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Old 10-12-2002, 01:32 AM   #1

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
It should be noted that this is a writing which comes directly from my subconceouse... for the past few nights I have found myself falling asleep listening to this song I also have been playing and beating alot of games latley seeing as I have notihng better to do in between college terms... well anyway... I've been having this reocurring dream for the past few days, and i have found myself remembering a majoraty of it every time I dream... some of the details don't make much since... but all I have to say for this is that... it might make a unique and interesting story... I will be posting bits and peices of it here as they come to me, and I will try to place it in as best chronological order as possible... and so... without further adue... let me introduce you to my mind... oh and the links will be links to songs which, if you want to hear while reading, might allow you to percieve the sound better...

Silence, darkness, a land ridden in soil with little plant life, a few sprigs of grass jet out from the dead earth here and there, the horizon extends as far as the eye can see, and then a holy voice calls through the silence...

A new dawn is come...

A call through the silence like an echo bekkoning to be heard, the sun, streams of light passing through the clouds, turning the dark blue earth orange, the clouds in the sky drift apart.

The lone man stands on the mountain ridge, watching the sun.

It is good. The earth is good. The plants and life all about are good, and so with goodness comes the equal evil that lies in man's will...

A drum sounds, the steel totems... the monolyths of a higher society gather and gain unto the spot of holy natural ground, forming pikes on which invisible heads have been layed, part of an intriquete design of men long since past, lifting up into the heavens, with megaphones blaring, the sound...

of silence... and then... a click... a record becomes screaching... and in no time... the sound of beating drums... of playing trumpets triumphanty announcing the comming of the new day withing an ear shot of everyone in existence... and with the sounds come a words of mortal men... long since passed... continuing their legacy through their immortalized words buried on a surface of a flat and round circle of life from which they can be eternal and forever resounding "AWAKEN PEOPLE! AWAKEN EVERONE! A New day has dawned! And a Beautifull day at that!" The trumpets overshoot the speaking and then silence... "AND NOW... The moment you've all been waiting for... HERE IS... THY KING!"

The Eternal Figurehead

Elsewhere, inside of a room, once quiet with empty chairs, now filled to the brim, no seat left unfilled, except for one... that of the ever observant man of the land, the man who prefers himself to the public... his seat has been unfilled, and yet unnnotied, for many months now... he has grown tired of what he has seen...

What has he seen? What has every mortal seen, the descending of their leader of coruse, ascending from an unseen office from which he seems to escape to every night, only to exit the door from each morning... he stands at the crossroads, the many uncumfortable seats before him filled with people, and their children, looking back toward him with a wonderouse gaze, his jet black hair and youthfull appearance, a thick double chin and elaborate clothing which litterally drags behind him for miles... and then the announcers come on...

like sports announcers they are... and they continue a timeless process which was started since before time was forgotten...

"AAAAND Here is is chuck! King Douglass the 15th! Still looking as Brash as ever!"

"You said it Bob!"

"Hahaha! Doesnt he look just Brash this evening?"

"Yes Quite brash!"

"And look he's going to make his choice... remember what they told you about the choice?"

"I Certainly do Bob, The king can either travel down the stadium stairs to his left or his right!"

"Thats right! If he descends down the right path then the king signifys his kingdoms eternal will to exist and that his descisions of that day will not..."

the two chimed in to speak it together...


"And not once in 15 Generations of Douglass have we seen ONE be a lefty!"

"You said it Bob!"

"And he's going to make his descision now..."

The king began rubbing his chin, and the room fell silent... he took a step toward the left and everyone inhaled and ghasped, some even screamed, he then smiled and rose a hand and shook it as if to say "Not to worry" and then he started walking to the right... followed by royal guardsmen and his long flowing red cape, which seemed to keep screaming out of the doorway like flooding water, down the stairway , the puppet-like followers all around him clapping insainly at his presence, his valiant glow emminating through the room as he walked down, one woman speaking up "OH SIRE! I MUST SAY THAT YOU'RE LOOKING QUIET BRASH THIS EVENING!" "Marcy! shh! He's heard you say that the last 50 mornings!" "hahaha come now ladies theres no need to show fear in my presence! i am a king who follows my people! not my own will! I am here to serve YOU!"

and everyone rose their hands simultansouly "MAY LIGHTENING STRIKE US ALL DEAD!"

