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Old 03-23-2004, 02:38 PM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

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There exists a story in the archives of Ironworks,
which bares the name: "The One-Eyed Wolf".
This was a story of two families,
the Ravenwoods and the Freelights.
Their history, the friendships they once shared
and the war that ensued later
were supposed to have concluded with the reunion of the two families
by Chani Ravenwood and Mistral Freelight-Silverfall.
Ties between these two decendants were supposed to end the War,
and free each family from the bonds of hatred.

However, tragedy struck in a curious way,
and the result ended in the the death of Mistral.

Her husband, Larry Silverfall, went mad with rage and burning hatred.
His heart darkened and a shadow loomed about him.
He began to learn of dark arts and wield new powers.
He became one of the strongest evil influences on the website.

But fate would see to his downfall.
A ranger of storms from another world, Cyril Darkcloud,
saw to it to bring the Mad Modding Mage down from his throne.
In the end, and with the help of Chani Ravenwood,
fate did indeed doom the evil Larry and destroy his tower.

Yet Larry was not removed forever.
He had devised a plan to return one day, when the time was right.
When this occured, Chani and the people of the storm knew it immediately.
They moved in to kill him once again, before he became powerful.
Still in his weakened state, Chani shot him with two arrows
that supposed to have ended the Mage's short return.
But that did not happen.
Instead, the shadow that filled Larry's heart was torn from his body,
and Larry Silverfall again breathed the air.
The shadow loomed about and had taken on a life of it's own,
for so evil it was, it refused to pass away.
Chani escaped with Larry, and hid him far from the shadows
in the tavern she had built.

This is where our journey begins.

[ 03-25-2004, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]
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Old 03-23-2004, 11:25 PM   #2
Ironworks Moderator

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The Mage began his work.

The Shadow Mage, once known for causing the hatred and darkness in the one known as Larry Silverfall was now free to move about unhindered and with no lingering effects of humanity to weigh him down. Borne from the shadows that had seeped into Larry’s heart, fueled by the love that he had lost, the Mage had now been given a life of his own. This life was that of a physical body of pure shadow and darkness and power…a new being in the world of the living. He was not a shadow or a phantasm. Those were undead beings. He was very much alive.

The Mage began to rebuild his empire piece by piece. He first ordered his shadow dwarves reconstruct the tower, using the materials that had been found underground. The strange black rock that had been harvested by them that the shadow giants had found. It did not take them long, and the tower again stood high and in defiance of the sunlight, black as the darkest night. Once the tower was completed, The Mage used his dark powers to strengthen and enchant the tower with shadow material. The tower appeared to be no more than a gloomy shadow of a giant structure. It was hard to look at and decide that you were looking in the right place. The land grew darker and cold. What little wildlife or vegetation that had risked creeping up to the ruins now were once again run off, in search of safer lands. The moat gurgled back to life once again, it’s dark ink-like waters bubbling and flowing with evil intent of its own accord.

Traps were set about the land. The doorway that led to the Underforums was barricaded with a door that was too heavy and secured for a stray adventurer to open. It was made especially for the shadow giants. The Mage had allowed Terrakis his body back, for the Mad One no longer needed it for protection. His powers of shadow were being enhanced by the minute now that the tower was linked directly to the demi-plane of shadow. Vile and terrible creatures were brought in and set about on different levels of the six-level structure. This time, however, the Mage secured the roof and other weaknesses that the tower had suffered in times past. This time there would be no breach of young heroic fools. The only way in the tower besides having the ability to shadow-warp in and out were the tunnels, but the entrance to the tunnel was several days away and no army would ever be fools enough to try that route. The Underforums were infested anew with horrible creatures, as well as the home-base of Terrakis and his legion.

On the final day of completion, the Mage looked out the window from his tower and laughed aloud, knowing that he reigned supreme once again, more terrifying than before.
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Old 03-25-2004, 01:03 PM   #3
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The Mage sat upon his dark throne and gloated over the brilliance of his return. It had been so easy, and the unsuspecting heroes that released him were so shocked when they realized what they had done.

