Smilies |
'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description. If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face! |
Ironworks Post Icons | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:thumbsup2: | Thumbsup2 | |
:scroll: | Scroll | |
:palmtree: | Palmtree | |
:bdaysmile: | Bdaysmile | |
:confused5: | Confused5 | |
:female: | Female | |
:hihi: | Hihi | |
:m1helmet: | M1helmet | |
:wave: | Wave | |
:spam3: | Spam3 | |
:quintesson: | Quintesson | |
:adria001: | Adria001 | |
:brownribbon: | Brownribbon | |
:drink2: | Drink2 | |
:goldenEggs: | GoldenEggs | |
:jarswim: | Jarswim | |
:mp3: | Mp3 | |
:timebomb: | Timebomb | |
:shooter18: | Shooter18 | |
:partysmile: | Partysmile | |
:band: | Band | |
:clovers: | Clovers | |
:eyepopping: | Eyepopping | |
:hellskitchen: | Hellskitchen | |
:lovestory: | Lovestory | |
:weirdthread: | Weirdthread | |
:starbuck001: | Starbuck001 | |
:ramask1: | Ramask1 | |
:abduct: | Abduct | |
:boxingsmiley: | Boxingsmiley | |
:dogrun: | Dogrun | |
:ghoul: | Ghoul | |
:iwhammer: | Iwhammer | |
:indifferent: | Indifferent | |
:mon13: | Mon13 | |
:tornado: | Tornado | |
:silly: | Silly | |
:peregrin: | Peregrin | |
:baby: | Baby | |
:choc: | Choc | |
:evilcat: | Evilcat | |
:headspinning: | Headspinning | |
:locked: | Locked | |
:whoknows: | Whoknows | |
:stfu: | Stfu | |
:redblob: | Redblob | |
:music03: | Music03 | |
:bootyshake: | Bootyshake | |
:director: | Director | |
:geezer: | Geezer | |
:frosty: | Frosty | |
:idontagreeatall: | Idontagreeatall | |
:mno3a3: | Mno3a3 | |
:turkey: | Turkey | |
:skel1: | Skel1 | |
:pinata: | Pinata | |
:aroused: | Aroused | |
:cheeky: | Cheeky | |
:enforcer: | Enforcer | |
:happylaugh: | Happylaugh | |
:lightbulb: | Lightbulb | |
:wmann: | Wmann | |
:stunned: | Stunned | |
:roadblock: | Roadblock | |
:neoorog: | Neoorog | |
:bluewinky: | Bluewinky | |
:daniel_new006: | Daniel New006 | |
:daisy: | Daisy | |
:footballreferee: | Footballreferee | |
:icon17: | Icon17 | |
:mgwhore: | Mgwhore | |
:umbrella: | Umbrella | |
:slookl: | Slookl | |
:plasmawhore: | Plasmawhore | |
:anmflower: | Anmflower | |
:cateatspic: | Cateatspic | |
:eatmousepointer: | Eatmousepointer | |
:hairfreak: | Hairfreak | |
:laughhard: | Laughhard | |
:xloc: | Xloc | |
:tank: | Tank | |
:rollsay: | Rollsay | |
:noelteal: | Noelteal | |
:blinky: | Blinky | |
:nope2: | Nope2 | |
:blablabla: | Blablabla | |
:cross: | Cross | |
:flamingEgg: | FlamingEgg | |
:icon5: | Icon5 | |
:medievalsmile: | Medievalsmile | |
:vala-new001: | Vala New001 | |
:smirksmile: | Smirksmile | |
:pourwine: | Pourwine | |
:angryfire: | Angryfire | |
:candle: | Candle | |
:duh: | Duh | |
:greengirl: | Greengirl | |
:knight: | Knight | |
:yawn4: | Yawn4 | |
:tealc_newanime016: | Tealc Newanime016 | |
:sad: | Sad | |
:samwise: | Samwise | |
:ohnohurry: | Ohnohurry | |
:bigbird: | Bigbird | |
:couple: | Couple | |
:fishq: | Fishq | |
:hug: | Hug | |
:magic: | Magic | |
:valaanime09: | Valaanime09 | |
:snowflake: | Snowflake | |
:puh: | Puh | |
:ALD: | ALD | |
:burnout: | Burnout | |
:dropatear: | Dropatear | |
:gonzo: | Gonzo | |
:kermitthefrog: | Kermitthefrog | |
:yourbase: | Yourbase | |
:tgestar1: | Tgestar1 | |
:thumbsup: | Thumbsup | |
:scream: | Scream | |
:pacmaneats: | Pacmaneats | |
:beatingadeadhorse: | Beatingadeadhorse | |
:confusedquestion: | Confusedquestion | |
:fenderstrat: | Fenderstrat | |
:hipdude: | Hipdude | |
:ma: | Ma | |
:watchingyouall: | Watchingyouall | |
:spam2: | Spam2 | |
:question4: | Question4 | |
