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Old 08-18-2011, 06:57 AM   #184
Xanathar Thieves Guild

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Default Re: New NASA Data Debunks Global Warming

Personal barbs and slights aside, I see a lot of what I see with GCC science: "Trust me." What I don't see is something to trust, other than somebody's word.

Fact: The panel considered to be the authoritative source of information doesn't do their own research. They compile everyone's data, and then it's edited by people that don't even evaluate the data given, some of whom can lose money if the reports are too conservative, or too liberal.

Fact: It's been postulated that science is in full agreement on the issue. However, it's been shown, not postulated, but shown, that they don't even agree with what goes into their reports, or with what specific terms mean. See my earlier post regarding runaway ghg's.

Fact: It's been postulated that GCC scientists are some of the most brilliant minds in the world. You know, 27 years ago, a desktop computer was little more than a high priced calculator. It wasn't that long ago that people didn't have microwaves, if you wanted popcorn, you did it the old fashioned way, you popped it up in a pan. The people developing these technologies, and making them affordable to the general public are far more intelligent than the guy that plays hit and miss with what our climate is going to do.

Do people even realize just how complicated the electronics in a car are these days? An ASE Certified master technician is almost a doctor these days. The running joke in the industry is that the biggest difference between an automotive technician and a doctor is that the techs wash their hands before they pee. Yet I am to believe that somebody that's wrong more than they are right is smarter than the people that developed that technology?

25 years ago, you put a piece of stock on a machine, and did the work manually. CNC machines were exhorbitantly expensive, and only used by the largest manufacturing companies. Now, for better or worse, a robot can build an entire car. Yet I am to believe that GCC scientists are smarter than the people developing this technology?

I'm sensitive to wool, and I notice when somebody is pulling it over my eyes. For all that, I'm willing to bet that I do more to conserve in a week than some of the most vocal people do in a year. I spend $10.00 a month on gasoline, with gas over $3.00 a gallon. My last oil change was 6 months ago, and I haven't put 3k miles on the car yet. So it's not that I'm all "Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead". It's that I'm all "Wow, how can a guy with a carbon foot print bigger than some states tell me that I need to conserve energy?".
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