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Old 03-05-2001, 02:50 PM   #1
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
I need someone to find the post where I "left" cloudbringer in a huff to go "think". I know we lost the first "chapter" ie the back and forth Steam session that sparked this SAGA. I have the 2nd Chapter (the story of Hope's death). I have Ch4 (Where Kuri Ozitee saved CB) and the last chapter. I need the post from where I left here. ANYONE? Thanks

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Old 03-06-2001, 12:56 PM   #2
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Delaware OH USA
Age: 47
Posts: 3,168
Come on, guys. Gabriel? Ziroc? please? (sigh)


[This message has been edited by Black Knight (edited 03-06-2001).]
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Old 03-06-2001, 01:00 PM   #3
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: England
Age: 41
Posts: 920
BK There is the entire post.

The Ironworks Forum - The Sunrise After a Night of Storms The

The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times) BLACK

The Black Knight walks around the Precipice surrounding the
Estates. He seems to be discussing something with a small
Fairy Dragon. He starts putting pebbles into piles, some for
stay, some for go. The piles seem very equal. The Black Knight
stares into the sky, looking for a sign from the gods. He
replays in his mind the fun times he has had. He also replays
the questionable things he has put off in his mind, only to
come back in the dead of the night when the only movement on
the earth is the sound of thought. He balances the two on his
heart, knowing either way the scales tip, his heart will be
Does he vanquish all newcomers and slay all enemies, ignoring
all the facts in front of him. Has its appeal, but innocent
people might get hurt. Or does he rage at the source of his
pain. Then again, he has never been an advocate of killing
women . . . yet. Or does he simply end it all . . . he thinks
less of that then killing woman. So it must be a peaceful
solution. Things cannot remain the same. He is unhappy with
the distrust that has formed between them. She is unhappy with
the lonely nights in the Castle while he is off purging the
world of evil. This disparity cannot remain. With a determined
look, he takes the ring of return off his battle-worn finger,
kisses it, and throws it off the cliffs. He turns around, only
to see the object of his distress standing behind him. The
Dragon Fairy dissolved with a poof.
The Black Knight says, “Please, for once, just listen. I can
only say this once. We are not okay. I am not able to fulfill
my Knightly Duties to Amn and my duties as a husband to you.
This has been tearing me apart for days now. I know you are
not happy and, with your needs unfulfilled, have been turning
to others for . . . comfort. I do not blame you, or them. I
cannot be both a Knight and your Husband. I was born to
Knighthood. I was raised to be a Knight. If I were to turn
away from all that I am to stay with you, that would make me
less than I was, and I would come to resent you for it. That
is the last thing I want: to make the objects of my love and
desire the object of my hate and distress. So it is with a
heavy heart that I must release you of your Maiden Vows and
return you to your Sister. It is not because you are unwanted,
rather because of my desire. My Desire to make you truly
happy. I know now that you would not be happy in a cage, no
matter how pretty that cage is. I don’t want to tie you down.
I release you so you can find that which will make you happen.

I know that this, in some ways, will dishonor me. I accept
that, and that is an issue between me, my god, and my fellow
Knights. I go to the temple to fast, pray, and await sentence.
Please don’t follow. Know that I am still you protectorate,
still have feelings, and want you to keep your ring. Just know
that there will be no more Black Storm Clouds of the Night. I
will miss our time together, and this hurts more than I
thought it possibly could, but it is for the best. Goodbye, my
Purple Rose of the Night.”
The Black Knight turns, reads a scroll of Dimension Door,
steps through and leaves Cloudbringer alone on the heights
near the Estate.

02-14-2001 04:32:00 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Sob, sob some more ... !