Just then, the shadow dwarves entered the throne room, bearing gifts to their new master. The Mage looked upon the gifts with mild interest. They were statues...two of them.

"Tell me why you have brought these statues to my throne, dwarves."

"Master, these statues are the two remaining victims of the one called Euryale. She had lost them to Terrakis when he conquered over her. We have been instructed by the Mighty Terrakis to bring them to you for judgement."

"Ahh...I see. Well, then let us place them here in this very room. One on either side of my throne. They make great decorations, don't you think?"


The petrified bodies of Dantes and Syrathic have been added to the Mage's decor.

[ 03-25-2004, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]
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Old 03-25-2004, 03:12 PM   #4
Ironworks Moderator

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Larry Silverfall 13/13

He lay stretched out on his bed in his room at the One-Eyed Wolf. A tavern that he helped build under the direction of Chani Ravenwood, or better known as the Killing Spree. He was laying there, reading a chapter from a book that he had requested, though the sun was shining bright outside. He was not being lazy or dodging work however. He had been laid up in bed for the better part of the week due to his recent rescue from the Tower of Shadow. There he had been, a prisoner of his own dark heart for years. The anger that he had known when his wife had passed away troubled him so much that it took over his senses and eventually turned him into the very threat of Ironworks. The Mad Modding Mage, they had called him. Yes, though his heart was corrupted, his mind overshadowed by a darker intent...there had always been a part him left that was human and good. When Spree shot him with the arrows of shadow and storm that had been prepared to kill him or at least weaken him, the reaction was unique and mysterious. They had infact caused the purging of the evil that had him bound, and forced it from his body. There he had lain, being nothing more than a harmless man again. However, the shadow had taken his experiences, his power, his abilities, and was borne into a new being of it's own. Spree saved him that day and teleported him out of harm's way, leaving the Shadow to it's evil schemes.

Rhianneth was in the other room, and had suffered a similar loss of powers and experience. She had been the stereotypical evil step-sister to Mistral, his lost love. In the end, it had seemed that the loss of her powers humbled her to the dust, and Rhianneth had a change of heart. She had learned much about her mistakes. But Larry was not the one to judge her. He had never felt truely safe with her around, but now he figured that her past was gone and she was a new person. Time would tell.

For several nights now, Larry had been having a dream. It was as if Mistral had died only but a few short days ago. His memories were fresh and painful, but he no longer held contempt for what had occured. He knew that he had to forgive her. But there was more to this story. He knew that she had tried to reach out to him that day, in the Tower of Shadow. He was sure that he had heard her voice. It was from far away, but he had heard it. This revelation had sent him into mourning anew. Was her ghostly memory all that he was to be left with? he had nothing more of her than that. He did not even know where she lay buried. Chani had taken care of all of that. He was too afraid to ask though. But he knew he needed to do so sometime, and then go visit her grave.

There was something else about Larry Silverfall that he kept hidden within himself. Sometimes, he could remember things as if in a dream from the eyes of the Mage. These things he saw frightened him alot, for he could not believe that this was once him! The dream he had last night was of a scene where he could walk through walls if a shadow lay over the wall. When nobody was looking, and to satisfy his own curiosity, Larry had tried to shadow-walk. It did not work. He was very much relieved at that. He did not like Shadow Magic. It felt so...dark and wrong. It was not a part of the original weave that Mystra controlled. It was sinister to wield Shadow-magic. Still, magic had been his recent past. He understood that he had become a powerful influence under the control of the Shadow's hatred for light and happiness. It was a scary feeling to know that this same shadow now lived of it's own accord in the Tower that it had built and rebuilt.

He had daydreamed enough. It was time for lunch. Painfully sitting up from his bed, Larry managed to get himself down the stairs slowly, into the commons area where lunch was already being served to those that loved this well as the occasional visitor from parts far away.