One of the Announcer/DJs in the booth put on a lightening sound effect, "hehe just fooling around folks..."

And so the king exited to a wall pained solid black and through an opening which almost mystically appeared, and out onto a paved walkway with rolled out carpet, he followed, his cape traling behind, through a hedge maze, with the cape continuing to trail behind, and finally he arrived at a doorway unfollowed by the loving public and he waltzed as cordially as possible into his office and dissapeared from view, to do the doings of a king...

Everyone began to disperse from their seating, but some sat back down again...

"Marcy... um arent you comming?"

"Im just going to stay here a big longer and pay my respects..."

"well alright..." The lady standing next to her jubuliouse freind stood up and had to walk around the knees of many sitters donig the same, menawhile the announcers conntinued to speak of EVERY single FOOTSTEP the king took through the maze and his office... the sounds being projected to eveyr mortal mans ears over the desert via the elaborate and ancient megaphone system...

finally the man of his land stood up and saw the poles retract...

by this time... the clouds had parted, and the land was seen orange and brown, the sky a deep blue, with sparse clouds... it was going to be another cool but dry day... a great day for planting, so the man of the land thought, and he began his timeless tradition started by his father who had just a while back... his dying words for him to care only to the land... and so... as the sky remained still and calm... so did the nature of the world...

And So a new day has dawned

-To Be Continued-
-Feel Free to post comments-
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Old 10-12-2002, 10:23 AM   #2
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: September 2, 2002
Location: London, England
Age: 42
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...and I thought MY dreams were weird [img]smile.gif[/img] No, seriously, you remember all the dialogue like that?!? One question though, what viewpoint did you have in your dream? Were you just an observer, one of the characters or (what I tend to do in my dreams) do you switch from person to person suddenly?

You know what they say about recurring dreams which you remember later on- obviously your subconscious is REALLY trying to tell you something......
when you hear thunder, you know there was lightening, even if you missed the flash...
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Old 10-12-2002, 01:13 PM   #3

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
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I was an observer, 3rd person, kind like a floating cinematic camera, and I saw it like a movie, it combined real life and manga style characters... and yes I remember the dialogue O_o I don't know how or why but specific names to reside in my subconceouse and I wrote this while I was tired to ensure that the proper ID tags were given, at one point though I called Bob "Mark" so I do tend to botch things up from their exactness, but I'm trying to put it in a form that's understandable as a story anyway [img]tongue.gif[/img] and the use of the world "brash" I have no idea what the exact meaning of the word is but it is used alot as a compliment O_o . . . I'm still trying to figure that one out...

Planting for the next harvest...

The sun burning scortching the earth with intense, life-giving heat, the tiny sacks being lowered from a man's basket, siloetted against the many rocks which go on as far as the eye can see, scattered patches of cracked earth where feilds had once stood, along with piles and mounds, graves? Monuments? no one was quite sure... they were so worn from time that they appeared to be naturally occuring and erroded monuments, sort of like in the surrounding lands where Road Runner and Whiley Cayote chase eachother, but without pavement, and no actual cactai, just a few sprigs of grass here and there... a white rose, being shifted by the wind, loosens a petal and it flys toward the man, now tilling his feilds... he spots it and grabs it out of the sky with unending harsh embrace... he eyes the foregn object... never having seen such a thing... and then a voice...

"Jack! ... JACK!"

He turns toward the sound and responds... "Mar..." he speaks with a tone full of energy, life, and free-spirit... "What are you doing out here?" "oh Jack! Your informality and kindness endow me with a great feeling of joy... please... beseech me further with thine commentation..."

