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Old 07-24-2001, 04:40 PM   #1

Join Date: March 29, 2001
Location: Everywhere I wanna go its already where I am,cause I am already there
Posts: 2,130
Here is a story I wrote, its onmly 3 chapters and not done yet. Sorry Reeka, I just coulndt hold back any more from posting this.

Prologue: “No, I don’t think that will be a problem.” Rakatan walked through his laboratory studying all of his battle plans his black robes rustling. Rakatan’s apprentice, Kapella, set in a chair in the right corner of the laboratory.

It was dimly lit in the room many small candles wear set in high holders on the walls. It was Erie looking in-deed. Kapella stood up and walked beside his master.

Rakatan’s scratchy voice gave the room a even more darker feel. “How do you think they will get too us?”

“Adventurers try crazy things, master.” Kapella replied back with a realistic tone.

“So they do… let them get killed for all I care, that will not be my problem. Have you hired my assassins yet?”

“Yes, master”

“Very good, then, you can retire for the night”

Kapella looked around the laboratory once more before he left. It was filled with skeleton parts, pictures of them, blue prints to experiments and all sorts of ghastly things.

Anyone could tell by first look that it was a Necromancers laboratory.

“Good night, Master” Kapella wasn’t sure if Rakatan heard him, if he did he didn’t reply. He was too caught up in his study’s and battle plans. He sometime wondered why Rakatan even bothered with him. But he was too tired to ponder that this night. He left the laboratory and walked too his room in his master’s tower. It was dark. Kapella let out a sigh then started to chant the strange words of magic. A ball of light illuminated the room, a dim strange light. He walked to his bed and took of his robe. He carried it to a small chest in front of his bed, he opened the chest and grab his night clothing. A small tight black tunic. He put it on and folded the black robe neatly and put it in the chest then closed it. He lay in bed, thinking. It was going to be the big day soon. The day when Rakatan would become head of the Necromancers. Or should he say, himself would be head of the necromancers.

Chapter 1: The Necromancers are a high ranking group of particularly evil wizards in the town of WaterPort. Only the most intelligent and skilled will be took in. They are located in secrete areas of the town. Day in and day out they study spells dealing with death, they study the dead. They study the Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome and Halfling body’s. They can be identified by there black robes. The highest raking have a small picture of a skull on there right shoulder of there robe. Rakatan had that picture. The Necromancers wear small, but powerful. There was only about 600 of them in the city of WaterPort. And WaterPort was a big city. Only 200 of them had the Skull Picture. Rakatan was among the most powerful. He struck fear in the hearts of all. Including his apprentice. Yes he struck fear in the hearts of all, all but one, head of the Necromancers. Darvis Jelits, the most powerful Necromancer know. Rakatan despises him. He wants to be the most powerful, he wants to rule them. Rakatans reputation is well know, he is power hungry, cruel and cold. So they say. In Truth not much is know about the wizard. He stays in his laboratory most of the day, when he speaks with other it is only for a short time.

“Kapella wake up!”

Kapellas eyes flared open. He was still groggy. He yawned and stretched.

“What is it, Master?” He said in a sleepy voice. He was now putting on his dark black robes, pulling his hood over his slick short black hair he walked out the door was Rakatan was.

“We’ve work to do.” Rakatan was outside waiting for him readying a book. A Spell book from the looks of it. It had arcane symbols on it. As well as a large ivory skull on it.

This puzzled Kapella. We are not to do spell practice’s today. What was he planing? No matter, he thought, I am sure its nothing very important.

Rakatan shut the book quickly and look up at Kapella with a slight smile.

“We are too go on a journey, today, apprentice.”
“A Journey? But Master I am unprepared-“
“ Relax, Kapella. You need nothing.”
“Where are we to travel too master, At least I need some water and rations…”
“No” Rakatan interrupted.

Kapella looked at him with a puzzled look.

“Stand close, apprentice.”
Kapella walked up beside his Master. Rakatan cleared his throat. He put his slender hand on Kapella shoulder and closed his eyes.

“We going to meet my assassins.”

Why, Kapella wondered. He figured it was best not to ask questions.

With one word from Rakatan, smoke swirled around them, an odd blueish smoke. When the smoke cleared they wear on a rocky path. Kapella looked around him. The sky was cloudy. Not unusual, it always rained in Waterport, it was by the ocean after all. But they wear not in Waterport anymore. They wear on a (well hidden) path in the Mountains. Boulders lay all around them. The air was fresh, filled with rain. Slight fog was in there area. There black robes stood out in the white fog.