02-14-2001 05:46:04 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Isn't that nice. He gave her just want she wants on valentines
day...the kiss off

02-14-2001 05:51:21 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Wait! NO! Black Knight, my love, my life! NO NO NO!- (She
casts Follow: Dimension door to one true love: BK)
The figure in purple silk races after the darker one, catching
up and out of breath she pleads:
Please then listen to me? Please, for one moment? We have
hardly spoken since your return, but for strife-filled
I have not been untrue! Twas all just words and smoke! And
twas ne'er my intention to dishonor self or you, my beloved!
The vows we spoke are unbroken, unless you leave.
(she catches her breath and goes on) I would make this pledge
to you then, you must indeed fulfill your duty to Amn and
vanquish Evil where'ere you find it, and I would not have it
any other way. Twas that that drew me to you and that which
binds us. And I shall remain, faithfully waiting for whatever
time we may have together. I cannot, WILL not abide without
you!!! Yet, there is another way- would you consider it? Might
not I accompany you on occasion? Twould be fitting, I have the
skills! Could you wish it?
(sobbing she throws herself at his feet)
Do with me as you will, I have said my piece.I shall love you
as long as there is breath in this body and there shall be no
light in my life without you. (she gazes tearfully up at the
dark figure outlined in gold by the full moon's glow awaiting
his answer)
StormCloud , balanced on the precipice

02-14-2001 06:07:40 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

RAISTLIN: (you know, I thought the same thing...sob!)

02-14-2001 06:10:43 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

At the risk of sounding heart less.....I agree with the Black
Knight. But I fear it was never is putting the
other before you, even at risk of dishonnor and pain. If love
it be he would betray his knightly duties to stay by her heart goes out to you, dear lady.

02-14-2001 07:10:48 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 1 times)

Oh Valen! He will agree to my proposed solution, He must! I
cannot live without him!

Raincloud, holding her breath

02-14-2001 07:27:28 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Having visted a few thread that this started in, Black Knight.
She never 'dusted' anyones 'pillows' but yours, it was
Hellfire dusting Menmoch's the sense of
pillows and dusting not any thing else...
Mind you, she did say this

er, uh, well, call it big strong knight stuff, or noble
heart or gallantry personified or poetic soulmate or simply
chemistry. He did ask first...sigh...

Second thoughts perhaps?

02-14-2001 08:14:00 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Waiting on the precipice, teetering.

02-14-2001 09:27:01 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

falling as he leaves.

02-14-2001 09:29:30 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

hey bossleaderman!
How was your day?! I s'pose you can see what mine looks


The StormQueen has returned

02-14-2001 09:31:27 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Turbovee!! What was that?! c'mon now - Lands on trampoline in
back yard and bounces back to precipice unharmed!
Haven't heard from you much lately Turbovee, been
multiplaying!? I'd join in but I don't know if I have that
kind of time-dedication or game playing abilities. You would
most likely become very tired of resurrecting me!
Cloudbringer, take the bungie cord off, you're not fooling
anyone! hehe!


02-14-2001 09:38:16 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Me and the wife had a really good day. She was very happy.
She's sleeping right now and snugged up next to her pillow.
The whole day wore her out.

Oh, by the way did I mention I'm still in therapy?

02-14-2001 09:38:39 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

I know, I've missed talking to my LadyWendy. I come in and
poke my head around every now and then. I've been multi
playing with CB, so I usually get caught up in her debates. In
fact I was mentioning to our little group that it might be
interesting to have you join us every now and then. My
suggestion was that you might play an NPC. That way you're not
tied down to developing a character and you can still have fun
with us.
Got to play with the dolphins today! man are they cool!

Oh, by the way did I mention I'm still in therapy?

02-14-2001 09:44:49 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

tramp! ER I meant tramp-OLINE of course...snicker...uh thanks
for that one, sis!

bossleaderman! Nifty! Sounds like you had a good V-Day. I gave
up on the idea of cleaning... decided to de-frag the computer
and watch Kevin Sorbo in an Andromeda I had on tape.
LadyWendy: well, he's only killed me off ..let's see, once or
twice I we count when the whole party bought the
proverbial farm?!

02-14-2001 09:45:03 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

LadyW, just let us know if you want to wander in!

Dolphins? Where'd you go, turbovee?

