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Old 10-30-2002, 06:39 PM   #71
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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Amoret? lol, he sounds like a guy you'd love to hate btw, thanks for working on it.. (sword tho his gut, put a sword tho his gut [img]tongue.gif[/img] ) heheh, soz, I kinda like the char "gal".. and well, :@ hehe, hurt anyone that hurts her. (A) lol, keep posting
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Old 10-31-2002, 10:01 AM   #72
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You are quite correct as to whom Amoret is based. There was an early version of The Burned Drow that had an extended version of his attempt on G.

With a rueful smile, he dropped his confiding air. "Indeed, my lady, I shall do so. Permit me to say that you are much changed since that night, long ago." As Galadria merely glowered at him, he went hurriedly on. "About a month ago, I was working as a guard on a caravan of the Zhentarim, when I overheard a conversation while I was trying to sleep. Two of the rogues, one of whose names was Oziander, the other Nol Hasp, were whispering, but, you know how it is at night, you can hear things that you wouldn't in daytime."
"You were eavesdropping," interjected the mage. "Continue. I have no desire to argue ethics with you."
"My lady!" he cried with a hurt air. "At any rate, I heard one of them mention your name. Of course, I pricked up my ears."
"Nol Hasp was saying: '...and they say her name is Galadria. In Baldur's Gate. The child is worth a hundred thousand gold to the Council of Six.'
"'Dangerous,' grunts Oziander. 'but for that kind of cash, worth the risk.' Then they glance hurriedly in my direction and change the subject, something about the camels. I heard no more, though I listened carefully the rest of the trip. How about it, my lady? Is that worth my pardon and some coin?"
Galadria grunted. "Vague. I'll give you a hundred, and tell Attalus and Chorania not to spit you on sight, unless you look at them wrong." She took a purse out of a pocket in her robe that had not seemed to be there before and tossed it to him.
He caught it deftly and pocketed it without counting it. "That's good to hear, my lady, because I frequenly have business in Baldur's Gate and it is bothersome to always having to look over my shoulder. I shall keep my ears open and report to you if I hear anything else."
"I should expect so," the mage retorted, "and if you haven't changed your ways substantially, you would do well to watch your back in any case. Get out of here, Amoret, and next time bring something more specific."
She returned to her study, to find the apprentices all agog to hear about the mysterious visitor. "Well, well," she said, "Em, you and I have to talk. Girls, we'll resume this topic another time. Sefa, I want you to read chapters five and six of Webi's Practical Demonology." After the girls had gone out, she closed the door and fixed her sister with a meaning look. "Amoret says that there's another plot to kidnap Uriel," she said grimly. "by the Zhentarim. I don't know what we can do, other than what we usually do."
Noemi looked thoughtful, compressing her lips in anger. "No, except maybe warning the factor here in Baldur's Gate that we know about it, and that any attempt would result in his death. That should give them a moment's pause. They wouldn't want to go to war with you. Why on earth are they wanting poor little Uriel, do you think? Curse all that Nexus Incantation that they do."
"Well," Galadria replied, "I guess it means that our girl has a destiny to be a powerful mage, though why they think that she would work for them after they kidnapped her is something that I shall have to think about. Cyth will be here next week. Perhaps we can do a Ceremony." That was when the three devotees of the Goddess Tres could atttempt to summon her for guidance.
"That'd be good," the little redhead responded. "Gal, why won't Tres answer when we try with Cho or Sefa?"
"Em, I don't know," she said with a rueful shake of her head. But She won't, and that's that. The ways of the Goddess are...unknowable." She had about to say "strange," but on second thought decided that it might be considered insulting, and she scarcely wanted to offend the deity that they were about to ask for help.

