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Old 05-04-2003, 10:51 PM   #36
Takhisis Follower

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Originally posted by Calaethis Dragonsbane:
Intresting debate.

Well, for the record I'm a christian; but, my views are a little obscure. You can dissagree with me if you like, but hey, your entitled to your view, just as I'm entitled to mine.

In brief, I believe that, so long as you put God first, and try to live a "good life" its ok. Kinda hard to explain. You could say, I believe in God; not Religion. To be perfectly honest, I don't think much of the church as a whole; induvidually many christians are good people; but the way the church has been abused and used for a tool for power; and the way they dictate things tends to put me off; I feel that you should be free to worship God in your own way; as long as you put Him first. As I said, its sort of hard to explain. Theres nothing wrong with going to church; by all means, if you wish to, thats your protagive, but, for me, I'd rather not. To be perfectly frank, sermons bore me; they always have. And creeds - I feel like I'm a mindless sheep, just reciting things over and over - for me, it doens't feel right. If it helps people, by all means, use it. I'll worship God when I chose to and in my own, and let Him take care of the rest. It feels more sincere then just going to church as a chore - not because I want to. To be honest, I tend to question a *lot*, and my faith is not "blind" - its because of these questions, my faith in God has grown *stronger*. I feel more at peace after questioning - then I did before I'd asked. I guess I've just accepted that there is a lot of evil in the world, but there is also a lot of good; but in the end, it doesn't really matter about the world's evils, because I trust God to correct it - when its the right time. I'm not arrogent enough to pressume that I know what God's plans are. Having attempted to read the book of revelations, has just left me with a headache and a sense of awe. It seems almost surreal at times. But thats besides the point. Ihmo, Jesus came to put an *end* to the old testiment's religious aspect (for the most part) - so we wouldn't have to worship as ridigidy as the Jews of the Old. - Because of that, I dont feel the need to follow Christainty as a Religion - but rather as a relationship with God. I'm not perfect - I'm only human, but I'm sure God'll forgive me, if I ask. Besides, at the end of the day, I've really got nothing to lose - after all, if I'm wrong - I'll have died, but at least I'd have lead a "good life" - and (hopefully) be remembered as a "good person" - but if I'm right, I get to go to paradise for all eternity and be with God. In my eyes, I really don't have anything to lose, and everything to gain.

Spoken from my heart! That's exactly like me/how I think. [img]smile.gif[/img]
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