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Old 03-19-2002, 03:54 AM   #1
Ted Bigfoot
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Hi All,
I was reading Kingpats note on "Future Contemplation", posted in TOB. He wanted to know whether there was a follow-on to the BG series.

In my youth (I'm an old 34 now!) I played alot of AD&D and escaped in to many fantasy worlds (ah ... what memories). Anyhow, to my question.

I also played Traveller, a D&D spinoff set in the future. You chose a character (Navy, Army, Pilot etc) and travelled through the universe visiting planets with endless quests ...

Did anyone else play this RPG?
Is there any equivelent in the PC gaming world?
If not, why not? It'll make a great change swaping my two-handed sword for a proton cannon and my platemail for some battle-dress armour.
\"Size doesn\'t matter, although we halflings do have big feet!\" ... Master Ted Bigfoot (halfling Thief/MU)
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Old 03-19-2002, 05:45 AM   #2
Silver Dragon

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Originally posted by Ted Bigfoot:
Hi All,
I was reading Kingpats note on "Future Contemplation", posted in TOB. He wanted to know whether there was a follow-on to the BG series.

In my youth (I'm an old 34 now!) I played alot of AD&D and escaped in to many fantasy worlds (ah ... what memories). Anyhow, to my question.

I also played Traveller, a D&D spinoff set in the future. You chose a character (Navy, Army, Pilot etc) and travelled through the universe visiting planets with endless quests ...

Did anyone else play this RPG?
Is there any equivelent in the PC gaming world?
If not, why not? It'll make a great change swaping my two-handed sword for a proton cannon and my platemail for some battle-dress armour.
Some Sci-fi RPGs I can think of:

Wasteland (the grand-daddy of all scifi RPGs, I suppose)

Fallout & Fallout 2 (played Fallout 2 - great game!)

Arcanum - an interesting mix of traditional fantasy and industrial elements in the game world.

I vaguely remember some scifi RPG series (Traveller?) that was made about a decade ago, but can'r quite recall what it was.

And of course, the early Might and Magic series and the Wizardry series had scifi elements in it.

Maybe others can add more.
I visit IW occasionally...
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Old 03-19-2002, 07:01 AM   #3
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

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Well rejoice, if you like the D20 system... Traveller is going through a remake and will be released in the D20 setting, which in my opinion is a shame, but you canīt have it all.

I played it a couple of times.
Other SciFi games do exist for instance GURPS have a setting for SciFi game and GURPS have alot of players that says itīs the best system.. Never tried GURPS myself, I add no comment here.

You have Cyberpunk, Shadowrun and loads of other games..

Donīt eat the yellow snow
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Old 03-19-2002, 07:49 AM   #4

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Phantasy Star Online

You can get it for the PC, The Dreamcast, The GameCube, and the X box (soon)...

Features: Online Multiplayer set in the future
3 Character classes (fighter, Ranger, Mage)
Those character classes are devided into 3 types, Human, Numan(elf?) and Android (booyah)

Androids can't do magic, Elves have the best magic and Humans have something in between.

Infact all of their stats are like that hehe

Androids have most power, elves have least, humans in between.

Androids most Accuracy, Numans least, Humans in between...

Androids also can see traps (note they do all this in return for not having magic)

There are alot of features in the game, including a hting called a Mag...

The mag is alot more than a digital pet, the better its Strenghte, Dexterity, Magic, and Defese are, then the better YOURS are [img]smile.gif[/img]

So feeding the mag is essential for getting strong fast...

You can get it for shure from Sega's Japanese site but the games will eventually port to the US, the Dreamcast versions already out and the PC version is comming soon. It has a very nice feel to it and with so many unique traits to put on the character classes every player is unique. So join the fun! Get on with PSO, set up your character (the character saves OFFLINE so you can't lose them by just not playing for a while)

There also are things called Mats that raise yoru stats and you use Mates to heal yourself. Magic uses learn a technique called RESTA that later replaces the need for such things and they can heal an entire group...

The spell system consists of ... letsee... 3 fire spells, 3 ice spells, 3 lightening spells, 1 Instant death evil spell, 1 Light spell, 1 Healing, 1 Revivng, 1 to get rrid of paralysis and stuff, and some Strengthening/weakening spells...

Each spell has 30 differint levels, each leveel the effect of the spell is totally differint [img]tongue.gif[/img] so theres alot of magic! the strongest is 30, but ONLY mages (aka Forces) can use disks past level 15... Hunters and rangers can only go up to level 15 spells...

The battle system is NOT classic Phantasy Star! Its far from it! its more like ZELDA... but with multiple people

the visual chat lobies arent complicated at all and are always filled with people eager to play, trade weapons, and do all sorts of stuff....

Weapons? well you basically start off with a Wand, A Lightsaber, or a Handgun (Force, Hunter, Ranger)

Its easiest for hunters at first but eventually rangers get the upper hand but once those 30 level spells get handed out forces are on top, though there is alot of debate, still, about who really is on top...

Anyway yeah check it out, its pretty good, its alot like diablo but it has a better system of meeting to it, including an internal E-mailing system that works wonders! all-in-all its a great game set int he future and i just recomend it to everyone! did I mention I was level 180ish??
the levels go up to 200

I also have every weapon in the game except for like... 4 things (Giant Fan, Elanor Mag, Devil's Tail Mag, and A guld milla...)

Oh so i guess its 6 things... (Double lavis cannon and Tsumiki Giant ass J-sword)

My fav weapon right now is a giant purple kantana that sucks my health quickly and makes its beholder go insaine, but it does severe damage to enemies, like a clean 4000 in the ultimate ruins (The equivalent of Hell on Very Very Hard mode)

It wasnt easy to get either...

Anyway yeah thats the best one i know of... though the Dreamcast Version is pay-to-play in america (but not in Europe!!) for 1100 Yen a month, (about 5 bucks)...

-_- its hella-better than Anarchy online... (25 bucks a month I swear)

[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /> o.o;
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Old 03-21-2002, 12:57 AM   #5
Drow Priestess

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Originally posted by WOLFGIR:
Other SciFi games do exist for instance GURPS have a setting for SciFi game and GURPS have alot of players that says itīs the best system.. Never tried GURPS myself, I add no comment here.
GURPS is the best system I have ever seen. Its flexibility allows for infinite possibilities (yes, my character is a one-eyed half-orc who wields a sword, likes his x-ray laser pistol, studies Pentjak Silat, owns part of a small star crusier, cast cast a minor healing spell, doesn't have to breathe, and can fire an armor-piercing cold beam from his good eye). From what I've seen of it, 3rd Edition D&D is becoming more like GURPS (which I knew it always would, anyway). Steve Jackson rules!
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Old 03-21-2002, 05:05 PM   #6
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i used to play traveller.imperial marine commando who was a zhodani spy (but didn't know it).and give me full battle dress and a fusion gun any day.
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Old 03-21-2002, 09:06 PM   #7
Zhentarim Guard

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There was this D&D-spinoff called Buck Rogers. I played it on a friends Amiga in the 80ies (there was also a pnp-version of this). Another SciFi-RPG is the Battletech RPG.
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Old 03-21-2002, 09:12 PM   #8

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Hey DnD has rules for Futuristic Settings

Anti-matter Rifle
Range increment 10feet
10d6 [img]redface.gif[/img]
[img]\"\" alt=\" - \" /><br /> <img border=\"0\" alt=\"[bunny]\" title=\"\" src=\"graemlins/bunny.gif\" /> Return of the Bunny Army! <img border=\"0\" alt=\"[bunny]\" title=\"\" src=\"graemlins/bunny.gif\" />
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