:adria010: | Adria010 | |
:browsmiley: | Browsmiley | |
:drinka: | Drinka | |
:goldribbon: | Goldribbon | |
:jawdrop: | Jawdrop | |
:zelenkaanime07: | Zelenkaanime07 | |
:mrclean: | Mrclean | |
:tikitiki: | Tikitiki | |
:sholva: | Sholva | |
:partyguy: | Partyguy | |
:bandit: | Bandit | |
:clyde: | Clyde | |
:eyes: | Eyes | |
:help: | Help | |
:lovestory2: | Lovestory2 | |
:weir22: | Weir22 | |
:star5: | Star5 | |
:rainnote: | Rainnote | |
:adama004: | Adama004 | |
:bratac01: | Bratac01 | |
:doh: | Doh | |
:giant: | Giant | |
:jack-choppe: | Jack Choppe | |
:indifferent0017: | Indifferent0017 | |
:mon15: | Mon15 | |
:tongue: | Tongue | |
:sicktimestwo: | Sicktimestwo | |
:pengy: | Pengy | |
:babygoo: | Babygoo | |
:choc2: | Choc2 | |
:evild: | Evild | |
:heartbeat: | Heartbeat | |
:locked2: | Locked2 | |
:whiteribbon: | Whiteribbon | |
:steeringwheel: | Steeringwheel | |
:redbite: | Redbite | |
:music02: | Music02 | |
:borgboy: | Borgboy | |
:discoball: | Discoball | |
:genie1: | Genie1 | |
:frown: | Frown | |
:idontwanna: | Idontwanna | |
:mon2: | Mon2 | |
:troutslap: | Troutslap | |
:sixanime010: | Sixanime010 | |
:pimp: | Pimp | |
:ashamed: | Ashamed | |
:cheer: | Cheer | |
:engel1: | Engel1 | |
:happynuts: | Happynuts | |
:lightbulb2: | Lightbulb2 | |
:wizardtrouble: | Wizardtrouble | |
:stormy: | Stormy | |
:ripperwhore: | Ripperwhore | |
:naka: | Naka | |
:blueyellowribbon: | Blueyellowribbon | |
:dark5: | Dark5 | |
:damnpics: | Damnpics | |
:footinmouth: | Footinmouth | |
:icon24: | Icon24 | |
:michaeljackson: | Michaeljackson | |
:uhoh3: | Uhoh3 | |
:slicingfreddy: | Slicingfreddy | |
:pissed: | Pissed | |
:annoyed: | Annoyed | |
:catfly: | Catfly | |
:eek: | Eek | |
:hal: | Hal | |
:laughsaywhat: | Laughsaywhat | |
:wreath: | Wreath | |
:talktothehand: | Talktothehand | |
:rollingeyes: | Rollingeyes | |
:nod: | Nod | |
:bloodymurder: | Bloodymurder | |
:blackblueribbon: | Blackblueribbon | |
:crowded: | Crowded | |
:flash: | Flash | |
:icon6: | Icon6 | |
:meditate: | Meditate | |
:uvula: | Uvula | |
:smilie_newbie: | Smilie Newbie | |
:popcorntub: | Popcorntub | |
:anigif: | Anigif | |
:candycane: | Candycane | |
:dumbledore: | Dumbledore | |
:greenribbon: | Greenribbon | |
:knightmov: | Knightmov | |
:yawn: | Yawn | |
:tealc_newanime014: | Tealc Newanime014 | |
:saburn: | Saburn | |
:nope: | Nope | |
:samanime26: | Samanime26 | |
:offtopic: | Offtopic | |
:bigdeal: | Bigdeal | |
:covereyes: | Covereyes | |
:flackwhore: | Flackwhore | |
:huh: | Huh | |
:mailbox: | Mailbox | |
:valaanime06: | Valaanime06 | |
:snooty: | Snooty | |
:proposetoast: | Proposetoast | |
:alert: | Alert | |
:burp: | Burp | |
:drow2: | Drow2 | |
:goodmorning: | Goodmorning | |
:keyboard: | Keyboard | |
:yougetoutofhere: | Yougetoutofhere | |
:teyla25: | Teyla25 | |
:thumbsdown: | Thumbsdown | |
:scatter: | Scatter | |
:pacman: | Pacman | |
:bedtime: | Bedtime | |
:construction: | Construction | |
:fever: | Fever | |
:hippy: | Hippy | |
:mad: | Mad | |
:wacthingtv: | Wacthingtv | |
:SPAM: | Spam1 | |
:question: | Question | |
:adriaanime010: | Adriaanime010 | |
:brushteeth: | Brushteeth | |
:drinkspit: | Drinkspit | |
:goldsilverribbon: | Goldsilverribbon | |
:jestor: | Jestor | |
:zball: | Zball | |
:tikisurf: | Tikisurf | |
:shockwhore: | Shockwhore | |
:partygirl: | Partygirl | |
:bannanacheer: | Bannanacheer | |
:coastguard: | Coastguard | |
:worried: | F | |
:hermionegranger: | Hermionegranger | |
:lovestruck: | Lovestruck | |
:weightlifter: | Weightlifter | |
:star4: | Star4 | |
