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Old 11-29-2002, 02:03 AM   #1

Posts: n/a
If you have a mac, help me by telling or helping me to get a Sig pic on the net. Or make one for me. Which either one you prefer.
Old 11-29-2002, 02:21 AM   #2

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
Macs are no differint from PCs when it comes to getting sigs

Instructions for applying a sig:


1: Find a picture you like or have one made (make sure it's 225x155)

2: Copy the image

3: Open Netscape Navigator

4: Say new blank page

5: Paste and save as (MAKE SURE TO END IT IN .jpg otherwise PCs wont recognize it)

6: Go to and sign up

7: Click upload images and upload the image

8: Copy the Url (controll clicking and copying works)

9: Click on the My profile button at the top

10: click on modify/edit profile

11: Go down tot he sig part and type this code: [img] [/img] (add text *optional*)

12: In between [img] and [/img] paste the URL you coppied from ranchoweb

13: Make sure there are no spaces between the code and URL

14: Save your settings and you're done!


1: Find a picture you like or have one made

2: Copy the image

3: Open MS Paint (its in your accesories folder, no really, it is)

4: Make Sure its 155x225! (if not resize it with Ctrl+E)

5: Save the Image as a JPEG or GIF (preferably JPEG)

6: Go to and sign up

7: Click upload images and upload the image

8: Copy the Url (right clicking and copying shortcut works)

9: Click on the My profile button at the top

10: click on modify/edit profile

11: Go down tot he sig part and type this code: [img] [/img] (add text *optional*)

12: In between [img] and [/img] paste the URL you coppied from ranchoweb

13: Make sure there are no spaces between the code and URL

14: Save your settings and you're done!

Note: Some people can upload the image for you if they make it (like me)

So there, Macs and PCs are NOT differint in any way shape or form when you're tlaking about picture files and websites, so there!

This should never have to be discussed again

but i know it will!!! >_<

as for linux: I have no bloody idea, get a mac or something...

[ 11-29-2002, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: /)eathKiller ]
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> o.o;
/)eathKiller is offline  
Old 11-29-2002, 02:24 AM   #3

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
Note: This is not the ONLY method it's just the most efficient... For example you could sign up for a website at too (NOT .COM) and could just as easily host images from it (50 times as many) but you might experience website shutdowns and signing up can be a real pain... And on top of all of this, you also would have to learn how to use their Web FTP client software, and know how to type in the images URL manually by starting with the host domain and then the images name ending with its file type... too hard >_< [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[ 11-29-2002, 01:25 AM: Message edited by: /)eathKiller ]
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Old 11-29-2002, 02:47 AM   #4

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
Infact just take this if you like:

To put it in your sig?

lets try it the hard way first:


1: Controll click it and say "Save as" and save it to your desktop

2: Click it and say get info (apple + i )

3: The URL which it is hosted at is at the bottom of the info window

4: Copy that url

5: Get into your sig editing (see above in how to insert a sig)

6: Post url in btween [img] and [/img] without any spaces


PC: Right click and say Get info copy that url and put it between a [img] and [/img] in your sig without any spaces...

The EASY way to do this (mac and pc) :

Quote me, and see the code i used, copy it and paste it into your sig,

if it is somehow turned into HTML (you can tell it's HTML if it says < img src = " some url .gif " > you'll have to copy that URL out and put it between [img] and [/img] without any spaces

[img]tongue.gif[/img] Hope that helps
/)eathKiller is offline  
Old 11-29-2002, 03:15 AM   #5

Posts: n/a
Why netscape Navigator? I saved the Sig, (Which is made out of screenshots from my BG:II and IWD game ,BTW) in photoshop. Will that work.
Old 11-29-2002, 06:40 PM   #6

Join Date: March 6, 2001
Location: Waxahachie, TX
Age: 60
Posts: 2,201
You have to have your sig online for it to be linked here.

Photoshop will give you toys to play with your sig, but ultimately, it must have a link online to be of use to you. [img]smile.gif[/img]
And then there were 6.
Charean is offline  
Old 11-29-2002, 08:43 PM   #7

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 39
Posts: 6,043
Sure but make sure you saved it as a JPEG

or end it with .jpg (or .JPG) then upload it to
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> o.o;
/)eathKiller is offline  
Old 11-29-2002, 10:25 PM   #8

Posts: n/a
Can someone make me one, until I get mine working? Make A Wood Elven warrior, with a backgrounf of lightning, and my name with Light blue letters. PLEASE

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