daughter and lived to tell about it?!?!?! I must compliment you on your restraint. If that happened at my house, the neighbors would get a live episode of "SMACKDOWN" right then and there. She was on YOUR property threatening YOUR family and you are legally allowed to defend both. If I learned that ANYBODY had physically attacked my child (like the tree incident), the police would be looking for me...not her!

I would tell this wench that she doesn't have to worry about the police....she has to worry about ME!! Explain to her in no uncertain terms that she has been issued a "Garnet FalconDance" restraining order, and if she comes within 100ft of your daughter again.....the police won't be able to identify her with dental records.
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Cerek the Calmth
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Old 11-28-2001, 10:22 AM   #35
Garnet FalconDance

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Originally posted by Cerek the Barbaric:

************************************************** *******************

This woman showed up at your house to attack your daughter and lived to tell about it?!?!?! I must compliment you on your restraint. If that happened at my house, the neighbors would get a live episode of "SMACKDOWN" right then and there. She was on YOUR property threatening YOUR family and you are legally allowed to defend both. If I learned that ANYBODY had physically attacked my child (like the tree incident), the police would be looking for me...not her!

I would tell this wench that she doesn't have to worry about the police....she has to worry about ME!! Explain to her in no uncertain terms that she has been issued a "Garnet FalconDance" restraining order, and if she comes within 100ft of your daughter again.....the police won't be able to identify her with dental records.[/QB]

There is more than one way to 'smack down', my dear Barbarian!

::befuddled shake of head:: Anyone who knows me (and how fiercely I defend children--in general, but *esp.* my own) would be absolutely flabergasted that I didn't open an industrial size can of whup-ass on her! By now she has spoken to enough ppl, sheriff not-withstanding (we're good friends of our local deputy, but he was off duty yesterday, o/c), that the word is out she has seriously f*d up one too many! The neighbor tried to tell me that he *had* told hubby and hubby had said not to worry about it. !!!!!!!!!!!! I assure you, if he'd been told, I would have had to bail him out of jail (for assault at least) before I even knew what had happened! Talk about trying to cover one's own ass for negligence (the neighbor's)

Oh yes, the 'word' is already out. I told the deputy in no uncertain terms that this *will* cease and *NOW*. We'll see if *she* has any brains under the ball cap now.

(She will be 'spoken to' today by the little friend's brother--whose wife works with most of the relatives--and between the two of us.....::evil grin::
"Nature tells every secret once." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Old 11-28-2001, 05:39 PM   #36
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

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woah, mom, someone hit my sister? @#!$@ this sh*t, I hate abuse!!!!!! now don't let me see that bitch!

Sorry M, I didnt know this had happened to you. this is really disturbing. I hope your daughter (my sister, that is) is all fine.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrr
did you have her arrested?
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Old 11-28-2001, 08:00 PM   #37
Garnet FalconDance

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Calm down, Leo. Your little sis is ok--and awful ppl like this person usually go to ground when they know they're in trouble--I'd be willing to bet the sheriff never found her last night! I can guarantee, tho, that if she tries *anything*,.......well, let's just say that she might be calling the law--to protect *her*!!!
"Nature tells every secret once." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Old 12-01-2001, 02:16 AM   #38
Cerek the Barbaric
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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This post has created a LOT of concern.

PLEASE give an update on the situation when possible.
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Cerek the Calmth
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