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Old 03-11-2001, 05:18 PM   #1
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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Thought it might be easier if we tried to cut and paste everything that is the story onto this thread. (actually, I was just trying to get everything in one spot so it would be easier to read and less work for me, but ya know ) Is there a way to quote the other threads in a different thread? Just curious.

Thanks everyone

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Old 03-11-2001, 05:26 PM   #2
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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Actually, I think I'm just going to cut and paste everything over, since it seems to be concentrated in the LadyWendy Thread . . . carry on, carry on.

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Old 03-11-2001, 05:28 PM   #3
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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The Hunt begins. Stealthy looks everywhere for Gabriel, but the coward has fled to the furthest corners of the Earth.

So Stealthy summoned his allies to search the deepest and darkest holes in order to find the fallen angel. No stone is left unturned in his quest to right the foul profanity uttered by the despicable Gabriel.

His friend the Black Knight and LadyWendy's sister also helped, but the search proved fruitless, only Stealthy's undying love kept him going.

At long last, one of his allies heard of the cowards hiding place and Stealthy soared into the air to reach Gabriel before he could take flight once more.

Unknown to him however, Gabriel had summoned other fallen angels and he waited for Stealthy in a deadly ambush...

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Old 03-11-2001, 05:32 PM   #4
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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As Stealthy approached the hiding place of Gabriel, he knew little of what lay ahead. Suddenly, a host of demons swooped down and attacked Stealthy:

Luckily, he caught site of them out of the corner of his socket and spun around to attack. His magiks were strong and his fury righteous and he burned them where they stood:

Soon, a pile of smouldering Demons filled the cavern with an acrid stench, that would have made Stealthy wretch, had he a stomach. Gabriel looked on in horror at the devestation and fled to the side of Memnoch the Mighty, his despicable Lord and Master. 'Help me master, am I not your most loyal servant since Hellfire was defeated by the Black Knight and CloudBringer? Stealthy is coming to kill me and if you save me, I will pledge my soul to you'. 'Fool!' growled Memnoch, 'It was always mine to begin with, but this Stealthy intrigues me and his soul burns fiercely. It will be mine!' And with that he strode forth to claim it.

As he approached, Stealthy knew fear for the first time. Memnoch stood 3 stories high and his breath crumbled everything it touched, so foul was it. Had it not been for his love of the fair Ladylicious, he would have turned and ran.
Memnoch saw the fear in his sockets and laughed:

Stealthy fought bravely against Memnoch, but the evil Lord new all the answers. Soon, the inevitable happened and a fierce blow sent Stealthy crashing into a corner, his once proud wings lay smashed into splinters. 'Now your soul will be mine and I will torment it for ever' laughed Memnoch as his black talons reached out to pluck Stealthy's heart from his chest:

'No, you shall not have him' cried the LadyWendy as she struck Memnoch an all mighty blow , which sent him crashing to one side. She had followed the brave Stealthy into the pits of hell itself. She quickly countered with a flurry of attacks and arcane magic, which drove Memnoch back:

'Bah' cried Memncoh, 'This morsal is hardly worth my time or effort' he continued unconvincingly. He rose into the air and flew back to his fortress across a sea of fire.

The brave Ladylicious ran to Stealthy's side as he tried in vain to rise. 'Stealthy, speak to me. Tell me I am not too late.' 'Fear not, my Lady, nothing could keep me from your side and even if I where killed again, I would rise once more and come to you', said Stealthy, through gritted jawbone. 'My wounds though serious are not fatal, am I not dead already?' As he laughed, a rib broke and tumbled into the ashes. 'Come, we must get you back' said the LadyWendy as she helped Stealthy to his foot-bone. As they slumped away, they didn't notice Gabriel rise from the hole he had skulked in and follow them...

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Old 03-11-2001, 05:33 PM   #5
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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As Lady Wendy draged the bleeding carcass of the her latest lover in to the rising sun, the creature now know as Gabriel turned to the fell demon Menmoch,
“Fool, I did not want his blood spilt!”
“I am your master, you shall not speak to me like that!”
“You are no more my master the Powers be!” With that the lost angel turned and vanished in a flash of blinking lights.

