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Old 09-04-2003, 10:52 PM   #71
Dungeon Master

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Hi everybody....this is my first post on here. I am currently working on my 2nd trip through BGTotSC. right now my character is:

Half-Elf female
Lawful Good Mage
HP - 23
currently level 7
AC 6

STR - 16
DEX - 14
CON - 11
INT - 18
WIS - 10
CHA - 12

small sword +
blunt weopons +

she's been pretty good so far except you really cant lead a party with a straight mage without getting your butt handed to you everytime you turn around...LOL

by the are these people getting such high stats on their characters??
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Old 09-05-2003, 05:08 AM   #72
Baaz Draconian

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Originally posted by GodzGift:
Hi everybody....this is my first post on here. I am currently working on my 2nd trip through BGTotSC. right now my character is:

Half-Elf female
Lawful Good Mage
HP - 23
currently level 7
AC 6

STR - 16
DEX - 14
CON - 11
INT - 18
WIS - 10
CHA - 12

small sword +
blunt weopons +

she's been pretty good so far except you really cant lead a party with a straight mage without getting your butt handed to you everytime you turn around...LOL

by the are these people getting such high stats on their characters??
How did you manage to get such LOW stats?? A total of 81 !! If you reroll and keep your highest total roll (independent of where the points are assigned) for about 10 minutes, I guess you are able to reach a total of 90+ for a mage. After you have decided to stop rolling the dice, distribute your poinst by subtracting from some abilities and adding to others.

IIRC my elf mage/fighter/thief had a roll with 92 in total (after 15 minutes). I distributed the points like:

STR 18/xx
DEX 19
CON 15
INT 18
CHA 15

which will become:

STR 19
DEX 20
CON 16
INT 19
WIS 10
CHA 16 (-> 18 with a certain cloak)

after using all the books.

For a mage I would prefer using a sling for ranged attacks. Ie. have high dex and a '*' in missile weapons.

If you are a power player like me (I know about the 19->20 dex issue, but I am a DEX freak too) you could make a better character, but for role playing she is well balanced and quite OK (a little too strong (STR) though, maybe).


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Old 09-05-2003, 10:07 AM   #73
Dungeon Master

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i realize her stats could be higher but i wanted a basic character to run through the game this time.....those were my 1st rolls and i kept them. i got lucky with the 18 INT. she's pretty well rounded.
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Old 09-05-2003, 02:10 PM   #74
Myrddin L'argenton
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Originally posted by GodzGift:
i realize her stats could be higher but i wanted a basic character to run through the game this time.....those were my 1st rolls and i kept them. i got lucky with the 18 INT. she's pretty well rounded.
Yeah, keep trying helps, but some people do it for about 30 min so that might be a little excessive. Oh yeah [img]graemlins/thewave.gif[/img] welcome
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Old 09-16-2003, 08:46 AM   #75
Elite Waterdeep Guard

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Question Mark

I hate min/maxed chars, i like the rp beter. My favourite character was my elven thief.
18 str
19 dex
17 con
12 int
10 wis
10 char
Besides i reroll my chars for like half and hour or more and i have never got more than 90 , best ever was this one, 86 (i think lol).

I used my thief on my 3rd time through to try to find all the secrets and all the items in that game.

I really like my thief casuse i had so much fun stealing everything in the hall of wonders and other such places.

(Edited for typo)

[ 09-18-2003, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: Silversten ]
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Old 09-17-2003, 04:55 PM   #76
Khazza Pilgrim
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Originally posted by Silversten:
I hate min/maxed chars, i like the rp beter. My favourite character was my elven thief.
18 str
19 dex
17 con
12 int
10 wis
10 char
Besides i reroll my chars for like half and hour or more and i have never got more than 80 .

I used my thief on my 3rd time through to try to find all the secrets and all the items in that game.

I really like my thief casuse i had so much fun stealing everything in the hall of wonders and other such places.
As stated in my earlier posts. Was wondering how long people were rolling to get the godly stats they had to start a game. At the same time I do not ever remember having to roll more than 10-15 times to get at least an 80-85. I could not imagine only an 80 after a half and hour. Possible that some weird anomaly between different versions of the game? Don't know, maybe someone with a lot more tech experience can hypothesis it.
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Old 09-18-2003, 10:45 AM   #77
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That was a typo, never over 90, thats was my best roll ever, 86.
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Old 09-18-2003, 10:57 AM   #78
Baaz Draconian

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Hmm - something tells me that you are rolling too slow. Mostly I only spend 1 (one) second to decide if a roll is good or bad. If it is good I spend 4-5 seconds to do some average calculations (everything above 15 gives plusses, everything under 15 gives minusses. Ex: 18 15 16 12 14 17 goes like +3 + 0 + 1 - 3 - 1 + 2 is +2 => very good roll (92). Right now I go even faster by 'pairing out' some of the rolls. Ex: 18 and 12 pairs, 16 and 14 pairs, 15 is thrown away. Only thing left is 17 => +2 => 92 total)


BTW: I thought that the '80 is my best roll' stuff was true. I just thought that you have read 6 of the '+1 to abitilty' books.
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Old 09-20-2003, 01:26 PM   #79
Myrddin L'argenton
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Originally posted by InsaneBane:
Hmm - something tells me that you are rolling too slow. Mostly I only spend 1 (one) second to decide if a roll is good or bad. If it is good I spend 4-5 seconds to do some average calculations (everything above 15 gives plusses, everything under 15 gives minusses. Ex: 18 15 16 12 14 17 goes like +3 + 0 + 1 - 3 - 1 + 2 is +2 => very good roll (92). Right now I go even faster by 'pairing out' some of the rolls. Ex: 18 and 12 pairs, 16 and 14 pairs, 15 is thrown away. Only thing left is 17 => +2 => 92 total)


BTW: I thought that the '80 is my best roll' stuff was true. I just thought that you have read 6 of the '+1 to abitilty' books.
Yeah those books are really good. I can't seem to find the charisma +1 though, I thought it was in the cave that has Xvarts in the Gnoll Stronghold but I couldn't find it?
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Old 09-21-2003, 10:59 AM   #80
Elite Waterdeep Guard

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Its in a cave, i think there are two.

I roll pretty fast i just don't make enough chars.
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