02-14-2001 09:47:42 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Hey! I may be slow, but didn't bossleaderman just off me
again!? grrrrrr


02-14-2001 09:49:57 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Like I said that's what reload is for! HeHe
I'm in the Navy working with a Special warfare group that
trains dolphins for anti terrorism tactics

Oh, by the way did I mention I'm still in therapy?

02-14-2001 09:50:53 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

No kidding?

02-14-2001 09:53:03 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times) Sir

Hey Turbovee,
Didn't they make a movie about dolphins being used for that
some years back?

Ten rings there are, and nine gold torcs
on the battlechiefs of old...

02-14-2001 09:54:10 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

I remember reading the novel, darned if I can recall it's
title, though!


02-14-2001 09:57:08 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

I don't recall any movies or books but its cool nonetheless.
Gotta sign off for a little while the wife just woke back up
and now its time to watch that romantic movie that I rented.
You know the one that I despise but she loves

Oh, by the way did I mention I'm still in therapy?

02-14-2001 09:59:55 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

ahhh, you are a good good leaderbossman!
See you later!

02-14-2001 10:01:27 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Turbovee - well, I'll let yall know if I want to join in some
day! Seems a bit hard though with no pause option. Also, can
you guys communicate with eachother? How do yo make a plan to
approach a certain battle?
Cloudbringer, sorry, still laughing here about the "Kevin
Sorbo" movie!! "Hail, I am Hercules, ex Chippendale! View my
loincloth!!" I personally thought that short-lived Conan cable
series had a good actor. Well, maybe not really "good" actor,
but he had great pecks and had the accent down! But, alas,
they took it off the air, much as they did the SciFi channel's
"Paradox" which I greatly enjoyed. Cable company has no taste,
all they care about is Britney Spears and Ricky Martin!


02-14-2001 10:17:26 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

LadyWendy: In the game we can type messages, see them in the
text box. Lag time hits me and Charlie now and then, but its
not bad.
The pause thing is tough. I keep hitting the darned space bar
and having it say "You are not authorized to pause the game"
Hmmm, I think if I discuss Kevin Sorbo (yum) with you, I'll
have to sign my REAL name or go to another thread....(LOL)
wouldn't want BK to push Stormy off the precipice, would we?
(of course we know he's out celebrating the holiday with his probably won't be here tonight).


02-14-2001 10:36:06 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

So I guess you're now the Dreary Day Damsel, eh Cloudfluffer?

I'm Memnoch - Custodian of the Holy Flame.

02-15-2001 03:53:55 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Memnoch: Twas partly your doing, o perfidious namer of the
queen! And should my love choose 'nay' as his answer, there
will be a reckoning such as all Faerun will come to dread. But
should his answer be 'aye', twill be a different story.

So Sayeth the Storm Queen

02-15-2001 05:32:02 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

turbovee: that book/movie might have been called The Day of
the Dolphin (that springs to mind this morning for some
reason)- on aspect of it was the training of dolphins to
attach devices to the bottoms of enemy ships.


02-15-2001 05:34:43 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

I can't be bothered sorting through three days' worth of
posts, but my spidey senses are telling me that somewhere
along the line, this black knight fellow dissed Teddy. For
that, expect Evil Armisael to throw bricks through your
windows and drop flaming bags of dog shit on your front porch.

02-15-2001 05:51:13 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Oh, and I'm always free for a shower, Cloudbringer. Or a
honey-glazed walnut, whatever takes your fancy.

02-15-2001 05:54:29 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Armie! Uh, did he get that eye sewn back on straight?