The days passed without incident until Cythera and her husband Odo arrrived for their regularly scheduled visit. Cythera, blonde, beautiful, and ebullient, immediately gathered Galadria and Sefa in the study. "Gal," she said excitedly, "Remember what you told me about Sefa's past?" The girl's parentage was something of a mystery, beyond that she had been a kidnapped child whose parents had failed to pay the ransom, and was being raised to be sold to a brothel when her kidnappers fortunately died in a plague, leaving her to shift for herself on the streets, until Galadria had discovered her gift for magic and taken her in.
When Galadria had smiled and nodded, the blonde mage went on breathlessly. "Well, I was in that shelter that I give money to, and heard one old gent telling a story. It was about a famous thief named Snurrl, and how he had his baby kidnapped, but wouldn't pay the ransom for fear of people thinking that he was an easy mark. He later changed his mind, but he couldn't make any contact with the kidnappers, and so he went to live in an old tower to mourn and brood. I asked him about it when he had done, and he said that it hads been all the gossip in the Shadow Thieves Guild years back. Do you think that could be Sefa's father? How can we find out?"
Sefa's heart gave a thump. As orphans will, she had often fantasized about her parents, and this might tell her something. But she was very happy where she was, and didn't want to leave, no matter how famous a thief her father might have been or how nice his tower. She felt a pang of real fear that she might have to leave the House of the Dome, where all of her happiest memories were. Scenes shot through her mind: Galadria the first night that she met her, her own joy when told that she might stay, all of the little daily interactions with the denizens there. She recalled Chorania calling the House her refuge. It was her refuge as well, and she wanted to stay. Realizing suddenly that both mages' gaze on her, she blushed and said, "My Lady, I love you and don't want to leave. Don't do anything to tell him about me, please."
Galadria hugged her. "Of course, Sefa, I shall not tell anyone about you that you don't want me to. I don't want you to leave, either. But, don't you think we should look into this, just so that you will know? You might change your mind, later, and then you would have the information. You are not going anywhere except through your own desire, though. Do you hear me?"
Sefa's blush deepened. "Yes, my Lady," she answered timidly. "I will do whatever you say. You always know best."
The two older women laughed. Cythera patted Galadria on the shoulder. "Yes, she does, Sefa," she said with an affectionate smile at her friend, "when she knows anything, which is usually. Now come on, you two. I have to make sure that Odo puts everything up right, before he and Attalus get to inspecting the wine cellar."
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Old 10-31-2002, 10:27 AM   #73
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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lol this "There was an early version of The Burned Drow that had an extended version of his attempt on G." I dont suppose (drawing the word out) you still have that...? *grin* lol, its always nice to see the "unedited" version [img]tongue.gif[/img] if only for comparison btw, nice work so far keep posting plz *hugs*
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Old 10-31-2002, 01:45 PM   #74
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Hmmm, I believe I deleted that, but I'll check some of my old files.

Later that night, when dinner was done, the women gathered in Galadria's study again. This time, they all sat around the great circular table in the center of the room, while the dark mage uncovered a bowl, curiously carved, and poured water into it from a special flask. She concentrated, her eyes fixed on the water and Sefa's hand held tightly in hers. In a moment, the Guardian known to them as Fasz appeared. "Greetings, oh, Fasz, " Galadria intoned. "Do you know this one?"
"Greetings to you, Galadria Godspawn," a deep voice replied. "You mean the one whose hand you hold? Yes, her spirit has been present when you have addressed me before. Do you have aught to ask concerning her?"
"Indeed, oh, Fasz. Today, I was told of whom her father might be, which was until now unknown to us. Can you tell me aught of this?"
Fasz seemed to consider. "Yes, Galadria, I believe that I might help. Her father is indeed alive. He is located somewhere to the southwest of you. His name is Snurrl. Her mother I cannot find, and this means that she is no more. Does this assist you?"
Sefa exhaled sharply. So, the story was true. Her own father, and he did not even care enough to ransom her. Tears came unbidden into her eyes.
Her Mistress was speaking, and she rivetted her attention to the scene before her eyes. "Yes, oh, Fasz, it does indeed. Thank you for this and your other kindnesses."
"Thanks to me are not needed," replied the voice, "from the one that rid the universe of Me'elshadrixx. Any help I can give, you have deserved. Farewell, for now." The image disappeared, and they were again looking at a bowl full of clear water.
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Old 10-31-2002, 04:42 PM   #75
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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awwwww, poor sefa hehe, post more? please? Thanks
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Old 11-01-2002, 09:15 AM   #76
Jack Burton

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I concur. *nods*
Very good...likkle Uriel, sweet! ^_^

Just a Tres really a forgotten realms deity? I thought there was only Mystra but I havn't played the pnp and my experience is limited to Salvatore novels, IWD1, BG series and NWN *blush*
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Old 11-02-2002, 01:23 PM   #77
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LOL, no <font color=lavender>Galadria</font> made her up, along with Gaetan, whom you will be hearing of shortly.
Even Heroes sometimes fail...
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Old 11-02-2002, 03:07 PM   #78
Jack Burton

