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Old 04-08-2001, 02:07 PM   #21
Ironworks Moderator

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Pull them in order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Don't touch "L" yet.
NOW work counter clockwise (7-1) any that have gone back up, pull down
NOW work clockwise (1-7) any that have gone back up, pull down
They should all now be down. PULL "L"

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Old 04-08-2001, 02:19 PM   #22
adam warlock
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take sure that you are right up to the items (potions, flasks, weapons, etc...) found on the ground, crates, barrels, table, etc. before you pick it up.

it will cut down the 'crazy dance' or 'spinning around' problem.

Another one! Adam Mage/Warlock

[This message has been edited by adam warlock (edited 05-25-2001).]
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Old 04-08-2001, 02:51 PM   #23
The Magister

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Use the Merlin's Shield spell. I found it to be one of the most useful spells in the game. Most of my parties have started as wizards, so it's quite a long time before they get lockpick or the Vine spells Pry or Disarm trap. But they get Merlin's Shield quite early, so whenever they bust open a chest (I always have one of them start with decent Str), I cast Merlin's Shield on the one who's busting it, or even one the whole party if the trap is AoE.
And, even better, Merlin's Shield (as it should be) is a protection against almost every spell, it even reduces the damage by mantraps.

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Old 04-08-2001, 07:07 PM   #24
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You can make your characters JUMP by using the zero on the number pad!
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Old 04-08-2001, 09:48 PM   #25
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You can target an otherwise "untargetable" character by holding down the CONTROL KEY while placing the cursor over the character - then left click!

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Old 04-09-2001, 09:46 AM   #26
Red Dragon

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Only for completness of this topic:

INFINITE GOLD (the inn bug):
The following method works safely.
1. Pool gold to one of your characters, let us call him "Guy".
2. Leave the town and save the game there (for safety).
3. Return to the inn. Remove all your characters (i.e., put them into the inn).
4. Create a new character. Let us call him "Chest". Add "Chest" to the party.
5. Add "Guy" to the party.
6. Pool gold to "Chest".
7. Remove "Guy" from the party.
8. When "Chest" has a good amount of gold, add "Guy", pool to "Chest", pool to "Guy", delete "Chest" (actually delete), leave the inn, and goto step 1. This allows you to enlarge the amount of initial Guy's gold an poll much faster next time. In a few seconds you can have millions of gold.

NEVER TAKE YOUR GOLD OUT OF TOWN (except moments when you have to):
The rogues all around are able of stealing. If they steal an item, then the item will be on the ground after your killing them. If they steal gold, then the gold is gone forever. To make the thing worse, they steal all gold the victim has.

Suppose you are a warrior and that you have joined all guilds in Valeia. Whenever you level up, you can get INT +1 (Wizard Guild), STR +1 (Warrior's Guild) and SPI +1 (the Temple). Therefore, you can proceed fast in stats and skills. Well, it costs a lot of money. See the Inn bug.

You need the egg. The spider near the Altar of Serran always drops one if you are completing the quest. Other spiders need not drop the egg.

1. Shinwiki: A bug in the game causes one toad villager to hang in a passage and prevents you from reaching Shinwiki. Kill the villager. This causes only a local havoc and does not prevent you from talking with Shinwiki.
2. The Warrior Guild quest: You do not need to reach Shinwiki. It is sufficient to talk with Ekbu, climb down, and talk with anybody there. You can return to the guild. Note: You MUST climb down. Otherwise the quest is not completed.
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Old 04-09-2001, 10:50 AM   #27
adam warlock
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

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everytime you level up, make sure you go the temple to donate the gold. It will increase your presense and sometimes he'll offer you a 'gift'

Adam Mage/Warlock

[This message has been edited by adam warlock (edited 05-23-2001).]
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Old 04-09-2001, 10:57 AM   #28
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Take advantage of the training available in the guilds to increase your skills! You can train each time you make a level. This can be rather expensive, but well worth it!

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Old 04-09-2001, 03:03 PM   #29
The Magister

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Low Level Parties: Develop Artifact identification and Forge repair skill to save money.

Befre you get these skills, give all the items and weapons of the same type to one character, then when that hero gets (Darth)Smitty to i.d an item, Smitty will i.d ALL the items of the same type your Pc is carrying like the for NO EXTRA COST
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Old 04-09-2001, 03:08 PM   #30
The Magister

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As well as the Vine spell 'Cure poison' (which you will need for Serpent temple), make sure you continue with Vine and get 'Cure All', as this will cure wasting disease which erodes stats and hit points in the various dungeons later on, do not be conned into thinking Spirit Sphere 'Restore health' will do this job..IT WON'T!

Mentally yours,
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