02-15-2001 05:55:07 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Well, seeing as how big Dark and Fearsome isn't here yet, to
give his answer, I'll have to hold my answer there, Armie.
Don't run away, now, you hear?!
Cloudbringer, up with the dawn

The StormQueen has returned

02-15-2001 05:58:33 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

oh darn ,it's the moment of judgement.and to think i was the
one who started it.well Cloudbringer it seems that Black
Knight now has a choice to make :1 take the woman whom he
can't trust out of his sight or :2 live a life of mistrust and
worry...hum let me see or :3 walk away from the pain that you
have caused and actually live an honorable and healthy
life...gee i don't know..this is such a choice...Black Knight
you know what you have to have to leave her or your
never going to give the commitment that the Knighthood
requires from will your heart be true to the battle
,when your worried about you spirted woman all alone(yea
right)in the must chose...

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 06:27:30 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 3 times)

ARRRRRRRRRGH! Tis all your doing you wretched little worm! You
planned this! (little bolts of lightning strike the
hellspawned creature in the posterior) If I ever find out what
treacherous charms you cast on my beloved Knight, I shall make
them look like so much dust in the wind with what I shall do
to you, o minion of the blackest fiends! And if he takes the
road of abandonment and falls, little drooling pondscum, you
shall never be rid of my anger! He is a true and noble Knight
of the Order and you have made a mockery of what he stands for
and I am to suffer equally for your meddling!
The pledge I have offered is valid, and were he not befuddled
by your evil sorcery, BK would know that my 'flirtatious'
nature is of the spoken kind and does not lead perforce to
such acts as you accuse me of! So, have you had your last meal
yet, toad?! (hssssssssspitttt!) I feel a polymorph spell
coming on.... (more lightning charges chase the demonspawn

StormQueen, winding up

The StormQueen has returned

02-15-2001 06:41:09 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Hellfire drops all illuisions:
Cloudbringer,do you not remember the first time we meet,you
was on the beach deep in thought and i came up to you from the
sea,hum do you.Yes,i have taken an interest in this failed
love.I am the reason that love fails,wars fought,people are
cast from power..i am more than you see and yes i put dought
in your husbands head,but i didn't lie,he fed his own fears
and now questions tell..just what will you do
to fix what has been dear "lady"

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 06:53:24 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Love knows no bounds, treacherous fiend. (sob, sob)

StormCloud back on the edge of the precipice

02-15-2001 06:56:58 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

i woulnt point out how wrong you are my "lady" your Knight has
shone you to be false already,,oh and the next time someone
tries to polymorph me i'm going to insure that they spend some
time in my home

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 07:06:41 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

How did the apple taste, Cloudbubbler? I knew that once you
took a bite out of it you'd taste the (sun)light!

I'm Memnoch - Custodian of the Holy Flame.

02-15-2001 07:16:15 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Ack! Memnoch! You shall think parched is a four letter word,
when I'm done here!


02-15-2001 07:21:09 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

I've forgotten something. What is it? Ummm...that's right,
forgot to pay him. Hellfire, here's your gold.
*flips a couple of gold pieces Hellfire's way*
Oh, and you can come back into Hell now, your reward for a job
well done!

I'm Memnoch - Custodian of the Holy Flame.

02-15-2001 07:37:36 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

i can't do's going against my personel
alignment..Cloudbringer...i'm sorry for causing you and Black
Knight such distress...could we put this behind us and live
and let live...oh damn...that's not going to happen is because the wheel is spinning out of control
and we await Black Knight to decide your fate..hehehe..hahaha

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 07:37:57 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

thanks Memnoch ..i always said you was the greatest mind in
hell..oh ok ...i'll shut up now...sorry sir...

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 07:40:15 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

my God i'm going off topic on an off topic thread:this has the
plot to be a movie action ,suspense ,drama ,good vs. evil
,beutiful "lady",big strong knight,super intellegent evil
characters(Memnoch and Hellfire)and a wise and witty older
knight that comes out of retirement to fight evil once
again,and a setting in the fantasy realm with giant leeches
and a castle on a beach,....oh yea a good movie i think

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 07:49:27 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Hellfire: you are my Seraph of Temptation!

I'm Memnoch - Custodian of the Holy Flame.

