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Old 06-25-2002, 02:48 PM   #76
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: March 9, 2002
Location: california
Posts: 613
whats my game?
well i ask a valid question and i get metaphors back doesnt sound like im the one playing the game.
you guys state a staement and i try to ask a valid question about it. im either putting words in your mouth or i am trying to overrule what you say. why not give an actual valid response that isnt whimsical, metaphorical or hypothetical.i will give a valid response not bend it around. aight mate.

and one last question to ask. it was said that the bible was writen by a man who tried to interpret what god was saying. he didnt say itoout right but in a sense whispered it. well if man is imperfect why are they following the teachings from another imperfect man? maybe this one imperfect man had a screw loose when writing the bible. or maybe that was his own vision of how life should be. why would the rest of man follow so blindly without knowing the whole truth? you read the bible and you beleive its true based on faith and faith alone.
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