"Well uh... How was the awakening?"

"It went as well as any other... did you miss it?"

"i've started learning to ignore the great talking monolyths..."

"hehe oh Jack you amuse me so... what are you doing to that ground?"

"I'm tilling it... to plant seeeds in it and they will grow into fine trees, providing shade from the sun, and fruit to eat, they will last year round in this climate..."

"My... where hath thou learned of these techniques?"

"my father... though... he passed away, as you probably know..."

"oh... I'm so sorry to hear that... well... death is something many don't seem to notice seeing as we feast on the devine fruits grown in Marduke's Palace!"

"Those fruits are unnatural, trees don't grow indoors... and the fruit tastes bitter to me..."

"Hahaha! Jack how silly of you, it is an aquired taste, we've all grown accustomed to it, after all, it provides the proper nourishment..."

"But it doesnt provide LIFE"

"... of course it does! life eternal!"

"that's a lie and you know it... There isn't life without good taste!"

"hahah! everyone is in good taste in the castle walls..."

The scene shifts from the desrt off to the right, away from where the sun had risen, and toward a great stone wall, miles out into the desert, in which billowing black smoke errupts from chimneys and grand banners fly...

"Come, let us go and have a meal there together..."

"I cannot Mar... these feilds call to be tended..."

"Suit yourself..."

The Spy

Meanwhile atop a billowing chimney, on a build-in rooste on the side, a figure looks out with a bizare pair of binoculars, distroting his eyes to look gigantic, he puts them down revealing beedy little spectacles with even smaller eye sockets behind them... the man has a posture so poor that he looks to be standing horizontal to the ground... he places a hand against his akeing back and slowly descends a rope to the floor, he then walks through crowds and up to an imperial building, the people seem to be going to and fro without actualy getting anything accomplished... nearing a studed and huge door, the man, shortened by his stature, opens the door with a reach that barley grasps the handel, opening it, he steps in and walks into a great room with a large pendulm-style axe swinging to and fro, under it lie bizzarely fasioned weapons and armor, but they are placed in such a way that grabbing at them would have the attempter slayn byt he pendulem. Two large guards bearing yellow armor with blue moons lower haliberds as the figure hobbles into the kings office...

"Halt! who goes there" the two say simultaneously...

"It's alright... let the man in..."

As if robotic, the arms are lifted and the man hobbles in... they then close behind him... he sits down onto a footstool as he is not able to reach a chair and the mighty king, with his cloak extending miles up a stairwa wich seems endless looks over the edge of his desk...

"what do you have something ot report on the endless horizon?"

"Yes melord..."

"well then spill it... or i'll have something of yours spilled which you'd rather have not..."

"yes melord... I would like to report that a young man is out past the gates..."

"He won't be out there for long, the heat is simply unbearable today..."

"But melord..."


"he's been out there for the last 3 days... without food or water..."

". . . What are you telling me? is he a deserter?"

"I am not sure, but he wasn't attending the awakening..."


Form and Fury

"I kid you not! he honestly chose to remain on the lifeless lands rather that come int the gates, and now a woman is with him..."

"Well I'm certain they will not do us any harm, if one of them comes back, tell them to remain quiet about what they'd done... be sure to do this or it will be your tounge!"


"Let him out..."

The man hobbles and then noices the swinging pendulum has sped up...

"Exit immedialty or i will have you slayn..."

"But sire I can't make it past..."

The pendulum sped up furher....

"GO now GO!"



the man began hobbling forward as fast as his contorted legs could travel...

"IM GOING IM GO - " the speech was cutt off by the sound of metal slicing something quickly in two, and then the pendulum swept to and fro again, at a normal rate...dripping with scarlet...

there was a moment of silence...


"Yes MeLord..."

"Get me the charter of the lands surrounding the kingdom! I want to know where this man is and why ihe is doing it! you can find it in the royal vault..."