02-15-2001 07:59:37 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

ah thank you but i'm just a plain old demon who enjoys
meddaling in the lives of mortals,and whom do you want to ruin
next,my'lord?or are we not done with Cloudbringer and her
failed attempt at love

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 08:16:03 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

I said it before and I'll say it again,(even if i do have an
answer) What does she see in him?
Hellfire- Stop picking on Cloudbringer in her time of need or
i shall have to send one of my many selves to talk to you.

02-15-2001 08:22:38 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

This is not over, Memnoch! Whate're he says, my love will seal
my fate. You had best hope he says "aye"! (glare) And I think
I shall amuse myself making your little lackey dance a bit,
while I wait (low chuckle) DANCE HELLSPAWN! (lightning strikes
the minion's feet).

02-15-2001 08:29:38 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Gabriel,um...a meeting between us would not be good to one's know the whole good vs. evil ,+and-,oil and
water..just not good,i think you get the point. besides i have
opened the door for you(not that it was hard,being that the
"lady"is as free as the wind in her dealings with those of the
male gender(love ya Cloudbringer))so have at her Arch-Angel if
she'll have you that is

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 08:30:35 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

pathetic woman do you know that all is not as it seems,you had
better get a grip on reality before i take your assualt
personelly..i'll not be so kind the next time..remember this ,
i am the reason your afraid of the dark and i am second only
to Memnoch,try that again and you will know fear on a new
level my dear "lady"hahaha

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 08:34:53 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Hellfire- Was that a threat IMP!!!
I am her Defender, charge by Black Knight himself, I shall
guard her honnor even if i have to run him through to do it. I
will not try to court her, She is married, and any such act
will dishonnor us both....
besides, she has a few other in mind, i am at the bottom of
the list, if there at all.

02-15-2001 08:44:25 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

threat=no pointing out the obvious=yes
it wouldn't be a good idea for us to be in the same room it's
as stated your an angel and i'm a demon..couldn't work
babe,love to but can't.and yes i think your right more on the
list than the one for Santa Cluase

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 08:49:31 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

An icy wind sweeps up Hellfires brimstone boxers and he dances
a little jig for the nice ArchAngel ..hehehehe


02-15-2001 08:55:20 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

hey ,now thats hitting bellow the belt,literally(so how is
work today,Cloudbringer?)

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 09:08:01 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Perhaps you are right about the you-me situation.
(btw-What did you mean about the list?)

02-15-2001 09:13:33 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

in joking content only:
i was merely refering to the list of gentlemen and that it
might be a long wait ,so have a seat hehehe,take a number or
some such civil thing

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 09:25:56 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Gabriel! You are special, my Defender, very special! Do not
ever doubt that! Tis only ...sigh... that I have come to trust
you as friend and companion and cannot think otherwise, dear
Defender. sigh...and as for the evil imp, he is attempting to
sway you from the path of GOOD and I know that he will fail!

Your CloudMinder

The StormQueen has returned

02-15-2001 09:31:18 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Thanks Hellfire, it's so hard to work things out when you been
up for 36 (or so) hours.
hmm...number 4989...and they are still calling number 1...

02-15-2001 09:36:32 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

CLOUDBRINGER!!!your days of .....what this could be good
go ahead ..yea talk to the nice angel..yea thats it ,oh you
make this to easy,my dear"lady",thats it be nice to him and
bat your pretty eyes and smile seductivly at him..oh yes..that
it..hum you sure you don't want a job with me.being that you
do the work for me and all

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 09:39:30 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

That icy wind picked up and spun the imp into a nifty little
pretzel shape....salt anyone?!
Gabriel, do not listen to the blackhearted swine (and i mean
that blackhearted bit in the nicest way..hahahahaha)! He will
lead you to ruin even as he works his foul poisons on my
beloved Knight.