“Why are we here?” Kapella dared to ask.
“I already explained.” Rakatan said harshly.
“Not fully.” Kapella mumbled. They walked to, what seemed like, a wall of rock. In truth it was the side of a mountain. Rakatan looked at it, moving his head up and down, left and right. Kapella heard a rattling sound. A sound like a baby’s toy. A snake he realized.

“Master…” He trailed off.
“I hear it. We are in the Serpent Mountains. We will run into a lot of them.”
The Serpent Mountains wear a small but dangerous chain of mountains. They wear east of the Kingdom of Serpent Reach. Snakes invested the mountains all over.

Rakatan placed his index finger on the area he was studying. Kapella looked around, then noticed his Master whispering words. What power Rakatan must have, he thought. Well that is my I am his apprentice after all. Suddenly a loud roaring sound came from the side of the mountain. The place Rakatan was touching turned. A secrete door, Kapella realized.

“Come, Kapella.” Rakatan said already walking swiftly into the door way. He hardly ever walks swiftly Kapella thought. Only when its something he is looking forward too. Something is going on. Something important. Kapella walk down a dimly lit path. He watched his master walk with ease down the path. He’s been here before. Kapella folded his arms in his robes looking about the path. They finally came to a wooden door. It was half beaten down, places wear broken and torn.

Kapella gave a puzzled look at his master, witch Rakatan didn’t reply back too. To even more complicate maters, Rakatan knocked on the door! By the great heavens thought, Kapella, just bust it down!

After a moment the door opened a young man with long wavy brown hair opened the door. He wore a red cloak. He wore a matching red headband.

“Ah, Mr.Rakatan do enter.” He said in cheerful voice. He lead them into a hall way. Strange pictures wear carved into the walls. Things like a stick man with a bow shooting at a another stick man, and a Dragon pining down a stick man.

“Symbols of the assassins” Rakatan whispered seeing Kapella looking at them.

“What do they mean?” Was Kapella’s reply.

“Various things. Like this one here” he said pointing to two dragons fighting, circling each other. “It means that if we fight each other, we will never win, but between me and you, I am not so sure if that is true” He said with a smirk.

Chapter 2: Both of the Wizard’s sit in a well-decorated room (for the inside of a mountain anyway), it was small, strange exotic plants lined the walls along with hidden pictures carved in the walls. Strange place, Kapella thought. “Master seems to be enjoying it.” He said to him self. After a few moments of siting along a tall man walked into the room, he wore a heavy black cloak. His hands wear folded save his two index fingers, witch he was rubbing his neatly trimmed mustache.

“Greetings” He said in low tones. “I am Kovalel. You must be Rakatan and Kapella.

“Yes I am Rakatan, and this my apprentice, Kapella.” Rakatan gestured to Kapella.

Kovalel studied them for a moment twirling his mustache then spoke.

“You hired some of my assassins?”

“Yes, we did.” Rakatan said glancing at Kapella.

We, the apprentice thought. It was me he had nothing to do with it. It was my taking the risk to met them in the dark with no telling what was going to happen.

“Yes, they reported back to me that two black robed wizards requested assassins. Necromancers, from the looks of you.” He said looking at Rakatans white skull on his robe. “But first I need to ask you some questions.”

“Go ahead.” Rakatan replied in a irritable voice.

“First how much will you be paying us?”

“How much do you want?”

“Depends on the task.”

Rakatan sighed. “ How about we give you 200 gold, no questions about the task.”

Kovalel was about to speak, then paused. “Very well what is the task.”

“I want you to kill Darvis Jelitis.” Rakatan said with out hesitation. Kapella looked down afraid to see Kovalel’s reaction.

And his reaction was a startled one. He face went pale his eyes expanded. “Kill Darvis Jelitis! Are you mad? He’s the most powerful-”

Oh no, Kapella said to himself. This is going to be bad.

“What did you say?” Rakatan snarled. “If your too much of a coward to do it then I will do it myself!

“We are not cowards, mage!” Kovalel said with a loud ferocious voice. “Leave my Guild Hall before I kill you!”

“Guild Hall?” Kapella said with a dazed voice, almost laughing.

“Hush wizard!” Kovalel shouted

“You will pay for your mistake, Kovalel, great assassin.” Rakatan’s voice shook with anger.

“Come, apprentice.”

Kapella rose and stood by his master. Rakatan chanted some words and the same Blueish smoke started circling them. Soon they wear back in Rakatan’s Laboratory. He was in the most made state that Kapella could every recall.

“This is great!” Rakatan was saying. “Now I will have to deal with those insects!”