:raindrop: | Raindrop | |
:adama023: | Adama023 | |
:bratac13: | Bratac13 | |
:dolpin: | Dolpin | |
:gigicon7: | Gigicon7 | |
:jack-o-lantern: | Jack O Lantern | |
:infinity: | Infinity | |
:mon18: | Mon18 | |
:tongue-tied: | Tongue Tied | |
:sick0014: | Sick0014 | |
:peace: | Peace | |
:babysmile: | Babysmile | |
:choc3: | Choc3 | |
:evillaugh1: | Evillaughter1 | |
:heartpump: | Heartpump | |
:lockfolder: | Lockfolder | |
:whistling: | Whistling | |
:steak: | Steak | |
:reallyroll: | Reallyroll | |
:music01: | Music01 | |
:borgsmile: | Borgsmile | |
:disgust: | Disgust | |
:genie2: | Genie2 | |
:fryingpan: | Fryingpan | |
:idunno: | Idunno | |
:mon3: | Mon3 | |
:tropicalstorm: | Tropicalstorm | |
:sixanime008: | Sixanime008 | |
:piggingout: | Piggingout | |
:assshake: | Assshake | |
:cheering: | Cheering | |
:engel2: | Engel2 | |
:happypc: | Happypc | |
:lightcandle: | Lightcandle | |
:wizard: | Wizard | |
:stormwarning: | Stormwarning | |
:revenge2: | Revenge2 | |
:mysterymachine: | Mysterymachine | |
:blush: | Blush | |
:dazzler: | Dazzler | |
:dance: | Dance | |
:fozziebear: | Fozziebear | |
:icon25: | Icon25 | |
:mickjagger: | Mickjagger | |
:uhoh1: | Uhoh1 | |
:sleeping: | Sleeping | |
:pirate: | Pirate | |
:apophisanime05: | Apophisanime05 | |
:catmilk: | Catmilk | |
:eek3: | Eek3 | |
:halo: | Halo | |
:lawyerwtcatgv1: | Lawyerwtcatgv1 | |
:wraith: | Wraith | |
:survivorav: | Survivorav | |
:rolleyes: | Rolleyes | |
:ninjas: | Ninjas | |
:blueblink: | Blueblink | |
:blackgoldribbon: | Blackgoldribbon | |
:cryhard: | Cryhard | |
:flayer: | Flayer | |
:icon7: | Icon7 | |
:mega1: | Mega1 | |
:usaflag: | Usaflag | |
:SmileTshirt: | SmileTshirt | |
:popcorn2: | Popcorn2 | |
:animal: | Animal | |
:candycorn: | Candycorn | |
:dunce: | Dunce | |
:group2: | Group2 | |
:knuddel: | Knuddel | |
:yankees: | Yankees | |
:tealc_new008: | Tealc New008 | |
:running: | Running | |
:nono: | Nono | |
:offlock: | Offlock | |
:bigeyesad: | Bigeyesad | |
:cow: | Cow | |
:flagairforce: | Flagairforce | |
:hurricane: | Hurricane | |
:male: | Male | |
:valaanime04: | Valaanime04 | |
:snipersmilie: | Snipersmilie | |
:privateeye: | Privateeye | |
:alien: | Alien | |
:bus: | Bus | |
:drowmale: | Drowmale | |
:goodvibes: | Goodvibes | |
:kidding: | Kidding | |
:yoshi: | Yoshi | |
:teyla01: | Teyla01 | |
:samanime15: | Samanime15 | |
:thoranime01: | Thoranime01 | |
:scared: | Scared | |
:outtahere: | Outtahere | |
:beer: | Beer | |
:cookiemonster: | Cookiemonster | |
:fiery: | Fiery | |
:hofnerbass: | Hofnerbass | |
:mad0265: | Mad0265 | |
:vulcan: | Vulcan | |
:spam: | Spam | |
:queen: | Queen | |
:adriaanime013: | Adriaanime013 | |
:bubbles: | Bubbles | |
:drinkspits: | Drinkspits | |
:golem1: | Golem1 | |
:jonas10: | Jonas10 | |
:yummy: | Yummy | |
:tikihula: | Tikihula | |
:shine: | Shine | |
:partygift: | Partygift | |
:barbarian: | Barbarian | |
:cokesmiley: | Cokesmiley | |
:faint: | Faint | |
:hero: | Hero | |
:loveu: | Loveu | |
:weepy: | Weepy | |
:star3: | Star3 | |
:raincloud: | Raincloud | |
:adamaanime013: | Adamaanime013 | |
:bratacanime04: | Bratacanime04 | |
:dontknowaboutyou: | Dontknowaboutyou | |
:gimli: | Gimli | |
:jackanime12: | Jackanime12 | |
:mon28: | Mon28 | |
:tomcruise: | Tomcruise | |
:sick: | Sick | |
:Peace!: | Peace! | |
:badass: | Badass | |
:choc4: | Choc4 | |
:evillaugh2: | evillaugh2 | |
:hearts: | Hearts | |
:lol: | Lol | |
:whistleblower: | Whistleblower | |
:starryeyed: | Starryeyed | |
:readingbook: | Readingbook | |
:mspacman: | Mspacman | |