"Yes Melord... charter charter gonna' get the charter..." He began repeating himself over and over as if singing, he neared a wall and the floor beneath began lowering, an elaborate system of cogs and gears was exposed around him as the shaft he waas in slowly lowered with a grounding sound, he then walked, without moving his legs, forward and through a few bizarely shaped passageways, ariving at a room basked in darkness except for a single holy light, descending down upon a map..."

"Charter!" He traveled back up the elevator and then proceeded, still with legs unmoving as he walked with only the bottoms of his feet, he handed the king the map...

"Now let's see... everything in this big circle is owned by me, and everything in that little circle is mine too and that little one and that little... ... WHAT IN GOOGLE'S NAME!!!" "That appears to read 'property of John Marlboro' melord..." the guard said hanging over his desk...

"I KNOW WHAT IT SAYS!!" he pushes him back... "but i won all the land around that land! why don't I own the land thats within my own... ah..." The king pulls a bizarley shaped eraser out of his desk and erases the circle, then takes out the words "John Marlboro" and writes in "King Douglas" AND BY ROYAL DECREE! this land is mine... and now what to do with it..."

(ok so maybe I didnt actually see words but that was imposed)

"How about a farm..." "Yeah so the people won't starve..."

"YOU FOOLS! that's just what THEY'D WANT!"

"... and?" "If they think that land can be grown on they'll get to thinking... and before you know it... they'll grow things on land!"

"And how is that bad?"

"A complete loss of power! That's what's bad... hmmm I think I have an idea... I SHALL NOW GO AND SPEAK TO MY PEOPLE!"

The King's Wraith

A choir shouted, and string insturnments came in after wild trumpet playing and a bizare choir began sounding off in a foreign language... the king stood atop his podum, overlooking the people, who had all gathered around... "EHEM... ATTENTION! " every megaphone around the kingdom rose up... "I HAVE SEEN TO IT THAT ANY MAN, WOMAN, OR CHILD, EXITING THE KINGDOM FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET AND ANY TIME OF NIGHT, SHALL IMMEDIATLEY... WITHOUT ANY QUESTION... BE SLAYN! Any attempt to live outside of the gates is SCUICIDE! and so I shall gladly have the perpetrator of such Heinouse crimes slayn... THAT GOES FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD!! do you understand me?!"


"Might I mention you look smashingly brash this evning sire..."

"Marcy ... you know he can't hear you..."


"All hail the king! he's the greatest! he's the finest! He's our Savior!" shouted all of the people at once... except for one... Mar... staring at the king in horror in her pink and red dress... she knew she had to warn jack... but how?"

"Now now! calm yourselfs!" he said with a smile "Go about your regular business and have a nice life... err day..." he hen descended from the podium and out of sight... he looked at one of the Silver moon guards...

"Send out the steam dozers... NOW!"

"they will take a few hours to prepare..."

"Fine then! but be sure to send them as soon as you're done maintaing them..."

"Yes Melord..."

The king vanished into his dark doors, meanwhile the announcers continued to speak in the booth, overlooking the still sitting quietly and listening audience who'd been there that morning...

Starvation Anon

"And he just took a step forward into his office... and another... and another..."

"you said it bob!"

"and another..."

"and another..." they both said at one, one laughed "hahaha"

"and another..."

"Now he's sitting down..."

"Wow! That was a long walk he had to ta-"

"And he now is writing again..."

Everyone in the audeicne began to aplaude...

one called out "he's writing for our future!"

"That's right madam!"

"You said it..."
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Old 10-13-2002, 08:40 AM   #4
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: July 11, 2002
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very interesting...have you tried to interperate it yet?
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Old 10-13-2002, 09:16 AM   #5
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: October 18, 2003
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Omg what a loooooong topic
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Old 10-13-2002, 07:57 PM   #6

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
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I havent been able to interpret it yet, maybe you all can interpret it with me while reading it [img]tongue.gif[/img] In the mean-time, here's a Picture I draw for no apparent reason...