“Them and Darvis Jeltis!” Raktan was throwing and yelling and shouting things all around the laboratory. Then suddenly he stop and looked up.

This isn’t going to be good Kapella said.

“What if-” He trailed off.

“Yes! I have an idea.”

“What is it, Master.” He said in bored tones.

“I shall raise an army.” He said plainly.

“An army, Master?”

“Yes. An army of Un-dead.”

“I see.” Kapella said. “And how do you think you will do this”

A wicked smile came across Rakatan’s face. “We are Necromancers are we not?”

“Well yes…” Kapella said “But even you cant create a whole army of undead.”

“Non sence!” Rakatan replyed with haste. “It will take some time.”

“Time, In-deed.” Kapella said “I really don’t want to do this master.” He said hestently.

“Then don’t!” Rakatan started looking threw his spells books and other powerful tombs.

Kapella let out a sigh then stood up. “What shall we do first master?”

Chapter 3: “ I need time to think. You have the day off, apprentice.” Rakatan said in a quiet voice reading one of his books.

“Very well.” Rakatan started to walk out of the laboratory. When Rakatans voice made him stop “It will do you good too review your books.”

Kapella nod his head then walked out into his room in his masters tower. He looked threw his book case. Then found what he was looking for. His most high powered spell book. He opened it up and started reading it. It has many spells to do with death. They wear fairly complicated to read for Kapella. He was not near as powerful as Rakatan or Darvis Jeltis.

“Raise a army of un-dead.” Kapella said in dubious tones. “Well he dose posses a lot of power-” Rakatan came bursting threw Kapellas door.

“Get your equipment ready this time we are going on a real journey.” Rakatan said still putting some books into a bag he was carrying.

“Where too?” Kapella said rising out of his chair.

“I will explain on the way, just get ready.”

Kapella opened a door in the small room that had some of his equipment. His staff that had minor magical powers. It was called “The Lesser Staff of The Dead.”, it could cast a spell too make dead raise and that was the only reason Kapella used it. He took this staff out of the closet as well large leather bag. He took his spells books and some scrolls.

“What of food, Master?”

“I packed some. And get some empty paper if you have any, we will need to take notes.”

Kapella looked around in the closest from a moment then found some parchment and 3 flasks of ink.

“We will not be using magic his time.” Rakatan said.

Soon they wear out of the tower walking on a path to town, to WaterPort.

“The place we are going is called The City of Jarth, its more then likely in ruins. It on a island in the ocean. Luck for us, the Kores Ocean.”

The Kores ocean was a large ocean that the town Water Port was coastal too. It was large ocean with many small island spread across it.

Soon they wear at the edge of WaterPort, looking for a ship or boat or anything that could transport them across water. They saw a man dressed in a sailors outfit, he has long red stringy hair.

“Hey you!” Rakatan shouted. The man looked up.

“We need a ship.” Rakatan said more quietly this time.

The sailor was a big man, tall and thick. Along with his stringy hair he had a un-trimmed mustache.

“Well your in luck friend-”

“I am not your friend, Sailor.” Rakatan cut in.

“I see, and I am not a sailor, I am a navigator. Briwer The Navigator. But as I was say, your in luck, because my own be leavin’ habor today. Come along if ye want. Er, where ya goin’?

“Ever heard of a island- The City of Lost Souls?” Rakatan said looking over the ocean.

“Ahoy I have heard of it!” Briwer the Navigator exclaimed, a look of shock on his face. “An’ aint no one foolish enough to go there neither.”

“I don’t think he ask you to tag along.” Were Kapellas first word’s since in town.

Briwer shrugged, “Aye I will take ye there. For a price of course.”

“Name it.” Rakatan said with a sigh.

“Hmm, The city of Lost Souls eh, well, it will be 70 gold for distance, 20 fer coverage and another 50 for risking our lives, going so close to tha cursed island!”

Rakatan looked at him blankly. Then he put his Middle and Index fingers on The Navigators throat and chanted some words. “How about I give you 10 gold for it all?” he said after the spell was done.

“10 gold? Of course! That’s more then enough, friend! Right this way, say what’s yer name anyway?”

“I am Rakatan, High Necromancer, and this is my apprentice, Kapella.” Rakatan said fowling Briwer too his ship.

“Necramancer’s, eh? Interesting folks you are.” Briwer lead them too a large ship. It had one large sell in the middle and two smaller sells under it, each had its own mass. Each mass had many carving’s into them, some had dragons, some had Minatours, and other creatures. Kapella and Rakatan got on the ship, other sailors wear on the ship, rowing it, adjusting the sells and what not. It was a large ship with many sailors on it, and many of them looked drunk.

