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Old 02-02-2002, 11:28 PM   #1

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While doing research for a paper today I came upon some disturbing data...or maybe it is only disturbing to me. What do you all think?

Ok the World Health Organization or (WHO) admits that less than one percent of the "AIDS" patients in Africa are ever checked for HIV infection, it seems that there are half a dozen or more diseases common in Africa that have symptoms similar to AIDS so in an effort to get the maximum funding for AIDS medicines, the WHO reports all cases that resemble AIDS as being in fact AIDS so we now have a number of something like 25 million african AIDS patients.

The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta Georgia also has info on this practice as well.

What I want to know is....WHY are scientists making up data? Why are false reports being encouraged? and is this a good thing or a bad thing? Is this a "situational ethics" sort of thing where the "Ends justify the means"

Im rapidly loosing all respect for the scientists and medical researchers of the modern world It used to be that truth was the goal, that accuracy was desired now we just make guesses and present them as facts...Im mondo-depressed