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Old 04-05-2002, 09:37 AM   #132

Join Date: January 5, 2002
Location: Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Age: 38
Posts: 6,043
I dunnow about here but other boards with BB code have been able to do it before, and they didn't even allow HTML in sigs at the last board I was at but two people had these HUGE 180X600 Flash things that were absolutley EVIL! one was just a link to another board while one had links for evertything from their E-mail adress to their 5 LIVE WEBCAMES (4 were in-game of course) and she also had links to cute pictures and stuff and sounds and images that reflected the game the board was based around completley, though I always thought rooms with her in them were DARN slow... -_-

I like to imagine he's using an X box remote but I didn't actually DRAW the remote much less what they're watching on the tube so you can let your imagination wander as to exactly what's going on in the picture..

AND YES RBF I DID THE OUTLINES AND BACKGROUND IN PAIN but I photoshoped the flesh tones to DEATH I also abused the white-blur effect on the goil's hair. She looks like her heads either got a bright light shining on it or she's about to spontaneously combust but it was an effect that made the picture seem COLD in a warm sort of way.. I also only used COLD brush pallet colors, can you tell? The warmest color in the whole darn picture is that big green sighn back there which I stuck in to fill a blank space, it reads "WAI" and nothing more lol... But its blurred so you're imagination can try to interperate the poorly drawn backgroudn as much as you want, lol, the ears were the easiest part to draw, the exactly angles and clothing styles of the characters were pretty much just made up as I went along....
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