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I thought so ^_^
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Old 11-03-2002, 11:22 AM   #79
Calaethis Dragonsbane
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hmmm, would it inconvience you to post some more at some point Lady G? Preferbly when your not to busy heh, I wouldnt want to make you feel erm, pressured? bah, lol, I dont wanna be a pest either well, maybe a little *grin* but in a nice way . Post whenever you want to "mother" dearest. *grin* lol, I guess I'm just impatient for the next installment . Thanks in advange
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Old 11-03-2002, 02:48 PM   #80
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Sorry, Kaltia, dear, but the Forgottten Realms dieties weren't convenient for me, though I suppose I could have used Mystra.

Later that night, when dinner was done, the women gathered in Galadria's study again. This time, they all sat around the great circular table in the center of the room, while the dark mage uncovered a bowl, curiously carved, and poured water into it from a special flask. She concentrated, her eyes fixed on the water and Sefa's hand held tightly in hers. In a moment, the Guardian known to them as Fasz appeared. "Greetings, oh, Fasz, " Galadria intoned. "Do you know this one?"
"Greetings to you, Galadria Godspawn," a deep voice replied. "You mean the one whose hand you hold? Yes, her spirit has been present when you have addressed me before. Do you have aught to ask concerning her?"
"Indeed, oh, Fasz. Today, I was told of whom her father might be, which was until now unknown to us. Can you tell me aught of this?"
Fasz seemed to consider. "Yes, Galadria, I believe that I might help. Her father is indeed alive. He is located somewhere to the southwest of you. His name is Snurrl. Her mother I cannot find, and this means that she is no more. Does this assist you?"
Sefa exhaled sharply. So, the story was true. Her own father, and he did not even care enough to ransom her. Tears came unbidden into her eyes.
Her Mistress was speaking, and she rivetted her attention to the scene before her eyes. "Yes, oh, Fasz, it does indeed. Thank you for this and your other kindnesses."
"Thanks to me are not needed," replied the voice, "from the one that rid the universe of Me'elshadrixx. Any help I can give, you have deserved. Farewell, for now." The image disappeared, and they were again looking at a bowl full of clear water.
"Well, Gal," Cythera offered, "I guess that we won't have to have the Ceremony after all. So, Sefa, your father was the famous thief, Snurrl. I hear that he stole the giant diamond eye out of a statue of some Southern demon god, and had to stay on the run for ten years before he got forgiveness."
"Hmmf,' sniffed Sefa, "it seems to me that if he had been any good, they wouldn't have known who did the job."
Noemi brightened and cut in, "No, what I heard was that the Eye of Raieros - that's what it was called - kept telling the priests where he was. That was his mistake, not getting the swag boosted quick enough,"
Sefa was unyielding. "No thief worth his or her salt keeps the loot around longer than necessary. Ten years, he should have gotten some idea that the gem was narking him out."
"Ah," replied Cythera, "by then he had fallen in love with it."
Noemi giggled. "I would have fallen out of love with that diamond the first time a cobra fell out of my boot."
"Well, anyway," Sefa exploded, "he loved that old stone more than his own flesh and blood, that being me. Why didn't the old sod take some of his profits and ransom me?"
Galadria, who had been thinking deeply and not really paying attention to the conversation, came back to reality with a snap. She went and embraced Sefa, who began to cry, not really knowing why. "There, there, Sefa," she said soothingly, "I know that you feel badly used, and you were, you were, but it led to you being here with us, now. Just think, you escaped the brothel that they wanted to sell you to, and you escaped the streets. Think of what a strong, determined girl - woman, I should say - that your experiences have made of you."
Sefa sniffled a little. "I guess so," she finally said, "and you all are the very best family anyone would want. I guess if he really didn't want me, I'm much better off with people who chose to be with me for what I am."
"But, he did want you," Galadria replied, "he just let his silly pride stand in the way. By the time he realized what he had done, you were lost to him. Now, it is your decision and yours alone whether to make contact. It would be a kind act, I think, to put an end to what they say is his mourning for you, but remember that even kind acts have consequences, even bad ones. This Snurrl could be a wicked man indeed, one that you wouldn't want to be a part of your life. I have already said that you shall never be forced from here if it is your desire to stay, so, think it over carefully. There is no need to decide, now."
But Galadria was not the only one who could employ scrying devices.
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