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Old 10-27-2002, 04:08 PM   #51
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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Thanks for posting Lady G... personally, in your char's place, I would have killed the wizard but then, I've just been playing Baldurs Gate... and hunting Sierns... [img]tongue.gif[/img] hehe, found my book of con and cloak of the wolf unfortuanlty, I had to exterminate a village of xzarts. Ah well *sigh* thank you for posting again. *hugs.* Post again tommorw?
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Old 10-28-2002, 04:39 AM   #52
Elite Waterdeep Guard

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j0 Gally [img]smile.gif[/img]

Just popping out of the shadows to say that your writing 0wnz0rz and not to ph34r the prudes! Wh00t!
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Old 10-28-2002, 08:30 AM   #53
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Calaethis, *hugs* to you. Galadria, the character, is much too calculating to do waste a potential asset.
L33, hi! Good to hear from you. Thanks for the encouragement.

He scrambled up and blundered out the door, to be collared by Odo, who threw him out the front gate. Scrambing up, he saw his horse, already packed, standing hitched to the post in front of the House of the Dome. He jumped atop of the beast and rode hurriedly off, easily clearing the Main Gate within the time specified.
He returned immediately to Halruua, and lost no time consulting the most powerful mages there to get them to remove the curse. Each of them shook their heads with varying degrees of regret. The last one he tried, a venerable sage indeed had openly admired the complex structure of the geas.
"Bandicut, my boy," he said, not without a certain malice, "of course it's too bad that it's on you, but, looking at it objectively, you'd have to admit that it's a beautiful thing of its kind. See how each part turns back on itself to protect at least one other element. Galadria of Baldur's Gate, hmmm? Really powerful and ingenious. Must see to it that I do not cross her." Then he had laughed uproariously. Bandicut had then given up in despair.
The collar did not give him much rest, because, apparently reacting to small hurts and illnesses in Noemi's life, it would suddenly tighten, sometimes severely, interrupting him at his work, while relaxing, or enjoying the painted boys that frequented the taverns of Halruua. He began, as Galadria had predicted, ferreting out possible enemies of hers, to prevent any harm coming to her. He developed agents in Baldur's Gate, who would break up burglaries before they occured, and had an old pervert who coveted Noemi's beauty strangled before he could attempt to kidnap her, as was being rumored. Then one day, to his surprise, a letter arrived for him by messenger from Galadria. He opened it cautiously, fearing more curses, but instead read a simple messsage: "Bandicut, you'd better have a physician around, because Noemi is about to have a baby." He fainted away in fear.
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Old 10-28-2002, 10:18 AM   #54

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Sweet, another novel! Quite good, Gal, keep it up!
IW resident science and mathematics teacher<br /><br />\"No, no, you\'re not thinking; you\'re just being logical.\"<br />-Niels Bohr
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Old 10-28-2002, 01:18 PM   #55
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LOL, thanks, Gammit. This concludes Part I. I shall start Posting Part II, "The Child Born of Women," soon.

Noemi, abdomen bulging, was laying on Galadria and Attalus' bed, legs apart, as the midwife examined her. An elderly, maternal woman, she was all smiles as Noemi sweated and gave little cries. She finished, and, as she wiped her hands, beamed as she told an anxious Galadria, "It won't be long now, M'lady. She's little but strong. This'll go well, you'll see."
Chorania, who was bathing Noemi's forehead with a rag soaked in cold water, heard and said to the motther-to-be. "See, m'zint to, you are almost through. Be stout. You can do it."
"Oh, Cho," Cythera said as she rushed in with more cold compresses, "what did you just say? Is it going all right?"
The drow shot her a reassuring glance. "Surely, Cyth," she answered. "My little Em is doing well and is being very brave. Oh, another pain? Push, my darling, push her on out. Little Uriel is ready to come into the world for you and all of us to love."
Sefa peeked in, and asked timidly. "Cho, Lord Attalus wants to know how everything is going. Lord Odo said to tell Em that he is doing everything he can and that Em is in his prayers."
Noemi's face cleared and she drew a great breath. "Tres, this is hard," she complained. "Ah, thanks Cho, that feels good...oh, no, another one. I haven't gotten my breath....aaargh." Sefa hurriedly ducked back out.
The midwife and Galadria were suddenly very busy, and then the dark mage looked up with joy. "Em, you did it! She's here! Oh, little Uriel, she is so beautiful." She quickly swaddled the infant in a clean cloth as the midwife cut the cord and tied it. Baby Uriel began to cry, lustily. After a minute, to let her sister rest, she took the infant to the head of the bed.
As Cythera and Chorania made inarticulate noises indicating admiration and approval, Noemi took the child in her arms. "Oh, Uriel! Gal is right, you are beautiful. Oh, I am so happy." She peeked inside the wrapping. "Perfect! And a girl, as we knew." She hugged her child to her, and, after a minute, she began quietly nursing.
They left her alone for a while, and once in the hall, Chorania turned to her Mistress and said, "Well, abbil, it is much too soon to say for certain, but I think that she looks like both of you. What say you?"
Amused and relieved, Galadria smiled at her friend and replied, "As you say, Cho, it is too soon to tell. We shall just see whether she has black or red hair. She is very fair, and I think that her eyes are blue, but that can change."
Chorania made a face. "They told me that my eyes were violet at birth, and my mother always told me that meant that I was born for trouble."
Cythera put her arm around her shoulders and murmured, "And she was right, wasn't she, sugar? That's all of us, though: born for trouble. And I'll wager little Uriel is, too."
"Ach," the drow said. "That is life, m'zint to, when you stop having trouble you are dead. Let us hope for trouble for a long time."
Galadria embraced the both of them. "That's one wager I'll be glad to take. Come on, we must tell the men."

