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Old 02-23-2001, 06:42 PM   #35
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Storm-Queen walks out to the middle of the battlefield, she raises her arms and intones a word of arcane fury, a great and powerful word from the times forgotten by mortal man. It shatters the night sky, lightning flashes, whirlwinds swirl about her ,catching rain-grey robes and blowing her hair back from her face. Her voice is terror incarnate as she utters the Power Word: "BARNEY"!

Immediately all combatants except her Gray Mage and sisterLadyWendyzekke are frozen. They begin to writhe and twist, turning the putrid color of rotten zucchini and grapes combined, scales and tales forming, huge round eyes and snouts grow. Then each of them starts singing that evil , evil song of terror and agony that curdles the very blood of any sane and rational mortal. The song spread far and wide and terror reigned as it echoed in the night air: "I.....LOOOOOVE.....YOU....YOU......LOOOOOVE ....MEEEEEEEE. WEEEEEEEE'RE ....A...HA..PPPY...FAM....ILLLLLLY!"

Hellfire is instantly frozen in a block of pure purple ice, face contorted with shock and abject horror.

Smiling a catlike smile, Storm-Queen wanders toward the cliffs to view the night sky over the raging ocean.

-don't worry, the effects are temporary, except for Hellfire's..BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That one was for Rikard Peacemaker-

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