Hours pass, and the the seeds become planted, the feilds are tilled and night comes... Mar sleeps soundly in her bead, dressed in full night cap, while Jack remains int he feilds... tilling away...


Arising the sun did once more, and with it rose the great pillars, playing their tune, and while this went on, so did the awakening undercover operation...

Jack awoke, and set his eyes on the trees... the seeds he had planted had over night ripped the nutrients out of the life-filled soil and grew exponentially, they were already bearing fruit... the sight was magical beyond Jack's wildenst dreams, he picked some apples and began storing them in a basket, another grew these odd orage round objects which looked like the life-giving sun in the sky they were so vibrant. Taking a bit into one jack was rather discusted, but then after pealling it he found it to be very sweet and nectry, he gathered many of those as well, picking green cone-shaped and even some bizare purple box-shaped plants which tasted like a sweet milk... after he was done picking, a rumbling errupted on the horizon... he turned and saw the ground litterally shaking, steam was ligting into the air, and soon billowing smoke began growing near...

Wraith and Raisins

The machines were comming... with large grey, cracked and ancien cylinders powered by steam and coal, they were nearing now, laying waiste to the life-filled earth behind them as they drove, jack had to get out o their way, taking his fruit with him, he began running toward the city, he looked back and saw his trees become victims to the dozers, uprooting them, flattening them, all he had hoped to gain was lost in a heartbeat...

He neared the gates and gained entry through his own hands... once inside, he saw people gathering in lines to get into the central complex, about 5 or so were left in the line and he gave a deep sigh, he decided to stand in the line as well...

The music began blaring over the megaphones once more whilst everyone was seated, even Jack, who now had a basket of fruit on his lap...
and one at his feet

The crowd dared not to murmer or speak... and then... a click... a record becomes screaching... and in no time... the sound of beating drums... of playing trumpets triumphanty announcing the comming of the new day withing an ear shot of everyone in existence... and with the sounds come a words of mortal men... "AWAKEN PEOPLE! AWAKEN EVERONE! A New day has dawned! And a Beautifull day at that!" The trumpets overshoot once more just before silence... "AND NOW... The moment you've all been waiting for... HERE IS... THY KING!"

The Figurehead Again

Again descended the king, with his drape of a cloak and double chin...

and then the announcers came in...

"AAAAND Here is is chuck! King Douglass the 15th! Still looking as Brash as ever!"

"Indeed I must say he's rather brash!"

"Hahaha! Doesnt he look just Brash this evening?"

"I just said that!"

"And look he's going to make his choice... remember what they told you about the choice?"

"We've gone over this enough times Bob it's getting old..."

"Thats right! If he descends down the right path then the king signifys his kingdoms eternal will to exist and that his descisions of that day will not..."

the two chimed in to speak it together...


"And not once in 15 Generations of Douglass have we seen ONE be a lefty!"

"Haha! I think i'm having DeJaVu!"

"And he's going to make his descision now..."

The king began to tap dance, putting his feet left and right, with each movement a ghasp followed by a sigh of releif... and then he began danding downt he side... lifting his studded crown with a smile and a bow to every other row he pased by...

up "OH SIRE! I MUST SAY THAT YOU'RE LOOKING QUIET BRASH THIS EVENING!" "Marcy! shh! He's heard you say that the last 51 mornings!" "hahaha come now ladies theres no need to show fear in my presence! i am a king who follows my people! not my own will! I am here to serve YOU!"

Without another word the king, still smiling exited whilest the announcers dictated his every move, only 20 or so were "daring" enough to stand and exit whilst the others continued to pay their respects, all with the king's dumb and enthusiastic smile...

"mar!" Jack called to her, exiting the building...

"Why jack! i thought they'd have arrested you by now!"