[ 03-28-2004, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]
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Old 03-27-2004, 12:17 AM   #5
White Dragon

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After reviving from helping kill the Hunger... she has retreated to her sacred grove.....

The only grove left untouched by the Hunger and the Modding Mage...

She seriously contemplates her next move, and suddenly stands....

Health foremost, and revenge foremost on her mind...

She touches the bracer around her neck.... The SpiritSword reacts... violently in its own way, wanting revenge for the souls lost..

She puts a hand in a pocket of her cloak, touching the piece of dark stone Arcades gave to her...

Shifting to wolf form, she whispers upon the breeze as she travels to the ruptured ley lines to repair them...

"I am coming for you............ do you remember me? I remember you.......... I will find you..."

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Old 03-27-2004, 01:33 AM   #6
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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It was a new day.

There was something about this statement that stirred the hitherto motionless body into a little action.

A new day meant life.

Am I alive then?

Strangely, before her eyelids fluttered open, she knew the answer. And this reality was confirmed as her gaze rested upon the white ceiling.

So I am denied death again. Her breathing was largely calm, as she shifted her eyes to her surroundings. Well, wherever I am, it certainly isn't too shabby.

With something like reluctance, she slowly pulled herself up into a sitting position, glancing about herself pensively. I guess I'll find out soon enough how I ended up here... if I even want to know.

Rolling her eyes, she dragged herself out of the cosy bed and stretched her arms and legs, yawning lazily as if she had arisen from a thousand years of deep sleep that threatened to haul her back into its firm embrace.

Edited: To change colour. Too many blues going on in this thread [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

[ 03-27-2004, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: mistral4543 ]
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Old 03-27-2004, 01:40 AM   #7

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In the breif respite from the Hunger's vagrant actions in the forums, Arcades had returned to his Lair in the mountains, taking a short rest, expecting a summoning call from his druid friend.

For a few days, the golden dragon has layed on a massive hoard of gold and gems, fully repairing the damage done to his wings and eyes during the final move against the Hunger
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Old 03-27-2004, 08:48 AM   #8
Jack Burton

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Marcos of Snowdale

The gentle clipping of hooves on stone was carried on the air. She announced a rider, still unseen, still cloaked by the hilled landscape and a mild fog of morn. With but the chirping of birds on the background, each new step seemed almost as thunder. Announcing the approach of something inevitable.
First to appear from the mist was a head framed by dark hair cut so short, that to call it bald was to almost be more accurate. His general expression was grim.
What followed was for the most a suit of armor, shining as beaten copper does, and a horse. It had strength enough to carry the tall man and his metal well, yet the sorrel remained otherwise unremarkable.

But a few miles ahead, a small temple was brustling with activity. What did not fit inside one of the many hidden storages, was taken out the back. It applied in equal measure to the relics and the priests...
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Old 03-27-2004, 10:40 AM   #9
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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The figure in the corner rose at the precise moment when Larry had just lowered his bottom into a comfy seat. It took three strides forward, brooking no delay and brushing aside any patron who was foolish enough to venture into its path. Like an eagle, the figure swooped to Larry's table, but instead of a majestic screech, the voice that came out was stentorian, booming, caustic.

"So, you are the fool that Mistral betrayed me for." It was a flat pronouncement, defying any protests that anyone could have raised in Larry's defence. "In person, you look worse than the bumbling ranger that everyone made you out to be."

Her burning gaze upon his face challenged him to make an educated reply.
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Old 03-27-2004, 12:10 PM   #10
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Larry Silverfall 13/13

Larry looked up lazily from his table. It seemed that most of the attention he had been getting since his return was negative, most in part because he had been the Evil Mage that had plagued Ironworks. Now that he was back, some did not trust him.

With his boot, he gently pushed a chair out from the table in order to present this furious girl a place to sit down.

In response to her remark, he replied,

"My dear, my skin is rather pale from the lack of sunlight these past three years. Surely you can understand my situation. Living in the shadows of a dark tower will do that to a guy. Please, take a seat and explain your connection to my wife."

[ 03-28-2004, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]
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