02-15-2001 09:48:01 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

unlike you, i don't have to try to convience people,all i have
to do is show them the truth and they feed thier own
minds,dear Cloudbringer,when will you learn to accept the
gifts i have showen can't help being who you are any
mor than i.we are the same,you and i.You have your charm and i
have my witts,together we can't help corrupting them ,anymore
than they can't help being corrupted.Give yourself to the
master(that being Memnoch)and accept what you are.(i don't
know about you but i haven't had this much fun since ,played
the role of Rasputin,should have seen the Czar head rolling

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 09:59:53 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 1 times)

Fear not Cloudbringer, i can not be swayed, not by his words
or your eyes.
I am your comrade only, i accepted this long ago.
Your love posted a short while ago, on a different thread.

02-15-2001 10:04:38 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

isn't it strange that eyes rhymes with lies,eh Gabriel and

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 10:14:06 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 1 times)

TattleTail! Actually, I am working on the next chapter
currently. I hope to have it ready this afternoon, so stay
tuned for the next chapter in the CB BK SAGA. But in all
reality, this was a simple attempt to bring this all down in
one thread at a time, rather than posting all over the place.
My story will be told.
Oh, and I think it was LadyWendy who thought that Hope was one
of my other "6 wives"? In reality, she was the Heartless &!~(%
who broke my heart 3 months from the alter. But that is okay.
It made me into the person I am today.

02-15-2001 10:21:57 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

women,can't live with them ,can't live with them(i'm not
repeating myself people,believe me)

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 10:25:34 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

BK: You see my email?
Cloudbringer, swaying on the edge of that stupid precipice!
oh and I'm free-associating images, fellas, so get me
something to work with fast- I need to start typing or they go
"poof" in the wind- lunch in just over an hour- home in
5...... sigh....

02-15-2001 10:50:24 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Cloudbringer um something to work with ok...think
fast....uh..uh...will you marry me....oh god not that i didn't mean that ....$hit it's not going to
happen again....i'm not dying here... said something fast,and i don't do cyber

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 11:09:20 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 1 times)

Er, listen up, evil Implet...this cloudbaby don't do married
men... or minions... or whatever you are! .you evilminded
little droolbag! (and I mean that in the most sophisticated
way.... BIG SMILE, are killing me! I keep picturing
smeagol from Tolkein...yesssss my precioussssss, HAHAHAHHAAHA)

02-15-2001 11:12:43 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

ah er ah my lfe is but to serve mi'lady and i know it
wasn't great but you said fast and..ah..those was the fastest
things i could think of hehehe,i realy need to learn how the
smilely faces work

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 11:17:56 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

i must be the only one who sits here and waits for the topics
to get updated ...hum i have no life....what i'm at
work.....yea i'm working...yea, that's it...i'm working

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 11:29:14 A.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

how dare you compare me the great Hellfire to that weak
sniveling useless piece of goblin shite(that hurt worse than
the polymorph into a gibberling)i'm speechless ..i..i..don't
know what to say(oh yea i'm leaving now,time to get back into
reality,and damn that sucks,oh must go home and make my
kensai/thief into kensai/assassin

hellfire:the eternal fire of hell that tortures sinners

02-15-2001 12:39:34 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Memnoch: WINDBAG?!!!!!!!! I'll dust your pillow alright, with
itching powder! HAHAHA and oh, need your shorts starched?!
CloudFluffer, indeed! humph!

02-15-2001 12:57:13 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times) Sir

The funny man carrying a keg of turnip beer under his arm
staggers over to the percipice. Swaying wildly he peers over
the side. "Hmmm looks like a long way down CB. Sures its worth
it over some man? Other fish in the sea". He staggers back and
then sets down on the ground and scoots up to the edge, to let
his feet dangle over. The keg, he sits to his side and
produces a cup seemingly from no where. He pours himself a
stiff drink and peers over the edge again. "Yeap, aweful long
way down. And those rocks! My they look awefuly sharp. Sure
you know what your downing? Think long and hard lassy. He
ain't worth all that" (hiccup).