:borg_ani: | Borg Ani | |
:dizzy: | Dizzy | |
:genie3: | Genie3 | |
:inky: | Inky | |
:Funnypost: | Funnypost | |
:ihaveaplan: | Ihaveaplan | |
:mon5: | Mon5 | |
:trolley: | Trolley | |
:six041: | Six041 | |
:picknose: | Picknose | |
:austinpowers: | Austinpowers | |
:cheerleader: | Cheerleader | |
:eplus2: | Eplus2 | |
:happyteeth: | Happyteeth | |
:lightning: | Lightning | |
:winking: | Winking | |
:stop: | Stop | |
:repuke: | Repuke | |
:musicboohoo: | Musicboohoo | |
:boat: | Boat | |
:deadly: | Deadly | |
:dance3: | Dance3 | |
:frakingtoaster: | Frakingtoaster | |
:icon29: | Icon29 | |
:microchoc: | Microchoc | |
:ufo: | Ufo | |
:sleep: | Sleep | |
:pioneerbonnet: | Pioneerbonnet | |
:applause: | Applause | |
:catsmile: | Catsmile | |
:eekout: | Eekout | |
:hammer: | Hammer | |
:legolas: | Legolas | |
:wow: | Wow | |
:survivor: | Survivor | |
:roflsmile: | Roflsmile | |
:ninja2: | Ninja2 | |
:BlueFlagEnforcer: | BlueFlagEnforcer | |
:blackpinkribbon: | Blackpinkribbon | |
:crying: | Crying | |
:flickdown: | Flickdown | |
:icon9: | Icon9 | |
:melodramatic: | Melodramatic | |
:usa: | Usa | |
:smilelazer: | Smilelazer | |
:popcorn: | Popcorn | |
:animal0016: | Animal0016 | |
:candyheart: | Candyheart | |
:dunno: | Dunno | |
:grouphuggv: | Grouphuggv | |
:ladyhearts: | Ladyhearts | |
:xxmasanta: | Xxmasanta | |
:tealcanime49: | Tealcanime49 | |
:rotfl: | Rotfl | |
:noevil: | Noevil | |
:oddthing: | Oddthing | |
:biggrin: | Biggrin | |
:cowardlylion: | Cowardlylion | |
:flagarmy: | Flagarmy | |
:Hydrogen: | Hydrogen | |
:maleloves: | Maleloves | |
:vala45: | Vala45 | |
:sneezing: | Sneezing | |
:princesspeach: | Princesspeach | |
:alien10: | Alien10 | |
:cake: | Cake | |
:drowndead2: | Drowndead2 | |
:gore: | Gore | |
:killtard: | Killtard | |
:ylusy: | Ylusy | |
:telephone: | Telephone | |
:sam59: | Sam59 | |
:thor19: | Thor19 | |
:scarecrow: | Scarecrow | |
:ouch: | Ouch | |
:begging: | Begging | |
:cookiemonsters: | Cookiemonsters | |
:fight2: | Fight2 | |
:hohoho: | Hohoho | |
:mad2: | Mad2 | |
:vortex04: | Vortex04 | |
:spaceshuttle: | Spaceshuttle | |
:pyth: | Pyth | |
:adriaanime033: | Adriaanime033 | |
:bulbool: | Bulbool | |
:drinkup: | Drinkup | |
:golem2: | Golem2 | |
:jukebox: | Jukebox | |
:yuk: | Yuk | |
:tikifloat: | Tikifloat | |
:shiftyeyes: | Shiftyeyes | |
:party0049: | Party0049 | |
:bart: | Bart | |
:comeon: | Comeon | |
:fairy: | Fairy | |
:hero2: | Hero2 | |
:loveya: | Loveya | |
:weddingbells: | Weddingbells | |
:star2: | Star2 | |
:rainbow: | Rainbow | |
:admin1: | Admin1 | |
:bratacanime08: | Bratacanime08 | |
:donut: | Donut | |
:girlsmile2: | Girlsmile2 | |
:jack_new01: | Jack New01 | |
:moneysign: | Moneysign | |
:tombstone: | Tombstone | |
:shy: | Shy | |
:patty: | Patty | |
:balletdancer: | Balletdancer | |
:circle: | Circle | |
:ewjchomp: | Ewjchomp | |
:heee: | Heee | |
:lolabove: | Lolabove | |
:whipitgood: | Whipitgood | |
:starhappy: | Starhappy | |
:razz: | Razz | |
:mrt: | Mrt | |
:borntokill: | Borntokill | |
:dj: | Dj | |
:genie5: | Genie5 | |
:instagib: | Instagib | |
:funnysad: | Funnysad | |
:iloveusign: | Iloveusign | |
:mon6: | Mon6 | |
:tree: | Tree | |
:six030: | Six030 | |
:pickle: | Pickle | |
:awcrap: | Awcrap | |
:cheers: | Cheers | |
:erm: | Erm | |
:happywave: | Happywave | |
:lightningbolt: | Lightningbolt | |
:wink10: | Wink10 | |
:stonedsmilie: | Stonedsmilie | |
:reporter: | Reporter | |
:musicband: | Musicband | |
:boating: | Boating | |
:deal: | Deal | |
:dancing: | Dancing | |
:frakit: | Frakit | |
