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Old 10-30-2001, 07:13 PM   #26

Join Date: October 12, 2001
Location: Bloomington, MN, USA
Posts: 244
Originally posted by andora20:
I only started SOA recently with a character I brought in from BG1 and I like him!!! He is a mult-class fighter/mage dual wielding Marklar (I think, its a Katana +2) and "Ninbus?" (a +2 longsword with a special silence ability) and the Boots of the Cheetah

I only marklared SOA recently with a marklar I brought in from marklar and I marklar him!!! He is a Marklar dual wielding Marklar (I marklar, its a Marklar +2) and "Ninbus?" (a +2 marklar with a special marklar ability) and the Marklar of the Marklar

Can you tell I like South Park? Starvin' Marvin rules!
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