02-15-2001 01:02:02 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 1 times)

sob sob...I await his reply...uh, can I have a sip, there
Talieson? Mighty thirsty work, standing on a precipice all
StormCloud, swaying on the metaphorical precipice

02-15-2001 01:11:11 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Two broken lovers, an sympathetic audience, a cold-hearted
villan (yes you BK) and a goblin!!!

[Insert witty phrase here]

02-15-2001 03:07:38 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

pssst ! Fair warning, Jerome, if BK says me nay- get a life
jacket and warm coat! If not, er, cover your eyes, you're too
young to be here!


02-15-2001 03:13:55 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

SmeagolFire, you out there? Dance for the nice fallen Paladin!

02-15-2001 03:15:15 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Villian? Just you wait, Jerome. Chapter four will come out

02-15-2001 03:47:15 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Just you wait.... one day soon you'll all envy me....ALL OF
UNDERAGED Disgrunteled Fallen Paladin, Jerome

[Insert witty phrase here]

02-15-2001 03:51:54 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Hey! What about the poor damsel standing on the very cold
precipice, drinking (blech) turnip beer? I WANT MY KNIGHT!!!!!


02-15-2001 03:56:44 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

You know, I think Stormy is sounding a bit petulant

02-15-2001 04:00:10 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Click Click Click, Clack, Clack, Clack, DING
Click Click CLick, CLack, Clack, Clack, DING
Stupid Typewriter, stupid correction tape. I'M WORKING ON

02-15-2001 04:21:28 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Okay, okay....(melodious laughter) You win, I'll
wait...sigh....I do a lot of that, don't I?
-but you're worth the wait, BK! -


02-15-2001 05:04:23 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

I read chapter 1 & 2 (I think), but where is chapter 3?????
Don't drink too much of that wonderful turnip beer, you don't
want to commit "unintentional" suicide on the account of bad

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human
stupidity, and I'm uncertain about the former

02-15-2001 05:11:01 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Umm, the first chapter was the big get together scene that was
eaten by ether beasts. Chapter two was my trial hearing.
Chapter three was the big breakup from yesterday. And now
today. It is almost done. Just trying to put the finishing
touches on it. Having a bad time keeping my tenses straight
and I keep typing yous instead of his's. But it gave me
something to do at work today.
Clack Clack, clicky clicky Damn. Stupid keys getting stuck
CLick click DING . . .

02-15-2001 05:34:46 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Moridin: Perish the thought! Uh, this stuff is a bit odd
tasting, though!

StormCloud, still tottering around that blasted precipice
(metaphorical!- she dimension doored farther down the hillside
to catch BK, so needs to walk a bit to get to the actual

02-15-2001 05:39:17 P.M.

RE:The Sunrise After a Night of Storms (modified 0 times)

Whew! That should do it. I'm gonna start a new thread so this
poor thing can freefall to a nice page somewhere in the 30s.
Just for the record, this is over 250 posts on 4 different
threads. SPAM SPAM SPAM! Mmmmm

Is it the one your after?

[This message has been edited by Gabriel (edited 03-06-2001).]
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Old 03-06-2001, 01:04 PM   #4
Very Mad Bird

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WOW! Gabriel to the rescue!

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Old 03-06-2001, 05:14 PM   #5
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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You da man, Gab. Thanks

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Old 03-06-2001, 05:23 PM   #6
Ironworks Moderator

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Yay Gabriel!

Er, not that I'm fond of this section......LOL


StormCloud of the Black Knight
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Old 03-06-2001, 05:25 PM   #7

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Gabriel I think you take the biscuit for the longest post on this board yet ...keep up the good work!

Old 03-06-2001, 05:42 PM   #8
Black Knight
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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Not that it is a contest, but have you seen my post in Ch 5?

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Old 03-06-2001, 06:04 PM   #9

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Dundee in Bonnie Scotland
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Jesus Gabriel, way to go! How many stars is that worth Ziroc?


Charlie's S-Plan diet is no better than his invisibility potion!
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Old 03-06-2001, 06:06 PM   #10

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I would say at least 2 gold stars


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