:icon34: | Icon34 | |
:microwave: | Microwave | |
:ubbredface: | Ubbredface | |
:Slameye: | Slameye | |
:pinocchio: | Pinocchio | |
:applecomputer: | Applecomputer | |
:censored: | Censored | |
:ego: | Ego | |
:hammondanime01: | Hammondanime01 | |
:lemon: | Lemon | |
:worship: | Worship | |
:surfing: | Surfing | |
:rofl: | Rofl | |
:ninja: | Ninja | |
:BlueFlagRocket: | BlueFlagRocket | |
:blackredribbon: | Blackredribbon | |
:cryingeyesout: | Cryingeyesout | |
:flickoff: | Flickoff | |
:icon9a: | Icon9a | |
:menorah: | Menorah | |
:urinate: | Urinate | |
:smilebounce: | Smilebounce | |
:1ponder: | Ponder | |
:animal0030: | Animal0030 | |
:car: | Car | |
:e: | E | |
:gulppepsi: | Gulppepsi | |
:lamb: | Lamb | |
:xmastree6: | Xmastree6 | |
:tealcanime23: | Tealcanime23 | |
:roslin021: | Roslin021 | |
:noel_tealcanime06: | Noel Tealcanime06 | |
:oath: | Oath | |
:bighug: | Bighug | |
:cranberryribbon: | Cranberryribbon | |
:flagcoastguard: | Flagcoastguard | |
:hypnodisk: | Hypnodisk | |
:marilynmonroe: | Marilynmonroe | |
:vala19: | Vala19 | |
:snake: | Snake | |
:princessdaisy: | Princessdaisy | |
:ambulance: | Ambulance | |
:calling: | Calling | |
:druidd: | Druidd | |
:gotglitter: | Gotglitter | |
:king: | King | |
:yippee: | Yippee | |
:teddybear: | Teddybear | |
:sam33: | Sam33 | |
:saywhat: | Saywhat | |
:oscargrouch: | Oscargrouch | |
:beheaded: | Beheaded | |
:cool0006: | Cool0006 | |
:fighting: | Fighting | |
:holidaylight: | Holidaylight | |
:madatpc2: | Madatpc2 | |
:vomit: | Vomit | |
:sour: | Sour | |
:puzzled: | Puzzled | |
:agree: | Agree | |
:Bump: | Bump | |
:drizzt-guen: | Drizzt Guen | |
:golem3: | Golem3 | |
:jumpclap: | Jumpclap | |
:yuanime14: | Yuanime14 | |
:thewave: | Thewave | |
:tikiburn: | Tikiburn | |
:sheppard24: | Sheppard24 | |
:party0048: | Party0048 | |
:bashing: | Bashing | |
:computer: | Computer | |
:fart: | Fart | |
:heysexy: | Heysexy | |
:lsvader: | Lsvader | |
:wbaum4: | Wbaum4 | |
:star1: | Star1 | |
:railgun: | Railgun | |
:admin2: | Admin2 | |
:bratacanime13: | Bratacanime13 | |
:dorothy: | Dorothy | |
:givingspeech: | Givingspeech | |
:jack_new_anime25: | Jack New Anime25 | |
:monkeydoo1: | Monkeydoo1 | |
:tomato: | Tomato | |
:showoff: | Showoff | |
:patrol: | Patrol | |
:balloon: | Balloon | |
:clawsfin: | Clawsfin | |
:exclamation: | Exclamation | |
:hehe: | Hehe | |
:loopy: | Loopy | |
:whip: | Whip | |
:stargate: | Stargate | |
:raspberry: | Raspberry | |
:mrrogers: | Mrrogers | |
:bounce8: | Bounce8 | |
:djsmile: | Djsmile | |
:genwalk: | Genwalk | |
:intelliContent: | IntelliContent | |
:imcold: | Imcold | |
:mon8: | Mon8 | |
:treadmill: | Treadmill | |
:six018: | Six018 | |
:phoneme: | Phoneme | |
:awesome: | Awesome | |
:cheesess: | Cheesess | |
:ernie: | Ernie | |
:harrypotter: | Harrypotter | |
:lil-ribbon: | Lil Ribbon | |
:wink: | Wink | |
:stonedout: | Stonedout | |
:replicatoranime01: | Replicatoranime01 | |
:music07: | Music07 | |
:boldred: | Boldred | |
:death: | Death | |
:fuqyou: | Fuqyou | |
:daniel11: | Daniel11 | |
:frenchfries: | Frenchfries | |
:icon35: | Icon35 | |
:mind-blowing: | Mind Blowing | |
:twocents: | Twocents | |
:skull6: | Skull6 | |
:pinky: | Pinky | |
:apresent: | Apresent | |
:champagne: | Champagne | |
:egypt: | Egypt | |
:hammondanime03: | Hammondanime03 | |
:leopard2: | Leopard2 | |
:worm: | Worm | |
:superdude: | Superdude | |
:rocking2: | Rocking2 | |
:nicekitty: | Nicekitty | |
:bluegrab: | Bluegrab | |
:blackribbon: | Blackribbon | |
:cuckooclock: | Cuckooclock | |
