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Old 12-20-2002, 09:03 AM   #161
Elite Waterdeep Guard

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your stats can be raised to a max of 20 through the guilds, but it will cost you. as you level up, select to raise a stat. they will say that you can't, but they will train you to twenty. max with ahnks, amulets, and other invokables is 24.
if there\'s gonna be a sh*tstorm, I wanna know which way th\' winds blowin\'
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Old 02-01-2003, 11:02 AM   #162
Ironworks Moderator

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Originally posted by Saz:

For those of you who want to take screenshots of interesting things happening during the game, I have researched some download sites on the Internet where you can get some of these. All of these are "freeware"; that is, you don't need to pay for using them (or feel guilty if you don't!). All should work with Windows 95/98/Me and some will work with Windows 2000. Check first before downloading.

WinGrab 1.34a This is the one I'd recommend for most users.

Howie's Quick Screen Capture. This one has been recommended by another forum member (Scronan?), but we lost the link for it when the forum moved (smooth move, guys!)

Free Capture 1.5.148 available from DaveCentral

Snap-it also available from DaveCentral

Spinel ScreenPik 1.3 also available from DaveCentral




You should be able to find something in this list you can use in lieu of the ALT + Print Scrn default function in Windows. Basically what you want is a program that will allow you to do multiple captures to bitmap or another file format. You can then load it into Paint (or a better program, if you have it; I'd recommend Paint Shop Pro if you can afford it ($99 US), or it's available as a free download for a limited time use (60 days) if you just want to do some basic photo manipulation and try it out.

Anyway, have fun with these, and hope you can get some good mileage out of them. If you find a really hilarious or interesting shot in the game, post it here (must be .GIF or .JPG format). If you wish, you can e-mail me the bitmap file at (please, no files in excess of 400K!) and I'll convert it to .JPG or .GIF and mail it back to you.

Also, if anyone wants one of their screenshots used in a Gael Serran Examiner, e-mail me at the link above and I'll see if we can work your picture into an "article"'ll get full photojournalist/reporter credit for it!

Have fun!

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Old 02-04-2003, 09:04 PM   #163
Red Dragon

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Walking both the wizard's and the warrior's path in the crypt.
This is possibly a well known tip, but I thought it belonged along with the rest of the topics here:
When having used either the wizard's or the warrior's crystal to raise either of the stairs in the crypt it is actually possible to stack crates, barrels, and chests on top of one another to create a stairway reaching up to the other runed figurine. Thus it is possible to get both figurines thereby enabling one to walk both the wizard's and the warrior's path.

[ 02-04-2003, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: bsftcs ]
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Old 02-08-2003, 11:13 AM   #164
Red Dragon

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Arcane Void for all party members.
When having delivered the scroll to Jathil it is actually possible to pickpocket it from him again. By letting another party member give him the scroll again he or she will gain the Arcane Void trait. This can be repeated until all party members have the trait. Do remember to save after each time, however, since you have to reload the game if Jathil catches you pickpocketing him.
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Old 02-10-2003, 10:21 AM   #165
Dude 77

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In Dragon Spire theres that river with a current right, so heres my tip, when swimming in that river, swim backwards (so you are looking the way the current goes) it works like your swimming normaly except that the current tries to change your direction so just use the steering keys to keep going the direction you want
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Old 02-14-2003, 03:03 AM   #166
moiraine sedai
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I don't know whether this will be of much help to people, but here goes!

There is a way to find two (yes, two!!) pieces of dragon ore in the stout mines. Okay, when you have just gone along the mine cart track you repaired and have gotten to the broken bridge above a lava lake, jump across and end up at the bottom of the track. Keep going through this little tunnel (grabbing the hidden gems along the way...) until you reach a dead end. Or is it? Using the jump up onto walls technique, i found that there was a ledge pretty high up. Climb up to it, then go along. You should meet a lava pup and behind him is an ore pile with a piece of dragon ore in it.

Now, to get the other, normal one, leave the area where you are and go back to the broken track over the lava. Instead of going up the track, go up the rocky path on the right. Continue along and kill the lava pups (3, i think...) and then the lava hound (meteor works well...try meteor or ice storms). Then open all the ore piles. You'll get some gems and another piece of dragon ore!

Go back to freyedies, and give him each piece one at a time. You can have two pieces of dragon armour (four or five in total if you kill him and raid the treasury). This really is only useful for groups with 4,5 or 6 members, but it is worth getting the extra armour cos it is worth aroun 12500 gold (i think...)

Hope this is useful for somebody, apologies if its already posted.


Moiraine Sedai
~The wheel weaves as the wheel wills~
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Old 02-23-2003, 04:03 PM   #167
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List of the in TOWN NPCS

Sir Elgar
Temple - Onabe
Armory - Smitty
Magic - Roendalf
Tavern -Galliwag

Ishad N'hahaha
Lord Barrenhawk
Armory - Damosh
Pawn Shop - Bratsol
Bushi Dojo - Master Wu
Magic - Xander
Temple - Munsey
Tavern - Alonso

Brimloch Roon
Duke Brinsly
Pawn Shop - Miruth
Bushi Dojo - Sensei Asami
Magic - oh some really long winded guy whose name I don't want to remember
Temple - Malakai
Armory - Strumbold
Shipyard - Buckly
Tavern -Holthorne

(Thanks to Bungleau and bsftcs for corrections and additions )

[ 02-26-2003, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: Wyvern ]
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Old 02-23-2003, 09:52 PM   #168
Red Dragon

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Solution to the "stuck toad" bug in Toad Village: I took some crates and threw them down into the water from the wooden platform from which I entered toad village. I was then able to jump down onto those crates and from there up to the other platform. I was then able to climb down behind the stuck toad. You need two stacks of crates in the water to span the gap between the platforms.

It takes a bit of skill to jump onto the stacked crates, but make sure you hit the crates since you cannot jump up onto them from the water even though it is shallow.

[ 02-24-2003, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: bsftcs ]
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Old 02-25-2003, 01:44 PM   #169
Red Dragon

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By request I just thought I would post this little tip:

If one has to hurry through the Snake Temple one does not need to gather all the idols. One can simply stack crates, chests, and chairs on top of one another to reach the wizard's study. By doing so Kreug's Familiar will not be activated and one may attack him without being attacked.
Moderation is good so long as it is not exaggerated!
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Old 02-28-2003, 10:54 AM   #170
40th Level Warrior

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Originally posted by Radek...

Glowstones in Collaseum:
1. The first is given to you by Sarelia.

2. The second in in the chest in the room with fallen pillars and a chest on a ledge above the entrance. The room is in the area before the carousel.

3. The third is in the chest in the room with 3 sharks and short tunnels at its sides. The room is in the area behind the north exit from the carousel.

You need all three to complete Collaseum. Sometimes, they may not appear; if that's the case, restarting Collaseum may reset them. Be sure to save your game before entering.

[ 02-28-2003, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: Bungleau ]
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