The beautiful Lady Wendy stood over the prone form of the knave, Stealth. Black Knight and his lover running to her side.
"We must find a priest lest he die." As she spoke faint traces of tears ran from her eyes. At seeing this figure emerged from the trees, it was Gabriel, Black Knight drew his blade, but a wave of the angel’s hand stopped him.
"Good Knight, We knew each other once, if our friendship means anything to you believe this, I shall not hurt him." The knight kept his blade drawn but moved aside. The fallen one moved to the side of his rival,
"His wound is severe. The corrupting touch of Menmoch has poisoned his blood."
He placed his hand on the wound and Stealth's body jerked, the blade of Black Knight's sword moved to Gabriel’s throat but the shaking stopped.
"He will be a sleep for a few hours, but when he wakes he will be fine." The angel said and turned toward the trees.
"Why did you do this?" came the musical tones of Lady Zekke voice.
"I didn't do it for him, if that what you think, his death shall not pain me much."
"Then why?" came the silken tones of the nearly as delightful sister, Lady Cloud.
"If he was to die now, the pain it will cause Lady Zekke is unacceptable. If he still desires to seek me out, I shall be at the cliffs over looking the beach, I believe your sister knows the spot." and he walked in to the shadow of a tree and vanished.
“I thought he wanted to kill Stealth?” the most beautiful sister's younger sibling asked.
“As did I.” Came the reply. “We must take him back to the castle.”

Once Stealth was safely place in bed. Lady Wendy approached her sister. “ Where is the spot that Gabriel talked of?”
“If you head to the beach, there is a place where the rock extends into the water, behind that is a cove surrounded by cliffs.”
“I am guessing that how you know of such a place is something I should not pry in to?” Lady Cloud blushed and walked away.
Once she was gone, Lady Wendy walked towards the keeps gates.
“You know what shes doing, don’t you?” came a voice from a darkened window.
“Yes, Bk. Have you thought of how Gabriel knew of the spot?” she asked as the shadowed figures move from the portal. Unknown to them a small figure was waiting their departure and move to follow Lady Zekke.

Lady Wendy reached the cliffs a short time later, and found the Fallen Angel staring out to sea. “ I assume you’ve come to attack me again, fine lets be done with.....” His voice trailed of as he turned.
“ If you want to fight fine, but I came seeking answers.”
“ Then ask your questions and be gone.”
“Why did you help Stealthy, you could of left him to die?”
“I told you why already.”
“Yes but I want a better answer this time.”
“......He matters to you.”
“ You matter to me, we were friend once.”
“ Yes long ago, back with Jerome.”
“ Then why did you attack Stealth?”
“I didn’t, I told him he was a fool, unworthy of your hand, and warned him of the way you toy with men’s hearts.”
“ What, I do no such thing.”
“I loved you once, as did Jerome and it destroyed us both!” Gabriel span back to the sea. “I tried to warn Stealth that you might do such as this to him and accused me of attempting to destroy your relationship.”
“ I would never do such a thing, to him.”
“I wish I could believe your words, but they mean nothing to me.”
“No! You don’t understand we loved you and it destroyed us! We are pale shades of our selves, your toying with our hearts did this! you; we would of die for you.....” Gabriel's shoulders were shaking, Lady Wendy realised he was crying, moving closer she put her hand on his shoulder.
“ I didn’t know.... I didn’t know.” She lied, lifting her hand, she moved it closer to the charred remains of his wings." Do they hurt?"
“ Eternally.”
“ Lady Zekke, get away! He means us harm!” Came a cry for behind them.
“ No Stealthy, your wrong.”
“He has affected your mind, you're not thinking straight, I kill you for that fiend!” Moonlight flashed off the sword in Stealth’s hand as he charged.
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Old 03-11-2001, 05:37 PM   #6
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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As Stealthy charged towards Gabriel, LadyWendy tried to come between them, but it was too late! The claymore screamed through the air as the enraged Stealthy's marrow in Stealthy's bones, pounded with his bloodlust. Gabriel stood calmly, awaiting his fate, a serene peace emanated from him and those who knew him of old, were reminded of how he used to be. At the last moment, the Black Knight thrust his Greatsword in the path of the swinging blade and knocked it aside. Stealthy fell to the floor, the exertion had been to much for him in his weakened state.