:fluffy: | Fluffy | |
:icon10: | Icon10 | |
:merlin: | Merlin | |
:uriel: | Uriel | |
:smile33: | Smile33 | |
:Police: | Police | |
:animal0046: | Animal0046 | |
:carrot: | Carrot | |
:eagleglobeanchor: | Eagleglobeanchor | |
:gunfire: | Gunfire | |
:laugh: | Laugh | |
:xmastree: | Xmastree | |
:tealc39: | Tealc39 | |
:roslin001: | Roslin001 | |
:noel_sam15: | Noel Sam15 | |
:nut: | Nut | |
:biglaugh: | Biglaugh | |
:crazy: | Crazy | |
:flagday: | Flagday | |
:icecream: | Icecream | |
:marine8point: | Marine8point | |
:vala03: | Vala03 | |
:smokybounce: | Smokybounce | |
:prime: | Prime | |
:anchor: | Anchor | |
:cameron13: | Cameron13 | |
:drumstick: | Drumstick | |
:gothic_flame_stand: | Gothic Flame Stand | |
:kiss: | Kiss | |
:yellowribbon: | Yellowribbon | |
:tearsofjoy: | Tearsofjoy | |
:sam28: | Sam28 | |
:santawave: | Santawave | |
:ornament: | Ornament | |
:beigesmilewinkgrin: | Beigesmilewinkgrin | |
:cooldudes: | Cooldudes | |
:firecracker: | Firecracker | |
:hollering: | Hollering | |
:madeyemoody: | Madeyemoody | |
:violetribbon: | Violetribbon | |
:someoddthing: | Someoddthing | |
:punch: | Punch | |
:ah: | Ah | |
:bunny: | Bunny | |
:drool: | Drool | |
:golem4: | Golem4 | |
:jumprail: | Jumprail | |
:yuanime07: | Yuanime07 | |
:thefinger: | Thefinger | |
:tiger: | Tiger | |
:severussnape: | Severussnape | |
:party: | Party | |
:basket: | Basket | |
:confused: | Confused | |
:farter: | Farter | |
:hi: | Hi | |
:lurking: | Lurking | |
:wazzzup: | Wazzzup | |
:spinstar: | Spinstar | |
:ra029: | Ra029 | |
:admin3: | Admin3 | |
:brave: | Brave | |
:dreidel: | Dreidel | |
:globwhore: | Globwhore | |
:jack_new_anime27: | Jack New Anime27 | |
:monkeydoo2: | Monkeydoo2 | |
:toilet: | Toilet | |
:shootme: | Shootme | |
:passedout: | Passedout | |
:balloons: | Balloons | |
:clipboard: | Clipboard | |
:eye: | Eye | |
:heks: | Heks | |
:loser: | Loser | |
:whine: | Whine | |
:starbuckanime004: | Starbuckanime004 | |
:rant: | Rant | |
:mrmcfeely: | Mrmcfeely | |
:bouncered2: | Bouncered2 | |
:docheart: | Docheart | |
:gespann: | Gespann | |
:internet: | Internet | |
:imnotworthy: | Imnotworthy | |
:mon9: | Mon9 | |
:tralala: | Tralala | |
:six016: | Six016 | |
:phew: | Phew | |
:awesomework: | Awesomework | |
:chefico: | Chefico | |
:errrr: | Errrr | |
:headinsand: | Headinsand | |
:lildrizzt: | Lildrizzt | |
:wiggle: | Wiggle | |
:stocking: | Stocking | |
:relieved: | Relieved | |
:music06: | Music06 | |
:bolt: | Bolt | |
:detective: | Detective | |
:gandolf: | Gandolf | |
:friends: | Friends | |
:icon36: | Icon36 | |
:miner: | Miner | |
:turtle: | Turtle | |
:skull: | Skull | |
:pinkpanther: | Pinkpanther | |
:ar15firing: | Ar15firing | |
:chaos: | Chaos | |
:elmo: | Elmo | |
:handball: | Handball | |
:licklaugh: | Licklaugh | |
:wootrock: | Wootrock | |
:sunrise: | Sunrise | |
:rocking: | Rocking | |
:nibbles: | Nibbles | |
:blueribbon: | Blueribbon | |
:danielanime07: | Danielanime07 | |
:blacksmith: | Blacksmith | |
:cupid: | Cupid | |
:flutist: | Flutist | |
:icon11: | Icon11 | |
:merry: | Merry | |
:up_to_something: | Up To Something | |
:smile: | Smile | |
:pokeme: | Pokeme | |
:animal0083: | Animal0083 | |
:cartmanico: | Cartmanico | |
:easteregg: | Easteregg | |
:gwenstefani: | Gwenstefani | |
:laugh2: | Laugh2 | |
:xmashappy: | Xmashappy | |
:teacher: | Teacher | |
:ronweasley: | Ronweasley | |
:noel_sam05: | Noel Sam05 | |
:Nothingfunnytoadd: | Nothingfunnytoadd | |
:bigwheels: | Bigwheels | |
:crazyeyes: | Crazyeyes | |
:flagmarines: | Flagmarines | |
