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« Week | Week » December 2013
Add New Event Sunday
Bowlders (58), Foxfaye (52), Afghann the Black (45), Kalisto (42), Katerina Sedai (42), kerry1272 (41), Lady Katar (39), atr0 (37), Aramil (33), Holyghost (33), KrUdKiNg (33), Pink Elephant (32), lilrocker100 (32), Nebelparder (31), Firestormalpha (30), KillerTomatos (28), TCorOgre (27), TCorTheOgre (27), Drc (27), Sir Ryan Trawl (25), Feadakil (25), Relaren (25), Hell_Raisor (25), Lupine_Hesperocyon (25), Refluxe (25), KillerTomato61 (24) Birthdays
Add New Event Monday
clfkdwl (86), pschub (63), munchkin_taru (63), skye blue (62), Kear Hart (60), black douglas (59), rasputen (49), certifiedpsych0 (48), pcmodem (44), Xentia (41), Flarion (40), dimitra (37), Dvsjeo (33), Bl@ze (33), beowulf54 (33), Dundee Slaytern (31), Malor (31), Lightweight Rower (30), Forgrim the dwarf (26), MoonFire (26), tabston (24), SweatyUsedArmor Plus 100 (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Tuesday
Anduin (66), Dean Jacobsen (61), cobbler (52), Twin Tattoo (50), Calamity (50), Rie-Rie (50), Gozen (46), Ingrid (46), Xaija (44), CuChulainn (41), jerhiem (41), homunculus88 (39), Lek Dukagjin (38), Aurelithas (38), ProLifeGrrl (36), Aenor (35), Fooxr Hydra (32), JohnRambo (32), jipper (30), Regan Anderlas (28), bjorn (28), saturn the frog knight (28), Sir Exxon (25), vitalijsm (25), BassMan (25), dannyb (25) Birthdays
Add New Event Wednesday
Sun (113), jmaniac (113), Naikikoul (113), Dandad (67), Kilzik (59), Rising Dragon (52), KingLaharl (52), mathion (50), legolamb (49), MastrMind (48), druss (44), fivebs (44), le_stick (43), Viperxbr (42), wildpalace (36), Goofus Insanius (35), Chris Woods (35), skuld (32), Deathy_the_Kitty (31), Snicker (29), ommy (26), GER (25), dagger in the mist (23), Kraybox (22) Birthdays
Add New Event Thursday
lothar66 (70), bspock (68), WarBran (67), (51), Paladar (50), Peter No (44), American_Patriot (44), Dreadstone (40), Pystal (40), Remove2 (40), Vilkis (37), esquire (35), TinyMage (35), Staralfur (34), imported_dark_knight (32), estrella (30), Vedran (29), joshd905 (28), solis (25), arimar (25), VideoCat (21) Birthdays
Add New Event Friday
Lady Brighrwell (71), RedShift (67), hadwin (64), john o (64), Aku-Aku (54), Asbladen (47), Aaron (47), gogeta (46), Skullsplitter (42), linkster (41), Dore Le Jeune (41), Favre (41), Kiler (40), Mithral Tiger (39), kingliang (36), Uatu (36), Mirror Dragon (33), scooby2782 (31), Everlast (31), Kalkanor (30), Kalem (30), FIST (30), Bob-the-wraith (29), Jonah Alderberry (28), Mundus (28), Dinin DoUrden (27), Phenn (27), MrsOTown (27), mephistion (26), Tho'r TalionPike (26), Veras the Blade (26), Magemaster27 (25), Sinjaro (24), sath (23), bob1992 (13) Birthdays
Add New Event Saturday
Dick Smart (67), clyden (56), Phantasm900 (53), jhtk (51), Northern Light (49), QRob001 (48), Michael Pettersson (46), justindavis (41), RDA (39), alpnwhite96 (39), Natilie Woodlen (38), biblo (38), Sir Helmgar (36), Beanstalk (36), mindark (34), Dessire (33), Tomin (32), Bahamut (29), Acacius (29), the Last Paladin (29), Lady of the Unicorn (28), dist_anders (27), Mephis (26), bas (26), GoDsPeEd (25), RaptorZefier (25), sephiroth452003 (25), Draco_Phoenix (24), will1990 (23), Atieg (23), Mars God of War (23), vay wr (22) Birthdays
December 2013
  S M T W T F S
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> 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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