“I call ‘er ‘Tha Sea Serpent’.” Briwer came up behind the two mages.

“How long till we reach The City of Lost Souls.” Kapella said looking up at the sky. It was sunny day, something rare in WaterPort. Also something Kapella didn’t like, he didn’t enjoy the sun. But there was little to do about it he thought.

“’Bout 2,3 days if all’s well. All’s well as in no storms, no fights-”

“Where will we be sleeping.” Rakatan interrupted.

“Right this way.” Briwer led them below deck to a small but well stabled room.

“It ain’t great.” Briwer said gesturing to the room. “But it’s the best room if a storm hits.”

Chapter 3: It was morning, Kapella was out on deck, the sun was just now rising, a beautiful sunrise, the sky was painted Yellows, Oranges and Reds. The water reflected the sunrise witch made the site even more magnificent. Beautiful, he thought, then he said softly to him self “What I am I think, I care not about sunrises!”

He gave a disgusted look at him self and walked down to below deck where Rakatan was still sleeping. By the time he got there Rakatan was awake getting dressed.

“The island is in site master.” Kapella said

“Indeed?” Rakatan turned to his apprentice

“Yes, Its stills a way off, but you can see it.” Kapella said looking at the floor.

Rakatan climbed the ladder that led to the top deck Kapella followed.

“Its right there.” Kapella said pointing slightly to his right.

“Yes…So it is.” Rakatan said in light tones.

“Howdy Boys!” Briwers voice was just the opposite. “Ah, I see ye see…HA!” Briwer laughed. “I made a jest. ‘I see ye see’. HA!”

Rakatan’s lip curled at the stupidity of Briwer.

“I’ve a bit o news for you, boys.”

“I am not a boy, you ignorant savage.” Kapella said in a cool, calm voice.

“Oh, ho ho! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!”

“What’s the news Briwer.” Rakatan said staring him in the eye.

Briwer scratched his chin. “Well you see its like this, my crew decide against taking you to the island.”

Both Rakatan and Kapella wear shocked.

“What do you mean! You take us all this was on the stupid boat-”

“Ship.” Briwer cut Rakatan off.

“This BOAT and we are this close and then you decide not to take us!”

“Well you see, my boys are just scared to go close to this island, at’s all.”

“Look you stupid Sailor-”

“Navigator.” Briwer cut him of again

“You either drop us off there or die!” Rakatan said in steady tones.

“Hm, not much choice, eh?” Briwer chuckled.

“I think he means it and I would take him seriously if I wear you. ‘Navigator’.” Kapella said mocking Briwer.

“Well now… Why don’t ya just travel with us? You see, we would give you your fair share of loot…”

“Fool! I care nothing of loot! Are you going to drop us off there or not!?” Rakatan said, his fist clenching.

“In a’ simple word…No.” Briwer said shrugging.

“Very well then, I gave you your chance, you great Fool.” Rakatan pulled out a hand full of fur from his rob as well as a crystal rod.

“What in the abyss is he doing!?” Briwer said panic stricken.

“I suggest you make peace with your god.” Kapella said in realistic tones.

“Suth Ith Uk/Rashana Furth Istha” Rakatan chanted. Kapella took a step back.

Then a loud crackling sound boomed through the ship, a light blue streak of lighting zapped through Rakatan’s open palm. Kapella blinked. He looked down a Briwers lifeless body. Lifeless and headless. The lighting bolt, apparently hit Briwer in the head and took it with it, wherever what maybe. Blood was spilling out of the body.

“Great gods!” One of the sailors exclaimed, looking at the body. “ You didn’t have to do that!”

“Hush.” Rakatan said calmly “Or you’ll be next. From now on I am in charge of the ship.”


So if in the forest look behind you, because that where the ranger is going to be
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Old 07-24-2001, 04:44 PM   #2
Red Wizard of Thay

Join Date: May 6, 2001
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
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I´ll save this one and post a reply tomorrow. Thanks.

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Old 07-24-2001, 05:07 PM   #3
Sorcerer Alex

Posts: n/a
It's an interesting story, but I'd debate the 'short'!
Old 07-24-2001, 05:22 PM   #4

Join Date: March 29, 2001
Location: Everywhere I wanna go its already where I am,cause I am already there
Posts: 2,130
Originally posted by Sorcerer Alex:
It's an interesting story, but I'd debate the 'short'!
Hehe, yea well its not a novel and its ganan only be about 10 chapters


So if in the forest look behind you, because that where the ranger is going to be
Grand-Ranger is offline  

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