:icon1: | Icon1 | |
:mario: | Mario | |
:vala-newanime015: | Vala Newanime015 | |
:smoky6: | Smoky6 | |
:present: | Present | |
:angel: | Angel | |
:cameron_newanime009 | Cameron Newanime009 | |
:drunk: | Drunk | |
:graduate: | Graduate | |
:kissing: | Kissing | |
:yellowangel: | Yellowangel | |
:tealwhiteribbon: | Tealwhiteribbon | |
:sam02: | Sam02 | |
:santahat: | Santahat | |
:oreo: | Oreo | |
:bell: | Bell | |
:coollook: | Coollook | |
:firedevil: | Firedevil | |
:horse: | Horse | |
:madhatter: | Madhatter | |
:viking: | Viking | |
:soccer: | Soccer | |
:pumpkin: | Pumpkin | |
:airplane: | Airplane | |
:burger: | Burger | |
:drooler: | Drooler | |
:golem5: | Golem5 | |
:kaboom: | Kaboom | |
:yuanime05: | Yuanime05 | |
:tgestar5: | Tgestar5 | |
:ticking: | Ticking | |
:semitrailer: | Semitrailer | |
:partlycloudy: | Partlycloudy | |
:battery: | Battery | |
:confused2: | Confused2 | |
:feeldizzy: | Feeldizzy | |
:hide: | Hide | |
:luvlove: | Luvlove | |
:waving: | Waving | |
:spell01: | Spell01 | |
:ra: | Ra | |
:admin4: | Admin4 | |
:bravo: | Bravo | |
:drevil: | Drevil | |
:glocke: | Glocke | |
:jaded: | Jaded | |
:moon: | Moon | |
:tiredsweat: | Tiredsweat | |
:shootingstar: | Shootingstar | |
:partytime: | Partytime | |
:cloud: | Cloud | |
:eyebrow: | Eyebrow | |
:helicopter: | Helicopter | |
:love: | Love | |
:wheelchair: | Wheelchair | |
:starbuck054: | Starbuck054 | |
:rand: | Rand | |
:2cents: | 2cents | |
:bowdance: | Bowdance | |
:doci10: | Doci10 | |
:ghost: | Ghost | |
:itschy: | Itschy | |
:impactwhore: | Impactwhore | |
:mon10: | Mon10 | |
:trafficlight: | Trafficlight | |
:six006: | Six006 | |
:petard: | Petard | |
:axe: | Axe | |
:chilipepper: | Chilipepper | |
:ertai: | Ertai | |
:headphones: | Headphones | |
:listeningin: | Listeningin | |
:wideeyed: | Wideeyed | |
:stirthepot: | Stirthepot | |
:redflag: | Redflag | |
:music05: | Music05 | |
:bonghit: | Bongsmi | |
:devilchilli: | Devilchilli | |
:garrett: | Garrett | |
:fro: | Fro | |
:icon37: | Icon37 | |
:misspeak: | Misspeak | |
:turquoiseribbon: | Turquoiseribbon | |
:skeleton: | Skeleton | |
:pink: | Pink | |
:aragorn: | Aragorn | |
:chat: | Chat | |
:elvispresley: | Elvispresley | |
:happybirthday: | Happybirthday | |
:lifting: | Lifting | |
:wolfgang: | Wolfgang | |
:sunglasses: | Sunglasses | |
:rocketwhore: | Rocketwhore | |
:newhotfolder: | Newhotfolder | |
:bluescreen: | Bluescreen | |
:danielanime08: | Danielanime08 | |
:blackwhiteribbon: | Blackwhiteribbon | |
:cwm13: | Cwm13 | |
:football: | Football | |
:icon13: | Icon13 | |
:merrychristmas2: | Merrychristmas2 | |
:uninvolved: | Uninvolved | |
:smack: | Smack | |
:po: | Po | |
:animal0084: | Animal0084 | |
:cat2: | Cat2 | |
:eatchicken: | Eatchicken | |
:hagrid: | Hagrid | |
:laugh3: | Laugh3 | |
:xmas2: | Xmas2 | |
:tdo13: | Tdo13 | |
:ronananime01: | Ronananime01 | |
:noel_jackanime05: | Noel Jackanime05 | |
:note: | Note | |
:bigyawn: | Bigyawn | |
:crazysick: | Crazysick | |
:flagnavy: | Flagnavy | |
:icon2: | Icon2 | |
:marsrover: | Marsrover | |
:vala-new036: | Vala New036 | |
:smokin: | Smokin | |
:pray: | Pray | |
:angelwings: | Angelwings | |
:camouflage: | Camouflage | |
:drunkass: | Drunkass | |
:grayribbon: | Grayribbon | |
:kissy2: | Kissy2 | |
:yeahok: | Yeahok | |
:tealribbon: | Tealribbon | |
:sadwave: | Sadwave | |
:santa4: | Santa4 | |
:oogle: | Oogle | |
:beret: | Beret | |
:coolman: | Coolman | |
:firespell: | Firespell | |
:hotdog: | Hotdog | |
:madhell: | Madhell | |
:verysad: | Verysad | |