'Stealthy, you must listen' said the Black Knight. 'Gabriel saved you and he came here in peace. I am a Paladin and cannot lie and equally I sense no evil intent in Gabriel. Let him speak his piece.'

Gabriel, opened his eyes and appeared to stare into the distance as he spoke.
'I too was a paladin once, but my love for LadyWendy blinded me and I fell out with my best friend. I lost my way and was turned away from the only home I had ever known. The love I saw in Stealthy's eyes, as he lay dying in Lady Wendy's arms, brought me to my senses. My love for her cost me my dearest friend, I will not let her cost another innocent his life. I came to warn you of Lady Wendy, but in reality it was our own folly. I see that now and I wish to make ammends.'

Stealthy looked at him and he realised he spoke the truth. But deep inside his heart, where the last vestige of life lurked, his soul cried out for blood. He struggled to fight back this feeling and eventually managed it. But it was getting ever more difficult as time went by.

'Gabriel, my friend the Black Knight trusts you and hence, so will I. But know this, if you ever threaten my Lady or I, or speak ill of her, I will be there to strike you down before you utter the last word. For now, I will sheath my sword and bid you welcome, in the name of my friendship for our hosts.'

'Thank you' said Gabriel and as he smiled, he seemed for an instance to glow, as if from an inner light. The others stared at each other and Black Knight said 'There is hope yet, it may not be too late. Let us go back to the castle and we will feast in celebration of things to come and frienships re-newed.'

At the banquet, Stealthy had time to dwell on the events of the last few weeks, as he no longer needed to eat to maintain his half-life. He remembered how he had met Jerome one night, shortly after he had met the Lady Wendy and had been entranced by her singing and dancing. They had quickly fallen in love for he had never met anyone with her love of life and she was enthralled by this Laird from a distant country, who knew no fear and who's love for her was absolute. Jerome's jealousy had rotted his soul and he had fallen oh so very far. He had attacked Stealthy from behind and had used some dark and fell magics to turn him into some unholy form of undead. Yet his soul was trapped in his still beating heart. He remembered Jeromes words clearly:

'Fool, the Lady Wendy is mine and mine alone! Soon she will see that we were ordained to be together for the rest of our lives. I have power now, more power than you can imagine for I am THE MIGHTY CAPS LOCK KING and all lower cases will bow before me! Let's see if the Lady Wendy still loves you in your new form! Killing you would be to kind, so I will let you live by keeping your heart and soul alive so you can see her disgust in her eyes when she next sees you.'

With that he had turned away, leaving Stealthy lying amonst the festering remains of his flesh. Eventually he had recovered, but the look of horror in Lady Wendy's face when she saw him, had made the recovery slow and painful. However, despite his hideous appearance, Lady Wendy still loved him and she had stayed by his side. But, Stealthy couldn't bare to be close to her for long, as the pain of being unable to fully show his love for her was destroying him. Jerome had known this and was counting on Stealthy to fall as he had done. But Stealthy's love had kept him strong and he had resisted. Until now. The blood rages came more frequently and soon his anger would be so strong that he would destroy all around him.

That night he decided to leave all his friends behind and start a new life, far away from them all. He packed a few belongings and waited until everyone was asleep. As he crept stealthily out into the moonlit fields around the castle, he heard a twig snap close by. He turned and saw Gabriel standing by a row of crosses, praying. Stealthy stopped and looked at Gabriel in suprise.
'What brings you here at this time of night?' he asked.
Gabriel looked up in shock. A puzzled look on his face, slowly gave way to one of sadness. 'These are the graves of the Knights of the Holy Flame who perished because of my actions all those years ago. I am praying for their souls and my forgiveness. I have decided to seek Jerome out and make ammends.'

