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Old 11-23-2002, 01:18 AM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: February 28, 2001
Location: Boston/Sydney
Posts: 11,771
Apologies in advance for the length of this thread - I shouldn't really have to write this, but unfortunately it looks like I do.

It's come to my attention on more than a few threads here that certain moderators seem to be respected and some seem to be not as respected, when it comes to enforcing forum policies, particularly when it comes to being moderators for a particular forum, or the ability to lock threads. This post is to clarify this situation.

You can all assume that an Ironworks moderator is a moderator for ALL the forums, not just the ones that he/she has authority to lock threads for. This means that Cloudy has authority to enforce forum policy in the BG2 forum, just as Larry has authority to enforce forum policy in the GD forum. This means that when one of them tells you that you can't do something, or tells you to stop something, you do so.

If a moderator has to call another moderator to lock a thread to put a stop to activity that he's already told you to stop, and you effectively ignored his direction, then you are going to be in big trouble. Of all offences here, disrespect of moderator decisions is among the ones that we look upon most severely - because it is one of the cornerstones upon which our forum is built. Keep in mind that moderators don't tell you to do things to be a pain in the ass or to spoil your fun - it's because they are doing their jobs and enforcing forum policy.

Now everyone jokes around once in a while, and of course moderators can be part of the joke, or even the butt of the joke, at times - we're all human, after all. But when a moderator is serious, and is making a serious request, we expect you to be serious as well - and we expect you to have the wisdom to know this, and accept the decision with maturity and good grace.

We also know that moderators are not perfect, and will make mistakes. If you feel a moderator has made a wrong decision, then defying him is not the solution - that will only get you in trouble. PM or email him and ask for clarification on his decision. I have personally replied to every single email/PM to me requesting clarification on decisions. You may not like or agree with my reply, but you will definitely get one.

I have seen instances in the last couple of days of blatant disrespect for moderator wishes on a couple of threads here, which is quite disgraceful. Joking around is one thing, blatant disrespect is another, and I can tell the difference. The offenders will be contacted shortly, and WILL be penalized as this type of behaviour is NOT acceptable here. Respect for others - that includes moderators, whether or not their name is at the top of the forum. I don't think that's unreasonable.

If anyone is still unclear about this, then read the Rules and Regulations on the link at the top of the page - maybe we've been here so long that we've forgotten what they are.

Please keep this thread visible for the next few days - I think this message needs to be sent across loud and clear. Cheers. [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 11-23-2002, 01:34 AM: Message edited by: Memnoch ]

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