"nah I snuck in early... wait... ARRESTED?"

"Yeah! the king ordered an edict that anyone outside of his walls would be killed..."

"but I own land out there mar!"

"HAH!" a guard laughed...

"what is it that you find so humorouse?"




"... What's his problem?"

"I don't know... but I dont recomend you go outside of the walls any more!"

"BUT MAR! LOOK!" he held up a fruit to her.."

"What's that supposed to be?"

"it's a fruit!"

". . .doesnt look like anthing i've seen..."

"It looks just like it did on the pictures of the seed casings my father handed down to me..."

"...i'm not going to eat now... the king ordered us all to starve until he says we can eat... he's blaming it on you..."

"well then eat this..."

"And disobey the king?"

"He's only keeping you from eating HIS fruit... remember?"

"fine..." she takes one of the green plants and bites into it...

Silense befals her...

Born Again

Never onto the tips of so simple a thing as her tounge had such pleasures been tempted, never in her life had she known food to have taste much less good taste, it FELT that it provided sustenance, there wans't just an understanding that there was sustanence, there was an obviouse belife that there was life within the plant and it was flowing into her system... she began to feel warm and fuzzy all over... happily scarfing it down... jack had to calm her from screaming insainley...

"Shh wait you have to realize that we must be conservative... these plants grew overnight, which was like a miracle, my father told me they only grow in months time..."

"so?" she said between bites...

"These great monsters came, they ran my trees over..."

"...MONSTERS?!" She said swallowing and looking at him wide-eyed...

"yes... but they were made by human hands... and I know they bore the King's Seal!"

"...the royal mark?"

"yes... the one up there..." jack pointed to a grand golden statue of two snakes with what looked like wind-up keys in their backs encircling a tree...

"what's your point?"

"Don't you see, they dont want us to have right to life! it's like some corrupt..."


"...The king is CO-"

She covered his mouth, one of the guards appeared to be listening in and was giving them a funny look...

"BRASH! The king is BRASH you mean..."

He got the drift... "yes... that he is..." he said through gritted teeth... the guard relaxed a bit...

Suddenly a man wearing sunglasses and in tropical styled clothing left, he had very dark grey skin and a bald head...

"Markus!" Mar called out to him...


"Please you must try this fruit!"

"what WHOAH yo, i'm not dealin' wit' no contraband mon!"

"no seriously you have to taste this! it's beyond comprehension!"

The strangley colored man took a bite and immediatley gained flesh tones...

"MY GOD MON! THAT BE THE - " "SSHHHH!" the two shushed him at once, the guard began rubbing his chin further...

"Both of you... take this and store it, see to it that one of each plant stays uneaten, but as for the rest, make sure the people get it...

The Resistance

And so in doing the fruit was disperesd no man nor woman nor child of the city coudl resist in endulging the apetizing fruit futher, even those still sitting within, paying their respects gladly indulged... and soon even the ever quiet old people who sat in the back began getting offered as well, most of them turned it down, and threatended to tell the king, but a single taste convinced them otherwise... all was going well, terrifically well, to such an extent that the people were spreading word of rallyhing, and then, someone had to tell the king... it was a snivviling tripe of a man, who walzed into the office, with a low hung brow and displaced jaw, he looked at the king with a smile unlike any could make with his odd lower mouth... he spoke to the king from behind the lowered halibers... "SIRE! MELORD! I MUST TELL YOU WORD! GREAT JOIOUSE WORD!"

"What is it...? Let him through..."


"ah yes, you must want another autograph, come foward, be sure to step around the pendulum..."

The bladed object slowed and allowed him passage, he walked up tot eh king...

"PLEASE SIRE! understand that there is much a do around the people, they speak of a FINE ambrosia like none tey have tasted..."


"Asthetically I mean..."

"oh... thank goodness because if the people were eating-
"The people are eating..." He said at the same time the king did....


"they're eating these..."