At that Stealthy started 'Jerome, that hellish fiend is the cause of my current state. I would kill him with my bare hands if I could. Do you know where he is hiding?'

Gabriel looked at him with pity in his eyes and said 'Your anger and hatred consumes you. You must be strong to resist this magic, for my time with Memnoch taught me that this curse slowly rots your soul, until you become a true undead, a lich of unbelievable might and thoroughly corrupt. You must fight the evil and resist temptation or his plan will succeed. I do not know where he hides, but I see now what I must do. You and I must seek him out so that you might be saved and he also. Only by doing this can all 3 of us be returned to our former states. Let us return now, for we must prepare to leave in the morning to seek Jerome and bid our farewells.

Stealthy looked at Gabriel for a minute as the conflict within him raged. He wanted to destroy Gabriel, but he knew this was driven by Jerome's hatred of him and so he fought the desire down. Eventually the rage died and he said to Gabriel:

'I am not so sure this is such a good idea. My soul cries out to be released and yet my fibre tells me to kill you. I do not know how much longer I can control this curse, but it seems that I have no choice, for if I stay here, I will eventually become so corrupt, that I will destroy those I love. For the love of Lady Wendy I would do anything and so I agree, we leave in the morning to seek out Jerome. What will happen when we find him, I do not know.'

Gabriel smiled briefly, but a shadow fell over his face as he replied 'One other thing, we have both crossed Memnoch and he will be after revenge. We must take care that we do not meet him, as I doubt we could defeat him. Your victory last time was but short-lived. Had he wanted, he could have killed you both. I am not exactly sure why he didn't and that worries me. Let us hope we never find out'

With that they walked slowly back to the castle side by side. An alliance born out of hatred for each other and forged out of a common goal to find Jerome and rescue all of themselves from eternal damnation.

Far away, a huge red hand held a dragons skull filled with fresh blood. In the dark reflection, Stealthy and Jerome could be seen walking towards a castle. A deep, unpleasant laugh echoed around the vast hallway, battering the flames in the braziers and sending the smoke to the corners of the mighty fortress. Memnoch turned to Jerome and said:

'The fools come, make ready for their arrival. I suspect that they will soon realize where you are and if not we shall send Jerome to lead them here. My plan proceeds exactly as I predicted'...
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Old 03-11-2001, 05:52 PM   #7
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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Once Gabriel and Stealth reached the Keep they found Lady Cloud waiting for them. “Where have YOU been?” she demanded of Stealth.

“I…was going to.....”

“ He saw me leaving and followed me, I ran into him on my way back here.” Gabriel interrupted.

“Oh is that so......okay then.” She replied sounding sceptical. Lady Z approached with the Black Knight.

“Leave them be, he back now and that all that matters. Now Stealthy-love, come with me.” Smiling she lead Steathy off, with a quick nod between them the others disappeared as well. Gabriel left standing alone in the courtyard sighed and walked toward the keep.

Returning to his old room, Gabriel saw very little had changed, a few areas had scorch marks and some of the furniture was new but he could guess why. He was given this room when he first came to stay, it was but two doors down from Cloudbringer and next to LadyZekkes room, he figured that Black Knight though it the best place to put him, being able to reach either lady quickly in cases of danger. He started toward the cupboard but stopped halfway…. realising that the only cloths he had was this loincloth. Moving to wards the bed he tried to lie down, the dull aching of his wings was heightened by the contact with the bed. Clearing his mind of thoughts he try to block out the pain. He was distracted by voices; opening his eyes he gazed around the room, trying to find the source. It came from behind him, LadyZ’s room, listening for a few short seconds he could guess their intent. With a scream of annoyance he walked out of the room, nit bothering to close the door behind him.

“Ladylicious, you know I can’t indulge you in this state.” Stealth was standing by the door, trying to look away.