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Old 10-28-2002, 02:28 PM   #56
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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Aww, part ones over? hehe, nice ending to it lol. I can see the benifits of leeting enemies live... but... when they hurt someone, aka Immy or in this case Sefa, I'd be more incline to gut them, from an RP point of view... lol actually I've been playing BG and facing a moral dilema... Tranzigs surrenders to me... should I, as a NG let him live, or should I execute him.. [img]tongue.gif[/img] fortunalty, I didn't have to decided, since Cal slew him in combat before he could surrender.. [img]tongue.gif[/img] but as a precaution, Im already pickpocked him [img]tongue.gif[/img] lol. Then I found the bandit camp, and entered by way of the south, usually I join up with em, but this time I couldnt be bothered.. [img]tongue.gif[/img] Saved Viccy along the way hmm, that puts my party up to four, Xan, coz I got fed up of paying for ID spells [img]tongue.gif[/img] And now Vics as a healer *sigh* so much for just me n Im [img]tongue.gif[/img] lol, then I assassinated the bandit leaders, and fought my way out... hehe. There is kinda a point to this; how did YOU play it Lady G? I felt kinda in a RPing mood, rather then hack n slash. lol. You wouldnt BELIEVE how long it took me to find someone to ID my book of con, I eventually got a temple to do it... *sigh* lol, well, at least Cal has 18 con now [img]tongue.gif[/img] (and as an elf, thats almost unheard of [img]tongue.gif[/img] )lol, I think thats distracted me from the story ending suffiecently so when ya gonna post more? *hugs* Thanks for posting by the way. I do so enjoy reading your stories. *grin, I was being sincere, honest*
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Old 10-28-2002, 02:54 PM   #57
Symbol of Bane

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Originally posted by Calaethis Dragonsbane:
lol actually I've been playing BG and facing a moral dilema... Tranzigs surrenders to me... should I, as a NG let him live, or should I execute him.. [img]tongue.gif[/img] fortunalty, I didn't have to decided, since Cal slew him in combat before he could surrender.. [img]tongue.gif[/img] but as a precaution, Im already pickpocked him [img]tongue.gif[/img] lol. Then I found the bandit camp, and entered by way of the south, usually I join up with em, but this time I couldnt be bothered.. [img]tongue.gif[/img] Saved Viccy along the way hmm, that puts my party up to four, Xan, coz I got fed up of paying for ID spells [img]tongue.gif[/img] And now Vics as a healer *sigh* so much for just me n Im [img]tongue.gif[/img] lol, then I assassinated the bandit leaders, and fought my way out... hehe. There is kinda a point to this; how did YOU play it Lady G?
I can answer that she roleplays all the way. We always kill Tranzig, since from my Paladin point of view, I really don't want to play at being a bandit, and she as an NG mage (that, BTW, is where the Galadria character, and her name on the forum, originated. Same for me.) We had the most trouble with that guy that was the head of the Black Talon elite bandits, first time through. Finally, we just fireballed them to death. Ah, the Necklace of Missles.
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Old 10-28-2002, 05:04 PM   #58
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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lol, I'm actually undecided on Tranzig; I mean, its not the fact that hes a tratior and SHOULD be killed [img]tongue.gif[/img] I'm more concerned with my char's "tainted blood"; and giving it a hold; I mean, once Tranzig surrenders, its murder to kill him, or execution, depending on how you look at it... lol, I'm actually more concerned about my char then tranzig himself . lol, oddly enough, the name I use now; "Calaethis" came from Bg... I wanted something that sounded vaugly "elvishy" and this was the best I could come up with [img]tongue.gif[/img] lol, since then, its kinda stuck, the "dragonsbane" bit came from my disturbing habbit on BG2 of challeneging Dragons to single combat... :| lol, ah well, we all have our vices [img]tongue.gif[/img] .

This game, me n Immy went by ourselves, and basically kinda of lvl'd up a lot, shes now a lvl 6 theif, or a lvl 5, and Cals a lvl 4 ranger... lol, or a lvl 5, I forget. [img]tongue.gif[/img] those damned flesh golumns were hard to kill tho, so were those Seirens. [img]tongue.gif[/img] hehe, I kinda took an "odd" route. I killed greywolf, and took his sword, stole a couple of tower +1 sheilds, and got Cal equiped. Actually, the tower shields came first. This games been odd. lol, I breezed tho the mines, and the leader was fairly easy to kill. Xans a walking dictionary. [img]tongue.gif[/img] Viccy's all dressed up in plate, a tower sheild +1, helm and a warhammer +1.. lol, shes JUST below the weight limit thing. [img]tongue.gif[/img] Cloakwood mines next I'll tackle em another day I think pity I dont have TOTSC... yet... to be honest, I'm not looking forward to Baldur's Gate again; the city. Its annoying [img]tongue.gif[/img] . lol. So yes, very odd route... hmm... firewine sounds like a nice vactaion... [img]tongue.gif[/img] maybe ditch Xan and Vics and pick em up later [img]tongue.gif[/img] . lol, I think I'll see if J and K are still about... considering I finished the naskle mines without em... [img]tongue.gif[/img]
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Old 10-28-2002, 07:09 PM   #59
Symbol of Bane

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Just a caution, CD, if you "ditch Vics" she won't come back into your party, in the annoying way that BG NPC's have. I think only Imoen and one or two others will.Other than that, go after it.
Even Heroes sometimes fail...
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Old 10-29-2002, 04:13 AM   #60
Elite Waterdeep Guard

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Originally posted by Galadria:
Then one day, to his surprise, a letter arrived for him by messenger from Galadria. He opened it cautiously, fearing more curses, but instead read a simple messsage: "Bandicut, you'd better have a physician around, because Noemi is about to have a baby." He fainted away in fear.

That alone would be worth the pice of admition if there was one!
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