"NO NO NO... that's not supposed to be POSSIBLE! i ordered them NOT TO!"

The blade began to swing to and fro again...


"WHAT... FOOOD!?!" he said with his eyes about ready to burst veins, his forehead growing red and steam litterally pouring out of his ears...

"Fruits! grown by someone in the town! they taste wonderfull!"

"they cant grow fruit in the town there isnt any SOIL to grow in the TOWN and THEREFORE WONDERFULL IS NOT THE PROPER ADJECTIVE! ILLEGAL IS THE WORD TO USE! AS IN PUNNISHABLE BY DEATH ILLEGAL!!! did you eat the fruit? YOU ATE THE FRUIT DIDNT YOU!!! DIDNT YOU!!!" Blood burst from a vein on the king's forehead...

"well yes ... but sire... know that..."


The axe swung out of place and the great pendulum came forward, evicerating the slack-jawed but well-speaking man and ending him in the presence of the king, further staining his floor...

". . .I ... WANT... THAT... MAAAAN!!!"

Crowned for a Killer Instinkt...

"Jack mon!" Marcus came runnign toward Mar and Jack...

"Listen mon! you both best be leavin the kingdom and not commin back mon! the king be giving a speech, i heard the two announcers speakin' of it mon! and they said the king was darn P.O.ed mon! He be commin!"

Jack lookedinto the street and saw nothing...

"what should I be afraid of? after all, he's just one man..."

Suddenly jack felt something grapple his shoulder and a deep dark voice spoke...

"Jack Rembrant... you have been ordered into the city square by royal decree for a public insultation..."

Within moments jack was behing hoisted up by his arms into the center of the city, he looked down at the people below...


"You... jack... the Mindless one..." the people began to laugh upon the king's royal hand-signal... quieted them...

"It has come to my attention" he said bobbing his head to and fro like a know-it-all "That you decided to grow FRUIT outside of the kingdom, on land which belongs to me!"


Everyone ghasped... "Monsters... MONSTERS" the king said nodding... "AS IF I actually had monsters! AND AS IF YOU ACTUALLY HAD LAND OUTSIDE OF MY KINGDOM! I researched the Royal charter, and as you can SEE..." a large white paper rolled down the side of the city and a map became projected on it for everyone to see...


"YOU LIE!!!"

". . ." eveyrone ghasped...

"You accuse me?" he said chocking on his words for a second... "THAT I... LIE?" he said... and then made the people chuckle... "I see you have only a few fruits left... well, I think it would be best to let you have what you want..."

He then waved his hand, the guards began throwing the fruit he had grown at him, it stained his clothing and caused swelling and bruising, they did so and spared no cores...

"AND THE SEEDS!" he picked up a packet... "Are NOT yours either! and thus they shall be BURNED!" The king lit fire to a package with a ripe orange on it...

Suddenly one of the people ran up... it was Marcus...


The king pulled out a hidden pistol and shouted "THE PUNNISHMENT FOR OPOSITION IS DEATH!"

he opened fire and markus fell limp ontot he ground, he then opened fire on the figure suspended in the air, but accidentaly (due to his being a bad shot) cut the ropes loose around him,the people graciously caught him befor ehe struckt he ground, while others tried to stop them, and he grabbed at some seed packets which were thrown to him... "GO! GO!!" Some people whistpered to him, and so he began running...
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Old 10-17-2002, 10:52 PM   #7

Join Date: May 9, 2001
Location: The backwoods in Georgia *sigh*
Age: 40
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Please tell me you actually didn't dream this over and over. And don't you believe in spell check? [img]tongue.gif[/img] Sheesh... J/K Umm... interesting I suppose.
<br /><br />\"If you ever need me just whistle, and i\'ll come running. I promise. <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Smile]\" src=\"smile.gif\" /> <br />Kupo, Kupo! A man can\'t get a sword if he can\'t dance! <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Big Grin]\" src=\"biggrin.gif\" />
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Old 10-17-2002, 11:42 PM   #8

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
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Rushing toward the city gates and pressing them open, Jack, Mar, and a group and 2 other strangers managed to evacuate the city before they were slammed shut, crushing a man who had tried to make it through, the king shouted over the magaphones to regain order... "NOW that he's been CHASED OUT! which is what you just DID you will now all resume your ordinary activities... let him be eaten by the MONSTERS dwelling out there..."

