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Old 04-08-2001, 12:21 PM   #11
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When you come across a group of Rattkins near a burned-out house, DON'T KILL THEM. Talk to them and ask them about a "job". It's the way to become an Assassin.

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Old 04-08-2001, 12:28 PM   #12
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If you want to be a Zenmaster, make sure to collect all 4 Tomes of Creation. They can be found at:

1) Tome of Fire: Just west of the Naga's chambers, in a small gated room off the Hallway Maze in the Serpent Temple. You'll need the Serpent Master's Skull Key to get in. Remember to get it first before you meet Elyssia!

2) Tome of Wind: You'll find it in a chest in the Boogre Hag's room.

3) Tome of Water: When talking to the mermaid in Collasium, ask her about the "Oracle". She will open a grated passage that leads to the library. After going down this passage, the first chest you come to (before the library) contains the Tome of Water.

4) Tome of Earth: In Cet's pyramid, leave the room with the "Unspeakable Holiness" fountain by the south exit (the one that leads to the collapsing floor). When you get to a octagonal shaped room with large pharaoh statues, turn right and go down the sloping corridor. You'll come to a room with a pit in the middle. Carefully walk just on the edge of the pit (the areas to the left and right are fake floors that will crash your party downward.) Continue south to a T-intersection. Go right, go all the way through the next room, and go left. You'll be in a blood-stained hallway (according to the narrator). Run all the way to the end of this hallway to avoid getting crushed, and flip the Jackal-head switch at the end. This turns off the crush traps. Go back down the hallway to find a new room opened near the beginning of it with a blue Demon Lord in it. There's also a chest in that room. The Tome of Earth is in that chest.

When you have all 4 Tomes, take them to the Bushi Dojo in Brimloch Roon and you'll become a Zenmaster.

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Old 04-08-2001, 12:30 PM   #13
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When you first encounter these west of Ishad N'hahaha do NOT lead them back to the town gates while trying to escape them! This will only cause you more difficulties!
Keep your distance. Use long range spells! and do a search on "Mantraps"

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Old 04-08-2001, 12:33 PM   #14
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ELYSSA in Serpent Temple -

Don't wait for Elyssa to finish talking - start the fight right away and keep your characters back in the hallway so you can duck for cover and heal as needed!

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Old 04-08-2001, 12:37 PM   #15
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To become a Valkyrie (female character only)

In Cet's Pyramid: go all the way as far back as you can (past the Urn of the Black Flame). Talk with G'Ezzered Ra there as well; he'll tell you what you must do. When you come to a room with four exits on either side and a brazier in the middle, go through the left doorway. You'll be in a large area with dark red brick walls. After dispatching the Pit Fiends there, go up the long sloping ramp just south and east of the entrance. At the top of the ramp, turn left. There's a doorway on the left. Enter it and fight the named demon there (I forget his name, but he's one of the Demon Champions that G'Ezzered Ra speaks of). Defeat him and get the key he drops. (You'll need it later). Walk forward and jump down the pit in front of you. Follow the tunnel to where it exits in an overlook. Jump to the other side of the overlook (a small ledge and take the elevator there up to another elevator. This elevator leads all the way up to a very high platform, all the way up at the very top of the pyramid. On this platform, you'll find a sacrificial tray with the beating heart impaled on a stick in the middle of it (yuck!). Have the female character grab the heart (make sure she has room in her inventory to do it; also save before doing it as sometimes the heart falls down and you can't find it again).

I've never been able to make the elevator let me off going down again, so generally I just have my characters take a header off the platform down to the level below. They should be pretty close to the door they entered to fight the demon. Go back down the ramp, back to the room with the Brazier, and retrace your steps back to the Black Fire urn.

Have the FEMALE CHARACTER "Use" the heart in the Black Fire. G'Ezzered Ra will gasp in relief and then finally die. Return to the Brimloch Roon Temple and the character will be made a Valkyrie.

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Old 04-08-2001, 12:43 PM   #16
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Here is a little trick if you want all your characters to have the Evil Eye.

When you invoke the Eye, one character receives the Evil Eye trait. After that, the invoke icon disappears. However, if you use the Eye to open the door to the Idol of Aku, then close the door by taking out the Eye, the invoke icon shows up again. Have a different character invoke it, then repeat. Everyone can have the Evil Eye.

This type of thing works on other invokable objects as well, though sometimes you have to sell them and buy them back to invoke them a second time. For example, Neptune's Ring (found in Colasium) gives a character the Iron Lung Trait. But if you sell it in Town and buy it back, it can be invoked by another character. This will give all your characters Iron Lung. (Too bad you only get the ring after you complete Colasium and don't need the Iron Lung Trait anymore.) This works on Kerah's Sword too, so if you are restarting you can use this trick to give all your characters the Guardian Angel Trait.

One place where this is useful is on the Marin Rings. When invoked by a wizard or warlock, they increase intelligence. If your characters are not already at 24 intelligence, you can use this trick of buying back the ring to bring them up to max.


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Old 04-08-2001, 12:50 PM   #17
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HINT: In the Dragonspire, there's NO NEED to swim upstream!!

Once you get to the river, float down the current to where there's a ledge on the right side. Pull yourself up to the ledge, and continue down. (This is the pathway where you eventually meet Kol the Heretic). After you talk with Kol, go right and get the Bridge Crank from a chest at the end of that set of crevasses (where the spiders are with the charred corpse). Turn around and go back to where you met Kol. On the way to the place where you find the two boulders blocking, you'll cross a bridge that passes through the waterfall. Look east (I think) off the bridge and down. You'll see a smaller opening just beneath you. If you jump just right, you'll be on the ledge going to meet Hephaestus! If you don't...well, you'll be on the correct side of the waterfall. Climb up the ladders, use the Bridge Crank on the bridge, and you'll be on your way to meet Hephaestus.

Remember: Work smart, don't work hard!

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Old 04-08-2001, 12:52 PM   #18
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On Knarfling's tip above: To add to that: Amulets of Holding and Amulets of Silence (the dark green-stoned amulets) can be invoked by Wizards and Warlocks to increase Strength. Rattkins like to carry these around!

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Old 04-08-2001, 01:16 PM   #19
adam warlock
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climbing up: just use the 'walk' method

climbing down: go to the top of the ladder, turn around, look up to the middle of the ceiling/sky,and 'walk' backwards.

missed correcting this one too Adam Mage/Warlock

[This message has been edited by adam warlock (edited 05-25-2001).]
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Old 04-08-2001, 01:25 PM   #20
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Remember that once you change class you cannot change back to the former class unless you reset the adventures (which is starting the game all over - characters stay at their same levels and only inventory items that will go missing are quest items).

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