“I know but I love you.” LadyZ replied as she covered herself up.

“Ladylove, I going to leave tomorrow. To find Jerome and get him to make me whole again.”

“I...... understand, I wait for you, until you come back to me whole.” As she spoke she took his skeleton hand in hers “Stealth love, your fingers, they are so smooth and rounded....” A grin grew across Stealth face (which is pretty hard thing to do without skin) when a scream erupted from the next room.

“Shouldn’t we check that out?”

“ No, your got other things on your hand now Stealth.”

Gabriel entered the dinning room to find the Lord of Alcohol sitting with his feet on the table. “Being kept up?” he asked, smirking. Gabriel shot him a look of daggers and took a seat. “ Want some?”

“ What is it?”

“ LadyZ’s special brew.”

“Which means?”

“A barrel of 50 year old Turnip beer I found.”

“And she knows you found it?”

“Loosen up, besides she made me the official Ale Conner, tasting it's my job.”

“Ha, the perfect job. Pass me some then.” LoA searched for a cup, but couldn’t find one. Sighing Gabriel got up and headed for the door to the kitchen.

“I wouldn’t go in there.”

“Why not?”

“Cloudy and BK are ‘cooking’.”

“Cooking, really what....oh.” He said getting the hidden meaning. “What is it about this place.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it has to be built on a temple of Sune, everyone hornier than a hedgehog!”

“Ha, if only there was more women, then we know if you’re right or if it just the family.” A loud moan echoed through the door.

“ I can’t take it anymore, I getting out of this place for the night.”

“I’ll join you.” LoA added, but collapsed on to the table instead.

The suns rays drifted across the sky, spreading a pattern of reds and orange but Gabriel didn’t notice, before him stood a group a monsters so foul they had no name. “Gabriel, Menmoch is angry with you.”

“And he sent you four of you to tell me this.”

“Cut the wit, it was never your strong point. We are to bring you to him.”

“So he told you to go fetch?”

“We could of done this the easy way, but I don’t think Menmoch will mind you arriving a little battered.” And it spring to attack, Gabriel brushed a side it claw with easy, but took a hit from one of its friends. Spinning Gabriel willed a sword into his hand and struck out, a small fiend caught the blade in it shoulder and with a twist Gabriel drove it in to the beast heart. Unfortunately it left his back open, and a strike sent him sprawling. Rolling he braced the hilt of the blade against the ground, predicably the creature impaled itself on it tip, Gabriel found his blade stuck and gave it up. Flipping to his feet, he caught a kick to his stomach, but his years of training and combat had honed his instinct and he grabbed the foot, twisting it sharply until he heard the bone crack. Throwing the wounded creature to the ground his turned to spot the last beast casting a spell. With a quick dive he threw the injured one into the spells path. A cloud of dust blinded him and he was unprepared for the next attack, which sent him flying in to tree across the clearing. As soon as he caught his breath a bolt of lighting struck him, followed by another and another. Clenching his teeth he uttered the words to a spell he learned long ago, and the lighting stopped only to be replaced by the sound of laughter.

“ Do really think you can still win, your beaten.”

“ Varsh! You bastard.” Gabriel yelled throwing the last of his energy in to the spell, the last thing he saw as he fell in to darkness was the creature standing over him staring.
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Old 03-11-2001, 06:01 PM   #8
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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As Ladyzekke looked out the window watching Stealthy leave to find Jerome and a cure, she could hear his feet clicking an echo off the castle walls, the setting sun shining on his skull. "Good luck, my love".

She walked down the long winding stairs to the greatroom where Lord of Alcohol was sampling a new Turnip brew.

"What do you think LofA, is that a good batch?"

"Don't rightly know yet, I'll have to try a few more samples for comparison." She walks into the kitchens to see what Chef Taliesin has cooked for dinner and ran into Cloudbringer and BK giggling into eachother's faces smeared with spaghetti sauce. "Ooops! Sheesh you guys should put up a sign on the door or something"!