:soapbox: | Soapbox | |
:pumpitup: | Pumpitup | |
:ak: | Ak | |
:burgerking: | Burgerking | |
:drooling: | Drooling | |
:golem8: | Golem8 | |
:keanureeves: | Keanureeves | |
:yu13: | Yu13 | |
:tgestar4: | Tgestar4 | |
:th_furious: | Th Furious | |
:seek: | Seek | |
:panther: | Panther | |
:bawling: | Bawling | |
:confused3: | Confused3 | |
:felem: | Felem | |
:hidesbehindsofa: | Hidesbehindsofa | |
:m-m: | M M | |
:wavey: | Wavey | |
:spawn: | Spawn | |
:ra-mask001: | Ra Mask001 | |
:admin5: | Admin5 | |
:britneyspears: | Britneyspears | |
:drillsergeant: | Drillsergeant | |
:gloomy: | Gloomy | |
:jamesbond: | Jamesbond | |
:moped: | Moped | |
:tinwoodman: | Tinwoodman | |
:shooter19: | Shooter19 | |
:partysmiley: | Partysmiley | |
:bananadance: | Bananadance | |
:cloud9: | Cloud9 | |
:eyebrows: | Eyebrows | |
:hellno: | Hellno | |
:loveatfirstsight: | Loveatfirstsight | |
:whackya: | Whackya | |
:starbuck049: | Starbuck049 | |
:ramask2: | Ramask2 | |
:3dglasses: | 3dglasses | |
:boxedin: | Boxedin | |
:docianime08: | Docianime08 | |
:ghosts: | Ghosts | |
:IW: | IW | |
:imtough: | Imtough | |
:mon12: | Mon12 | |
:trafficcone: | Trafficcone | |
:sing: | Sing | |
:pessimist: | Pessimist | |
:azcrying: | Azcrying | |
:chillpill: | Chillpill | |
:evanescence: | Evanescence | |
:headshake: | Headshake | |
:littleangel: | Littleangel | |
:Whythis: | Whythis | |
:stinkyfeet: | Stinkyfeet | |
:redface: | Redface | |
:music04: | Music04 | |
:book: | Book | |
:dice: | Dice | |
:gauth: | Gauth | |
:frodo: | Frodo | |
:icon38: | Icon38 | |
:mistletoe: | Mistletoe | |
:turkey2: | Turkey2 | |
:skele: | Skele | |
:pineapple: | Pineapple | |
:arcadefreak: | Arcadefreak | |
:check: | Check | |
:emailforyou: | Emailforyou | |
:happydance: | Happydance | |
:lightblueribbon: | Lightblueribbon | |
:wmann2: | Wmann2 | |
:sun: | Sun | |
:rock: | Rock | |
:newbie: | Newbie | |
:bluesilverribbon: | Bluesilverribbon | |
:daniel_new003: | Daniel New003 | |
:cylon: | Cylon | |
:footballhelmet: | Footballhelmet | |
:icon14: | Icon14 | |
:mfight: | Mfight | |
:unicorn: | Unicorn | |
:sly: | Sly | |
:PM_smiley: | PM Smiley | |
:animated_scratchchi | Animated Scratchchin | |
:cat3: | Cat3 | |
:eating: | Eating | |
:haha: | Haha | |
:laugh6: | Laugh6 | |
:xmas: | Xmas | |
:target: | Target | |
:ronan27: | Ronan27 | |
:noel_danielanime06: | Noel Danielanime06 | |
:blah: | Blah | |
:nopenope: | Nopenope | |
:bjbuglike: | Bjbuglike | |
:creamribbon: | Creamribbon | |
:flamed: | Flamed | |
:icon4: | Icon4 | |
:medalofhonor: | Medalofhonor | |
:vala-new010: | Vala New010 | |
:smoke2: | Smoke2 | |
:powmia: | Powmia | |
:angry: | Angry | |
:camper: | Camper | |
:duck: | Duck | |
:greenbounce: | Greenbounce | |
:kittynow: | Kittynow | |
:yaya: | Yaya | |
:tealpurpleribbon: | Tealpurpleribbon | |
:sadcrying4: | Sadcrying4 | |
:santa: | Santa | |
:ohyeah: | Ohyeah | |
:bert: | Bert | |
:copperribbon: | Copperribbon | |
:fish: | Fish | |
:hoverboy: | Hoverboy | |
:madonna: | Madonna | |
:veryhot: | Veryhot | |
:snowman: | Snowman | |
:puke: | Puke | |
:alarm: | Alarm | |
:burgundyribbon: | Burgundyribbon | |
:drooling2: | Drooling2 | |
:gollum: | Gollum | |
:kennyico: | Kennyico | |
:yu04: | Yu04 | |
:tgestar3: | Tgestar3 | |
Default Smilies | ||
What to Type | Resulting Graphic | Meaning |
:( | Frown | |
:-( | Frown2 | |
:-) | Smile2 | |
:) | Smile | |
:-P | Tongue2 | |
:P | Tongue | |
:-O | Redface2 | |
:o | Redface | |
;-) | Wink2 | |
;) | Wink | |
:D | Biggrin | |
8( | Rolleyes | |
:# | Mad |