The two who had been pushed out began scraping against the walls desperatley begging to get back in, their cries couldnt be heard..

"YES YOUR HIGHNESS!" everyone shouted happily and they all resumed their business, completley ignoring all of the events that had just happened...

Jack and Mar looked at eachother and then a hanfull of seeds...

"we have no choice but to fight for survival... but first we have to trek as far away from this place as we can, off until we can no longer be reached by the sound of the monuments...

" that even possible?"

"we'll see to it that it is made possible..."

Meanwhile the king muttered a few short commands which he hoped would end a very silent problem...

"Use the dozers on them tonight, make it quiet and kill them in their sleep..."

"Yes sir..."
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Old 10-21-2002, 08:41 PM   #9

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
Sleep they didn't... for they feared any possible creatures of the night... It wasnt long before a rumbling sound began echoing over the hillside, but by this time they had already taken into hiding amongst the dunes for refuge and sleep, the first to awaken due to the loud grinding sound was Jack, he placed a hand on Mar which immediatley made her awaken with a scream, this signaled one of the machines to immediatley start barreling in their direction, lifting her up the two started running twoard the city walls, darkness cloaking them, they clearly could see the machines now, man-made they were, with Royal seals...

"What are those things?"

"They're machines... Machines don't you understand, the king wants us dead! And so he's using machines to stop us..."

"what do you mean stop?"

"like how he stopped the growing of my tree... when something that is moving stops..."

"How does something like that happen?"

"I'm not sure..."

"well the king never stopped he simply can't be..."

A spotlight suddenly fell on them...



The two headed off in seperate diretions, this lead to the vehicle pursuing one of them, it headed around a corner and crashed into a similar vehicle, the two started releasing large ammounds of steam and exloded with a defaning sound which shook the castle walls...

Inside, some cold faces, with unblinking eyes stared off into space, as they wobbled a bit from vibration, one of the people in a stadium steaign stood up, looked around, and sat back down... once againf alling over, one of them even had a cobweb forming on their cheeck running downt ot heir shoulder...

Continuing on... The Two bravest of the exiles broke from their group and began leading the last remaining attacking machine off in a similar direction, unfortunetly the one it followed couldnt keep his pace and was crushed. The few that could see this screamed and only drew the Dozer's attention toward them, it was then that Jack looked at the two remains of the dozers, he noticed a sharp object jetting out of it, through some bizzare instinkive response he grabbed at the bar, it sizzled and burned the flesh of his hand, but some primordial force drove him beyond the boundaries of his own knowledge, as he ripped it out of the vehicle and began running forward, the stick was cool now, his hand in great pain, he ignored it, shouting like no man had in years, and plunged it into one of the rotating gear boxes on the size of the machine, it tried to turn toward him, but then it started making metalich cruching noises, as it started leaking fluid, and finally bust into flame...

"What have you done?"

". . . I . . ." Jack looked at his hand and burried it int he soild "AACK... water..." "there is no water out here..." Jack dug his hand intot he soil begging for something to touch his hand, and then his arm litterally plunged all the way into the ground up to his shoulder...


He started laughhing...

All was quiet aside from the sound of Jack errupting with laughter over the horrizon for a long while, the wind was still, the earth plain, the sun out of site, a glowing contorted moon int he sky bearing an irredescant magenta light over everything...

Jack pulled out his arm after a while, it was soaked...

"The water is below the ground . . . "

Everyone fell very still for a while...

with the dozers defeated.. they got to planting...
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> o.o;
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