Suddenly she hears several loud booming and cracking noises outside. She runs up the stairs to find Gabriel but notices his room is empty. "Where did he go?" She runs to the west wing and looks out the window and sees Gabriel lying unconcious on the ground with a huge monster looming above him. "HEY! You there! Yeah you! Get away from him you bastard!" The monster looks up at her and takes a few steps in her direction, raising its hellish wings. "That's right! Come and get it if you have the guts you pansy!" As the creature takes the bait and lifts up into the sky towards her window, Ladyzekke runs for her life to the cellars where her Mages for Dummies book sits on a stone shelf. She knows she may have made a mistake taunting the creature, but knew no other way to save Gabriel from whatever fate the monster intended for him.

When she reaches the cellar she heaves the great stone door shut and bars it and runs for the book. "Light help me I need a spell!" Frantically flipping the pages she cannot find a suitable spell to defeat the creature. What is he immune to? As the creature reaches the door Ladyzekke can hear him pounding on it and the stone begins to crack. "SHITE!" After several attempts the creature breaks through the door and grins at Ladyzekke with his hideously large toothy mouth. The creature grabs her by her neck in his huge clawed hand just as she casts the only spell she had in front of her when he crashed through the door. Ladyzekke casts "Goose Grease" on Memnoch. As the spell takes hold and the nasty grease surrounds the creature he drops ladyzekke howling frantically trying to wipe off the grease, which is quickly growing thicker and thicker. Ladyzekke falls unconcious to the ground in a bloody pool. Memnoch had never seen such a spell before. He thought himself invincible but soon realized that he was effectively paralized and suffocating incased in a huge blob of goose grease.
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Old 03-11-2001, 07:37 PM   #9
Ironworks Moderator

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Originally posted by Black Knight:
Thought it might be easier if we tried to cut and paste everything that is the story onto this thread. (actually, I was just trying to get everything in one spot so it would be easier to read and less work for me, but ya know ) Is there a way to quote the other threads in a different thread? Just curious.

Thanks everyone

Makes sense to me. I'm going a bit nuts trying to keep up these days! Thanks, BK!


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Old 03-11-2001, 07:57 PM   #10
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The Lady StormCloud was wondering what wine to serve with the special dinner she had planned for her returning Black Knight. She called for Sir Taliesin to recommend something that went with spaghetti ala black-stormcloud-of-the-knight and when she couldn't find him she wandered down to the cellars herself.

When she opened the cellar door, she saw the bloody body of her beloved elder sister lying on the stone floor, a large crysallis of hardened goose grease nearby. The cocoon was cracked and empty, and StormCloud shoved it aside as she bent down to lift her sister's head and feel for her breath.

"LADYWENDY! Oh my stars and storms, no! What has happened? Speak to me, dear sister, please say something!" StormCloud could barely see for the tears falling from her eyes. At last she heard a faint moan from her sister's lips and was relieved enough to leave her to find help.

Racing up the stairs she found Gray Mage and told him the dire news. Lady StormCloud ran to find aid elsewhere and to tell her Paladin the news so that he might start the hunt for the evil that had injured her sister.

Gray Mage raced to the cellar and cast dimension door to move the battered LadyZekke to the cleric's wing of the castle. He knew that the magic involved with the injuries the lovely and spirited LadyZekke had suffered, was terrible. Terrible indeed. Evil was afoot and he was going to hunt it down. Nothing would keep him from doing his sworn duty to Black Knight, The StormQueen and their family. Gray Mage made certain that LadyZekke was in the best of hands in the cleric's wing and headed out to cast true sight and wizards eye to scour the properties and report back to his Queen and Paladin.

Lord of Alcohol, on hearing the news, ran to get the 50 yr old turnip brew and brought it to LadyZekke. It revived her and she started to speak.

---Ok that's it...someone add to it if you like! --- sorry, short on time, will help more as I can! LOVE this!!!!!


Purple Rose of the Black Knight

[This message has been edited by Cloudbringer (edited 03-11-2001).]

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